Sarah Palin challenge....Day 35

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Jul 13, 2005
You made it up? If you need a post count why don't you go to OT and join the neffing thread? Or go to L&R and ask everyone how to get a life?

Why don't you just read her two books and save us some bandwith? The first is an autobiography, the second addresses politics and platforms. The answer you say you seek lays somewhere in those pages, grasshopper.

Or do you just want me to hit you with a Wall O' Text, which you will find to be considerably above your pay grade and which will cause you to lose sleep trying to find a suitable rejoinder, but at which you will inevitably fail and fail miserably?

And all for the sake of scoring a point with the retarded dude sharing your dorm room?

Partisan friends should remind partisan friends when they need to examine their souls. Yours have let you down. They know deep in their souls that if Palin runs all of the bullshit that they have posted so far will amount to the lingering gasp which comes from consuming copious amounts of refried beans.

But they haven't let you in on this, have they?

Look at the pitiful replies above this one. Is this the base you need to stir up to keep a loser like Obama in office?


again you very funny


Jul 2, 2005
Ah, another Palin thread. You lefties sure are scared of her - and she hasn't even announced her run yet! LOL!

Fact of the matter is Palin would beat Obama and every poll shows it. And you know it.

The left isn't scared of her, we just like to point and laugh and shaking our heads in astonishment that she keep throwing herself in the spotlight and looking like a fool.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
The left isn't scared of her, we just like to point and laugh and shaking our heads in astonishment that she keep throwing herself in the spotlight and looking like a fool.

And that the Right scurries around trying to apologize for her.

Fools trying to make excuses for fools.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
She wields enormous influence over her followers/fans just like Limbaugh, Beck, etc. do which makes her damaging.

ANYONE who spews half truths, lies, and twisted facts to rile up peoples' emotions in the name of profit is an evil person.

You talking about Sarah Payoff or Pjabber?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Ah, another Palin thread. You lefties sure are scared of her - and she hasn't even announced her run yet! LOL!

Fact of the matter is Palin would beat Obama and every poll shows it. And you know it.
Funny, I haven't seen those polls.

Only a fucking idiot would vote for Palin over anybody. The stupid wise and beautiful woman is just a curiosity, not someone anybody with any common sense would take seriously as a potential leader of our country and the Free World.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
Funny, I haven't seen those polls.

Only a fucking idiot would vote for Palin over anybody. The stupid wise and beautiful woman is just a curiosity, not someone anybody with any common sense would take seriously as a potential leader of our country and the Free World.

You forget Red Dawn, they listen to Fox News, where you can just say something and its true until proven false.

Fear No Evil

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2008
Funny, I haven't seen those polls.

Only a fucking idiot would vote for Palin over anybody. The stupid wise and beautiful woman is just a curiosity, not someone anybody with any common sense would take seriously as a potential leader of our country and the Free World.

Seriously? This is acceptable here now? Would you be OK with someone referring to YOUR wife that way?
Feb 16, 2005
Christine O'Donnell got 40% of the vote, FOURTY FUCKING PERCENT! That's sickening to think that 4 out of 10 voters think that idiot is qualified to be a part of the government. Palin is very similar to that moron, but with a much more malicious and vindictive persona. I would love to think she'd go away if we stopped talking about her, but unfortunately, fox news gave her a soapbox to stand on. So that's out the window.
Clearly she's so far past ignorant it's laughable, but so is Christine O'Donnell, and she garnered 40%.
The only thing that's going to save this country from palin, is palin. Every time she opens her mouth, she proves how vapid and narcissistic she truly is, that and she's a fucking idiot. She can play the game well, well enough to be richer than 90%+ of the general population, she's out of touch, quits a job to latch onto a money machine, and clearly fails in every debate.
Oh, and limbaugh wouldn't run for president, why the fuck would he take that big of a pay cut?


Jun 26, 2009
Or do you just want me to hit you with a Wall O' Text, which you will find to be considerably above your pay grade and which will cause you to lose sleep trying to find a suitable rejoinder, but at which you will inevitably fail and fail miserably?

Do it.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
It isn't the verbal gaffes which matter because I can bring up a bunch from just about any politician you can name.

The problem is that she speaks as if she knows what she's talking about. Occasionally she makes a good point or two, like why did the administration wait until another wikileak took place before acting, but the broken clock is right twice a day.

