S.F. to ease up on unlicensed drivers.

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Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: piasabird
If california likes illegals so much lets just kick California out of the United states and erect a fence around it. Then we can cut off all the federal funding. Face it. California is like a country unto itself. Just cut off all their federal funding.

As much as that sounds like a good idea, I think you know its not. The removal of the eighth largest economy in the world would be.....very very bad. The next largest economy in the states is TX, at a little under half that size.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
No license means you do not drive. Period. And if they are Illegals, then either become legal or go back where you came from. Just wait until someone gets seriously hurt or killed by an illegal immigrant without a driver's license. The lawsuit against the city will be enormous and they would have to be liable since their law allowed it to occur. They should tow the cars as they do now. None of this, call a licensed driver to come and get it. The illegal will just be behind the wheel again soon afterwards.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Fuck all of you and stay the fuck away from San Francisco. It's not the best place on earth to live because swine like you live here. Rot in your fucking holes wherever you are. I gotta go get a fresh Dungeness crab louis and sour dough bread. Later!

Man, Moonbeam has gone full troll. Dude, you never go *full* troll.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Waaa waaa waaaa the Mexicans are breaking the law. The fucking Mexicans have been driving cars in Mexico since they were five. They don't need no stinking batches to drive. And they have been earning a living since they were eight. You worthless assholes won't do the work they do, so get the fuck out of the way and let them do it. You dip shits think I'm going to pay a thousand dollars for a good crab louis. Fuck you. And I tip my illegal waiter real good, because his wife squirts out another hard worker every year. And you egotisticazl little grunts don't know shit about family values compared to Mexicans. Better get used to illegals because on will likely dig the hole you'll be shoved into, or sweep your ashes into a box.

Shove this up your ass:

VIVA LA RAZA........
I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal
I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal

Mamacita, I got the passion that sat for long
Dos mujeres fall in love with the lacking charm
One woman isn't enough amigo
siempre recojiendo mas mujeres por que soy un latino
Hey, I'm tougher than tough calling you buff cause
I lie I cheat I steal
I lie I cheat I steal
I don't care if you don't like me, Everybody wants to fight me
Can You feel It?
Hey, oyelo clarowe i aint the one you want to meet
no ay nada mas caliente
i'm too hot for you
Latino heat

I can't be weak
coming from the streets at the ghetto
at the end of the week I get to keep your dinero
your fast asleep
when I sneak in your casa
your life sucks 'cuz your bankrupt
and I'm laughin'
You can't trust me ese, 'cuz I'm latin'

I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal
I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal

This bit is getting stale.

No, Corn, what gets stale is thread after thread of mindless little hateful Zombies, castrated little pigs from Animal Farm, emotionally stunted little pygmy children running around spewing their contempt and rage at anything and everything that shows any sign it might be alive, trying to jab their tiny little pricks in the stomach of this or that passing elephant because they have inwardly such empty meaningless lives and like posses of vigilante piss ants spread out over the forum like a viral blight spreading their hate and contagion. I bring my plunger to the shit-filled toilet party and they scream, Oh fuck, he's off his meds. It's so easy to show you who you are when when there's a big sign on your nose that says FLUSH.

What a complete pile of bullshit. Wanting government to enforce the laws on the books for a privilege ( Yes driving is a privilege and not a right!) is now racist and oppressive?

You really have to be a giant jackass to put fourth that notion while American citizens who do the right thing in life and have a license, have insurance and pay registration fees, etc... receive no special treatment from their elected officials. Instead non-American citizens who entered this nation illegally breaking the law are being catered to by a bunch of elitist pricks in city hall who have nothing but contempt for the average American and their families. So much contempt that they go out of their way to shelter illegal alien criminals from the proper immigration authorities after they've committed a crime and have been arrested.

Yet in San Francisco you better fucking recycle correctly by separating your god damn food scraps from the regular garbage or else you'll receive a huge fine. Even after the recycling thieves who search through bins for cans and bottles move shit around and disturb your garbage when you set it out on the sidewalk to be collected.


Yet not having a license because you are a illegal or criminal on a suspended license now gives you a free pass. Talk about having your fucking priorities all screwed up and your head up your ass.


Feb 3, 2007
Originally posted by: piasabird
If california likes illegals so much lets just kick California out of the United states and erect a fence around it. Then we can cut off all the federal funding. Face it. California is like a country unto itself. Just cut off all their federal funding.

Then we get to stop paying federal taxes? Then we don't have to support the rest of the nation? SWEET!


