Saudi Arabia Ok's Israeli strike on Iran

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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Darwin is FOS in saying, "Allowing Saudi Arabia's oil exports to be cut off would plunge us into a depression. Period. "

Fact, most of US oil imports come from non Saudi sources.

The real Saudi pro West role is to be that entity that floods the market with oil to prevent OPEC from raising oil prices through the roof.

Regime change in Israel and Saudi Arabia would be better for the USA than siding with Israel. And the USA is no arbiter, nations like China and India, will be sure to be not amused by Israeli bucaneering.


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2001
You seem the kind of guy that'd be for all out blood letting, as long as it's someone else doing it.

now you are stalking me to make dumb ass comments? wasn't getting pummeled in the other thread good enough for one day?

you are an asshole... nothing i typed has even the least hint of my like or dislike for any given conflict... my comment was relating to the topic of how and what kind of war this may be.

you are a stupid fuck who posts totally off topic personal attacks because you were my bitch (with ducatimoinster getting sloppy seconds) in the other thread...

and now you can give me a vacation when i call you out as a fuckhead mod who doesn't even follow the rules you purport to enforce... your post is totally irrelevant to the topic and a personal attack. fuck you you shit for brains...

He won't have to. I will.
Admin allisolm
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Nov 11, 1999
All of which merely points out why the US can't allow an Israeli attack, and would, if forced to do so, likely engage the Israelis ourselves to stop them. Otherwise, our complicity would be obvious.

Which is why the Israelis won't do it. They know a lot better than their shills and fanbois just how badly they need Uncle Sugar, make no mistake about that.


Oct 10, 2006
Yup. But I rather think the Israelis are going to be somewhat better at identifying appropriate targets.

And, unlike Iraq, I don't see anyone getting ready for a land invasion, much less an occupation of Iran. Unless the Iranians decide to broaden the scope of war. Then all bets are off.

An attack on Iran will likely parallel the very initial attacks against Iraq, with very little use of ground forces outside of special operations teams. Think cruise missiles and some bombing by aircraft. But, we can also expect they will be a bit more effective seeing who it is that will be doing the attacking. Just a guess on my part.

Let's consider just how long it took to effectively take down the Iraqi military before we got bogged down with keeping the peace. It is not going to go this way but see if you can identify where things went right and where things went wrong.

Remember, no one is planning to move in and occupy Iran, at least at the moment. Though there ARE quite a few American and allied troops surrounding Iran if need be. Just sayin'. ()


Yes, and with Obama at the helm they'll probably be instructed to shoot down Israeli jets. Not likely, but I wouldn't put it past him.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Where does this Darwin delusion come from in saying, "Which is exactly why, should such a scenario happen, the United States would be forced to go to war with Iran."

Are you nuts, Israeli undeniably can start it, but why should the USA back Israel thereafter?

The USA would be far wiser to stay neutral and let the rest of the world take apart Israel brick by brick.

Please explain the bolded phrase.


Oct 10, 2006
now you are stalking me to make dumb ass comments? wasn't getting pummeled in the other thread good enough for one day?

you are an asshole... nothing i typed has even the least hint of my like or dislike for any given conflict... my comment was relating to the topic of how and what kind of war this may be.

you are a stupid fuck who posts totally off topic personal attacks because you were my bitch (with ducatimoinster getting sloppy seconds) in the other thread...

and now you can give me a vacation when i call you out as a fuckhead mod who doesn't even follow the rules you purport to enforce... your post is totally irrelevant to the topic and a personal attack. fuck you you shit for brains...


Dec 21, 2005
All of which merely points out why the US can't allow an Israeli attack, and would, if forced to do so, likely engage the Israelis ourselves to stop them. Otherwise, our complicity would be obvious.
What then? Would Iran find out we don't like them or that we're also adamantly opposed to their nuclear ambitions? Gee wiz wally, we better not let that happen!



Nov 11, 1999
What then? Would Iran find out we don't like them or that we're also adamantly opposed to their nuclear ambitions? Gee wiz wally, we better not let that happen!

Deliberately obtuse, I see, or willfully blind to the fact that an Israeli attack on Iran would have incalculable negative consequences for the US. Not surprising, considering that Righties have always supported keeping their eyes wide shut, using the big swingin' dick theory of how to deal with the ROTW, and that more of the same, harder and deeper, will somehow yield different and better results...

Einstein had a word for that, insanity, and he was right...


Senior member
Nov 14, 2004
All of which merely points out why the US can't allow an Israeli attack, and would, if forced to do so, likely engage the Israelis ourselves to stop them. Otherwise, our complicity would be obvious.

Which is why the Israelis won't do it. They know a lot better than their shills and fanbois just how badly they need Uncle Sugar, make no mistake about that.

