Santa Claus is taking you to hell.

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Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2006
Originally posted by: Tweak155
I do not believe anyone is going to hell for clarification.

I apologize for my assumption. I would like to know how you hold your position in contrast to the one I presumed if you care to elaborate.

OK, I'll take your subsequent edit for clarification.



Sep 23, 2003
Originally posted by: Madwand1
Originally posted by: Tweak155
I do not believe anyone is going to hell for clarification.

I apologize for my assumption. I would like to know how you hold your position in contrast to the one I presumed if you care to elaborate.

OK, I'll take your subsequent edit for clarification.


The thing is, I can say "I THINK you aren't going to be deemed righteous" but I'm not God so I don't know. If I say you won't be then I'm putting myself in the place of God. Who am I to say that?

I have a chance of being right, but no certainty. Same thing if you think you did everything right your whole life, doesn't mean you will be deemed righteous. But the bible clearly points out how God is a loving God and forgiving in a large way, so you can be very hopeful.

The people that were destroyed back in the Hebrew scriptures (also referred to as Old Testament) were given multiple chances and also had God in their presence (through angels and prophets), thereby denying Him to His face. He was not as lenient with them.

God doesn't expect anyone to be perfect, so don't expect it from yourself or anyone else. Do your best and let God be the judge, not you (or these people in the videos).


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
I'm watching this documentary.


Edit: I watched the whole documentary, and I'm not at all surprised. When I was a kid, I hung out with my buddy at his church (and I've made some friends through it), and I've been hanging out there ever since. The people are nice (and the people at WBC generally seem nice too, just misguided), but I just don't understand the blind adherence to religion. Faith can take some fucked up forms.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2005
I fucking love Saint Nicholas...

Basically he was a grumpy old bastard who threw pennies at homeless street kids. Besides, I love Odin too...

Numerous parallels have been drawn between Santa Claus and the figure of Odin, a major god amongst the Germanic peoples prior to their Christianization. Since many of these elements are unrelated to Christianity, there are theories regarding the pagan origins of various customs of the holiday stemming from areas where the Germanic peoples were Christianized and retained elements of their indigenous traditions, surviving in various forms into modern depictions of Santa Claus.[12]

Odin was sometimes recorded, at the native Germanic holiday of Yule, as leading a great hunting party through the sky.[13] Two books from Iceland, the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, describe Odin as riding an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir that could leap great distances, giving rise to comparisons to Santa Claus's reindeer.[14] Further, Odin was referred to by many names in Skaldic poetry, some of which describe his appearance or functions; these include Síðgrani,[15] Síðskeggr,[16] Langbarðr,[17] (all meaning "long beard") and Jólnir[18] ("Yule figure").

According to Phyllis Siefker, children would place their boots, filled with carrots, straw, or sugar, near the chimney for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir, to eat. Odin would then reward those children for their kindness by replacing Sleipnir's food with gifts or candy.[19] This practice survived in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands after the adoption of Christianity and became associated with Saint Nicholas as a result of the process of Christianization and can be still seen in the modern practice of the hanging of stockings at the chimney in some homes.


Golden Member
Aug 30, 2003


i love you, hell, rape, pictures of guys getting it doggy style and young children all surrounded by it.

who's the leader of that church?



Diamond Member
May 29, 2007

Excellent linkage.

Fred Phelps the obviously senile and angry false prophet of their warped Christian/Baptist cult is nothing more than a psychotic arrogant liar and a bigoted, hypocritical control freak using religion and hatred to keep his extended family subservient to him to do his personal bidding and bullying. And since psychosis runs in families through genetics, emotional imprinting and brainwashing you can obviously see the tragic results.

This is also clearly child abuse on a massive scale when they are regularly subjecting their innocent and impressionable children to their bigoted, angry, hateful religious indoctrination while the children are constantly getting assaulted physically and verbally as a result of picketing in morally inappropriate situations like funerals. Since the kids feel they don't have the right to say they don't want to get assaulted by strangers and vehicles driving by without being seen as an outcast by Gramps, and since the parents are hopelessly brainwashed, the state must intervene on their behalf.

If there is a God, he allows these hateful religious heathens to wallow in their own warped and delusional self loathing because it eventually destroys them completely as surely as any hell would. They are so utterly consumed by their righteous religious indignation against the entire civilized world that it creates a hostile atmosphere among them of intolerance that is only equaled in Christianity by the likes of the Spanish Inquisition or other heathen religions. If they thought they could get away with it, they would torture and kill everyone who isn't exactly like them in the name of God and then have no remorse about it later. Their sense of personal religious entitlement from constant brainwashing is now so strong they literally can no longer tell the difference between moral and immoral public behavior.

How dare they presume to take the Bible 100% completely literally when it was OBVIOUSLY written by MEN and mistranslated and edited by MEN over 1000s of years, and not written by their angry hateful God they lovingly cherish when it suits them.

