S@H daily team stats 09/16


Senior Member <br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Local group production 09/16

04 OcUK............................(+922296)............... +21478
05 S@N.............................(+738644)................. +9093
06 TA.................6123658..................................... +9400
07 BBR.................................(-32632)................ +32961
08 HwFr..............................(-156680).................. +6882

One new TeAmmate, vladko


Oct 10, 1999
Welcome! to the new member!

Thanks! HB!

Dasm, BBR is knocking on our back door! :Q

Time for a recruiting drive (outside of TA, NOT from within the team ranks)


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: RaySun2Be
Dasm, BBR is knocking on our back door! :Q
WHAT!? :Q They can stay away from my back door thank you very much!

Sorry, had to say that. Anyway, a good day for us but a better day for them. Hard to imagine how they managed to recruit a 23K member this late in the project but must give them credit. Hopefully the MTR will help us stay ahead.

Welcome vladko and thanks Hellburner!



Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Good Morning, TeAm Mates! :sun:

Let's just keep our eyes forward and crunch with all our might.

Thanks for the morning coffee, Hellburner.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Smokeball
Good Morning, TeAm Mates! :sun:

Let's just keep our eyes forward and crunch with all our might.

Thanks for the morning coffee, Hellburner.

Smokeball is right....(for once! ).....we have over a 30,000 WU lead and it's not going to go down unless they outrecruit us...maybe it's time for me to talk to the mods for one last recruiting drive!



Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Engineer
Originally posted by: Smokeball
Good Morning, TeAm Mates! :sun:

Let's just keep our eyes forward and crunch with all our might.

Thanks for the morning coffee, Hellburner.

Smokeball is right....(for once! ).....we have over a 30,000 WU lead and it's not going to go down unless they outrecruit us...maybe it's time for me to talk to the mods for one last recruiting drive!

hmmmmm recruiting drive!!!!!!
A chance to get my user rating lower

Thanks HB!


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Recruiting Drive!

What a coincidence.

Just yesterday, in dealing with another matter, "My Mod" offered to allow another round of recruiting in the other forums.

Let's dust off that old recruiting thread and get it going. Was that Crazee or Engineer that handled it the last time? Damn, I'm getting old and can't remember.

edit: I have the old copy (I have to submit it to the AT MOD so he can post it - looks more official that way).

Let's have some suggested changes and corrections before I submit it. Here is the old message:

~~ Team AnandTech D.C. Needs YOU! Shameless Recruiting Thread ~~

You may have noticed in the sig area of many forum members a reference to Team AnandTech. If you have found value in the articles and forums on the AnandTech Website you can show your appreciation by becoming a member of Team AnandTech. We would like to invite you to join us and use the idle CPU cycles of your computer to further various science experiments. But Team AnandTech is much more than sharing your spare CPU cycles for a "worthwhile" cause....it's about being a part of a "Family". The Team AnandTech "Family" is a very close knit group of people...from all backgrounds and societies....all working and playing together on various DC projects. We think the DC forum is one of the most friendly and helpful places on the AnandTech forums.....add that to the great team spirit...and you've got a winning combination!

Below are the projects that Team AnandTech participates in along with some helpful links and tidbits about the individual project. All the Teams really need more Teammates....as many of the other teams in the world have grown lately, while we've slowed down....but

YOU can help change the trend.

Look over the various projects....most are very easy to set up and run....don't require 24 hour/day operation (but once addicted, you may just do that)...and have almost no effect on your everyday PC(s) operations. If you have a question, please jump over to the Distributed Computing Forum and ask a question....or just say hello! You'll be glad you did!

List of projects below:

Distributed Folding, ECCP, Folding@Home, Genome@Home, OGR (24 and 25), Sengent D2OL, SETI, UD, and TSC!

That's right...Team AnandTech participates, and ranks very well in most, of these fine projects. Here is a listing of some of the current rankings for the various Team AnandTech teams.....YOU could become a teammate and move (keep) the teams up on this list!

Team AnandTech list of world rankings

SETI - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Are we alone? Help analyze radio signals from space in mankind's ultimate quest.

This project, Seti At Home - "1", is the largest Distributed Computing Project in the world, will end in the first few months of 2003!

Our Seti Team is currently ranked #6 in the world! We invite you to join us as we make one final big push to go out in a bigger blaze of glory than the recent Leonid Meteor Shower. Our goal is to climb at even higher in the rankings to end this first SETI Project at least #4 in the World while we battle to hold off other SETI teams that are trying to overtake us.

