SB air or water cooling?


Dec 21, 2010
Well, pushing on getting the final decisions made for my 2011 build.

Originally I had planned for a full water-cooled system.

However seeing the SB 2600k running 5g+ on air cooling leaves me asking if heat really is the limiting factor on the CPU?

Am I going to get anything more out of the chip with a water block? or should I save the money ?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
It runs on 5Ghz because they crank up the voltage to something crazy, take a screenshot, and then put it back down again.


Dec 21, 2010
Agreed, this will probably not run stable at these speeds for extended amounts of time.

Intel boast that it ran for over 24 hours at these speeds. On air cooling.

But my question is the limitation the heat produced of the voltage pumped.

Which leads on to.. air or water cooling?


Golden Member
Jun 8, 2010
Agreed, this will probably not run stable at these speeds for extended amounts of time.

Intel boast that it ran for over 24 hours at these speeds. On air cooling.

But my question is the limitation the heat produced of the voltage pumped.

Which leads on to.. air or water cooling?

This probably belongs in the Cooling forum, but I'll answer anyway.

Custom water > air. But if you're talking about a closed system like the H70, then it's no better than the high end air coolers.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2001
From what I have seen thus far, cooling has minimal impact on SB. So make sure you do your research before plopping down $ on anything more than good air cooling for SB.


Dec 21, 2010
Yeah sorry for wrong section, I was pondering the processor so came here.

I don't mind spending out the extra buck for a nice WC system. But i am not one for throwing money into things that are not justified by the benefits.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2001
I've got my eye on the 2600k and have read/watched pretty much all previews. It appears the chip maxes out at 4.7-5.0ghz regardless of cooling. It may be a limitation with the SB chips or the early revisions of the motherboard bios.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
air works as well.
watercooling or even ln2 dont offer much extra for sb.
I run water now so I use that as it fits for the sb.


Golden Member
Nov 20, 2010
I've never had watercooling before and i've never been an early adopter so i'm going to do both when sandy bridge arrives!

All the WC parts are in the mail so SB just needs to get released!


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
From what I have seen thus far, cooling has minimal impact on SB. So make sure you do your research before plopping down $ on anything more than good air cooling for SB.

this is wrong on so many levels...

Cooling is always a component in overclocking.
It was said a while back ago by serveral pHD's.. every 10 C you lower your overall core temps, you just effectively DOUBLED your processor life.

And those 4.7-5ghz benchies at 1.6vcore...

Lets see how long that lasts... we never got rid of electron migration nor will we ever, and 32nm process is a lot more fragile then anything we've had so far.

I've got my eye on the 2600k and have read/watched pretty much all previews.

And my friend has a complete package setup in front of him, and has been tormenting me with im's on msn in regards to it.

1.6vcore standard?? REALLY?

Because ive seen what they can do @ normal OC voltages..

Why is everyone talking about 1155 like they know whats up when retail hasnt hit yet and all there seeing is sucide benches at 1.6?

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Nemesis 1

Dec 30, 2006
So now it takes 1.6V to get SB 5ghz. Links to said results . Or was that a quick o/c?
Think more 1.45V.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
this is wrong on so many levels...

Cooling is always a component in overclocking.
It was said a while back ago by serveral pHD's.. every 10 C you lower your overall core temps, you just effectively DOUBLED your processor life.

And those 4.7-5ghz benchies at 1.6vcore...

Lets see how long that lasts... we never got rid of electron migration nor will we ever, and 32nm process is a lot more fragile then anything we've had so far.

And my friend has a complete package setup in front of him, and has been tormenting me with im's on msn in regards to it.

1.6vcore standard?? REALLY?

Because ive seen what they can do @ normal OC voltages..

Why is everyone talking about 1155 like they know whats up when retail hasnt hit yet and all there seeing is sucide benches at 1.6?

You increase the processor life by not running it too hot but there's diminishing returns on cooling. Particularly since even if you could theoretically make a chip run 50 years why the hell would you bother? Nobody uses the same processor that long so it's rather pointless to cool it to some crazy level where it'll last forever and ever. Basically you just want it cool enough to run fast enough for your uses and run for several years without issue. Anything more than 5 years is rather silly in the tech world, does anybody want a CPU from 2004?