Feb 3, 2007
Originally posted by: bruceb
No license means you do not drive. Period. And if they are Illegals, then either become legal or go back where you came from. Just wait until someone gets seriously hurt or killed by an illegal immigrant without a driver's license. The lawsuit against the city will be enormous and they would have to be liable since their law allowed it to occur. They should tow the cars as they do now. None of this, call a licensed driver to come and get it. The illegal will just be behind the wheel again soon afterwards.

The problem is it's VERY hard to become legal in this country. It should be easier and we should encourage immigration.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Craig234
This thread shows we have plenty of thoughtless, hateful asses in our society. Appropriate punishment is fine (no pun intended). Car seizure is betteravoided if possible.

A lot of people can not begin to afford the car seizure, and it puts them on the government support, if not in jail soon after. The people like in this thread are a blight on society.

This is a very modest change to the issue of illegal immigration. But we have hyenas driven insane by the right-wing propaganda who are conditioned to scream murded.

Once again, you would rather give in. I guess it's just more convenient and easier for you. nice.

Once again, you arte wrong. It's about doing what I think is the right level of punishment.

The right level of punishment would be deportation for entering this country illegally.


So one of these has an accident and of course they have no insurance. Someone may be maimed for life and they are SOL. Why? Because that's what you wanted.

There isn't enough lube in the world for us to take it up the rear if things were as you would like.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: bfdd
Originally posted by: bruceb
No license means you do not drive. Period. And if they are Illegals, then either become legal or go back where you came from. Just wait until someone gets seriously hurt or killed by an illegal immigrant without a driver's license. The lawsuit against the city will be enormous and they would have to be liable since their law allowed it to occur. They should tow the cars as they do now. None of this, call a licensed driver to come and get it. The illegal will just be behind the wheel again soon afterwards.

The problem is it's VERY hard to become legal in this country. It should be easier and we should encourage immigration.

Not an excuse to break the law.


Feb 3, 2007
Originally posted by: OCguy
Originally posted by: bfdd
Originally posted by: bruceb
No license means you do not drive. Period. And if they are Illegals, then either become legal or go back where you came from. Just wait until someone gets seriously hurt or killed by an illegal immigrant without a driver's license. The lawsuit against the city will be enormous and they would have to be liable since their law allowed it to occur. They should tow the cars as they do now. None of this, call a licensed driver to come and get it. The illegal will just be behind the wheel again soon afterwards.

The problem is it's VERY hard to become legal in this country. It should be easier and we should encourage immigration.

Not an excuse to break the law.

I'm not saying it is. I have a big problem with people coming here illegally and I wish we would actually do something about it, BUT I also in turn want to see it made easier for people to come here legally.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Hayabusa Rider
Originally posted by: rudder
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Craig234
This thread shows we have plenty of thoughtless, hateful asses in our society. Appropriate punishment is fine (no pun intended). Car seizure is betteravoided if possible.

A lot of people can not begin to afford the car seizure, and it puts them on the government support, if not in jail soon after. The people like in this thread are a blight on society.

This is a very modest change to the issue of illegal immigration. But we have hyenas driven insane by the right-wing propaganda who are conditioned to scream murded.

Once again, you would rather give in. I guess it's just more convenient and easier for you. nice.

Once again, you arte wrong. It's about doing what I think is the right level of punishment.

The right level of punishment would be deportation for entering this country illegally.


So one of these has an accident and of course they have no insurance. Someone may be maimed for life and they are SOL. Why? Because that's what you wanted.

There isn't enough lube in the world for us to take it up the rear if things were as you would like.

More idiocy. First, there are other measures for addressing the things you add, like a collision. The thread is not about your scenarios, it's just aobut no license.

Second, your post does nothing to address the issues you raise, it just whines about them. Take away a poor person's car, now you have a poorer person. Maybe he'll carjack.

You don't have any rationality in your post, about what to do with that person - you just take their car and put blinders on, like they magically aren't a problem then.

On deportation - that's another topic with its own issue we don't need to discuss here, because it's not on the table to actually happen anytime soon.

In the meantime, you dont have it as an option, the options are whether to fine the person - and encourage them to get licensed (oh ya, you're against that too, because if you don't let them get licensed, again, you don't need to actually deal with the issues that causes, but does lead to the situation in THIS thread) - or to take the car away.

It's just your sort of thoiughtless reactionary nonsense that causes the problems to get a lot worse.

The sort that says 'don't give them flu shots, they shouldn't be here at all', without any consideration to the issue if that were to cause massive flu spreading and development of new more reiststand strains that are a threat to the entire population as a result, much less the humanitarian issue for the people themselves.

This is a better policy, and the best you can do is 'wah wah they should be deported' to try to 'argue' otherwise. There isn't enough lube for how you want to screw them - and your fellow citizens who have to deal with the actual issues that there are actually 20 million people here, and that's not changed because you say 'wah wah they shouldn't be here'.


