SCOTUS hearing on Roe V Wade

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Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Aren't you one of those people who will fight for the life of an embryo but once born be against vaccine mandates for healthcare workers that could result in killing that very child?
This is my point of view:

The vaccine is killing people, not me - it will compromise your immune system over the next 5 years. Also the abortion industry is killing unborn children as well. You don't realize that COVID was weaponized by the Chinese government specifically to destroy America? And you blindly go forward and take a vaccine created to cause further havoc on our people? That's mighty trusting of you! Yeah, I'm sure multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies have your best interests at heart. Did I mention they are sold out to China as well?


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
I say we put the rape baby in a trebuchet and launch it, if it survives, then it gets to live and be crowned the new ruler of Scotland. If not, then Storm-Chaser has to give us all handjobs.
LOL another guy who would get along really well with Jeffrey Dahmer

You know, the whole murder and dismemberment thing? Both of you are down with that. That's not your only bond with Jeff, I'm guessing.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Actually I think the only and BEST thing to do is let the mother have the baby. If she want's to keep it, great. If not, dont kill it, send it to an orphanige. This is a win win situation and no need to kill the baby that doesnt fallow suit with what I believe. All children SHOULD be born, with the exception of the anti-christ. But it's too late for that! On both counts!
We aren’t talking about what is best, we are talking about if this is moral or permissible or whatever.

Your position is:
1) a fetus is an innocent child. (They all go to heaven!)
2) abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent child - murder.
3) if a woman is a victim of rape it would be nice if she put it up for adoption but if she doesn’t want to then the intentional killing of an innocent child is ok.

That is both incoherent and evil.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
LOL another guy who would get along really well with Jeffrey Dahmer

You know, the whole murder and dismemberment thing? Both of you are down with that. That's not your only bond with Jeff, I'm guessing.

You are also down with murder and dismemberment because this baby is the product of rape so according to you killing it is fine.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2004
The same old back and forth abortion arguments. I'd offer up an opinion, but I am a man, and my opinion doesn't matter. Some of the women I know that are Christian and vehemently against getting vaccinated because it's their body and their medical choice refuse to see the hypocrisy of being against abortion. Fuck this supreme court, leave it alone.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
3) if a woman is a victim of rape it would be nice if she put it up for adoption but if she doesn’t want to then the intentional killing of an innocent child is ok.

That is both incoherent and evil.
I was NOT thinking it through, but I have a base understanding that I failed to mention earlier. EVERY child should be born, regardless of circumstances.
Reactions: fskimospy


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
You are also down with murder and dismemberment because this baby is the product of rape so according to you killing it is fine.
No I amended my belief there. All children should be born, my original belief in this aspect has always been have the baby and let the mother decide what to do with it. I didn't clarify that. Orphanage or keep it. But no killing. We can leave that to planned parenthood and Barack Obama.



No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
LOL another guy who would get along really well with Jeffrey Dahmer

You know, the whole murder and dismemberment thing? Both of you are down with that. That's not your only bond with Jeff, I'm guessing.

Not a guy, and not nearly so tight as your bond with John Wayne Gacy, both of you are mentally disturbed clowns.


Jun 21, 2005
We have a man down Houston.
Are you gonna answer my question about why you trust Trump? The guy who lies nearly always and is so morally bankrupt that he will certainly be sent to hell. Cheating on your wife while she's pregnant and then paying the woman (women) off has gotta land you in the fire right?
Reactions: Amol S.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
This is my point of view:
View attachment 54115
I mean lots of states have assisted suicide laws on the book. There's also comfort and palliative care which speeds up death but prevents pain and is a mainstay of modern medicine. I would say the chances any of us die with a morphine drip hanging is like 50% right now if you make it to a hospital before you die. Not really sure what the argument is with this image. Its just dumb asshattery by narrow minded individuals.

I also like the point about multi-million dollar companies having your best interests at heart; but leaving out that multi-million dollar groups are funding the anti-abortion movement (and the abortion movement).

I was NOT thinking it through, but I have a base understanding that I failed to mention earlier. EVERY child should be born, regardless of circumstances.
Every child should be born regardless of circumstance? Every child? Regardless of circumstance? Cop walks in to a room with the sound of multiple gun shots. Sees a pregnant woman holding an automatic rifle in front of 40 teenagers who are tied up and blindfolded. She's definitely going to shoot them. Heck there are already an 6 teenagers already shot dead on the floor. However, the cop believes that in every circumstance every child should be born. No exceptions. So he chooses not to kill the mother and her unborn child and just walks out. I totally agree with that logic. Every child should be born regardless of circumstances. No exceptions.