Support the SETI TeAm for the next 2 - 3 months, and you can share in the fame and pride in ending the project among the very best. And because each SETI WU has a unique identifier, you could become famous all over the world for being "the one" to make "First Contact" and find "ET."

For information go to our Seti Team Website: Team AnandTech Seti

We have lots of stats: Team AnandTech SETI Stats

To get started please refer to:

SETI Help and Installation and

Sukhoi's Help Index.

Smokeball's excellent SETI help and setup page

It may also be worth noting that SETI has recently obtained a 100Mbps connection and is now running very smooth. The team also has a nice list of Queues that you can use to obtain workunits and to monitor individual stats. Poof maintaines an excellent thread...

Poof's Queue Thread

The SETI Team is building a Team Beowulf Cluster. Once done, it will (hopefully) consist of 24 nodes using Abit BP6 boards, dual Celeron 366's @ 550....all connected together to form a fast and VERY COOL parallel computer platform. Check it out in the DC forum


This project is an effort to solve Certicom's ECCp-109 Challenge. Certicom issued a series of challenges to test the security of elliptic curve cryptography algorithms against current distributed computing power. The project is rather small compared to other DC projects, so it doesn't take much computing power for a member to gain a high ranking. Currently, Team AnandTech is in a heated battle for 5th place in the world. So we cordially invite you to help us reach #1!

If that isn't enough incentive, the two people who find the solution each win USD $1000. Everyone who participates will help set a new computing world record!

For information on ECCP go to: Eccp-109 Challenge Home Page

Our ECCP Team Website: Team AnandTech ECCP

FAQ's: Team Anandtech ECCp-109 FAQ page

Current situation: Currently #5 in the world. Chasing, but losing ground to the top 4 teams in the world. Need to pick up pace if any hope to passing others before project ends.


OGR is brought to you by the same people created RC5. In OGR, the goal is to find an optimal golomb ruler, a ruler where no 2 marks are the same distance apart. These OGRs are then used for things like X-Ray Telescopes and other scientific uses. We're currently finding the 25 mark ruler, and could always use some help to not only keep our #2 spot, but take #1. If you want to do more than just "listen" to radio waves and instead, help scientists see things, OGR might be for you.

Team AnandTech OGR-24 - Team AnandTech is ranked #1 in the world.

Team AnandTech OGR-25 - Team AnandTech is ranked #2 in the world. Help us become #1!

Team AnandTech OGR Stats

Current situation:


United Devices and Intel have launched a landmark research project that allows people to make a real difference in the fight against cancer.

Team AnandTech and the Intel-United Devices Cancer Research Project are asking you to volunteer your PC to help process molecular research being conducted by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford in England and the National Foundation for Cancer Research. To participate, you simply download a very small, no cost, non-invasive software program that works like a screensaver: it runs when your computer isn't being used, and processes research until you need your machine. Your computer never leaves your desk, and the project never interrupts your usual PC use.

The UD client rewards you based on the amount of time you spend analyzing data, rather than the amount of data you return. This makes UD ideal to run along side other Distributed Computing projects. You won't analyze as much data, but you'll still be helping Team AnandTech work its way to number one!

UD Cancer Research Project FAQs

Team AnandTech UD Stats and Info on joining

Current situation: The UD Team is currently ranked #16


The Folding@Home project seeks to understand the process behind protein folding. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies) the protein must take on a particular shape. It makes this shape by folding.

Understanding how proteins self-assemble ("protein folding") is a holy grail of modern molecular biophysics. What makes it such a great challenge is its complexity, which renders simulations of folding extremely computationally demanding, and difficult to understand. The Stanford group has developed a new way to simulate protein folding.

A protein can fold itself in one-millionth of a second. It takes 1000 computers to simulate a fold in the same amount of time. Stanford needs your help, and so does Team Anandtech.

How to set up the gui client and join the TeAm

How to set up the no-nonsense command line client and join the TeAm

Link to the Folding@Home project

Current situation: Rocketing up the charts very quickly as of late. Now #19 in the world. Need more power to keep up this fantastic climb!


Genome@Home along with Folding@Home is run by PandeGroup at Stanford

The goal of Genome@home is to design new genes that can form working proteins in the cell. The 4 main applications are:

Engineering new proteins for medical therapy
Designing new pharmaceuticals
Assigning functions to the dozens of new genes being sequenced every day
Understanding protein evolution.

Genome@Home project and Client download

* Once you've obtained the client, you'll simply need to unzip, install, and then start it up. A readme is included with the parameters. When installing for the first time, you'll need to enter your account info, and here's the important part, join TA by entering the team number when asked: 604374405

Team Anandtech stats

Team AnandTech FAQs

Current situation: Currently TA G@H is fairly small but has still managed to reach No 35 in the team listings, and we need your help!