Feb 3, 2007
Craig, you're assuming the people actually deserve/belong here. They don't. They broke OUR laws by coming here illegally. They are already criminals. If they get picked up for breaking other laws the punishment for them should be deportation obviously. I don't understand how people can't understand that. Do you know how strict other countries are on illegal immigrants? A friend of mine who teaches English over seas had a friend get picked up in Korea for working and being their illegally. He was detained for damn near a month then deported. He's not even allowed back there. We need to do something about all the illegals in our country even if it's just because they lack respect of our laws in the first place.

Also, like I said in an earlier post we need to make it easier for people to immigrate here legally and we need to encourage people to immigrate here legally. While I am against illegal immigration, I can't understand why ANYONE would be against LEGAL immigration.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
Lets take Mexico's view on illegals and apply it to the problem in the US.

Oh wait Mexico denies all rights and services to illegals.

Illegals are not allowed to work in Mexico.

Illegals are not allowed to drive.

Illegals are detained and then deported promptly once discovered.

Only in the US are we beaten over the head by guilt ridden liberals via fallacy laden arguments to allow illegals to suck on government resources, drive cars without a license, insurance, and allow them to be protected against ICE authorities once they are arrested for a crime, etc. Of course never mind pointing all that is wrong with the special treatment illegals are receiving because doing so whining and racist according to the great liberal left poverty pimps who use bullshit reasoning and what if scenarios about enforcing the law on a PRIVILEGE granted to US CITIZENS.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Ok Craig, here's how it is. This happens to be a nation called the United States of America. We have laws, some good and some bad. We have immigration laws and one can argue if they are fair or not. Regardless, the US citizen has first priority. It's not Mexamerica. Our laws afford protection for our people, our legal immigrants.

While I'm not completely unsympathetic, Americans, not illegal aliens have priority. That they can injure a US citizen and there is no possibility of restitution isn't a hypothetical, it's a given, unless you can demonstrate how an illegal is incapable of having an accident.

You don't care a rats ass if that happens though do you? You mark it out of bounds for discussion, like someone who drops off a carload of black kids at a KKK rally and says "Hey I didn't cause that!" You sit angelically above the commoners, and declare that it doesn't count because it might put people here illegally at a disadvantage. Who knows, maybe some person who will be maimed or killed will be a Republican

When you dismiss that which is certain because it doesn't suit your agenda, that doesn't convince others that you are right. I don't think you are an idiot. I think you are reasonably smart, and completely disconnected to the real world. It's more pathology than intelligence that you demonstrate.

Care to dance some more?


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: bfdd
Craig, you're assuming the people actually deserve/belong here. They don't. They broke OUR laws by coming here illegally. They are already criminals. If they get picked up for breaking other laws the punishment for them should be deportation obviously. I don't understand how people can't understand that. Do you know how strict other countries are on illegal immigrants? A friend of mine who teaches English over seas had a friend get picked up in Korea for working and being their illegally. He was detained for damn near a month then deported. He's not even allowed back there. We need to do something about all the illegals in our country even if it's just because they lack respect of our laws in the first place.

Also, like I said in an earlier post we need to make it easier for people to immigrate here legally and we need to encourage people to immigrate here legally. While I am against illegal immigration, I can't understand why ANYONE would be against LEGAL immigration.

1. To repeat my earlier point, deportation is a separate issue, and isn't happeninng anytime soon for 20 million people, and until then, the choice is about taking the car.

2. I know of no other country in the world who has our immigration situation, for a variety of reasons. If we had few illegal immigrants, our policies might be different, too.

You cite Korea, but you need go no further to make the point you're making than Mexico, who deports Guatamalen refugees.

3. On why people oppose legal immigration, as I posted not long ago, check President Kennedy's book "A nation of immigrants".

As it notes, there is plenty of bigotry and mythology that create opposition and animosity to immigrants.

There's plenty of illogic - just as the discussion of torture constantly leads to the 'ticking bomb scenario' from its apologists, discussion of immigration constantly leads to 'we can't just open our borders and let the whole world come here' scenarios rather than discussing the actual issue.

That's about Mexican immigration, the topic here, but there are other topics, like the H1 visa quotas, that pit IT management wanting cheap labor against US IT employees.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm not for rounding them up like cattle and shipping them out. I am for shipping them out immediately if discovered through commitment of a crime. I don't see how anyone can argue against that.


Feb 3, 2007
Originally posted by: Triumph
I'm not for rounding them up like cattle and shipping them out. I am for shipping them out immediately if discovered through commitment of a crime. I don't see how anyone can argue against that.