So if the US doesn't protect Iran, the complicity is obvious wooosh

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Please explain the bolded phrase.

No problem EagleKeeper, the rest of the world is also heavily invested in mid-east stability and their addiction to mid-east oil. Unlike the USA they share no delusions that Israeli is the good guy, and as long as the oil keep flowing, the rest of the world need not choose sides.

But the rest of the world has grave doubts about Israeli justice, already understands Israel piggishness is the bigger mid-east threat to oil patch stability. And if Israeli military stupidity destabilizes the mid-east stability and their oil supply, ya bet your boots, the rest of the world will be on Israel like stink on shit. And with that whole Gaza Israeli blockade bullshit, the world community is already on Israel like stink on shit.


Dec 11, 2006
Darwin is FOS in saying, "Allowing Saudi Arabia's oil exports to be cut off would plunge us into a depression. Period. "

Fact, most of US oil imports come from non Saudi sources.

The real Saudi pro West role is to be that entity that floods the market with oil to prevent OPEC from raising oil prices through the roof.

Regime change in Israel and Saudi Arabia would be better for the USA than siding with Israel. And the USA is no arbiter, nations like China and India, will be sure to be not amused by Israeli bucaneering.

Come again?
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Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
As usual, FreshGearDude does not understand, its not Iran's navy that makes it a power, its Iran's home grown ability to manufacture high quality rockets that are designed to take out invaders. We just saw a small sample of what Iranian weapons did in the Hands of Hezbollah, taking out state of the arts Israeli battle tanks while Israeli tried to saturation bomb Hezbollah with little effect. If we do not think Iran has shore to ship missiles that will take out any oil tanker willing to make the attempt of running the Persian gulf, from any spot along the hundreds of mile Coast line Iran has, you are nuttier than a fruitcake. Nor does Iran have to do any of the heavy lifting, all they need to do is flood the zone with their stockpiled weapons, and every rag tag terrorists group
in the mid-east will be transformed from the hunted into the hunters. Not long after the first Israeli bomb falls, Saudi tanker loading facilities will be flaming wrecks that will take years to repair, it will take a few weeks longer before Iraqi and Taliban insurgents make the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan untenable, and well armed terrorists will be attacking Israel from every point on the compass.

Still feel as froggie yet?

As for the Muslim Sunni Shite split, its not that big of a deal anywhere except Saudi Arabia. Sunni Saudi Arabia has lived side by side peacefully with Shite Iran for more than a thousand years. Its only the genius of GWB and his insistence on democracy that suddenly isolates Sunni Saudi Arabia when Shia Iran and Shia Iraq combined form a Shia curtain that was never there before land isolating Saudi Arabia from the rest of the Arab world.


Iranian military is a JOKE. they do not have any "missile capabilities" able to attack a country like the US... LET ALONE block the Persian Gulf from the WORLD!

The US could send a plutonium war head to Iran and level the place clean with not so much of a scratch of the ass for the guy behind the button if we really wanted to.

As it stands right now, Iran does not have ballistic missle capabilities able to reach the US or much of Europe. who will they attack once the whole world turns on them? Russia? LOL

as for israel and Hezbollah... Did you forget hezbollah was using guerilla tactics? and even so, if you shoot at a target enough times, a missle is bound to get through.

no one has perfect technology. the most powerful military in the world, the US, still suffered casualties in Iraq and Afganistan. does that mean that the russian technology from 20 years ago is better? No.

And remember, during WWII, the germans had better technology than the allies, they could have easily taken over the world with their technology IF they had the personal to use the weapons. The germans were a few months away from using a stealth bomber capable of flying from germany, bomb NYC and fly back to germany on a single tank, undetected. decades ahead of its time. So just because an army is better equipped than another, doesnt mean it will be a full on rape.

stop being delusional.


Nov 11, 1999
So if the US doesn't protect Iran, the complicity is obvious wooosh

Pull up a map of the region. Realize that America radar covers the skies from north of the Turkish border, thru Iraq, Kuwait, KSA, the entire persian gulf and on south past the cape of Oman. We're also pledged to protect that airspace. So, uhh, if waves of Israeli attack aircraft cruise on thru without us making a peep, yeh, it's a no-brainer that we'd be complicit. Plausible deniability would go down like Dick Cheney's quail hunting partner.


Senior member
Nov 14, 2004
Pull up a map of the region. Realize that America radar covers the skies from north of the Turkish border, thru Iraq, Kuwait, KSA, the entire persian gulf and on south past the cape of Oman. We're also pledged to protect that airspace. So, uhh, if waves of Israeli attack aircraft cruise on thru without us making a peep, yeh, it's a no-brainer that we'd be complicit. Plausible deniability would go down like Dick Cheney's quail hunting partner.