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
You increase the processor life by not running it too hot but there's diminishing returns on cooling. Particularly since even if you could theoretically make a chip run 50 years why the hell would you bother? Nobody uses the same processor that long so it's rather pointless to cool it to some crazy level where it'll last forever and ever. Basically you just want it cool enough to run fast enough for your uses and run for several years without issue. Anything more than 5 years is rather silly in the tech world, does anybody want a CPU from 2004?

Meh.. so if i drop the thing on a cascade or LN2, you dont think i will not be able to get more out of it?

And there are plenty of people on this forum who uses processors for more then 5 yrs.

And I think your talking to the wrong person about cpu life... as it means nothing to me... no cpu i have had has been in my system longer then 5 months.... including gulftowns.

Water vs Air... can i first ask HOW MANY of you guys are even on a mid tier h2o setup?

It amazes me how many people think they are masters in watercooling systems just because they pimp'd out a H5O.

You guys completely ignore the fact there are full board blocks, and full gpu blocks.

Do you think the cpu is the only piece in the computer which needs cooling?

Did it ever come across to you guys, the mosfets your running on your board and gpu's are the hottest burning chips in your entire system, more so then the capacitors inside your PSU?

So now it takes 1.6V to get SB 5ghz. Links to said results . Or was that a quick o/c?
Think more 1.45V.

Do you really think you know more then me?

OK... my friend has the top tier board which i am not going to disclose on a 2600K

He tells me right now, the system is marvelous every day i talk to him on AIM.


The system loads up at around 130W full load @ stock settings with a GTX 260.
It pulls close to 30k points on WCG which ranks it near a i7 @ 3.6-3.8ghz @ stock settings.

However the system gets crushed by any gulftown that it comes across, on WCG. (lack of physical cores)

The system will hold 4.5ghz @ 1.312 Vcore.

The system will not do 5ghz unless you pump a exponential amount of vcore.

The 5 cpu's he's got to play with only 1 could do 4.7ghz with acceptable voltages of around 1.375, however he decided to go with 200 less mhz, for a cut of .06vcore.

The chips arent hot running at all, and the ES's have the same bug most gulftowns have of idling below ambient.

So u wanna tell me i dont the 2600K?

*takes a bow and walks away*
*goes back in line with all the other people waiting for LGA2011*
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Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2005
Stupidest idea EVER. This kinda talk surfaces every time a new CPU generation comes out. 5 GHz on air. Riiiiiigggghhhhhhtt.

Don't expect to get that out of YOUR custom water-cooled system, grasshopper. What will you do then? Demand your money back from Intel 'cause your chip didn't match the one in the video?

Aigo's right, and anyone getting excited should listen to him. No one has any idea how the new 32nm chips will OC in mass quantities. Everybody makes these grandiose assumptions when they simply know nothing. Sure, SB will be fast. But I'll take the proven platform right now, thanks. A lot of jocks could be in for a rude surprise. 32nm physics is a different ballgame. Give it a year and we'll see.

From what I have seen thus far, cooling has minimal impact on SB. So make sure you do your research before plopping down $ on anything more than good air cooling for SB.

This is good advice at any time.

Aigomorla said:
And there are plenty of people on this forum who uses processors for more then 5 yrs.

Including myself; we have two Athlon 939 X2s that still perform good service - an OC'd 3800+ and a stock 4800+. Would I run Adobe CS5 on them? Noooo. But they're still handy to have around.
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Oct 9, 1999
Stupidest idea EVER. This kinda talk surfaces every time a new CPU generation comes out. 5 GHz on air. Riiiiiigggghhhhhhtt.

Don't expect to get that out of YOUR custom water-cooled system, grasshopper. What will you do then? Demand your money back from Intel 'cause your chip didn't match the one in the video?

Or maybe you're desperate enough to back up your big talk that you'll pump too much voltage through your chip and fry it?

Aigo's right, and you should listen to him. No one has any idea how the new 32nm chips will OC in mass quantities. Everybody makes these grandiose assumptions when they simply know nothing. Sure, SB will be fast. But I'll take the proven platform right now, thanks. A lot of you could be in for a rude surprise. 32nm physics is a different ballgame. Give it a year and we'll see.