I'm fine with that.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Triumph
The problem moonbeam, is that it all started off as a simple problem, with a clearly defined and easy solution. No one listened, no one did anything about it, and we got mad. Now not only are people not doing anything to stop the illegal immigration, they're encouraging it by making it easier and reducing penalties. Now it's starting to make people more upset, it's a compounded effect. You can't just look at it piecemeal, you have to look at the whole problem.

Oh I agree, and when you do you don't act or talk like these simpering assholes. Nobody has done anything because nobody wants to get unelected and everybody is benefiting under the table including me with cheaper shelled crab. It takes me a good half hour to do a crab myself. Of course when I get done there's no shell in the meat cause I work for love not per piece. And a mirror looks crazier when the crazy look into it.

MotF Bane

No Lifer
Dec 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Triumph
I'm not for rounding them up like cattle and shipping them out. I am for shipping them out immediately if discovered through commitment of a crime. I don't see how anyone can argue against that.

I can argue against that. Round them up and ship them out.


Mar 10, 2004
Who is supposedly going to come and pick up the car for them?

It seems unlikely that they would have a relative or friend who can legally drive the car.

They likely can't afford a tow truck.



Mar 10, 2004
They are still going to get the ticket for driving without a license, but since they can't get a license, most are probably going to get stopped again soon anyway and get the automatic tow anyway.

This just means that they will have 2 tickets for driving without a license instead of one when they go to get their car out of the impound lot...


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: bfdd
Craig, you're assuming the people actually deserve/belong here. They don't. They broke OUR laws by coming here illegally. They are already criminals. If they get picked up for breaking other laws the punishment for them should be deportation obviously. I don't understand how people can't understand that. Do you know how strict other countries are on illegal immigrants? A friend of mine who teaches English over seas had a friend get picked up in Korea for working and being their illegally. He was detained for damn near a month then deported. He's not even allowed back there. We need to do something about all the illegals in our country even if it's just because they lack respect of our laws in the first place.

Also, like I said in an earlier post we need to make it easier for people to immigrate here legally and we need to encourage people to immigrate here legally. While I am against illegal immigration, I can't understand why ANYONE would be against LEGAL immigration.

Pretty good assessment - the intentions justify the illegal behavior. In that vein, would Madoff had used his embezzled funds for charity, it would be "OK" because, afterall, the people he stole from were wealthy and can afford it.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: bfdd
Craig, you're assuming the people actually deserve/belong here. They don't. They broke OUR laws by coming here illegally. They are already criminals. If they get picked up for breaking other laws the punishment for them should be deportation obviously. I don't understand how people can't understand that. Do you know how strict other countries are on illegal immigrants? A friend of mine who teaches English over seas had a friend get picked up in Korea for working and being their illegally. He was detained for damn near a month then deported. He's not even allowed back there. We need to do something about all the illegals in our country even if it's just because they lack respect of our laws in the first place.

Also, like I said in an earlier post we need to make it easier for people to immigrate here legally and we need to encourage people to immigrate here legally. While I am against illegal immigration, I can't understand why ANYONE would be against LEGAL immigration.

1. To repeat my earlier point, deportation is a separate issue, and isn't happeninng anytime soon for 20 million people, and until then, the choice is about taking the car.

2. I know of no other country in the world who has our immigration situation, for a variety of reasons. If we had few illegal immigrants, our policies might be different, too.

You cite Korea, but you need go no further to make the point you're making than Mexico, who deports Guatamalen refugees.

3. On why people oppose legal immigration, as I posted not long ago, check President Kennedy's book "A nation of immigrants".

As it notes, there is plenty of bigotry and mythology that create opposition and animosity to immigrants.

There's plenty of illogic - just as the discussion of torture constantly leads to the 'ticking bomb scenario' from its apologists, discussion of immigration constantly leads to 'we can't just open our borders and let the whole world come here' scenarios rather than discussing the actual issue.

That's about Mexican immigration, the topic here, but there are other topics, like the H1 visa quotas, that pit IT management wanting cheap labor against US IT employees.

First of all, on point #3, who opposes legal immigration?

Second, nice strawman with a little deflection thrown in for good measure.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Cop: I pulled you over for failure to come to a complete stop at the stop sign.

Driver: OK.

Cop: License and registration, please.

Driver: No license.

Cop: Well, you can't drive the car anymore. You have to call somebody else and have them pick up the car within 20 minutes. Do you have any ID?

Driver: No.

Cop: Name?

Driver: (shifty eyes) Uh...Hugo Chavez.

Cop writes ticket for Hugo Chavez.

Yeah, this is really going to remove unlicensed drivers from the roads. :roll:

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