Sengent D2OL

The Drug Design and Optimization Lab (D2OL)T works to discover drug candidates against Anthrax, Smallpox, and Ebola and will soon be adding targets for the top 5 major Bioterrorism organisms. By simply downloading the client, you can contribute the idle time available on your computer to fight biological weapons, even when not connected to the Internet. Currently, Team AnandTech is ranked #17 in the world.

Platforms: Windows 98/2000/NT/ME/XP

Download the client here

Team AnandTech stats

Current situation:

Distributed Folding

The Distributed Folding project seeks to understand how proteins fold and assemble into living cells. Understanding protein folding will help make better treatments for diseases.

Proteins have a vast number of folds, larger than we could hope to compute even with distributed computing. Usually only one fold is found in nature. The Distributed Folding Project aims to test a new protein folding algorithm to see if it can reproduce natural protein folds after making extremely large samples of many different folds.

This is a project where every CPU really does make a difference. Even older computers (e.g. Pentium II), can make significant contributions, over 15,000 structures a day!

Team AnandTech is currently ranked #35 in the world. We really need your help! As this is still a relatively small distributed computing project, every CPU make a noticeable difference.

Download the client here

Team AnandTech stats

Current situation:

SB - Seventeen Or Bust

Did you know that every odd number can also be represented in the form k2n + 1. This form is known as a Proth number and is the type of number being studied by , in an effort to solve the Seventeen or Bust Sierpinski Problem for last remaining 17 values under the previously believed lowest k number

Anandtech is a small Team rising up the ranks very quickly, and with your help we could get even higher.

If you are interested in joining, please visit the download page, install the client, then enter your desired username, and enter Anandtech as the Team name (case sensitive)

You will find team stats here, and your own personal stats here.]http://sob.pns.net/stats[/L].[/L]

You can go directly to your own stats at [ http://sob.pns.net/stats/userstats.shtml?username=( YourNickHere ) ].

Find A Drug Project

Find a Drug is run on a non-proft basis by Treweren Consultants, the developers of the THINK software used in the United Devices Cancer project. The object is to work on treatments for multiple diseases at the same time. Projects include:

Cancer - working with UD and the University of Oxford they are screening more proteins with the latest release of the THINK software.

Proteme - Screens to find which proteins interact with potential drug molecules. This one runs when there are pauses in the more focused projects like Cancer and AIDS.

Bioterrorism Antidotes - working on antidotes for anthrax, etc.

Methodology - works on improving the software itself. This is done very rarely and only after it has been tested by Beta members.

Projects that will be coming online in the near future:

HIV - They are hoping to seek out molecules that have the potential to inhibit AIDs development in a novel way.

Herbicides and Pesticides - working to develop safer more environmentally friendly pesticides and herbicides.

TeAm Anandtech is currently ranked 21st in the world. This is a small project so even one machine can make a huge difference.

Attention: Members of any Team AnandTech Club are welcomed to include their welcome message and a link to their club's website. Just PM Smokeball.

If you have any questions or comments on the many projects listed, jump on over to the Distributed Computing Forum and fire away...

We'll be waiting, and we hope you will join the Team soon!


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Freewolf
It was Crazee and the copy you have looks a little out of date

I thought it was Crazee but Engineer has also done it in the past. Thanks for that confirmation.

OK, that is the last recruiting thread we used. Point out what is out of date so I can fix it.



Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2001
It looks like you have the one before Crazee made the changes, I don't see the part about tsc in this one, Engineer did the one before Crazee's . They both did a great job on it.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2000
Thanks HB!

Good plan Greg! I don't have time to review the text, but I'll agree to anything that will help!

Can we mention that SETI 1 is coming to an end and we are in a battle to stay in 6th place?


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Great output by us & a new member ,but whopped by BBR!:Q

Re recruiting thread

This project, Seti At Home - "1", is the largest Distributed Computing Project in the world, will end in the first few months of 2003!

The word I've highlighted needs to be changed to 'last'
Other than that it looks good.

1 thing though ,is the whole recruiting message looks huge & might scare some people off! ,can't we compact it? maybe by chopping out some of the spaces?

updated thread for it here)


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2002
Good idea with the recruiting thread! I remember when I last saw it and it would give the TeAm a lot of exposure. Agreed that it needs to be updated a little .


Also, is there any graphic or something that I can put on my website that's SETI/TeAm related? I don't get many visitors but I thought I'd just ask. Or do you mind if I put the recruiting text on my site?

Thanks HB for the stats!

Ah yes, Team 3 all the way!
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