SCOTUS hearing on Roe V Wade

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Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
WRONG. The shadow government, which/was operating covertly against Trumps authority designed the vaccine to kill. It was done in conjunction with China in order to weaponize the virus.

Also they are outright lying about Trump getting the jab. He knows better.

There is nothing left to lose. Socialism is coming to America.
He said he got it himself and encouraged people to get it publicly (and they booed him for it). I'm inclined to believe you're just a troll but I've met people as stupid as you in real life so I wouldn't discount you being serious.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Newsflash, socialism has been here for almost 100 years. Get over it.
No, we are a constitutional representative republic. We follow the guidelines known and written in the Constitution. That very action affords us freedom and untold blessings as we live in peace. How the hell do you get to 100 years of socialism?


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
He said he got it himself and encouraged people to get it publicly (and they booed him for it). I'm inclined to believe you're just a troll but I've met people as stupid as you in real life so I wouldn't discount you being serious.
Show me the video and I will give you my take.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
WRONG. The shadow government, which/was operating covertly against Trumps authority designed the vaccine to kill. It was done in conjunction with China in order to weaponize the virus.

Also they are outright lying about Trump getting the jab. He knows better.

There is nothing left to lose. Socialism is coming to America.
Wait, so why did Trump recommend for his followers to get the jab? I'm confused? Is the video a deep fake? Was someone controlling Trump? How deep does the rabbit hole go?


Jan 14, 2013
Newsflash, socialism has been here for almost 100 years. Get over it.

You guys are still talking to that loon? The super pro-life Trumpie religious types that are actually against any system wide program that is actually pro-life from healthcare to housing to daycare to better wages?


Jun 21, 2005
Only God can judge the intent of the heart. When I see liberals bashing Trump about previous indiscretions, I posit the notion that only God can judge. So it's foolish to think you know better than God, because Trump was Gods man. And why do I trust trump? Because he is:
1) Not a politician
2) Boldness - only candidate to say he was going rebuild the wall.
3) Commitment -- He delivered on his promises.
4) Not a socialist
5) Not a globalist
6) Not connected to the shadow government.
7) Self funded his initial campaign
8) Pro life
9) Cares about veterans
10) Cares about police
11) Cares about you
12) He is Gods man to reverse the course
13) Unshakable commitment to fixing our nation
14) Most importantly he is a Christian and a patriot.
1)Yes he is...and more corrupt than any other in US politics. He tried to hold onto power by basically encouraging a coup.
2)And he failed at that.
3)What promises did he keep? He promised to rescind ACA and deliver the "best" healthcare to everyone...failed. Said he would build the wall...failed.
4)I'm not sure you know what that means. Hint, it's not the same as communism.
5)He definitely is...otherwise his hotels would only be in the US, and wouldn't try to expand his brand overseas.
6)Thank goodness, cause he knows jack squat about running a country. If he was actually effective the US would be in a worse state than Biden inherited especially wrt COVID.
7)With "donations" from suckers, bilking charities, and stiffing his contractors.
8)He's only pro-Trump...he doesn't give a damn about anyone else, not even his own family.
9)Called POWs losers...disrespected gold star families.
10)Asked his supporters to storm the capital...police didn't fare so well.
11)Again, only cares about himself, proven time and again.
12)So God is okay with a lying, philandering, greedy, narcissist. Sounds more like the anti-Christ...greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing gullible people like you that Trump is Godly...or something like that lol.
13)Unshakable commitment to hold onto power and enrich himself.
14)See #12.

I hate to even engage with that post because it is so full of holes. Anyway, the fact that you think Trump is "God's man" means it's unlikely we can have a debate based in reality. Good luck to you.
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Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
I hate to even engage with that post because it is so full of holes. Anyway, the fact that you think Trump is "God's man" means it's unlikely we can have a debate based in reality. Good luck to you.
Based on the interactions I have with most Christians, Trump certainly is the Christian God's man.
Reactions: thilanliyan


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Only God can judge the intent of the heart. When I see liberals bashing Trump about previous indiscretions, I posit the notion that only God can judge. So it's foolish to think you know better than God, because Trump was Gods man. And why do I trust trump? Because he is:
1) Not a politician
2) Boldness - only candidate to say he was going rebuild the wall.
3) Commitment -- He delivered on his promises.
4) Not a socialist
5) Not a globalist
6) Not connected to the shadow government.
7) Self funded his initial campaign
8) Pro life
9) Cares about veterans
10) Cares about police
11) Cares about you
12) He is Gods man to reverse the course
13) Unshakable commitment to fixing our nation
14) Most importantly he is a Christian and a patriot.

View attachment 54128ie.

We take pride in our country, we teach the truth about our history, we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions, and of course, we respect our great American Flag.

  • We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding.

  • We believe in the promise of the Declaration of Independence, that we are all made EQUAL by our Creator, and that must all be TREATED equal under the law.

  • We know that our rights do not come from government, they come from God, and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That includes the right to religious liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms.

  • We believe in rebuilding our previously depleted military and ending the endless wars our failed politicians of the past got us into for decades.

