SCOTUS hearing on Roe V Wade

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Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
They want to punish the gays too dude. It's like if you hate the gays, don't be fucking gay. They just are bad hombres, rotten souls really.

I have heard a known conservative on NPR say how they truly felt that if gays could get married society would just fall apart. This was recently. And clearly it didn't happen and this person actually admitted they were totally wrong. The problem is that kind of thinking is a small minority of today's conservatives. Most of them are nuts.
The funny thing is conservatives don't want to ban sins they personally like to engage in like gluttony. Only sins other people engage in should be banned.


May 30, 2008
The vaccine is in fact the mark of the beast and yes, it is microchipped. As predicted in revelation.

Ah, so you aren't just a very conservative religious true-believer, you are, in fact, out of your tiny mind.

The election was rigged. He would have won by a landslide if dominion was honest but it's not. Now we have Biden in there who is just a puppet for the anti-christ, Barack Obama. Great job leftists. Now we have a guy who hates humanity in complete control over us. This is going be a really good year, I can feel it. But I blame both sides, not just the left wingers.

View attachment 54066

Yup, absolutely, totally round-the-bend.


May 30, 2008
Damn, the rest of you tempted me to take the crazy person off ignore just to see what on earth was getting all the responses. Curse you all for that! Not making that mistake again.
Reactions: mikeymikec


May 15, 2000
Damn, the rest of you tempted me to take the crazy person off ignore just to see what on earth was getting all the responses. Curse you all for that! Not making that mistake again.

There really isn’t a reason to unignore them because you are missing exactly nothing. Save your time, enjoy life
Reactions: pmv

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
I'm already an adult, unlike yourself.

I'm not above admitting when I'm wrong name a thing or two if you are right I'll give you the win for that thing. But if you are keeping track, it's still 10 on 1 and I'm still winning.

View attachment 54058
We had enough from this baboon. You think Republicans know what they are doing and Democrats don't. Well guess what... you are wrong.
In a one year time span from October 1st, 1999 to October 1st, 2000, Bill Clinton become the first president to decrease the national debt by a whopping $100 billion approximately. In the chart bellow the scale is 1 = $1million

And what did Republican GWB do ????? he effin tanked the economy and made GM bankrupt and made one of the US's largest banks (WaMu) to fail!

Obama did raise the national debt by $8 trillion with his two terms, but your favorite man Trump.... oh LORD!!! Trump did that in just one effin term. If he was still president, by 2024 Trump would have probably added $16 trillion within his two terms.

Lastly but not the least, you see that $-102Bilion.... that is what Biden did from April to July.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
I'd like to point out absolutely none of you can ever stay on topic. This thread is not about abortion. Its about the supreme court case. We've already had abortion threads. We've discussed it many many many times. We don't need to discuss it again. Its nothing new. Nobody ever brings up an original argument. We were talking about a potential supreme court ruling because that IS new, and every body went off topic, like they always do.
You need to stop debating abortion. Especially here. It never goes anywhere.

For that matter the gun debate never goes anywhere. But any time theres a specific issue or event in the news you people always start with the same old fuckin debate. Its never fresh and it never goes anywhere. I think this is why America cant solve any serious problems. People would rather argue than actually fix things.
Reactions: pmv and ch33zw1z


Mar 17, 2008
Damn, the rest of you tempted me to take the crazy person off ignore just to see what on earth was getting all the responses. Curse you all for that! Not making that mistake again.
Imagine the spin when people actually start getting the Neuralink implants(first in 2022)… I mean, vaccinated AND chipped? These clowns are gonna lose their minds all over again.


Oct 6, 2009
Imagine if this story was about a clinic accidently killing 4,000 breathing kids because they forgot to feed them. Just think what the response would be. Just think how you would personally feel.

The fact that literally no one felt that way about embryos is proof no one actually thinks they are little babies.

I have no doubt that storm chaser would set a tray of embryos on fire in exchange for his most coveted firearm. Probably even just for a box or two of ammo.

But you all need to stop focusing on personhood because that is not the center of debate no matter how much they wish it was. The fact is that if someone jammed their arm up storm chaser's ass and tried to wear him like a puppet for 40 weeks he would be defending his right to execute that PERSON for even attempting it let alone being successful.

They know that is true and exposes their hypocrisy so cognitive dissonance kicks in and they shift to claiming that the fetus is innocent while the puppeteer is not, but that concedes the point that personhood does not matter. Now they are back to arguing about protecting the child which they already conceded in this very thread that it is not actually about because "aborted babies go to heaven" in the dumbest minds or "queue back up for another chance" in the less stupid minds. Either way, no harm no foul.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'd like to point out absolutely none of you can ever stay on topic. This thread is not about abortion. Its about the supreme court case. We've already had abortion threads. We've discussed it many many many times. We don't need to discuss it again. Its nothing new. Nobody ever brings up an original argument. We were talking about a potential supreme court ruling because that IS new, and every body went off topic, like they always do.
You need to stop debating abortion. Especially here. It never goes anywhere.

