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Jul 25, 2002
After DeLay, here's the Dirty 'Baker's' Dozen

Here's your 'Wall of Shame':

? Sen. Bill Frist: The report accuses him of violating federal campaign finance laws in how he disclosed a campaign loan. It also calls for an inquiry over his recent sale of stock in HCA Inc., his family's hospital corporation. The sale has raised questions about possible insider dealing. Frist aides confirmed Friday that the SEC was investigating. They have denied claims of campaign finance violations.

? Rep. Roy Blunt: The report criticizes him for trying to insert provisions into bills that would have benefited, in one case, a client of his lobbyist son and in another case, the employer of his lobbyist girlfriend, now his wife.

? Sen. Conrad Burns: The report says that questions arose over $3 million in appropriations he earmarked for an Indian tribe in Michigan that was a client of lobbyist Abramoff. The senator received substantial campaign contributions from Abramoff and various clients.

"Sen. Burns did nothing wrong, and any accusation to the contrary is pure politics," said James Pendleton, his director of communications. He said Burns had earmarked the appropriation at the request of the Michigan congressional delegation.

? Rep. Bob Ney: The report says the chairman of the House Administration Committee went on a golf outing to Scotland in 2002, arranged by Abramoff, at a time when the congressman was trying to insert a provision into legislation to benefit one of Abramoff's tribal clients.

Ney reported to the House that the trip was paid for entirely by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, which denied paying any of the costs. Ney has said he had been duped by Abramoff.

? Rep. Tom Feeney: The report says he incorrectly reported that a golf trip to Scotland with Abramoff in 2003 was paid for by the National Center for Public Policy Research, which denied it. A Feeney aide said the congressman had been misled. Questions also have arisen about two other privately funded trips.

? Rep. Richard W. Pombo: He paid his wife and brother $357,325 in campaign funds in the last four years, the report says. He also supported the wind-power industry before the Department of Interior without disclosing that his parents received hundreds of thousands of dollars in royalties from wind-power turbines on their ranch.

Brian Kennedy, a spokesman for Pombo, said that "each of the charges is baseless." He called the watchdog group "a Democratic attack group, and all of their charges should be taken with a grain of salt."

? Rep. Maxine Waters: The report cites a December 2004 Los Angeles Times investigation disclosing how members of the congresswoman's family have made more than $1 million in the last eight years by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that Waters has helped. Before publication of the Times investigation last year, Waters declined to be interviewed, but said of her family members: "They do their business, and I do mine."

? Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.): The report says he encountered controversy over disclosures that Pennsylvania taxpayers paid for his children's schooling while they lived in Virginia. Santorum maintained he did nothing wrong, and has pulled his children out of the school, according to reports.

? Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham and William J. Jefferson: Both congressional veterans are under federal investigation.

Cunningham, who has announced that he will not run for reelection, faces questions over his dealings with a defense contractor who allegedly overpaid him when he purchased Cunningham's house. Jefferson is under scrutiny for his role in an overseas business deal. Normally the House ethics committee does not hold inquiries while criminal investigations are underway.

? Rep. Charles H. Taylor (R-N.C.): The report says that questions have been raised about his private business interests, including a savings and loan in Asheville, N.C., and personal business interests in Russia.

? Rep. Marilyn N. Musgrave (R-Colo.) and Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.): Both second-term House members encountered criticisms tied to campaign activities, the report says.

Musgrave was accused of misusing her congressional office for campaign purposes. Renzi was accused of financing portions of his 2002 campaign with improper loans.

Such a fine outstanding Government we have, something to be proud of.

Oh - don't forget to read the fisrt page . . on the link for background data.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Sloan expressed impatience with both parties. "Democrats are just as much to blame as Republicans for the current ethics deadlock. The Democrats won't file ethics complaints against even the most egregious violators like DeLay and Ney?. The Democrats are spineless," she said.

Sloan said she had been unable to persuade any member of the House to file ethics complaints that the watchdog group has drawn up against Ney and Cunningham. House rules do not permit outside groups to file complaints.

"It is outrageous that outsiders can't file complaints, since Congress has demonstrated its unwillingness to police its own conduct," Sloan said.
Well, we know who runs the Ethics Committee. The party of NO (Accountability, Honor, Integrity, Scruples, Values, etc.)


Nov 25, 2001
Plus the Rs can just change the rules so that if they're actually indicted, it doesn't force an immediate resignation. That'll come in handy . . .


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
After DeLay, here's the Dirty 'Baker's' Dozen

Here's your 'Wall of Shame':

? Sen. Bill Frist: , (R-Tenn.) The report accuses him of violating federal campaign finance laws in how he disclosed a campaign loan. It also calls for an inquiry over his recent sale of stock in HCA Inc., his family's hospital corporation. The sale has raised questions about possible insider dealing. Frist aides confirmed Friday that the SEC was investigating. They have denied claims of campaign finance violations.

