Schwarzenegger says the stimulus worked

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Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
You take a bunch of money and start a new business, it will make profits and grow and hire more people. You don't need to give it a bunch of again.

You take a bunch of money and give it to states to prop up their budgets so they can keep teachers on the payrol without issue more debt/bonds etc, yeah you've saved some jobs. But unlike the business example above, when the gov money runs out, you'll need to either get more more gov money or lay off the teachers. It's a temporary (and expensive) solution to a longer term problem.

By and large is all it accomplished was shifting debt off the states' books and onto the federal government's.

It probably helped CA more then others since they can't really go further into debt, unlike most other states they're having no luck selling more bonds etc.

it would have been far far better had they implemented a plan to stimulate businesses directly and effectively. That's money that keeps on going and pays you back (via taxes).


I think the Stim plan did both.

around half of the Stimulus package was in the form of tax cuts.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001

FL Gov Charlie Crist: Stimulus Did Create Jobs

Florida Governor Charlie Crist says Republicans who say the stimulus has not created jobs are simply wrong.

"That’s not the case in Florida," he said speaking after the National Governors Association meeting at the White House, "It created or maintained at least 87,000 jobs, 27,000 of those jobs are educators and teachers throughout our state. I dare say what impact the would have on the students if those teachers were out of work, unable to put bread on the table for their families."

So it save government jobs....government jobs that should have been budgeted and paid for with current year appropriations. If they needed stimulus money for those teachers then they didn't budget properly to begin with.


Oct 12, 1999
So it save government jobs....government jobs that should have been budgeted and paid for with current year appropriations. If they needed stimulus money for those teachers then they didn't budget properly to begin with.

Yeah, you know you're right. Forget the teachers, who needs them anyway. And I agree we should close down these state governments. Dude are you going to run for president? You'll definately win, cause as far as I can see, your a genius.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
So it save government jobs....government jobs that should have been budgeted and paid for with current year appropriations. If they needed stimulus money for those teachers then they didn't budget properly to begin with.
Are you talking about those same state budgets that were impacted by the economic downturn?

you know...things like falling tax revenue....poor/zero bond sales....etc etc


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2000
Why does Arnie need Obama's money... uugghuumm... sorry... I mean our money? Hasn't California been under the control of far-left progressives for a very long time now? Why isn't it then an economic, political, and religious utopian society the far-left keeps promising?

Oh yeah... forgot... it's all W's fault.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Why does Arnie need Obama's money... uugghuumm... sorry... I mean our money? Hasn't California been under the control of far-left progressives for a very long time now? Why isn't it then an economic, political, and religious utopian society the far-left keeps promising?

Oh yeah... forgot... it's all W's fault.
Our Money?? LOL, if you reside in a Red State the odds are you've been getting money collected from other states where as CA hasn't. The amount of the Stimulus they've received just means less that they had to pay in to support dead beat Red States.


Apr 8, 2002
Even Obama's biggest guesstimate on job saved\creation puts the cost per job into the hundreds of thousands per job. And most of the jobs they are showing being "saved" are not jobs that pay anywhere near that.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007

FL Gov Charlie Crist: Stimulus Did Create Jobs

Florida Governor Charlie Crist says Republicans who say the stimulus has not created jobs are simply wrong.

"That’s not the case in Florida," he said speaking after the National Governors Association meeting at the White House, "It created or maintained at least 87,000 jobs, 27,000 of those jobs are educators and teachers throughout our state. I dare say what impact the would have on the students if those teachers were out of work, unable to put bread on the table for their families."

Oh, snap.

Pretty slick move by Charlie to reach out to moderates and distance himself from the Really Nutty Wing of the Right Wing Nut Party.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
He did that and he stayed with the bailout. He took care of automakers and banks. Where do you think all the bailout money went? They stimulated those businesses directly. Banks made billions, so they should have created jobs, right? He did his part.


The banks bailout and auto maker bailout were seperate from the Stimulous bill.

No, banks don't create jobs. It's not their job to do that.

Where did the stimulous money go? Most hasn't been spent yet. A lot for earmarks/pork. A lot went to states (so they wouldn't incur debt etc to keep up their payroll), some went for extended unemployment, and more for highway/road repaving that were alway in the line-up ('shovel ready').