Just because there is radar coverage doesn't mean USA has to scramble every friendly fighter in international waters, or flying with permission in Saudi arabia's airspace


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
No problem EagleKeeper, the rest of the world is also heavily invested in mid-east stability and their addiction to mid-east oil. Unlike the USA they share no delusions that Israeli is the good guy, and as long as the oil keep flowing, the rest of the world need not choose sides.

But the rest of the world has grave doubts about Israeli justice, already understands Israel piggishness is the bigger mid-east threat to oil patch stability. And if Israeli military stupidity destabilizes the mid-east stability and their oil supply, ya bet your boots, the rest of the world will be on Israel like stink on shit. And with that whole Gaza Israeli blockade bullshit, the world community is already on Israel like stink on shit.

If israel feels threatened by a nuclear Iran and the world isnt going to do anything about it, then israel is going to strike iran, regardless of obama's opinion. we have enough pro-israel senators and congressmen, as well as AIPAC that will basically keep the US in support of Israel, as seen by the 3/4 of senators and 3/4 of HoR separate letters to Obama stating they didnt like his hostility of israel.

And, with the US supporting Israel, Iran wouldnt think about striking Saudi Arabia, because then the world will be angry at Iran.


Dec 21, 2005
Deliberately obtuse, I see, or willfully blind to the fact that an Israeli attack on Iran would have incalculable negative consequences for the US. Not surprising, considering that Righties have always supported keeping their eyes wide shut, using the big swingin' dick theory of how to deal with the ROTW, and that more of the same, harder and deeper, will somehow yield different and better results...

Einstein had a word for that, insanity, and he was right...
I didn't make any comments that should lead you to conclude ANY of that utter nonsense you wrote there.

I do enjoy making fun of people -- like you -- who think that the use of whatever airspace will matter when it comes to Iran claiming U.S. complicity after such an attack.

In reality, the Israels could attack from outer space, or the core of the earth, and the Iranian leadership will still tell their people and the world that the U.S. is to blame and was complicit in the entire event.

So why bother with any charades and delay the inevitable?

For what it's worth, I hope that an attack on Iran will never become necessary. I've always said as much on here and everywhere else, so drop the arrogant bullshit assumptions already...
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Nov 11, 1999
Just because there is radar coverage doesn't mean USA has to scramble every friendly fighter in international waters, or flying with permission in Saudi arabia's airspace

Heh. US interests are not served by an Israeli attack, despite the usual blind denial voiced by Israeli fanbois. Address the issues I raised in post #20 on page 1 of this thread. The rest of the ravers can join in, as well. Explain how Israeli action facilitates our troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan, solidifies our relationship with necessary friends like Pakistan... Egypt... Jordan... Turkey... whose govts would come under enormous pressure from their own populations to take some kind of action against us.

Might also want to consider that Iran produces a large chunk of world market crude oil, and that any interruption of that would send prices to the moon rather quickly. Our friends and trading partners wouldn't exactly be pleased-

We'd be fools to support naked Israeli aggression, regardless of her own paranoid delusions and the fantasies of AIPAC fanbois.


Nov 11, 1999
I didn't make any comments that would lead you to ANY of that nonsense you wrote there.

I do enjoy making fun of people -- like you -- who think that the use of whatever airspace will matter when it comes to Iran claiming U.S. complicity after such an attack.

In reality, the Israels could attack from outer space, or the core of the earth, and the Iranian leadership will still tell their people and the world that the U.S. is to blame and was complicit in the entire event.

So why bother with any charades and delay the inevitable?

For what it's worth, I hope that an attack on Iran will never become necessary. I've always said as much on here and everywhere else, so drop the arrogant bullshit assumptions already...

The real problem is that we would necessarily be complicit for it to happen, because the Israelis can't attack from outer space or the core of the earth, either. You offer absurdity as if it were reason, propose inevitability where none exists, even as you claim to hope what you state to be inevitable won't become necessary... Which one is it? How far can you obfuscate while backpedaling?

Define "necessary", while you're at it- would that be from strictly an american self interest pov, or a paranoid zionist pov? Israel is covered by their own nuclear umbrella and our own, invoking the principles of MAD, anyway. Whether we like the Iranian govt or not, they've shown themselves to be rational acotors on the international level... the chances of them making a nuclear first strike against Israel, even if they had such weapons and delivery sustems, are realistically non-existent...


Jul 9, 2005
Define "necessary", while you're at it- would that be from strictly an american self interest pov, or a paranoid zionist pov? Israel is covered by their own nuclear umbrella and our own, invoking the principles of MAD, anyway. Whether we like the Iranian govt or not, they've shown themselves to be rational acotors on the international level... the chances of them making a nuclear first strike against Israel, even if they had such weapons and delivery sustems, are realistically non-existent...

It amazes me how the loony left has come to terms with a nuclear Iran. Are you high Jhnn?