This is exactly what i have been saying in all the should i wait for SB threads. Everyone thinks since there have been a few HAND PICKED BY INTEL chips leaked out that they will all do 5ghz. Time will tell. Im hoping by the time 2011 is out they have all the bugs out of the 32nm tech, and even when 2011 hits unless it offers more than a 30% increase over my 930@4.2 ill wait for the next gen after that.
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Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
Stupidest idea EVER. This kinda talk surfaces every time a new CPU generation comes out. 5 GHz on air. Riiiiiigggghhhhhhtt.

People done that with retail.
Not everyone does it however, as currently its either a bios issues or some other thing, as chips do 4.7-4.8ghs on air and some do 5ghz+.

so safe to say, 4.5ghz+ will be the new overclock people run on air.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
this is wrong on so many levels...

Cooling is always a component in overclocking.
It was said a while back ago by serveral pHD's.. every 10 C you lower your overall core temps, you just effectively DOUBLED your processor life.

And those 4.7-5ghz benchies at 1.6vcore...


So what? Doubling a processors life is not why most people Overclock in the first place. You are talking about doubling a processors life from most people on forum who replace it WELL beyond the life of the CPU anyways.


Senior member
Aug 9, 2001
Aigo - You are generalizing your response while my post was specific to the initial release version of 2500k/2600k chips.

Cooling is always a component in overclocking.
It was said a while back ago by serveral pHD's.. every 10 C you lower your overall core temps, you just effectively DOUBLED your processor life.

Agreed - cooling matters. My point was I have yet to see anyone get these chips above 5.0ghz with any type of cooling that they tried. I don't want people to think water cooling will automatically get their SB chips over 5.0ghz. Will Intel improve on the chip down the road? Definitely yes but we are talking about the initial release version of LGA1155 SB.

And doubling the life of the processor - really? Do I even need respond to that?

Why is everyone talking about 1155 like they know whats up when retail hasnt hit yet and all there seeing is sucide benches at 1.6?


I am assuming you did not know that retail SB chips have been selling in quite a few places in Asia for over a week now and the OC results with retail have been exactly the same as what we saw with ES chips. Will this change by the time the chips hit the street in US? Possibly but I doubt it.

Any way, all I am trying to do is avoid tons of "mY SB chips SuKs and won't do > 5.0ghz under water" posts after world wide retail hits the shelves.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
So what? Doubling a processors life is not why most people Overclock in the first place. You are talking about doubling a processors life from most people on forum who replace it WELL beyond the life of the CPU anyways.

10 years ago we had 200mhz or so cpu.
anyone still run those?

a lifespan of 5 or so years is the upgrade path due to how tech has progressed.
its cheaper, much cheaper than only 5 years ago.
I get a high end machine for a fourth what I paid 5 years ago.

sure some run them long, but cpu is made to be spanked.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
People done that with retail.
Not everyone does it however, as currently its either a bios issues or some other thing, as chips do 4.7-4.8ghs on air and some do 5ghz+.

so safe to say, 4.5ghz+ will be the new overclock people run on air.

NOT !!!

Wait until a few people get their hands on retail before you even start to say that.

Aigo is the only one who can say anything more than pure conjecture.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2005
People have bought retail early.
why not say it?
Intel police gonna knock my door?


Dec 21, 2010
aigomorla - seeing as your the only one that seems to have anything other than speculation in this thread id like to thank you off the bat for for the input.

Also thanks to everyone else for there input.

Im happy to accept my Watercooling and SB knowledge is limited, so im just going to sit on this fence and take it all in . ( And try not to get caught in the flames )

From my info gathering over the past few days, I see no down side to WC'ing other than cost.

I don't want to have to rebuild the entire rig ( im very particular about how my internals look ) because I cheaped out on the air cooling.

I think the bottom line is we don't know yet. but the colder the better, and WC = colder so win

Thanks again for the information guys.

Build is nearly complete now, Ill be throwing it all up in the general hardware for discuss and improve with your help. So thanks.
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