Same Sex marriage - my view point


Feb 1, 2008
With another prop8-like challenge coming up in November, I think in Maine this time, Im now convinced same sex marriage supporters are just treading water and not getting much anywhere.
In iOwa its great they have same sex marriage, but as soon as
some republican gets back in, or as soon as they put the issue on the ballot, same sex marriage laws will be their short lived victory, as with California.
Anti-Gay groups will soon start pumping in money, whatever it takes, to spread lies and create fear, in iOwa too.

So I ask? do supporters really have to constantly go thru this over and over, state by state, time and time again?
And in iOwa, while current law allows many couples to marry, nothing on a daily
basis has really changed as far as I can tell. By not yet having federal recognition, state recognition seems a bit... pointless. I now realize it is not the state that matters with this, it is the federal.

Just as with 1960?s civil rights, and LBJ, same sex couples need to focus on the federal level, and forget about the state level. Their money needs to go towards lobbying on the federal level, members of congress, and not wasted on the state level.

When success is experienced on the federal level, then the state level will become moot, as it should be.
Federal recognition would, as I understand it, give same sex marriage rights
in all states, coast to coast. Thus ending the practice of slapping anti-marriage challenges onto state ballots every election cycle. Once the federal government
recognizes same sex couples, then the battle will have been won once and for all.

On the state level, same sex marriage laws prove to be just too vulnerable.
All it takes is for one opposed group, plus their money, and a barrage of TV spots, to turn the tide.
This is just wrong. Im my opinion, it goes against the freedom and liberties granted in the US constitution. It boarders on mob rule, and third world politics.
"Civil rights" should never become some ballot issue, period.

If LBJ had gone that route, and had not pushed for federal civil rights for blacks,
then every southern state one by one could in fact overturn civil rights laws and return states back to the days when women and blacks were not allowed to vote.
Can you imagine?

With the climate of current by some, since Obama was elected, would anyone
be that surprised if some southern states actually put civil rights on the ballot for voter
approval, or rejection? Trying to stop another Obama from happening?
And what then after even one such ballot initiative won?
Federal protection of civil rights, signed into law by LBJ, grants blacks their due protections. Gay men and women need to fight for the same federal protection as to marriage.

Fighting for rights on a state by state level will, in the end, get them nowhere.
They will be forever looking behind their shoulder, every election cycle,
to see from which group the next challenge will come from.

I very much agree with Barney Frank, in that they should be pounding the halls
of congress, and not pounding the streets, in protest.
And too, by not wasting the money fighting on the state level.
They will forever be much too vulnerable, and that vulnerability needs to be removed.


Mean MrMustard

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2001
Nope, keep it at the state level. Why should the federal gov't have anything to do marriage? It's bad enough that state gov'ts do. Why does everything ultimately involve the feds?

<-- supporter


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
problem is the federal congress doesn't really have a basis of power for enforcing marriage rights. it did for voting rights (various amendments). so that basically leaves supporters with the court system, which faces a democratic deficit and can often crystallize opposition (see in particular death penalty cases, which had almost died out by the time the supreme court effectively ruled it illegal)


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
The approval rate for same-sex marriage has been rising VERY rapidly. Last I read (in May), 44% of Americans approved, and the rate of change was so rapid, I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of Americans now supported it.

I am absolutely certain that within a few years, we'll arrive at a point where people look at anti same-sex marriage laws in the same way we now look at anti-miscegenation laws.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: sportage
And in iOwa, while current law allows many couples to marry, nothing on a daily
basis has really changed as far as I can tell. By not yet having federal recognition, state recognition seems a bit... pointless. I now realize it is not the state that matters with this, it is the federal.

Honest question - I do not understand how nothing changes on a daily basis with state recognition, but it will with federal recognition. Pls explain.



Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
They should do away with the term "marriage" in a legal sense. The term "marriage" should only apply to the religious ceremony. The state should then only recognize civil unions. Civil unions should be applicable to gay, straight, biracial people etc. Current marriages could be grandfathered in or simply relabeled as civil unions.

I would hope that should end the "gay marriage" debate.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: BriGy86
They should do away with the term "marriage" in a legal sense. The term "marriage" should only apply to the religious ceremony. The state should then only recognize civil unions. Civil unions should be applicable to gay, straight, biracial people etc. Current marriages could be grandfathered in or simply relabeled as civil unions.

I would hope that should end the "gay marriage" debate.

That's just semantics. If it's the same as marriage except for the word, who gives a fuck what it's called?