She opines on NK and Wikileaks and hasn't given us the least idea of how she would approach real problems in concrete terms. To be sure politicians keep things intentionally vague and sometimes that necessary because no one wants to commit to a fixed plan in a dynamic world. Still, we usually get some idea of how a potential candidate thinks, and we're getting apple pie, the Flag and mom. Platitudes make poor policy.

Take her latest statments about Assange. She wonders why Obama isn't going after him like the Taliban or Bin Laden. That's patently absurd because while the former is on every crap list in government, he's hardly blown up the WTC or done what the Taliban has. It's nonsense, and that's what she projects to those who aren't wedded to her apparent philosophy of "if it ain't Obama it's me".

Make no mistake I'm not in the least impressed with Obama, but we would be substituting someone out of touch with a- I don't know what, but not a good choice.

The Dems will never vote for her, and I don't believe that she can win in the primaries. If she gets on the ballot I'll register Republican so I can oppose her running. I'm a registered independent on principle, but I'll pick a party if I can cast a ballot against someone truly awful.

That's the challenge she won't be able to overcome. Independents won't support her and Obama has fallen out of favor with a large percentage of us. The republicans do have a shot if they provide the right candidate in 2012 but Palin dooms them. Perversely, she is the Dems best chance for Obama's second term.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Besides she was the one who complained via Twitter everybody picks on her misstatments and don't pay attention to Obamas. I'm just answering her.

In your crazed obsession, you probably don't realize this, but I don't think she's actually on this forum. And I don't think she's actually got any supporters here. I don't remember any forum member saying she's actually qualified to be president (but maybe I missed it!). I certainly don't consider her qualified. You're just looking for strawmen to joust.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Christine O'Donnell got 40% of the vote, FOURTY FUCKING PERCENT! That's sickening to think that 4 out of 10 voters think that idiot is qualified to be a part of the government. Palin is very similar to that moron, but with a much more malicious and vindictive persona. I would love to think she'd go away if we stopped talking about her, but unfortunately, fox news gave her a soapbox to stand on. So that's out the window.
Clearly she's so far past ignorant it's laughable, but so is Christine O'Donnell, and she garnered 40%.
The only thing that's going to save this country from palin, is palin. Every time she opens her mouth, she proves how vapid and narcissistic she truly is, that and she's a fucking idiot. She can play the game well, well enough to be richer than 90%+ of the general population, she's out of touch, quits a job to latch onto a money machine, and clearly fails in every debate.
Oh, and limbaugh wouldn't run for president, why the fuck would he take that big of a pay cut?

And Charlie Rangel got 80%. I don't know what's worse - people voting for the clearly-stupid, or people voting for the clearly-corrupt, which happens MUCH more frequently. I'm no O'Donnell fan, but she's no worse than about half the scum already in Congress.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

Well the left just hate her because she's not said a thing they can get behind.

Many of the rest who dislike her (and that includes me) find her a vapid opportunist in the extreme and we've had enough of that already. In my case her inability to use common English correctly is annoying, but it's that's not first on my list. It's the lack of everything except a hot body.
Feb 16, 2005
And Charlie Rangel got 80%. I don't know what's worse - people voting for the clearly-stupid, or people voting for the clearly-corrupt, which happens MUCH more frequently. I'm no O'Donnell fan, but she's no worse than about half the scum already in Congress.

I agree 100%, but the devil you know.. etc. Still no excuse for him getting 80%, let alone 8%.
Which is worse, voting for a vapid, egocentric, greed driven moron, or an intelligent, greed driven narcissistic jackwad?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

I think it is because she reminds many people of that pretty and popular girl they knew in HS who was a sports star, not a cheerleader, who married the local hunk who was a hard worker, who got the community to support her efforts to run a clean government, then took that same drive statewide and eventually got to be Governor. That shocked them to no end. They were shaking like 10,000 volts were passing through them shocked to see her on national TV. Her being nominated for VP put their own miserable and jealous lives in relief. Who knew the girl next door cleaned up so well and even they could see that she could give one hella speech.

Here the haters are mostly guys who are either wishing they dated someone like that in HS (or wishing they dated ANYONE in HS) or guys that still cannot get a date, much less a date with a superstar like that, and need to vent how much better they are than her.

Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them. They aren't threatened by hearing her out. They know that people like that are rare but when they happen to come into your life they make everything just a little bit more special.

Yeah, life is like that.



Jan 28, 2002
I think it is because she reminds many people of that pretty and popular girl they knew in HS who was a sports star, not a cheerleader, who married the local hunk who was a hard worker, who got the community to support her efforts to run a clean government, then took that same drive statewide and eventually got to be Governor. That shocked them to no end. They were shaking like 10,000 volts were passing through them shocked to see her on national TV. Her being nominated for VP put their own miserable and jealous lives in relief. Who knew the girl next door cleaned up so well and even they could see that she could give one hella speech.

Here the haters are mostly guys who are either wishing they dated someone like that in HS (or wishing they dated ANYONE in HS) or guys that still cannot get a date, much less a date with a superstar like that, and need to vent how much better they are than her.

Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them. They aren't threatened by hearing her out. They know that people like that are rare but when they happen to come into your life they make everything just a little bit more special.

Yeah, life is like that.


Life is a carnival.

You are a clown.


Diamond Member
Jul 30, 2004
..Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them....
Are you saying that Half-Governor Palin's supporters are a bunch unrepentent dumb high school jocks?


Feb 15, 2002
I think it is because she reminds many people of that pretty and popular girl they knew in HS who was a sports star, not a cheerleader, who married the local hunk who was a hard worker, who got the community to support her efforts to run a clean government, then took that same drive statewide and eventually got to be Governor. That shocked them to no end. They were shaking like 10,000 volts were passing through them shocked to see her on national TV. Her being nominated for VP put their own miserable and jealous lives in relief. Who knew the girl next door cleaned up so well and even they could see that she could give one hella speech.

Here the haters are mostly guys who are either wishing they dated someone like that in HS (or wishing they dated ANYONE in HS) or guys that still cannot get a date, much less a date with a superstar like that, and need to vent how much better they are than her.

Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them. They aren't threatened by hearing her out. They know that people like that are rare but when they happen to come into your life they make everything just a little bit more special.

Yeah, life is like that.


Apparently, someone here thinks she is qualified to be Pres. :sneaky:

She's definately fooled someone and I think they have a huge crush on her.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I think it is because she reminds many people of that pretty and popular girl they knew in HS who was a sports star, not a cheerleader, who married the local hunk who was a hard worker, who got the community to support her efforts to run a clean government, then took that same drive statewide and eventually got to be Governor. That shocked them to no end. They were shaking like 10,000 volts were passing through them shocked to see her on national TV. Her being nominated for VP put their own miserable and jealous lives in relief. Who knew the girl next door cleaned up so well and even they could see that she could give one hella speech.

Here the haters are mostly guys who are either wishing they dated someone like that in HS (or wishing they dated ANYONE in HS) or guys that still cannot get a date, much less a date with a superstar like that, and need to vent how much better they are than her.

Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them. They aren't threatened by hearing her out. They know that people like that are rare but when they happen to come into your life they make everything just a little bit more special.

Yeah, life is like that.


Mayor Quimby: Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?
Mayor's Assistant: (checks clipboard) Dumber, sir.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
You made it up? If you need a post count why don't you go to OT and join the neffing thread? Or go to L&R and ask everyone how to get a life?

Why don't you just read her two books and save us some bandwith? The first is an autobiography, the second addresses politics and platforms. The answer you say you seek lays somewhere in those pages, grasshopper.

Or do you just want me to hit you with a Wall O' Text, which you will find to be considerably above your pay grade and which will cause you to lose sleep trying to find a suitable rejoinder, but at which you will inevitably fail and fail miserably?

And all for the sake of scoring a point with the retarded dude sharing your dorm room?

Partisan friends should remind partisan friends when they need to examine their souls. Yours have let you down. They know deep in their souls that if Palin runs all of the bullshit that they have posted so far will amount to the lingering gasp which comes from consuming copious amounts of refried beans.

But they haven't let you in on this, have they?

Look at the pitiful replies above this one. Is this the base you need to stir up to keep a loser like Obama in office?

Mwahahahhahahaha! :awe:

So what I'm hearing from this post of yours is that your wife hasn't let you have sex with her in six months, so you fap fap fap while imagining that Sarah Palin is a 12-year-old sitting on your lap, giving you Lolita eyes.

But do you really go "Mwahahahhahahaha!" when you come?
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