? Rep. Roy Blunt: (R-Mo.), The report criticizes him for trying to insert provisions into bills that would have benefited, in one case, a client of his lobbyist son and in another case, the employer of his lobbyist girlfriend, now his wife.

? Sen. Conrad Burns: (R-Mont.), The report says that questions arose over $3 million in appropriations he earmarked for an Indian tribe in Michigan that was a client of lobbyist Abramoff. The senator received substantial campaign contributions from Abramoff and various clients.

"Sen. Burns did nothing wrong, and any accusation to the contrary is pure politics," said James Pendleton, his director of communications. He said Burns had earmarked the appropriation at the request of the Michigan congressional delegation.

? Rep. Bob Ney: (R-Ohio) The report says the chairman of the House Administration Committee went on a golf outing to Scotland in 2002, arranged by Abramoff, at a time when the congressman was trying to insert a provision into legislation to benefit one of Abramoff's tribal clients.

Ney reported to the House that the trip was paid for entirely by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank, which denied paying any of the costs. Ney has said he had been duped by Abramoff.

? Rep. Tom Feeney: (R-Fla.) The report says he incorrectly reported that a golf trip to Scotland with Abramoff in 2003 was paid for by the National Center for Public Policy Research, which denied it. A Feeney aide said the congressman had been misled. Questions also have arisen about two other privately funded trips.

? Rep. Richard W. Pombo: (R-Tracy), He paid his wife and brother $357,325 in campaign funds in the last four years, the report says. He also supported the wind-power industry before the Department of Interior without disclosing that his parents received hundreds of thousands of dollars in royalties from wind-power turbines on their ranch.

Brian Kennedy, a spokesman for Pombo, said that "each of the charges is baseless." He called the watchdog group "a Democratic attack group, and all of their charges should be taken with a grain of salt."

? Rep. Maxine Waters: (D-Los Angeles) The report cites a December 2004 Los Angeles Times investigation disclosing how members of the congresswoman's family have made more than $1 million in the last eight years by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that Waters has helped. Before publication of the Times investigation last year, Waters declined to be interviewed, but said of her family members: "They do their business, and I do mine."

? Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.): The report says he encountered controversy over disclosures that Pennsylvania taxpayers paid for his children's schooling while they lived in Virginia. Santorum maintained he did nothing wrong, and has pulled his children out of the school, according to reports.

? Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham(R-Rancho Santa Fe). and William J. Jefferson: (D-La.), Both congressional veterans are under federal investigation.

Cunningham, who has announced that he will not run for reelection, faces questions over his dealings with a defense contractor who allegedly overpaid him when he purchased Cunningham's house. Jefferson is under scrutiny for his role in an overseas business deal. Normally the House ethics committee does not hold inquiries while criminal investigations are underway.

? Rep. Charles H. Taylor (R-N.C.): The report says that questions have been raised about his private business interests, including a savings and loan in Asheville, N.C., and personal business interests in Russia.

? Rep. Marilyn N. Musgrave (R-Colo.) and Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.): Both second-term House members encountered criticisms tied to campaign activities, the report says.

Musgrave was accused of misusing her congressional office for campaign purposes. Renzi was accused of financing portions of his 2002 campaign with improper loans.

Such a fine outstanding Government we have, something to be proud of.

Oh - don't forget to read the fisrt page . . on the link for background data.

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money.

Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?

You call the Iraq fiasco "War Management"???

I'll take blow jobs and kissing up to the stars over phoney wars and corporate rape anyday thank you very much.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Condor
[Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?
Considering the world in which you live, your hysteria makes sense.


Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?

A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?
I expect our Government to stand head and sholders above any question of a doubt in ethics, especially if they think they are an example
of a beacon of Demoracy for the world to look up to be followed, and NOT a gutter dwelling collection of opportunistic criminals.

I really do expect more from MY Countries Government - why don't you expect anything more than graft and corruption from yours ?

Dumb it down to the fools, they are to stupid to notice.



Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'll take blow jobs and kissing up to the stars over phoney wars and corporate rape anyday thank you very much.

Which is precisely why you and your party lost BIG in 2004.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?

How convenient that your list includes only Republican leaders. Of course, no Democrats would engage in such unethical and immoral conduct. <sigh>

Once again your partisan colors shine quite brightly.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'll take blow jobs and kissing up to the stars over phoney wars and corporate rape anyday thank you very much.

Which is precisely why you and your party lost BIG in 2004.

Well, at least we know that you acknowledge the fact that the Iraq war was phoney.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?