  • We embrace free thought, we welcome robust debate, and we are not afraid to stand up to the oppressive dictates of political correctness.

  • We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, and we affirm that the Constitution means exactly what it says AS WRITTEN.

  • We support fair trade, low taxes, and fewer job-killing regulations, and we know that America must always have the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.

  • We believe in Law and Order, and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are HEROES who deserve our absolute support.

  • We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward – where every LEGAL VOTE counts.
Wait, so if only god can judge how do you explain your judgments of Obama, Biden, and others?


Jun 21, 2005
Based on the interactions I have with most Christians, Trump certainly is the Christian God's man.
If I were to assume "God" exists, I'd hope to goodness that he sends someone like Trump straight to hell...but based on what I see and hear, "he" doesn't seem to be very discerning of goodness.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 6, 2009
Only God can judge the intent of the heart. When I see liberals bashing Trump about previous indiscretions, I posit the notion that only God can judge. So it's foolish to think you know better than God, because Trump was Gods man. And why do I trust trump? Because he is:
1) Not a politician
2) Boldness - only candidate to say he was going rebuild the wall.
3) Commitment -- He delivered on his promises.
4) Not a socialist
5) Not a globalist
6) Not connected to the shadow government.
7) Self funded his initial campaign
8) Pro life
9) Cares about veterans
10) Cares about police
11) Cares about you
12) He is Gods man to reverse the course
13) Unshakable commitment to fixing our nation
14) Most importantly he is a Christian and a patriot.

View attachment 54128ie.

We take pride in our country, we teach the truth about our history, we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions, and of course, we respect our great American Flag.

  • We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding.

  • We believe in the promise of the Declaration of Independence, that we are all made EQUAL by our Creator, and that must all be TREATED equal under the law.

  • We know that our rights do not come from government, they come from God, and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That includes the right to religious liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms.

  • We believe in rebuilding our previously depleted military and ending the endless wars our failed politicians of the past got us into for decades.

  • We embrace free thought, we welcome robust debate, and we are not afraid to stand up to the oppressive dictates of political correctness.

  • We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, and we affirm that the Constitution means exactly what it says AS WRITTEN.

  • We support fair trade, low taxes, and fewer job-killing regulations, and we know that America must always have the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.

  • We believe in Law and Order, and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are HEROES who deserve our absolute support.

  • We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward – where every LEGAL VOTE counts.
Strange how Trump was God's man but Biden/Obama/insert any Democrat here was not.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
If I were to assume "God" exists, I'd hope to goodness that he sends someone like Trump straight to hell...but based on what I see and hear, "he" doesn't seem to be very discerning of goodness.
I'd say there is plenty of evidence to confirm that if there is a god, they are either not paying attention to earth, have no power to intervene on earth, or are a total dick. There really is no other rational explanation.

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
If you only knew what was in the "vaccine" your faith as a leftist would be shattered and rocked to the core. You will eventually realize the vaccine is designed to kill not cure.

LOL I just had to paste this little chart even if it's wrong and totally overboard I got a kick out of it. However, my next post will be very serious and very direct. lol

View attachment 54129

View attachment 54130
There is proof that vaccines are not the cause of Autism. Autism is a birth defect, that some people only get diagnosed with at a later point in time. The case of that actors child was as I just described, he has autism since birth.

There is no way that there can be a functional Wi-Fi and/or 5G controlled microchip in the vaccine. The level of technology we are currently at con not even feasibly make such a battery powered device, radioactive power source is out of question as it would interfere with the electronics on the chip. Furthermore, there is no way one can create a 5G antenna of a size smaller than a microchip that can fit in a vaccine. More importantly, there is no battery of such small size that can power such a small device.

Glucose is already in your blood stream, adding more would make no difference.

There is no such thing as a gay-ray you dummy. Even if there was, why would one place it in a vaccine, when you can embed it in your so call conspiracy of space lasers?

Dandruff can't even fit thru the syringe snout, so that is immediate proof that there is no such dandruff in the vaccine.

I could go on and on proving all the vaccine conspiracy theory in it's entirety wrong.

However, there is something else that I would like to show to you.

As you are a Trumpanzee, you probably agree with all these points.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
It's like you are Meme Master General for the Q army or something.
Whatever you heard through the grapevine is generally not something you should just put your faith in. People slander my name, it's nothing new. I make a lot of enemies, I acknowledge that. You can obviously see why my style here could potentially create a rift and attacks on my person. This is not the only time I've had a dumpster fire debate with liberals / opposition rebels.

I come to these debates very prepared, yes. I have over 2000 (okay, maybe I do go a bit overboard) memes on my imgbb account. Back in the later years of Obama's Presidency, I had a very bad back injury and was unable to work or really even walk around for at least 6 months. Luckly, I had a really good girl to take care of me. But my point is, I had a computer and I was able to invest a large amount of time researching all of these topics.

Consequently, yes I do typically have a response for any point made because I've been sharpening my sword for nearly a decade or more now. I'm trying to give you guys a heads up here so you can make the right decision when the time comes.