There was a very small program in the Stim most don't know about, IMO it should have been much larger and would have stimulated small businesses directly. I can't remember it's formal name, but it was a loan guarantee program through the SBA. A business that had been established for at least a coupe of years (i.e., no new businesses for some reason) and had in the past shown a profit could borrow up to $30K. the loan carried no interest and no payback required for 2 years. Banks making these loans were guaranteed against loss and the SBA paid them the interest (so the borrowing business didn't have to).

A much bigger program along these lines would have been far more effective as stimulous. and it's likely that much of would have been paid back so that the stimulous would have costs much less.

The SBA exists to help small businesses with bank loans by guaranteeing that the banks won't lose (much) money if the busines defaults. Because the loan is guaranteed (lor risk), the banks will charge a lower interest rate.

We have the tools available, but this administration has so far refused to use them. Instead of Obama publicly blasting banks for not lending to businesses, he could have pushed an SBA program that would have banks lending.

Either they don't understand enough about small businesses, banks and gov agancies like the SBA, or they don't really care enough about small businesses to offer anything but lip service.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I think the Stim plan did both.

around half of the Stimulus package was in the form of tax cuts.

No, it wasn't half.

And no, they weren't "tax cuts'.

A large part of it invoved the alternative minimum tax. The AMT is not adjusted of COLA/inflation like most everything else in tax law. Every year Congress does a one-year adjustment to raise the exemption amount for COLA/inflation. This 'one year fix' has been going on for many years now.

So they through this fix in for one year and called it a "cut". They were going to do it anyway.

The people it helped are those with high incomes living in high state/city/local tax areas (i.e., typical urban Democrat). The dollar amunt placed on this is questionable too. With so much unemployment and falling incomes no one can estimate how much money this really represents.

The rest of the so-called "tax cuts" are mostly 'welfare type' payment masquerading as tax cuts. I.e. 'refundable credits'.

BTW: The MSM has (again) failed to notice something - the IRS issued new income tax withholding tables for this years. These new tables inexplicably raise withholding on wages starting from the very bottom/low amount of wages. I.e., the gov is pulling more money out of the system for themselves. This is contrary to the stimulous and economic thoughts on recessions.



Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2007

The banks bailout and auto maker bailout were seperate from the Stimulous bill.

No, banks don't create jobs. It's not their job to do that.

Where did the stimulous money go? Most hasn't been spent yet. A lot for earmarks/pork. A lot went to states (so they wouldn't incur debt etc to keep up their payroll), some went for extended unemployment, and more for highway/road repaving that were alway in the line-up ('shovel ready').

There was a very small program in the Stim most don't know about, IMO it should have been much larger and would have stimulated small businesses directly. I can't remember it's formal name, but it was a loan guarantee program through the SBA. A business that had been established for at least a coupe of years (i.e., no new businesses for some reason) and had in the past shown a profit could borrow up to $30K. the loan carried no interest and no payback required for 2 years. Banks making these loans were guaranteed against loss and the SBA paid them the interest (so the borrowing business didn't have to).

A much bigger program along these lines would have been far more effective as stimulous. and it's likely that much of would have been paid back so that the stimulous would have costs much less.

The SBA exists to help small businesses with bank loans by guaranteeing that the banks won't lose (much) money if the busines defaults. Because the loan is guaranteed (lor risk), the banks will charge a lower interest rate.

We have the tools available, but this administration has so far refused to use them. Instead of Obama publicly blasting banks for not lending to businesses, he could have pushed an SBA program that would have banks lending.

Either they don't understand enough about small businesses, banks and gov agancies like the SBA, or they don't really care enough about small businesses to offer anything but lip service.


Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with small SBA loans.

But the rate of default from 2007 has doubled to around 15% this year and the New SBA Loan program to aid small firms is expected to see 60% default rate.

Just another way for The Big Banks to raise capital - LOL



Apr 8, 2002
Oh, the unintentional irony.

Hint: Nero filibustered while Rome burned.

I think there is a valuable lesson to be learned from Nero.

A number of other major construction projects occurred in Nero's late reign. Nero had the marshes of Ostia filled with rubble from the fire. He erected the large Domus Aurea.[74] In 67, Nero attempted to have a canal dug at the Isthmus of Corinth.[75] Ancient historians state that these projects and others exacerbated the drain on the State's budget.[76]

The economic policy of Nero is a point of debate among scholars. According to ancient historians, Nero's construction projects were overly extravagant and the large number of expenditures under Nero left Italy "thoroughly exhausted by contributions of money" with "the provinces ruined."[77][78] Modern historians, though, note that the period was riddled with deflation and that it is likely that Nero's spending came in the form of public works projects and charity intended to ease economic troubles.[79]


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with small SBA loans.