If marriage has so much sanctity, I say prohibit divorce. That aught to shut everyone up.


Oct 12, 1999
You know I get so sick and tired of the comparative homosexual to a persons skin color. Homosexuality has to do with a person behavior, sexual behavior to be specific. Whether or not a person is religous or not, its questionable on many levels. A person's skin color is not the same as a person's behavior. So this idea that allowing someone with dark skin marry someone without white skin is no where near the same as having two men or women marry each other.
My opinion is homosexuality will never, ever be accepted as norm. Not today, tomorrow, next week, next million years. You can give them all the rights in the world, most of world still is not going to accept it as a norm. There is a basic instinct of survival built in all of us. Homosexuality challenges that instinct regardless of color, religion, or financial status. But instinct will continue to override that challenge until mankind has vanishes off this planet.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Originally posted by: classy
You know I get so sick and tired of the comparative homosexual to a persons skin color. Homosexuality has to do with a person behavior, sexual behavior to be specific. Whether or not a person is religous or not, its questionable on many levels. A person's skin color is not the same as a person's behavior. So this idea that allowing someone with dark skin marry someone without white skin is no where near the same as having two men or women marry each other.
My opinion is homosexuality will never, ever be accepted as norm. Not today, tomorrow, next week, next million years. You can give them all the rights in the world, most of world still is not going to accept it as a norm. There is a basic instinct of survival built in all of us. Homosexuality challenges that instinct regardless of color, religion, or financial status. But instinct will continue to override that challenge until mankind has vanishes off this planet.

So what. Why should others be treated as less then human because a bunch of knuckledraggers say so?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: CitizenKain
Originally posted by: classy
You know I get so sick and tired of the comparative homosexual to a persons skin color. Homosexuality has to do with a person behavior, sexual behavior to be specific. Whether or not a person is religous or not, its questionable on many levels. A person's skin color is not the same as a person's behavior. So this idea that allowing someone with dark skin marry someone without white skin is no where near the same as having two men or women marry each other.
My opinion is homosexuality will never, ever be accepted as norm. Not today, tomorrow, next week, next million years. You can give them all the rights in the world, most of world still is not going to accept it as a norm. There is a basic instinct of survival built in all of us. Homosexuality challenges that instinct regardless of color, religion, or financial status. But instinct will continue to override that challenge until mankind has vanishes off this planet.

So what. Why should others be treated as less then human because a bunch of knuckledraggers say so?

Becauset they kinda make his penis hard and it scares him.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: classy
You know I get so sick and tired of the comparative homosexual to a persons skin color. Homosexuality has to do with a person behavior, sexual behavior to be specific. Whether or not a person is religous or not, its questionable on many levels. A person's skin color is not the same as a person's behavior. So this idea that allowing someone with dark skin marry someone without white skin is no where near the same as having two men or women marry each other.
My opinion is homosexuality will never, ever be accepted as norm. Not today, tomorrow, next week, next million years. You can give them all the rights in the world, most of world still is not going to accept it as a norm. There is a basic instinct of survival built in all of us. Homosexuality challenges that instinct regardless of color, religion, or financial status. But instinct will continue to override that challenge until mankind has vanishes off this planet.

Racist bigots feel the same way. Blacks are inferior, always have been, always will be. In a million years they will still be black and inferior. I think it's in the Bible and therefore has to be true.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.

Nice retort. You're really changing opinions out there with that eloquent, well-researched and passionate prose.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.

To a worthless dick-head everything looks like shit.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.

Upon what authority do you opine? What right are you asserting that contravenes another's right? Is it a right of the majority to deny a minority a right the majority enjoys? IF we are all equal that last notion fails, I'd think.
I suggest you look at this as a fundamental right of the individual. Each person has the same rights and limitations. We already accept you can't discriminate on the basis of sex... so how can you use the person's sex as the denial.. and which of the two are you denying the right to.. if you do?



May 1, 2006
xjohnx, the point you are missing is that bigots look for angles to get to be bigoted, often unaware that they are bigoted.

People who are not bigoted look for ways to help bigots understand that they are.

People get used to things being a vertain way with certain groups treated second class, and its takes a bit to help them get past that.

So for example, when President Kennedy wanted to get whites who had been ok with racism for a century after slavery to change their views, he listed inequalities and then said, 'who among us would be willng to trade skin color', and got peopel to say 'whoa, I wouldn't like that', and to look at blacks differently, as human beings deserving equality - which seems obvious today but did not from 1865-1960, much less before 1865.