The principals of MAD only applies if two nations have a morbid fear of each other. Iran is an unstable nation, a prolific sponsor of terrorism, and its leadership is committed to Israel's destruction.

You argue the Iranians aren't crazy enough to use nukes on Israel - all right, but who's to say Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Al Gamma, Al Jihad, or the thousands of other jihadist groups that could be slipped an IRanian nuke would not use such a weapon.

These are groups that will blow themselves up.

Israel would be justified under UN Charter 51 to disarm Iran's nuclear program.

The whole reason why the Israel-Arab conflict is largely stable (measured by oil) is because of Israel's military supremacy.

The day Israel allows its neighbors to have a military upper hand, Israel ceases to exist.

You want to know why none of the Arab states said shit about Israel's bombing of Syrian's reactors? Because they know a nuclear Israel doesn't put them in danger, but a nuclear syria/iran does.

The ME won't survive 1 decade if Iran acquires nukes. You can kiss the Israel/Palestinian peace process good bye, and say hello to nuclear Arab states.

Leftist wet dream, right?


Sep 9, 2009
Saudi Arabi is now denying this report:

Saudi Arabia: We will not give Israel air corridor for Iran strike

Saudi Arabia would not allow Israeli bombers to pass through its airspace en route to a possible strike of Iran's nuclear facilities, a member of the Saudi royal family said Saturday, denying an earlier Times of London report.

Earlier Saturday, the Times reported that Saudi Arabia has practiced standing down its anti-aircraft systems to allow Israeli warplanes passage on their way to attack Iran's nuclear installations, adding that the Saudis have allocated a narrow corridor of airspace in the north of the country.

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf, the Saudi envoy to the U.K. speaking to the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat, denied that report, saying such a move "would be against the policy adopted and followed by the Kingdom."

According to Asharq al-Awsat report, bin Nawaf reiterated the Saudi Arabia's rejection of any violation of its territories or airspace, adding that it would be "illogical to allow the Israeli occupying force, with whom Saudi Arabia has no relations whatsoever, to use its land and airspace."

I'm just guessing but the original story does feel like propaganda especially when you factor in the Israeli/US drills going on right now.


Jul 9, 2005
Saudi Arabi is now denying this report:

I'm just guessing but the original story does feel like propaganda especially when you factor in the Israeli/US drills going on right now.

Denial took quite some time.

Everyone knows Saudi Arabia/Israel have a standing agreement, it only enforces the notion when Arab diplomats start voicing denial.

Can't be seen as a Zionist collaborator, at least not in public.


Sep 9, 2009
Denial took quite some time.

Everyone knows Saudi Arabia/Israel have a standing agreement, it only enforces the notion when Arab diplomats start voicing denial.

Can't be seen as a Zionist collaborator, at least not in public.

Took some time? It's been less than 24 hours.

No, not everyone knows this. It's been claimed in some articles quoting anonymous sources that doesn't make it true by any stretch of the imagination.


Jul 9, 2005
Took some time? It's been less than 24 hours.

No, not everyone knows this. It's been claimed in some articles quoting anonymous sources that doesn't make it true by any stretch of the imagination.

It's been almost 6 months since "sources" claimed Saudi Arabia was having secret talks with Israel over using its airspace.

And yet, no denial then.

Why the sudden change? I think it makes perfect sense and I doubt Saudi Arabia would be stupid enough to shoot down an Israeli F16...if they even could.


Sep 9, 2009
It's been almost 6 months since "sources" claimed Saudi Arabia was having secret talks with Israel over using its airspace.

And yet, no denial then.

Why the sudden change? I think it makes perfect sense and I doubt Saudi Arabia would be stupid enough to shoot down an Israeli F16...if they even could.

This denial was in regards to the claims in the article by the Timesonline.

Here's another denial from 7/7/09, so this is nothing new no matter what you pretend to know.

JEDDAH:7/7/09 - Saudi Arabia on Monday denied a British newspaper report that it had established contacts with Israel and allowed Tel Aviv to use its airspace in the event of airstrikes on Iran&#8217;s nuclear facilities.

&#8220;A responsible source expressed the Kingdom&#8217;s surprise at and condemnation of the publication of such false reports that go against the Kingdom&#8217;s clear and firm policies toward its relations with the Israeli occupation authorities and of not allowing the use of its territory or airspace to attack another country,&#8221; the Saudi Press Agency said.

Earlier, Israel also denied the report carried by The Sunday Times that Saudi officials had secretly agreed to this arrangement.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the report was &#8220;completely false and baseless.&#8221;

The Times report quoting unnamed diplomatic sources came amid mounting speculation in foreign and local media of a possible Israeli attack on Iran. The Kingdom denied a similar media report last month that it intends to allow Israeli military planes to fly over its airspace.
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