But the rate of default from 2007 has doubled to around 15% this year and the New SBA Loan program to aid small firms is expected to see 60% default rate.

Just another way for The Big Banks to raise capital - LOL


You're right.

The rules for that program were not well thought-out. (Doesn't mean an SBA loan program to businesses couldn't work.)

I attempted to get an ARC loan (the name of the special program) for some clients. Wasn't successful. Why?

All the banks I could find in my area who were participating had added a condition to get the loans I don't think congress envisioned: They would only do the loan for you if you had an exisiting business loan with them. What does this mean?

It means the banks were getting these loans for their biz customers who were failing and unlikely to pay back their original loan. I.e., the banks were churning their bad loans into 100% guaranteed SBA loans. The ARC progarm was supposed help businesses, instead the banks perverted it into another bailout for themselves.

IMO, the idea was a good, unfortunately (and as usual) Congress screwed up the implemetation. But sometimes that's not all bad. The program was very small (BTW: all the money was gone last year contrary to what the article says - there were so many loans in the pipeline by thanksgiving there was no hope in applying), so they can learn from that mistake and do a better, larger program now.

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Oct 17, 1999

CBO: Stimulus bill created up to 2.1 million jobs

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer Andrew Taylor, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 42 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The economic stimulus law added between 1 million to 2.1 million workers to employment rolls by the end of last year, a new report released Tuesday by congressional economists said.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office study also said the $862 billion stimulus added between 1.5 to 3.5 percentage points to the growth of the economy in 2009. The controversial stimulus law combined tax breaks for individuals and businesses with lots of government spending.

The report reflects agreement among economists that the measure boosted the economy. But the wide range of estimates means it won't resolve the debate over how effective the stimulus has been.

The White House says the stimulus bill has created 2 million jobs and will add another 1.5 million this year as economic recovery continues to take hold.

CBO projects that the stimulus measure to have a greater impact this year, boosting gross domestic product by 1.4 to 4 percentage points and lowering the unemployment rate by 0.7 to 1.8 percentage points.

The report said the most efficient parts of the stimulus include infrastructure projects such as road- and bridge-building and more generous unemployment benefits. On the other hand, the popular first-time homebuyer tax credit isn't a very efficient use of stimulus dollars, the report said.

The economy has shed 8.4 million jobs since the start of the recession in December of 2007, though job losses have slowed in the past couple of months.

The stimulus measure has earned mixed grades from a public weary of a bad economy and increasingly concerned about out-of-control budget deficits. Democrats are seeking to renew several parts of the stimulus, however, including aid for state governments and extended unemployment insurance benefits for the long-term jobless.

The White House acknowledges the long-term debt burden of the stimulus measure will place a slight drag on the economy in future years.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
Schwarzenegger might be a "Republican" but he is far from a conservative.

Schwarzenegger was emasculated when his legislation to save California was blocked by the teachers union (and others) and has been a lame duck in the state ever since.

That being said, when you spend a trillion dollars something will happen. If the investment was worth it is a different story.

The first thing Schwarzenegger did was cut taxes, without cutting spending, a standard Republican act- which blew a huge hole in the budget. When he tried to pass a raft of right-wing initiatives, the public rejected them. This is not a right-wing state. He has continued to grow the government. Right wing Republicans have veto power over the budget because of Prop 13, and have come up with zero real solutions for California's problems.
Now the Republicans are running another billionaire with zero govt experience for Governor.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
The first thing Schwarzenegger did was cut taxes, without cutting spending, a standard Republican act- which blew a huge hole in the budget. When he tried to pass a raft of right-wing initiatives, the public rejected them. This is not a right-wing state. He has continued to grow the government. Right wing Republicans have veto power over the budget because of Prop 13, and have come up with zero real solutions for California's problems.
Now the Republicans are running another billionaire with zero govt experience for Governor.

Bullshit....Schwarzengger has tried (in vain) to cut spending over and over again but leftist union thugs and dems continue to derail any attempt to curtail spending while offering no viable solution as to how to deal with the ever increasing mammoth size CA's fiscal deficit each year. Its funny how liberals bitch about CEO retirement and compensation plans but the biggest culprits of squandering tax payer dollars in CA is the huge and unending pension plan which liberals politicans and their union thug friends refuse to give up.