The bigotry is really the same for race and homosxuality, and the idea is that since we have made a lot of progress on race bigotry to try to use that to show the gay bigotry.

That's why Moonbeam's comment was right on the head - to help you get the clue that the only reason not to end discrimnination on the word marriage, is to keep bigotry in place.

And to help you get that point since you don't, in your carefully constructed little 'test' whether it's about rights or 'an agenda', he merely asked you to apply the same reasoning you defended, to race - because presumably, you could see the flaw in your argument when it comes to race. If we told mixed-race couuples, you can have all the rights, but not the word marriage, would you say 'no problem', or would you get th eclue that 'hey, wait, denying mixed race couples that wors only serves to put them in a second class posittion'?

And when yoiu see that it does so for race, the hope - the hope for no good reason - is that you will get the same idea about gay discrimination and why the 'word' is no place to draw the line for any rational reason. The thing is to get you to understand to shift the burden of proof - it's not on gays to 'prove' why they need the word or be condemned for 'an agenda', the burden is on those who want to discriminate against them having the word equally with anyone else.

The question now is whether his assumption you are 'a moron' who this explanation is wasted on is correct. Prove him wrong, and we'll all be glad.

Post that you have uiderstood that just as it's nothing but bigotry to tell inter-racial cuoples 'you can have the rights, not the words', it's the same for gay couples.

And no, asinine posts like "classy"'s - not the most accurate name - blathering about the differences of race and sexual preference are not of any use, unless they can b shown to actually justify the discrimination, which they can't. It doesn't matter if race is not 'a behavior', while gay people are active in choosing a partner of the same gender. Marriage is not a condition but a behavior too, heterosexuals choosing heterosexual partners. So *of course* there's a behavior involved. Inter-racial couples are not a condition but a behavior too, for that matter, as they choose partners with another race. Homosexuality is a condition like skin color, not a behavior; it leades to the same type of behavior regarding marriage as heterosexuals, choosing a partner.

"Classy"'s post is nothing but a search for irrational grounds to defend discrimination.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: LunarRay
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.

Upon what authority do you opine? What right are you asserting that contravenes another's right? Is it a right of the majority to deny a minority a right the majority enjoys? IF we are all equal that last notion fails, I'd think.
I suggest you look at this as a fundamental right of the individual. Each person has the same rights and limitations. We already accept you can't discriminate on the basis of sex... so how can you use the person's sex as the denial.. and which of the two are you denying the right to.. if you do?

More blah, blah, blah. I asked a legitimate question, and get insulted, I think I have the answer to my question.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
Originally posted by: nerp
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Would the majority of gays be happy with civil unions that carried the same "rights" as a marriage?

Would biracial couples be?

Are they gay biracial couples? If not than waht's your point? Do you have one?

Why explain the point of something only a moron wouldn't get?

Go hate yourself in the corner troll.

I want to know if it's about the rights associated with marriage, or if it is agenda driven. If it's only about getting the same rights as those marriage brings, than fine, I support it, if it has to be called marriage than it is nothing more than agenda driven BS, and no, I don't. Other than that there is no reason whatsoever or the federal government to be involved.

You don't want to know anything. You want to pigeon-hole the world into categories of your own creation. And you don't have to know jack shit other than some folk who want to get married can't because of bigots. Who gives a shit what their reasons are. Nobody asks straight people why they want to marry. It's nobody's fucking business. But none of this will make the slightest sense to you because you think with your bigotry instead of your brains.

Blah, blah, blah, and endless stream of steaming shit pouring out of your mouth daily.

Nice retort. You're really changing opinions out there with that eloquent, well-researched and passionate prose.

I'm not the one pining for social acceptance, or seeking approval on the internet.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally posted by: xj0hnx
Originally posted by: LunarRay

Upon what authority do you opine? What right are you asserting that contravenes another's right? Is it a right of the majority to deny a minority a right the majority enjoys? IF we are all equal that last notion fails, I'd think.
I suggest you look at this as a fundamental right of the individual. Each person has the same rights and limitations. We already accept you can't discriminate on the basis of sex... so how can you use the person's sex as the denial.. and which of the two are you denying the right to.. if you do?

More blah, blah, blah. I asked a legitimate question, and get insulted, I think I have the answer to my question.

I'd never insult you! I ask a question but, true, it is widely directed... In any event, do you find fault in my thinking?

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