Sarah Palin challenge....Day 35

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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
So what I'm hearing from this post of yours is that your wife hasn't let you have sex with her in six months, so you fap fap fap while imagining that Sarah Palin is a 12-year-old sitting on your lap, giving you Lolita eyes.

I haven't the foggiest idea of what you hear, particularly when everyone else can hear crickets chirping.

For the life of me I can't figure out how you would take such a leap from the post you quote.

Unless you are a perv. Who never got a date in HS. Ever.

Then it makes perfect sense. :awe:

But do you really go "Mwahahahhahahaha!" when you come?

My kids taught me to include that as an indication of gloating!




Nov 20, 1999
I think it is because she reminds many people of that pretty and popular girl they knew in HS who was a sports star, not a cheerleader, who married the local hunk who was a hard worker, who got the community to support her efforts to run a clean government, then took that same drive statewide and eventually got to be Governor. That shocked them to no end. They were shaking like 10,000 volts were passing through them shocked to see her on national TV. Her being nominated for VP put their own miserable and jealous lives in relief. Who knew the girl next door cleaned up so well and even they could see that she could give one hella speech.

Here the haters are mostly guys who are either wishing they dated someone like that in HS (or wishing they dated ANYONE in HS) or guys that still cannot get a date, much less a date with a superstar like that, and need to vent how much better they are than her.

Her admirers, on the other hand, usually DID date the prettiest and coolest girl in HS or college or wherever who wasn't a cheerleader, maybe even married them. They aren't threatened by hearing her out. They know that people like that are rare but when they happen to come into your life they make everything just a little bit more special.

Yeah, life is like that.







Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

This may surprise you, but its not the people on the left who are buying her books, or are watching her TV shows, or going to her rallies. Guess what, the same dipshit part of the country that would vote for her is the same dipshit part of the country that hangs off her every word. Or writes self-insertion fanfiction about her like pjabber does.


Feb 6, 2002
Ah, another Palin thread. You lefties sure are scared of her - and she hasn't even announced her run yet! LOL!

Fact of the matter is Palin would beat Obama and every poll shows it. And you know it.

Long list of scared lefties...

Jeb Bush
Karl Rove
Barbara Bush
George Will
The Weekly Standard
Peggy Noonan
Steve Schmidt
Newt Gingrich


Feb 6, 2002
You made it up? If you need a post count why don't you go to OT and join the neffing thread? Or go to L&R and ask everyone how to get a life?

Why don't you just read her two books and save us some bandwith? The first is an autobiography, the second addresses politics and platforms. The answer you say you seek lays somewhere in those pages, grasshopper.

Or do you just want me to hit you with a Wall O' Text, which you will find to be considerably above your pay grade and which will cause you to lose sleep trying to find a suitable rejoinder, but at which you will inevitably fail and fail miserably?

And all for the sake of scoring a point with the retarded dude sharing your dorm room?

Partisan friends should remind partisan friends when they need to examine their souls. Yours have let you down. They know deep in their souls that if Palin runs all of the bullshit that they have posted so far will amount to the lingering gasp which comes from consuming copious amounts of refried beans.

But they haven't let you in on this, have they?

Look at the pitiful replies above this one. Is this the base you need to stir up to keep a loser like Obama in office?

Mwahahahhahahaha! :awe:

Jediyoda's right you are hysterical!

Notice how you can't answer the question to make this thread stop.


Jun 19, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.
They're just afraid she might win. It's really as simple as that.

What one has to remember about progressives is that besides thinking they have all the answers is that they feel the rest of the populous is incapable of rational thought. They feel that the unwashed masses are easily swayed because they're not as intelligent as they (the progressives) are.

They're afraid she might win because the voters are easily swayed and will vote for Palin for all the wrong reasons. A Palin win would most likely set their cause back a hundred years. It took this long for them to build up the degree of power they have right now. They see her, and rightfully so IMO, as someone who can unravel their agenda. This is why she can't be discounted.

Progressives want to follow the path that has been traveled many times before. A path that has historically led to the deaths of hundreds of millions that would not conform and ended in failure every time. They're kind of disillusioned because Obama has not panned out to be "the one" they were hoping to make it happen. But they haven't given up hope. Their dream has always hinged on having "the right" people to do it. Obama can't make it happen, but Palin surely will undo it all.

There will be post after post after post about her here for the next two years. It's just the way it has to be with progressives.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nope, as I have said before I heartily encourage you all to work as hard as humanly possible to nominate Sarah Palin to be the GOP nominee. I'm even willing to help out!


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Christine O'Donnell got 40% of the vote, FOURTY FUCKING PERCENT! That's sickening to think that 4 out of 10 voters think that idiot is qualified to be a part of the government. Palin is very similar to that moron, but with a much more malicious and vindictive persona. I would love to think she'd go away if we stopped talking about her, but unfortunately, fox news gave her a soapbox to stand on. So that's out the window.
Clearly she's so far past ignorant it's laughable, but so is Christine O'Donnell, and she garnered 40%.
The only thing that's going to save this country from palin, is palin. Every time she opens her mouth, she proves how vapid and narcissistic she truly is, that and she's a fucking idiot. She can play the game well, well enough to be richer than 90%+ of the general population, she's out of touch, quits a job to latch onto a money machine, and clearly fails in every debate.
Oh, and limbaugh wouldn't run for president, why the fuck would he take that big of a pay cut?

She's not a Witch, she's You.

Unless of course you're a Witch, then she's not you. wink wink nudge nudge


Nov 3, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

Well, what is your opinion on her?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

Well, what is your opinion on her?