How convenient that your list includes only Republican leaders. Of course, no Democrats would engage in such unethical and immoral conduct. <sigh>

Once again your partisan colors shine quite brightly.

Please try reading that again.
Pay attention to the listing that read Maxine Waters.

Your friend in Christ



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?

Does an Eleophant sh-t in the jungle?


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Well, at least we know that you acknowledge the fact that the Iraq war was phoney.

I did?

Damn, words sure get put in my mouth around here.

I simply implied that his belief that BJ&s and kissing Hollywood ass was preferable to a phony war and corporate rape was asinine.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?
I expect our Government to stand head and sholders above any question of a doubt in ethics, especially if they think they are an example
of a beacon of Demoracy for the world to look up to be followed, and NOT a gutter dwelling collection of opportunistic criminals.

I really do expect more from MY Countries Government - why don't you expect anything more than graft and corruption from yours ?

Dumb it down to the fools, they are to stupid to notice.
In his eyes, the GOP's corruption is for the betterment of America.

Or something.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Well, at least we know that you acknowledge the fact that the Iraq war was phoney.

I did?

Damn, words sure get put in my mouth around here.

I simply implied that his belief that BJ&s and kissing Hollywood ass was preferable to a phony war and corporate rape was asinine.


I'd rather be an ass than a sheep.



Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?

How convenient that your list includes only Republican leaders. Of course, no Democrats would engage in such unethical and immoral conduct. <sigh>

Once again your partisan colors shine quite brightly.

What an absolute IDIOT you keep proving yourself to be.

READ THE GODDAMN LIST - there are BOTH Republicans AND Democrats there:

Condor even took the time to go in and add the political affiliation of those on the list.

You don't even know who's on first !



Senior member
Oct 26, 2004
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?

How convenient that your list includes only Republican leaders. Of course, no Democrats would engage in such unethical and immoral conduct. <sigh>

Once again your partisan colors shine quite brightly.

What an absolute IDIOT you keep proving yourself to be.

READ THE GODDAMN LIST - there are BOTH Republicans AND Democrats there:

Condor even took the time to go in and add the political affiliation of those on the list.

You don't even know who's on first !
Calling Pabster an idiot is redundant.



Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk

? Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham and William J. Jefferson: Both congressional veterans are under federal investigation.

Cunningham, who has announced that he will not run for reelection, faces questions over his dealings with a defense contractor who allegedly overpaid him when he purchased Cunningham's house. Jefferson is under scrutiny for his role in an overseas business deal. Normally the House ethics committee does not hold inquiries while criminal investigations are underway.

lol, my district rep made the list.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money.

Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?

You call the Iraq fiasco "War Management"???

I'll take blow jobs and kissing up to the stars over phoney wars and corporate rape anyday thank you very much.

Enjoyed the mismanagement of New Orleans did you?



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Originally posted by: Condor

Looks like Republicans are best at state and local administration, emergancy management, war, and making money. Any surprise to this? What do Democrats do, anyway? Run for office, buy votes with welfare, protest, and kiss up to the stars? Did I miss anything?

A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?
I expect our Government to stand head and sholders above any question of a doubt in ethics, especially if they think they are an example
of a beacon of Demoracy for the world to look up to be followed, and NOT a gutter dwelling collection of opportunistic criminals.

I really do expect more from MY Countries Government - why don't you expect anything more than graft and corruption from yours ?

Dumb it down to the fools, they are to stupid to notice.

Idealism is a wonderful thing. Too bad they are never met. You expect more from your countries gtovernment? Why would we expect our leaders to be any bettrer than anyone elses? How many leaders have we elected between both parties? While you didn't indicate the affiliation of anyone but Republicans, I did in the quote. It seems to me like there is bad on both sides and a lot worse if you count simple minded management on the Democratic side. I will follow a smart crook before an honest simpleton anyday. Democrats used to be that way. The people of Louisiana were very loyal to Huey Long and they all knew he was a crook. They joked about it. Nothing has changed there either. For the number of people we send to Washington, the numbers you posted are a very good indication of a very honest government.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
A crook is a crook is a crook . . why are you so willing to excuse ANYONE of either party for corruption ?

How convenient that your list includes only Republican leaders. Of course, no Democrats would engage in such unethical and immoral conduct. <sigh>

Once again your partisan colors shine quite brightly.

His list included Democrats as well. Removed my negative text just because the good Cptn was good enough to notice.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Well, at least we know that you acknowledge the fact that the Iraq war was phoney.

I did?

Damn, words sure get put in my mouth around here.

I simply implied that his belief that BJ&s and kissing Hollywood ass was preferable to a phony war and corporate rape was asinine.


I'd rather be an ass than a sheep.

But, but, aren't you a Democrat? Isn't the ass your party symbol? Oh, donkey! Difference?

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