For that matter the gun debate never goes anywhere. But any time theres a specific issue or event in the news you people always start with the same old fuckin debate. Its never fresh and it never goes anywhere. I think this is why America cant solve any serious problems. People would rather argue than actually fix things.
The thread about a Supreme Court case about abortion is not about abortion? What?

What is it about exactly? What should we be discussing? The law? It’s not like the Supreme Court cares about the law so why should we?

Also, if you think the problems in America are due to a lack of sober minded debate you are sorely mistaken. The issue here and in most of the other contentious issues is that the two parties want mutually exclusive things. Debate will not change that.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
It’s not like the Supreme Court cares about the law so why should we?

I don't think a lot of people have internalized this particular point. They're literally just doing whatever they want and making up thin, often blatantly contradictory reasons for their actions when they even deign to explain themselves. As a bonus they get angry when anybody frames their actions as the partisan, religiously biased, callous, and dismissive moves that they are.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
They want to punish the gays too dude. It's like if you hate the gays, don't be fucking gay. They just are bad hombres, rotten souls really.

I have heard a known conservative on NPR say how they truly felt that if gays could get married society would just fall apart. This was recently. And clearly it didn't happen and this person actually admitted they were totally wrong. The problem is that kind of thinking is a small minority of today's conservatives. Most of them are nuts.

I have no faith whatsoever that this court would uphold Obergefell or not allow some similar stupidity like Texas has pulled with abortion. The social conservatives are going to push this as far as they can.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I don't think a lot of people have internalized this particular point. They're literally just doing whatever they want and making up thin, often blatantly contradictory reasons for their actions when they even deign to explain themselves. As a bonus they get angry when anybody frames their actions as the partisan, religiously biased, callous, and dismissive moves that they are.
Back in the term when gay marriage was legalized and they gutted the voting rights act Scalia argued in opinions within days of each other that the court had no right to question the wisdom of Congress when it came to gay marriage so the court must stay out and that Congress could not be trusted to legislate properly when it came to voting rights so the court must step in. There was not even a cursory attempt to reconcile these two positions.

My main question is if they didn’t notice the blatant hypocrisy or if they noticed it and just didn’t care. The Supreme Court is Calvinball.


Feb 6, 2002
The election was rigged. He would have won by a landslide if dominion was honest but it's not. Now we have Biden in there who is just a puppet for the anti-christ, Barack Obama. Great job leftists. Now we have a guy who hates humanity in complete control over us. This is going be a really good year, I can feel it. But I blame both sides, not just the left wingers.

View attachment 54066
Did you know it is neither illegal or immoral for a President to be Muslim? However being a fucking serial liar...

I bet you are really Steve Bannon


Jan 8, 2001
Why on earth would it matter if the right to life is dependent on a specific individual vs any individual? Why would that have any bearing on a person's right to life taking precedence over another person's bodily autonomy? Either you believe a person's right to their own body takes precedence over another individual's claim to it or you don't.

The fact that you are unwilling to take a firm stance on this makes it appear that you only believe men have a right to bodily autonomy, and not women, so you try to couch it as a special, unique case.

To put it in other words, a women choosing to abort her child is choosing to kill it, deprive it of the right to live. Or, murder, if you prefer. There is no obligation on the part of a person with kidney disease to expect a kidney be given by one specific person. The receiver of this kidney has no right to expect generosity from another person (though it is laudable to do so). There is an obvious obligation on the part of a fetus to 'expect' to receive care from one specific person, it's mother. I don't understand how this is not self evident to you. Our increased understanding of the biology of reproduction makes this even more clear than it ever has been in our history.

This is my understanding of human nature and human dignity, and yes it is dominated by the teachings of Christ and His church. The early church fathers had the benefit of being familiar with the writings of the great Greek philosophers concerning such things as virtues - something modern society is sorely lacking. The development of many of these teachings aren't just pulled out of the air, they have been carefully thought out and reflected on for two millennia. Somehow, all that knowledge is cast asunder by modern mankind, as, apparently, modern mankind is better in every way that the great teachers who have come before us.

Anyway, that's what I believe, even if it remains in opposition to your beliefs. Hence the battle that is being fought today.


Feb 6, 2002
To put it in other words, a women choosing to abort her child is choosing to kill it, deprive it of the right to live. Or, murder, if you prefer. There is no obligation on the part of a person with kidney disease to expect a kidney be given by one specific person. The receiver of this kidney has no right to expect generosity from another person (though it is laudable to do so). There is an obvious obligation on the part of a fetus to 'expect' to receive care from one specific person, it's mother. I don't understand how this is not self evident to you. Our increased understanding of the biology of reproduction makes this even more clear than it ever has been in our history.