I feel that she is a great motivational speaker but along a narrow path.
As a politician she does not impress me - bailing on Alaska governership left a sour taste.

I feel that any politician that choose to run for another office should resign prior to announcing. That way they have a serious stake in the game rather than taking taxpayer money on a job that they are gonig to ditch given the chance.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Why are people on the left so fixated on Palin.
They have demonstrated that she has nothing to offer - why the fascination with her.
Or are they afraid that their initial assessment may be off.

This may surprise you, but its not the people on the left who are buying her books, or are watching her TV shows, or going to her rallies. Guess what, the same dipshit part of the country that would vote for her is the same dipshit part of the country that hangs off her every word. Or writes self-insertion fanfiction about her like pjabber does.

I fully agree. The left wants nothing to do with her; yet they are the ones that keep pushing her into the spotlight.

Love / Hate relationship.

That fixation may cause a different sleeper to glide under the attack radar.


Jul 1, 2004
It isn't the verbal gaffes which matter because I can bring up a bunch from just about any politician you can name.

The problem is that she speaks as if she knows what she's talking about. Occasionally she makes a good point or two, like why did the administration wait until another wikileak took place before acting, but the broken clock is right twice a day.

She opines on NK and Wikileaks and hasn't given us the least idea of how she would approach real problems in concrete terms. To be sure politicians keep things intentionally vague and sometimes that necessary because no one wants to commit to a fixed plan in a dynamic world. Still, we usually get some idea of how a potential candidate thinks, and we're getting apple pie, the Flag and mom. Platitudes make poor policy.

Take her latest statments about Assange. She wonders why Obama isn't going after him like the Taliban or Bin Laden. That's patently absurd because while the former is on every crap list in government, he's hardly blown up the WTC or done what the Taliban has. It's nonsense, and that's what she projects to those who aren't wedded to her apparent philosophy of "if it ain't Obama it's me".

Make no mistake I'm not in the least impressed with Obama, but we would be substituting someone out of touch with a- I don't know what, but not a good choice.

The Dems will never vote for her, and I don't believe that she can win in the primaries. If she gets on the ballot I'll register Republican so I can oppose her running. I'm a registered independent on principle, but I'll pick a party if I can cast a ballot against someone truly awful.

That's the challenge she won't be able to overcome. Independents won't support her and Obama has fallen out of favor with a large percentage of us. The republicans do have a shot if they provide the right candidate in 2012 but Palin dooms them. Perversely, she is the Dems best chance for Obama's second term.

Good post. Agree 100%.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000

The republicans do have a shot if they provide the right candidate in 2012 but Palin dooms them. Perversely, she is the Dems best chance for Obama's second term.

Good post. Agree 100%.

Based on what is presently happening:

As long as she stays at the side of the stage, the Dems will be panicing. She does not have to be on the ticket, but act as a lightening rod. The Dems will be in the attack mode on her vs the actual ticket.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
I feel that she is a great motivational speaker...

Please link us all to three or four examples of this, which should be readily available, if you think she's a great motivational speaker.

Don't deflect and don't complain, just do it.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well eat your hearts out all you Sarah Palin fans, as lucky me, I find out Sarah herself is at a book signing event only 30 miles from me. And as I looked at my morning local news I was amazed to see some people had stood in line for like 18 hours to await her coming.

As for me I was so excited, I went grocery shopping in the exact other direction instead. And with any luck, I will never be so close to Sarah again in my life.
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Aug 23, 2007
If people stop talking about her, she'll fade back out of relevance.

She was irrelevant before she was named the Vice Presidential nominee, she was irrelevant while she was on the ticket, and she's even more irrelevant now that the publicity stunt failed.

People don't listen to her because they like what she has to say, or because it's important in any way. They listen to her precisely FOR the slipups.

Besides that, if your fears were true, Limbaugh would have been president long ago.

You're way out of touch. Palin has a LOT of rabid supporters and is the #1 celebrity in the GOP. She even has her own TV show on Fox News.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I see, as Throckmorton says, "Palin has a LOT of rabid supporters."

Quick Quick, get them rabies shots or they will start foaming at the mouth followed by death.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
I fully agree. The left wants nothing to do with her; yet they are the ones that keep pushing her into the spotlight.

Love / Hate relationship.

That fixation may cause a different sleeper to glide under the attack radar.

Did you read what I posted? The people who are pushing her into the spotlight are the same people who buy her books and go to her rallies. They are not the left.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Please link us all to three or four examples of this, which should be readily available, if you think she's a great motivational speaker.

Don't deflect and don't complain, just do it.

Have a dozen threads in P&N regarding a lady that is not even in political office.

That seems to be very motivational for people to be discussing her.()

She gets people out to book signings.

She gets people to talking about her after appearances on national talk shows.

MAny things are motivational - just not talking in feel good lectures.
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Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
I fully agree. The left wants nothing to do with her; yet they are the ones that keep pushing her into the spotlight.

Love / Hate relationship.

That fixation may cause a different sleeper to glide under the attack radar.

Did you read what I posted? The people who are pushing her into the spotlight are the same people who buy her books and go to her rallies. They are not the left.

If P&N is any example of the subset of political ideology; you have had threads being posted every couple of weeks by the leftists regarding Palin; not the conservatives.

These are the ones that are obsessed by her. Granted there will be rabided fans, but that amount of fans must worry the leftists for the leftists to be to fixated on her.


Nov 4, 1999
I think she's a stupid wise and beautiful woman.... but not as stupid as her loyal lapdogs....
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