And they are obviously even openly blaspheming their own spiteful religion by picking and choosing what deserves their impious wrath by falsely judging others sins and deeds, when that is clearly Gods job, not theirs. I guess they missed or conveniently overlooked the part in their precious Bible clearly stating:

Matt. 7:1-5 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

And these brainwashed inbred white trash are certainly not the judge of all humanity, in spite of what they might believe and preach to the contrary.

These psychotic delusional brainwashed religious heathen who make a vocal public mockery of religion and God are exactly the type of vicious hateful hypocritical bigots that God would send to hell. If there is a just God and a hell big enough to fit all their evil bloated egos into.



Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: txrandom

And for the record, txrandom this was a fail post on your part since you didn't bother to make an initial comment about what you thought or even respond to a single poster in your own thread.

Was this just a pointless troll post on your part?

Too bad the posting standards and expectations are set so low in OT I guess.


Sep 23, 2003
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
1. How dare they presume to take the Bible 100% completely literally when it was OBVIOUSLY written by MEN and mistranslated and edited by MEN over 1000s of years, and not written by their angry hateful God they lovingly cherish when it suits them.

2. And these brainwashed inbred white trash are certainly not the judge of all humanity, in spite of what they might believe and preach to the contrary.

Quoted specifically what I would like to reply to...

1 - Yes. It was translated thousands of times which is how we know its' accuracy rather than inaccuracy. It wasn't translated, then a translation of that translation, etc. It was COPIED thousands of times from the original copy (albeit by hand - leaving room for error). But those thousands of copies were compared to each other and found exceedingly similar and then translated / re-written based on similarities rather than discrepancies. Most bibles will point out what cannot be taken for certain. For the most part, though, what is not left to uncertainty is plainly taken as the original meaning and can be considered accurate.

Simply put, if the translations were so inaccurate, the thousands of copies would have not been so similar. I used to know the rough number of copies of both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures that were compared to each other, but both are in the thousands.

2 - For one complaining of them judging, you certainly take the seat.


Simple google search gave me this as first result:

I thought there were 3 thousand copies of Hebrew and about 5 thousand of Greek, which this says there are about 4500 copies of Greek which is close to my guess. So I'll go with about 3000 Hebrew and 5000 Greek. I'm 99% certain there were at least less Hebrew copies than Greek due to education level. As time progressed, more people learned to read and write as opposed to earlier times.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: Tweak155
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
1. How dare they presume to take the Bible 100% completely literally when it was OBVIOUSLY written by MEN and mistranslated and edited by MEN over 1000s of years, and not written by their angry hateful God they lovingly cherish when it suits them.

2. And these brainwashed inbred white trash are certainly not the judge of all humanity, in spite of what they might believe and preach to the contrary.

Quoted specifically what I would like to reply to...

1 - Yes. It was translated thousands of times which is how we know its' accuracy rather than inaccuracy. It wasn't translated, then a translation of that translation, etc. It was COPIED thousands of times from the original copy (albeit by hand - leaving room for error). But those thousands of copies were compared to each other and found exceedingly similar and then translated / re-written based on similarities rather than discrepancies. Most bibles will point out what cannot be taken for certain. For the most part, though, what is not left to uncertainty is plainly taken as the original meaning and can be considered accurate.

Simply put, if the translations were so inaccurate, the thousands of copies would have not been so similar. I used to know the rough number of copies of both the Hebrew and Greek scriptures that were compared to each other, but both are in the thousands.

2 - For one complaining of them judging, you certainly take the seat.

Ahh, I see. So from a religious standpoint you are then admitting to being as hypocritically pious as they are and now going to judge me for judging them for judging literally everyone who don't agree 100% with them? Is that it? How deliciously ironic and religiously biased. My moral judgment which I rightfully lay upon these angry heathen has nothing to do with bigoted and hateful religious bias, that is the crucial difference between myself versus you and them.

You said yourself in an earlier post:
God doesn't expect anyone to be perfect, so don't expect it from yourself or anyone else. Do your best and let God be the judge, not you (or these people in the videos).

Back flip a lot?

And as far as the translations go, there are various ways to "interpret" many key words and phrases throughout the Bible if you look at ancient translation attempts. Especially if you decide to compare it and look at the earliest existing texts like the dead sea scrolls. The dead sea scrolls stand as the oldest definitive versions of these books bar none. And most noticeable is the many OMISSIONS from those scrolls such as whole passages from books and including entire books. The Bible(s) were custom assembled based on specific religions at various times throughout history which hardly makes it complete or even accurate. Not to mention the fact other sacred texts like the Koran disputes a lot of key facts in the Bible, too.

And nowhere do I see you defending these texts as the word of God, like most Christian religious posers are so inclined to blaspheme about and do.

The Skeptics Annotated Bible

Is the Bible True?

Have fun with those links.

