Save Stanley "Tookie" Williams


Feb 27, 2005
Mr. Willaim's fact sheet and why we wish to save him

Not only was his trial rigged and featured a hung jury from the prosecuter's jury selection, but not even the footprint or fingerprint at the crimescene were his! The gun used in the crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not even close to Mr. Willaims. And yet somehow, SOMEHOW, the jury found him guilty.
His execution date is set for December 13th of this year. After all his appeals ran out, he's pleading to the governer of California for clemency. Please save Mr. Williams. Ever since he has been in jail, he has devoted his life to getting kids off the street and away from gangs. His celemeny application is here.

You can sign the petition to spare Mr. Williams here

or email the governer himself at this email address:
or this phone listing: 916-445-2841


Sep 15, 2002

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Mr. Willaim's fact sheet and why we wish to save him

His execution date is set for December 13th of this year. After all his appeals ran out, he's pleading to the governer of California for clemency. Please save Mr. Williams. Ever since he has been in jail, he has devoted his life to getting kids off the street and away from gangs. His celemeny application is here.

You can sign the petition to spare Mr. Williams here

or email the governer himself at this email address:
or this phone listing: 916-445-2841

The question one must ask is would he have been so "productive" if he hadn't been in prison?



Feb 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Tab

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.

if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Ask yourself the question: Is it better for society if Williams is dead or alive? Or to put this another way: What does society gain if he's killed and what does society gain if he's allowed to live?

Since it's clear that Williams is doing a lot more alive then his death will ever accomplish, what possible reason can there be to kill him?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Originally posted by: Tab

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.

if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism

Well, lets just let him out then....


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Originally posted by: Tab

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.

if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism

Well, lets just let him out then....

Is this drunk, testosterone filled sarcasm or ??

Agnostos Insania

Golden Member
Oct 29, 2005
Originally posted by: mdchesne
if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism

Yes, us white people are racists for locking up the leader of one of the largest and most notorious gangs in America. Will somebody please think of the children?
The only reason he's "reformed" is because he knows he's going to die soon and wants the free pass to eternal bliss.

Also, circumstantial evidence is still evidence, and gang members testifying against other gang members in order for lighter sentences has been going on for a long time. I've read that he doesn't fully cooperate with police in divulging information about his gang too.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Originally posted by: Tab

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.

if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism

Well, lets just let him out then....

Is this drunk, testosterone filled sarcasm or ??
Considering mdchesne thinks he's not guilty of anything but a rigged trial, wouldn't the right thing be to let him out?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: BoberFett
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Originally posted by: Tab

In 1979 Williams murdered Albert Owen, Thsai-Shai Yang, Yen-I Yang, and Yee Chen Lin during two separate robberies. Owen had been taken into the backroom of the convenience store he worked and shot execution style in the back of the head. The Yangs and their daughter were all killed by close range shotgun blasts.

While it seems that he's done a lot to try to make up for what he's done, he still can't change the past.

if you look in this pdf, it shows all the evidence as circumstantial and even the trial was rigged against him. fingeprints lifted form the scene weren't even his! so part of his appeal was on the part of the trial being a hung jury-type deal. Also, the shotgun used int eh crime was found under the bed of two convicted felons, not him! So it was all circumstantial and part-racism

Well, lets just let him out then....

Is this drunk, testosterone filled sarcasm or ??
Considering mdchesne thinks he's not guilty of anything but a rigged trial, wouldn't the right thing be to let him out?

If he is innocent of the charges...then he should be freed!

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
I love this, from the PDF:

Will the State Execute a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee?

The Nominators ? Peace
Right to submit proposals for the Nobel Peace Prize, based on the principle of competence and universality, shall by statute be enjoyed by:

1. Members of national assemblies and governments of states;
2. Members of international courts;
3. University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes;
4. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
5. Board members of organizations who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
6. Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1) and
7. Former advisers appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

The Nobel Peace Prize may also be awarded to institutions and associations.

Prize-Awarder: The Norwegian Nobel Committee, Oslo

Being nominated for a Nobel Peace prize means precisely dick, except that you managed to catch the attention of someone on that list.

If only the nominations database were searchable past 1951, $10 says it's was someone from group #3 that nominated him. Higher education is a breeding ground for useless political activism.

[EDIT]BTW I also fully supported the execution of Karla Faye Tucker in spite of her apparent life change. So no bitching about me being a white christian.[/EDIT]

[EDIT2]Aha, I found it buried at the end of the PDF:

Been nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize ? once by a member of the Swiss Parliament and four times by a growing list of eminent professors from the United States and Europe. He has also been nominated four times for the Nobel Prize for Literature by William Keach, Professor of English Literature from Brown University.

Told you it was professors.

The man's list of accomplishments is certainly impressive, but does not exempt him from the consequences of his prior actions.[/EDIT2]

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2000
Originally posted by: mdchesne
Mr. Willaim's fact sheet and why we wish to save him

His execution date is set for December 13th of this year. After all his appeals ran out, he's pleading to the governer of California for clemency. Please save Mr. Williams. Ever since he has been in jail, he has devoted his life to getting kids off the street and away from gangs. His celemeny application is here.

You can sign the petition to spare Mr. Williams here

or email the governer himself at this email address:
or this phone listing: 916-445-2841

This man should be executed!!! If he murdered your family many years ago, you wouldn't be asking for clemency. DEATH NOW!!!