Or if the child is threatening the life of the mother? The uterus is compressing vitals structures and she's sure to die unless the child is aborted? I guess she should die, even in cases where the child isn't viable anyway.


Oct 6, 2009
I was NOT thinking it through, but I have a base understanding that I failed to mention earlier. EVERY child should be born, regardless of circumstances.
Awesome, so force 10-12 year-old girls to have rape babies. Super philosophy.
Reactions: Paratus

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
This is my point of view:
View attachment 54115

The vaccine is killing people, not me - it will compromise your immune system over the next 5 years. Also the abortion industry is killing unborn children as well. You don't realize that COVID was weaponized by the Chinese government specifically to destroy America? And you blindly go forward and take a vaccine created to cause further havoc on our people? That's mighty trusting of you! Yeah, I'm sure multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies have your best interests at heart. Did I mention they are sold out to China as well?
First off, vaccines do not destroy or weaken an immune system. A vaccine contains the same type of virus that has been weaken or a anti-biotical signal that makes the body create anti-bodies like how mRNA is. What you are listening to is conspiracy theories that have been proven to be wrong. If you were right, people by the hoards would have been dropping dead even before covid 19, after getting a flu shot.
I was NOT thinking it through, but I have a base understanding that I failed to mention earlier. EVERY child should be born, regardless of circumstances.
That is not the answer to the question where the mother's life is in danger due to curtain circumstances, where dropping tbe unborn child is the only option. Your point of view states that it does not mater because that means almighty wrote in the destiny of that woman to die. Furthermore, it is the job of the doctor to save the patient, not to reject them, as it is stated in their hypocratic oath. Furthermore, there religious texts of many religions that state something along the following lines.
"In changing times where religious values are put into question, the decision of whether to change the religous values lies with the crown. " Where crown here refers to the leader. You can even find this in Hinduism.

Further more, in the health situation as described above, if the mother was to die, then so would the unborn child. Thus that would be two dead people according to you. However if the unborn child is dropped, then the mother survives, and the would only be one dead person in your terms. Thus, if we follow what your saying then you are basically stating that we should commit double murder(in your terms), in the health situation described above.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Are you gonna answer my question about why you trust Trump? The guy who lies nearly always and is so morally bankrupt that he will certainly be sent to hell.
Only God can judge the intent of the heart. When I see liberals bashing Trump about previous indiscretions, I posit the notion that only God can judge. So it's foolish to think you know better than God, because Trump was Gods man. And why do I trust trump? Because he is:
1) Not a politician
2) Boldness - only candidate to say he was going rebuild the wall.
3) Commitment -- He delivered on his promises.
4) Not a socialist
5) Not a globalist
6) Not connected to the shadow government.
7) Self funded his initial campaign
8) Pro life
9) Cares about veterans
10) Cares about police
11) Cares about you
12) He is Gods man to reverse the course
13) Unshakable commitment to fixing our nation
14) Most importantly he is a Christian and a patriot.


We take pride in our country, we teach the truth about our history, we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions, and of course, we respect our great American Flag.

  • We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding.

  • We believe in the promise of the Declaration of Independence, that we are all made EQUAL by our Creator, and that must all be TREATED equal under the law.

  • We know that our rights do not come from government, they come from God, and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That includes the right to religious liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms.

  • We believe in rebuilding our previously depleted military and ending the endless wars our failed politicians of the past got us into for decades.

  • We embrace free thought, we welcome robust debate, and we are not afraid to stand up to the oppressive dictates of political correctness.

  • We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, and we affirm that the Constitution means exactly what it says AS WRITTEN.

  • We support fair trade, low taxes, and fewer job-killing regulations, and we know that America must always have the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.

  • We believe in Law and Order, and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are HEROES who deserve our absolute support.

  • We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward – where every LEGAL VOTE counts.
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2001

Seems to imply (as I suspected) that the beliefs have changed over the millennia. Much of it seems to stem from the believe that sexual pleasure was itself sinful.
Odd though, that my impression is that opposition to the right to abortion in the US is largely driven by Protestants. Sounds as if your exact position only really goes back as far as 1974.

The abstract:
So, a few things.
A 'from it's first beginnings' applies to the fetus' life, not the church. I've discussed the changes in the church's teaching in several posts earlier in this thread.