This is my understanding of human nature and human dignity, and yes it is dominated by the teachings of Christ and His church. The early church fathers had the benefit of being familiar with the writings of the great Greek philosophers concerning such things as virtues - something modern society is sorely lacking. The development of many of these teachings aren't just pulled out of the air, they have been carefully thought out and reflected on for two millennia. Somehow, all that knowledge is cast asunder by modern mankind, as, apparently, modern mankind is better in every way that the great teachers who have come before us.

Anyway, that's what I believe, even if it remains in opposition to your beliefs. Hence the battle that is being fought today.
By child to you mean a person. At what point IYO does that occur? Conception? At x weeks?


Jan 8, 2001
By child to you mean a person. At what point IYO does that occur? Conception? At x weeks?
Traditional Catholic teaching - at conception. Abortion was abhorrent and a sin against God and man simply on the basis that from the beginning, the embryo was considered to be a human being. We also believe that the embryo is co-created with with a couple and God, and thus has a soul, making the embryo a person, from it's first beginnings.


May 15, 2000
I have no faith whatsoever that this court would uphold Obergefell or not allow some similar stupidity like Texas has pulled with abortion. The social conservatives are going to push this as far as they can.

Who is going to stop them? Democrats? The voters? Both are too complacent to do anything about this.


May 15, 2000
Traditional Catholic teaching - at conception. Abortion was abhorrent and a sin against God and man simply on the basis that from the beginning, the embryo was considered to be a human being. We also believe that the embryo is co-created with with a couple and God, and thus has a soul, making the embryo a person, from it's first beginnings.

I can’t wait till I get to impose my religion on you. You think hell is a place you go to after death? Just wait.
Reactions: dank69


Aug 5, 2000
Traditional Catholic teaching - at conception. Abortion was abhorrent and a sin against God and man simply on the basis that from the beginning, the embryo was considered to be a human being. We also believe that the embryo is co-created with with a couple and God, and thus has a soul, making the embryo a person, from it's first beginnings.

The clear majority of the nation believes that a woman's right to be able to have control over her own body is sacrosanct. Why is it that you think you can have your right to decide what happens to your own body bound by the religious doctrines you practice yet you would deny that same right to others, that you think it's OK to legislatively and judicially enforce your religious beliefs on the majority of the nation?
Reactions: dank69


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Who is going to stop them? Democrats? The voters? Both are too complacent to do anything about this.

Nothing can stop them. What happens after is the question. As the court is increasingly seen as little more than another partisan vehicle for things social conservatives want but popular opinion does not the consequences aren't knowable yet. Maybe voters will shrug or maybe they'll (correctly) blame Republicans for doing things they don't want. Maybe some of both.

Once of the more probable outcomes is ever increasing divergence between red and blue states with escalating legal and economic conflicts.


Oct 15, 1999
The funny thing is conservatives don't want to ban sins they personally like to engage in like gluttony. Only sins other people engage in should be banned.
I'd be down with banning gluttony. We could setup fat camps and force people to eat less and exorcise. Maybe put a device on them that gives them an electric shock every time they chew. We'd have a healthier nation, fewer people in the hospital, more food to give to poor people, longer life spans, fewer covid deaths. It's a win win all the way around.


May 15, 2000
Nothing can stop them. What happens after is the question. As the court is increasingly seen as little more than another partisan vehicle for things social conservatives want but popular opinion does not the consequences aren't knowable yet. Maybe voters will shrug or maybe they'll (correctly) blame Republicans for doing things they don't want. Maybe some of both.

Once of the more probable outcomes is ever increasing divergence between red and blue states with escalating legal and economic conflicts.

I don’t think that’s the question at all, that is a given. The question is how long will our slide take before we are no longer a democracy? A year? Five? Fifty? How quickly did Rome fall?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
The consequences are the same every time its banned: Women will still get abortions they'll just be done by assholes in trailers and some of the women will die and all of a sudden the republicans won't give a fuck about the sanctity of life.
Reactions: dank69


Dec 15, 2015
I'd be down with banning gluttony. We could setup fat camps and force people to eat less and exorcise. Maybe put a device on them that gives them an electric shock every time they chew. We'd have a healthier nation, fewer people in the hospital, more food to give to poor people, longer life spans, fewer covid deaths. It's a win win all the way around.
If we're going to start banning sins, we should probably start with greed. That'll fix a lot more problems.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I don’t think that’s the question at all, that is a given. The question is how long will our slide take before we are no longer a democracy? A year? Five? Fifty? How quickly did Rome fall?

I don't think the court is likely to play much of a role in the end of democracy in the US. They'll do some unpopular and shitty things though. When GOP controlled states simply start deciding who won elections instead of counting votes, which is something a number of them are poised to do, is when democracy is effectively over here.
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