Platinum Member
May 11, 2005
FWIW, if anyone wants Mr. William's sentence converted from 'Death' to 'Life Without", that's OK. Regardless of the facts of the case for which he was sentenced to die, if you want him released, you might want to reconsider. Just my opinion. C-98105.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
capital punishment is to be used only for those convicted of serious crimes and deemed incapable of rehabilitiation. this is obviously not the case for tookie, and so should not be applicable in his situation, becaue as far as i see it, it's unconstitutional, and also murder. his sentence should be commuted


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Viper GTS
I love this, from the PDF:

Will the State Execute a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee?

The Nominators ? Peace
Right to submit proposals for the Nobel Peace Prize, based on the principle of competence and universality, shall by statute be enjoyed by:

1. Members of national assemblies and governments of states;
2. Members of international courts;
3. University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes;
4. Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
5. Board members of organizations who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize;
6. Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1) and
7. Former advisers appointed by the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

The Nobel Peace Prize may also be awarded to institutions and associations.

Prize-Awarder: The Norwegian Nobel Committee, Oslo

Being nominated for a Nobel Peace prize means precisely dick, except that you managed to catch the attention of someone on that list.

If only the nominations database were searchable past 1951, $10 says it's was someone from group #3 that nominated him. Higher education is a breeding ground for useless political activism.

[EDIT]BTW I also fully supported the execution of Karla Faye Tucker in spite of her apparent life change. So no bitching about me being a white christian.[/EDIT]

[EDIT2]Aha, I found it buried at the end of the PDF:

Been nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize ? once by a member of the Swiss Parliament and four times by a growing list of eminent professors from the United States and Europe. He has also been nominated four times for the Nobel Prize for Literature by William Keach, Professor of English Literature from Brown University.

Told you it was professors.

The man's list of accomplishments is certainly impressive, but does not exempt him from the consequences of his prior actions.[/EDIT2]

Viper GTS

Didn't we learn anything from the Schiavo fiasco? There is no way to acurately confirm a Noble nomination until 50 years after the supposed year of nomination. There is only speculation and people that state that they have been nominated or have nominated someone else. There is no confirmation that the "nomination" was qualified or accepted by the Academy.

As for the death penalty itself, if all sentences were carried out, we would loose out on some very important things in life.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 - 1881)

(I am not comparing Stookie to Dostoyevsky, but the concept of the death penalty in general)
Jun 27, 2005
Here's an interesting take from the other side.

I post this because there are two sides to every story. This was the part that caught my eye...

In June of 2001, California Department of Corrections found that Williams was still heavily involved in the Crips and they received information that he was still attempting to exercise leadership over the gang.

My personal take on the matter is that he was sentenced to death for a crime. All the good he may have done from that point on does not erase his actions. He's a multiple murderer. I have no doubt that his present actions would never have happened had he not been sentenced to death. What's more, his organization is responsible for countless murders and other crimes. I don't have a lot of sympathy for this guy.



Feb 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Here's an interesting take from the other side.

I post this because there are two sides to every story. This was the part that caught my eye...

In June of 2001, California Department of Corrections found that Williams was still heavily involved in the Crips and they received information that he was still attempting to exercise leadership over the gang.

But it din't say what he was getting involved in with the Crips. Reports show that, because he still had the OG title in the Crips, he had great power over what the Crips do. This was during his activist times and communicating with the Crips was done to get them, directly, to stop violence and stop initiating minors. Being heavily involved in Crip activity, when he was doing this, is actually a positive mark on his record... but your article doesn't show what he was talking to the Crips about for obvious reasons.

Originally posted by: MicroChrome
Just a Question...

Did the OP sign the petition to spare Mr. Williams life?

Yes, I sent in multiple letters to the governer as well. Also sent out a "forward to all your friends" letter to everyone I knew


Jan 6, 2005
How many young men, and women, have died due to the ridiculous gang violence in Los Angeles...this man has blood on his hands not only for those he was directly involved in murdering, but the blood of every man, woman and child killed as a result of Crips activity...the gang he helped to found.

Do you know how many freeway shootings happen every year, due to gang members going out and arbitrarily shooting innocent motorists as part of their initiation? We have this man to partially thank for it.

Tookie has repented because, well, he really had no choice...prison, and a looming death sentence, tends to make you a great person all of a sudden.

His time has come...he deserves to pay for his crimes.


Oct 9, 1999
I don't have a problem with his life being spared, but that doesn't mean he should be released.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
How many young men, and women, have died due to the ridiculous gang violence in Los Angeles...this man has blood on his hands not only for those he was directly involved in murdering, but the blood of every man, woman and child killed as a result of Crips activity...the gang he helped to found.

Do you know how many freeway shootings happen every year, due to gang members going out and arbitrarily shooting innocent motorists as part of their initiation? We have this man to partially thank for it.

Tookie has repented because, well, he really had no choice...prison, and a looming death sentence, tends to make you a great person all of a sudden.

His time has come...he deserves to pay for his crimes.

shouldn't all gunmakers be put to death since their product kills so many people every year?


Feb 27, 2005
I don;t think I ever mentioned him to be released, per sey. but to be spared of the death penalty, definately. I think he would do more good being alive than dead. If he were allowd to live, he could continue his work and get even more kids out of gangs.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: mdchesne
I don;t think I ever mentioned him to be released, per sey. but to be spared of the death penalty, definately. I think he would do more good being alive than dead. If he were allowd to live, he could continue his work and get even more kids out of gangs.
If it would "Greatly" benefit Society I would consider it but I wouldn't consider cutting him any slack because he changed his ways.

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