The 'Abstract' you posted from Pub Med is a trite bit of spittle. Given it's incomparably short length and lack of attribution, one cannot be surprised that it is in error.

Here is one snippet of Catholic teaching on this subject
Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “Thus the fruit of human generation, from the first moment of its existence, that is to say from the moment the zygote has formed, demands the unconditional respect that is morally due to the human being in his bodily and spiritual totality. The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life.” [Cardinal Ratzinger, CDF, Donum Vitae, I, 1. ]
Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “The human being must be respected — as a person — from the very first instant of his existence.” [Ibid.]

John Paul II held the same precept as being true (whereas that abstract says he didn't know - wtf!).

The abstract also so utterly miss understands Aquinas that it's comical. I suspect you are smarter than whoever wrote that so read for yourself if you care:
Aquinas is reflecting on Christ's incarnation, as we are formed in His image, it can be no different for us (expect the being God part).

You can look this stuff up using Vatican sources and from other well respected catholic site if you care. Why accept as fact what Pub Med has to say?
This church is run by humans, how they strayed relative to what Aquinas makes clear is very sadly human. Following the developments of 'science', such as it was until modern times, the church ran down some rabbit holes as well. That has been cleared up, beginning in around the 18th century (IIRC) and has reached maturity.

Anyway, people here don't know from what Catholics derive their understanding of abortion. Instead, the common practise seems to be one of assuming we hate women somehow and want to control their bodies. I would propose another modus operandi of hate at work within abortion proponents as the cause for their positions, but that never goes anywhere.

In addition, people like to propose odd scenarios ('you can only do one') hoping catch me in a lie/contradiction I suppose. I'm not going to answer every corner case folks can conceive of, that not my aim in posting here. I certainly do not have the time to answer every accusation an question posed to me. I'm not trying to 'win', I'm just presenting my position. And, as with anyone here, our consciences are formed by the great influences on the development of our intellect. The fact that mine was heavily influenced by that of the Catholic church makes it no more or less valid than what influenced others, visa-a-vi public discourse. As such, I am not trying to force my religion on other people, I'm an only fighting for my viewpoint to prevail. Who here does elsewise (save shane?, damn can't recall his username).


Jan 8, 2001
This is my point of view:
View attachment 54115

The vaccine is killing people, not me - it will compromise your immune system over the next 5 years. Also the abortion industry is killing unborn children as well. You don't realize that COVID was weaponized by the Chinese government specifically to destroy America? And you blindly go forward and take a vaccine created to cause further havoc on our people? That's mighty trusting of you! Yeah, I'm sure multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies have your best interests at heart. Did I mention they are sold out to China as well?
Geez, Russia is getting scary good at creating forum bots .


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
First off, vaccines do not destroy or weaken an immune system.
If you only knew what was in the "vaccine" your faith as a leftist would be shattered and rocked to the core. You will eventually realize the vaccine is designed to kill not cure.

LOL I just had to paste this little chart even if it's wrong and totally overboard I got a kick out of it. However, my next post will be very serious and very direct. lol



Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
If you only knew what was in the "vaccine" your faith as a leftist would be shattered and rocked to the core. You will eventually realize the vaccine is designed to kill not cure.

LOL I just had to paste this little chart even if it's wrong and totally overboard I got a kick out of it. However, my next post will be very serious and very direct. lol

View attachment 54129

View attachment 54130
Just curious why Trump lead the development of a vaccine that was designed to kill, not cure, and why Trump then got the vaccine, and has encouraged people to get it. How is Trump failing you so bad?

Also, why are you so opposed to science?


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Just curious why Trump lead the development of a vaccine that was designed to kill, not cure, and why Trump then got the vaccine, and has encouraged people to get it. How is Trump failing you so bad?

Also, why are you so opposed to science?
WRONG. The shadow government, which/was operating covertly against Trumps authority designed the vaccine to kill. It was done in conjunction with China in order to weaponize the virus.

Also they are outright lying about Trump getting the jab. He knows better.

There is nothing left to lose. Socialism is coming to America.


Nov 4, 2004
WRONG. The shadow government, which/was operating covertly against Trumps authority designed the vaccine to kill. It was done in conjunction with China in order to weaponize the virus.

Also they are outright lying about Trump getting the jab. He knows better.

There is nothing left to lose. Socialism is coming to America.

Newsflash, socialism has been here for almost 100 years. Get over it.
Reactions: Ajay
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