That still doesnt change the fact that I don't BLAME any one of you. Im not here to thrash the person I'm here to challenge the ideology.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Wait, so if only god can judge how do you explain your judgments of Obama, Biden, and others?
I am critiquing Biden and Obama based on their performance in office, you are criticizing Trump for past indiscretions. I'm sure you've had a few of those, we all have.

Thank you for bringing up this point because it's actually the must important revelation of why your hounding of trumps past sins is irrelevant.


Oct 6, 2009
Whatever you heard through the grapevine is generally not something you should just put your faith in. People slander my name, it's nothing new. I make a lot of enemies, I acknowledge that. You can obviously see why my style here could potentially create a rift and attacks on my person. This is not the only time I've had a dumpster fire debate with liberals / opposition rebels.

I come to these debates very prepared, yes. I have over 2000 memes on my imgbb account. Back in the later years of Obama's Presidency, I had a very bad back injury and was unable to work or really even walk around for at least 6 months. Luckly, I had a really good girl to take care of me. But my point is, I had a computer and I was able to invest a large amount of time researching all of these topics.

Consequently, yes I do typically have a response for any point made because I've been sharpening my sword for nearly a decade or more now. I'm trying to give you guys a heads up here so you can make the right decision when the time comes.

That still doesnt change the fact that I don't BLAME any one of you. Im not here to thrash the person I'm here to challenge the ideology.
Bro, you are not good at research. Your memes are full of lies that were debunked ages ago. It took us a few days to show your abortion philosophy was flawed enough for you to adjust it. Unfortunately you adjusted it to forcing preteens to carry rape babies to term instead of the ethical direction but that is nothing new. Someone with that philosophy has no leg to stand on when judging morality though.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
3)What promises did he keep? He promised to rescind ACA and deliver the "best" healthcare to everyone...failed. Said he would build the wall...failed.

. ● American families received $3.2 trillion in gross tax cuts and saw the child tax credit double. President Trump is unleashing economic growth and jobs. During his first year, nearly 3 million new jobs were created since January 2017 and the unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent, the first time below 4% in 18 years.
● 337,000 construction jobs have been created since President Trump took office, and construction employment stands at its highest level since June 2008.
● Fourteen states reached record low unemployment rates.
● The African American unemployment rate reached its lowest ever recorded.
● Job openings have reached 6.6 million, the highest level recorded. This competition should drive wage growth.
● Jobless claims reached the lowest level in 45 years (1973).
● Average 3% growth the last three quarters- under President Obama, annual growth averaged 1.9%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit record highs more than 80 times under President Trump, including closing higher than 26,000 points for the first time in its history.
● Since President Trump’s election, more than $5 trillion in wealth has been created for the U.S. economy. Interested in helping President Trump’s campaign? Contact Trump Victory Regional Director Olivia Brown at The Trump Administration prioritized the economic empowerment of women as a key element of our commitment to economic growth and gender equality.
● This year, the Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more than last year in capital to women-owned businesses. The Longest Consecutive Positive Monthly Job Growth on Record - Total payroll employment grew by 213,000 in June 2018 (18,000 over forecasts) led by gains in professional and business services, education and health services, and, once again, manufacturing.
● This is the longest consecutive, positive monthly job growth period on record (93 months). New Good-Paying Manufacturing Jobs - Manufacturing jobs continue to outperform under this administration, with an average increase of 20,000 new jobs per month compared to 8,000 per month in the second term of the Obama administration.
● Since President Trump was elected, the American economy has added 3.7 million jobs. One in every 10 of those jobs has been in manufacturing. President Donald Trump’s economy beat expectations in August in an impressive month that saw 201,000 jobs added.
● On average, President Trump has added 82,000 more jobs per month than President Obama. Wage growth soared at its fastest pace since the Great Recession” and the unemployment rate held “near a generational low” of 3.9 percent. Unemployment remains historically low, as the number of Americans filing for unemployment hit its lowest point since 1969. (Source: RNC Research) IMPROVING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE, QUALITY HEALTHCARE:
● President Trump repealed the individual mandate, which forced people to buy expensive insurance.
● Expanded access to Association Health Plans (AHPs) allowing small business to pool risk across states.
● President Trump signed a six-year extension of CHIP to fund healthcare for 9 million children.
● FDA has approved the most number of generic drugs in history in order to increase competition in the marketplace and lower the cost of prescription drugs for all Americans. Under President Trump, Americans have access to more affordable healthcare with the ruling from the Department of Treasury that allows for Short-Term Limited Duration plans to be extended up to 12 months. August 2018 - HHS awarded $125 million in grants to 1,352 community health centers across all U.S. States, Territories, and the District of Columbia.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2020
Bro, you are not good at research. Your memes are full of lies that were debunked ages ago. It took us a few days to show your abortion philosophy was flawed enough for you to adjust it. Unfortunately you adjusted it to forcing preteens to carry rape babies to term instead of the ethical direction but that is nothing new. Someone with that philosophy has no leg to stand on when judging morality though.
LOL So lets here what you have to say about rape babies then?

memes are typically 100% accurate. You would have found this out had you been researching this 4-5 years ago. Since then google has whitewashed the internet to control the narrative and prevent my voice from being heard.
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