But if you have blind religious faith, who cares if the Bible or your flavor of religion is true or not, right? Just ask Gramps how well that works out for him while he brainwashes his family to do his hateful bigoted bidding.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: bignateyk
I was once raped by santa when I was a kid. I thought I was the only one, but now that the truth is out there, it's time to let the healing begin ::cries::

That wasn't santa, it was the clown living under your bed...

he's still there.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: JM Aggie08
I have never thought of killing an entire group of people...but in seeing this i've rethought my decision.

Who's with me?

Nothing like a good jihad/crusade to make one feel better than others, is there?

Hint: You wanting to destroy them makes you no better than they are. Hate is infectious.

Their beliefs and ideas do nothing to harm you directly. They may offend you, but that is only because you allow them to.

Want to make their ideas and beliefs irrelevant? Ignore them. Westboro intentionally inflames others to make themselves relevant. Stop being inflamed, and they become irrelevent.

They have no real power. The sooner people come to realize this, the sooner Westboro will crumble.


Sep 23, 2003
Originally posted by: SlickSnake

1. Ahh, I see. So from a religious standpoint you are then admitting to being as hypocritically pious as they are and now going to judge me for judging them for judging literally everyone who don't agree 100% with them?

2. You said yourself in an earlier post:
God doesn't expect anyone to be perfect, so don't expect it from yourself or anyone else. Do your best and let God be the judge, not you (or these people in the videos).

Back flip a lot?

3. And as far as the translations go, there are various ways to "interpret" many key words and phrases throughout the Bible if you look at ancient translation attempts. Especially if you decide to compare it and look at the earliest existing texts like the dead sea scrolls. The dead sea scrolls stand as the oldest definitive versions of these books bar none. And most noticeable is the many OMISSIONS from those scrolls such as whole passages from books and including entire books. The Bible(s) were custom assembled based on specific religions at various times throughout history which hardly makes it complete or even accurate. Not to mention the fact other sacred texts like the Koran disputes a lot of key facts in the Bible, too.

4. And nowhere do I see you defending these texts as the word of God, like most Christian religious posers are so inclined to blaspheme about and do.

5. The Skeptics Annotated Bible

5. Is the Bible True?

5. Have fun with those links.

6. But if you have blind religious faith, who cares if the Bible or your flavor of religion is true or not, right? Just ask Gramps how well that works out for him while he brainwashes his family to do his hateful bigoted bidding.

1 - No? Pointing out what you are doing is not the same thing as judging you.

2 - Nope. Read 1.

3 - I'm sure there are missing texts, etc. But you regarded accuracy of what we HAVE. And for anyone that is interested, here is the wiki on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Doesn't seem to go about saying how inaccurate our current bible is. In fact it states that the discrepancies are minor.

4 - I could definitely get into this, but this is something you either prove to yourself or prove false to yourself. If you go into the attitude of trying to prove it false, it will of course be proven false. If you want it to be proven true, it will be. If you take an open minded approach to it, the result is unclear. I find it to be true. Do I expect you to agree with me? Of course not.

5 - I don't know where to start with those links. One is full of quotes of random people (which I suppose is to be taken as fact?) and one I'm not sure what you are getting at... I looked at my bible translation of the scripture and they are similar. Most versions of the bible will state something in a different way, but most should be able to have the same reasoning drawn from them. This is why you should do research and find out which bible you find is most accurately translated and read that particular version. Either way, both these sites are obviously "religions" of their own and proven as such especially when they both have the option for donations and the 2nd one being packed with advertisements. A lot of religions are about making money as they try to appeal to certain people.

6 - You assume it is blind. For some people, sure. A majority? I couldn't tell you as I don't know or claim to know. I had 0 religious knowledge / beliefs until I was at least 21. At THAT point I started researching and proving things to myself when I was living on my own. Granted not all persons are like that (and most likely the majority of people that believe in a religion, but this only seems logical and I can't prove it), but you act as though it is not possible through a logical process of a normal person. I disagree. Not all faith is "blind" as you are stating.

I would keep responding to your posts but we both know there is no point. You will continue to believe what you want, and I will continue to believe what I want. This will be my last response. You are free to get the last word in.



Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Modular
Originally posted by: Locut0s
So much of Christian propaganda nowadays needs to be ruled as hate speech.

This is why videos like this make me angry. You are wrong and it's obvious that you've had very limited interaction with real Christians. Sad, really.

Well, in response to that I would like to point out that chrstians use the most vocal idiots of things they disagree with as the poster child for those things (such as atheism). So by christians own standards these are the exact people that represent christians.

Learn to shutup your vocal minority, or deal with being associated with them.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Originally posted by: JM Aggie08
Originally posted by: ICRS
These people are the biggest christians of all and they show why we need to remove this disease from the face of the earth. I read someone burned down palins church, well these people should be next. Society won't be safe until all of the churches, mosques, temples, synagogues, and ect are nothing but rubble.

Ya man, don't let ANYONE have their own beliefs.

They are obviously the most significant problem we have today.

Well money and religion are the two main reasons we have wars. One of them is a lot easier to get rid of then the other.
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