Meanwhile major corporations (aka those who pay the bulk of taxes in CA) are fleeing the state in droves for nearby states which provide lower taxes rates and less regulations. The dem plan is to keep spending on all their pork barrel social programs while trying to squeeze more money at out of an ever shrinking tax base which has realized that there is an alternative to doing business in a state run by a liberal dominated legislature which considers them as the fall guy for every social ill they can conceive of but also view as a honey pot to tax when lib politicians need to go on spending sprees.

Here's a hint. Dems can't keep spending on pork barrel social programs, retain huge and ever increasing government pension plans, etc and still expect there to be money in the state's coffer when they drive out big business which pays for the bulk of the states tax revenue.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
Bull....Schwarzengger has tried (in vain) to cut spending over and over again but leftist union thugs and dems continue to derail any attempt to curtail spending while offering no viable solution as to how to deal with the ever increasing mammoth size CA's fiscal deficit each year.

Meanwhile major corporations (aka those who pay the bulk of taxes in CA) are fleeing the state in droves for nearby states which provide lower taxes rates and less regulations. The dem plan is to keep all their pork barrel social programs while trying to squeeze more money at out of an ever shrinking tax base which has realized that there is an alternative to doing business in a state run by a liberal dominated legislature which considers them as the fall guy for social woes but the ones to be taxed to death when lib politicians need to go on spending sprees.

The Leftists in charge of the state govt have agreed to lots of cuts, and very little in tax increases. The stubborn Republicans would rather the state decline than offer real solutions.
Their answer-always more tax cuts.
Losers will always cut and run. Real Californians will rise up and prosper once again.
And some of the low tax paradises have unemployment problems as bad or worse than California.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
The first thing Schwarzenegger did was cut taxes, without cutting spending, a standard Republican act- which blew a huge hole in the budget. When he tried to pass a raft of right-wing initiatives, the public rejected them. This is not a right-wing state. He has continued to grow the government. Right wing Republicans have veto power over the budget because of Prop 13, and have come up with zero real solutions for California's problems.
Now the Republicans are running another billionaire with zero govt experience for Governor.
Idiot. You are totally ignoring that Schwarzenegger was elected after a recall of Gray Davis BECAUSE OF THE HUGE HOLE IN THE BUDGET. I'm no fan of Schwarzenegger, but he's done better than anyone else for decades in running that bowl of granola. California is simply a failed government model.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
The Leftists in charge of the state govt have agreed to lots of cuts, and very little in tax increases.

After being backed into a corner by Arnold, the GOP and forced to pass a balance budget or else face a shutdown of state government.

The stubborn Republicans would rather the state decline than offer real solutions.

Real solutions? Like taxing businesses and home owners into oblivion to support 1/3rd of all social welfare cases in the nation? That's not a solution that is pure stupidity.

Their answer-always more tax cuts.
Losers will always cut and run. Real Californians will rise up and prosper once again.

Libs answers to everything is to continue to spend, spend, spend and spend some more like a drunken shopoholic who believes they have a bottomless credit reserve to burn through at tax payer expense. Sorry but CA's budget woes won't be solved by platitudes of wishful thinking.

And some of the low tax paradises have unemployment problems as bad or worse than California.

Those states will bounce back faster then CA will along while they also continue to siphon off more private sector jobs form CA.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
After being backed into a corner by Arnold, the GOP and forced to pass a balance budget or else face a shutdown of state government.

Real solutions? Like taxing businesses and home owners into oblivion to support 1/3rd of all social welfare cases in the nation? That's not a solution that is pure stupidity.

Libs answers to everything is to continue to spend, spend, spend and spend some more like a drunken shopoholic who believes they have a bottomless credit reserve to burn through at tax payer expense. Sorry but CA's budget woes won't be solved by platitudes of wishful thinking.

Those states will bounce back faster then CA will along while they also continue to siphon off more private sector jobs form CA.

It's Republicans that continue to spend without raising income (taxes). How's that working out? And the only reason Arnold was elected was his celebrity-people thought they were voting for the Terminator. He has been a total failure, and his approval numbers are in the toilet. Tax cuts without spending cuts has always been a disaster, from Ronald Reagan to GWB. Pushing to elect unqualified billionaires has been an unmitigated disaster for California.
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