SCOTUS rules: gay marriage approved

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Oct 10, 2006
So from the current SCOTUS we've got gun rights and gay rights, now if they'd just rule against the NSA I'd throw a party!


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2009
Its not about whether or not you believe in God or whether or not you agree with the idea of gay marriage. This ruling extends the rights and privileges that come from the government (NOT the church) to ALL couples who choose to live their lives in a legally bound committed relationship with another person, not just to the couples who do so that happen to be of different sexes. Think of how different your heterosexual marriage would be if these rights weren't given to you. Is it really your place to whine about a law that provides these rights to others? You can still live your life as you have because newsflash, this change in the law WON'T AFFECT YOU unless you are gay. It's not changing or devaluing your religious beliefs. It's not going to make you or your children gay. It's not going to cause judgment from your God to rain down upon YOU. It's simply going to better the lives of the gay community who want to make a lifelong commitment to their partners and have the protections that commitment provides. So unless you have something nice to say, just stop the whining and go back to your normal lives.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Republican politicians and grifting organizations have to be drooling with joy over the health care and gay marriage decisions. Not only do they get to continue demonizing liberals over them but now they have even more fear to fund raise on! Their rubes, I mean supporters, are going to be sending them tons of cash to continue to fight the War on Gay and the War on Obamacare. They have to be ecstatic about it.

It really is the best for everyone concerned; Republicans get to more stuff to whine about and milk their cattle for more $$$ with while everyone gets health care subsidies and gay marriage.

Win-Win! :biggrin:


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
This is interesting since there is no federal law which defines marriage. There was one but SCOTUS declared that unconstitutional (DOMA). My guess is now Marriage means nothing.

You dont need to define marriage. All they did was uphold the constitution, specifically the bill of rights.

ALL Americans get treated equally by the government, at any level. Thats the law.

If the state decides to give you tax credits and property rights because you are "married" then it needs to apply to everyone. Not just whites. Not just christians. Not just heterosexuals.
Every human being gets equal treatment.

(from the law. Theres no guarantee of equality from private citizens or private businesses.)

Newell Steamer

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2014
The conservative brain defect has hit 11.

- Ted Cruz:
“Today, it’s some of the darkest 24 hours in our nation’s history,”
Darkest hours? Millions are now treated like human beings. Yet, this alarmist sees it as something dark, evil, malicious.

- Bobby Jindal:
“If we want to save some money, let’s just get rid of the court,”
Ah, don't like the direction and decision they took - so, get rid of it.

- Glenn Beck:
"This could mean the end of radio broadcasts like mine," Beck warned. "I am on now public airwaves regulated by the federal government. If I say, or anybody on this show says they're for traditional marriage, which I am in my personal life ... that now puts this radio broadcast in jeopardy because we are on federally regulated airwaves. I will tell you that I am going to begin, today, looking for other vehicles besides the radio broadcast just so, in a two year period, should somebody start to mount this, what does that mean?"
SCOTUS didn't rule on ending your show Mr. Beck. But, in typical alarmist fashion, he dials up a notch and claims he will be hunted down.

- Some Alabama counties:
I am saddened that the United States Supreme Court ruled as they did but this ruling does not invalidate Alabama Code Section 30-1-9, which states 'Marriage licenses may be issued by the judges of probate of the several counties.' The word 'may' provides probate judges with the option of whether or not to engage in the practice of issuing marriage licenses and I have chosen not to perform that function. My office discontinued issuing marriage licenses in February and I have no plans to put Pike County back into the marriage business. The policy of my office regarding marriage is no different today than it was yesterday.
Taking a cue from Jindal - shut it down. Who said Conservatives don't work well together!?

- Michele Bachman:
“Many Americans will choose to follow God’s ways rather than this Court and they should suffer no penalty for doing so. The Court has flung open the gate to lawsuits from those pushing the gay agenda against those who disagree with same sex marriage.”
Obey the law,... or leave. I hope she takes the latter - that way, she can avoid those lawsuits.

- Louie Gohmert:
f Moses, Jesus, and contributors to the Bible were correct, God’s hand of protection will be withdrawn as future actions from external and internal forces will soon make clear. I will do all I can to prevent such harm, but I am gravely fearful that the stage has now been set.

,... but Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Which Bible did this guy read??

- Crane Durham:
Scroll down and listen to his American Family Radio quote: TYRANNY!! And, one of his callers stated they should 'abandon ship'. Again, yes please - leave.


Oct 18, 2005
I love the fear mongering intended to make them more money or get more donations to their PACs from the rubes.

At some point you would think that even those who sincerely hold the beliefs these snake oil salesmen are playing to would get tired of being fleeced.
Dec 10, 2005
I love the fear mongering intended to make them more money or get more donations to their PACs from the rubes.

At some point you would think that even those who sincerely hold the beliefs these snake oil salesmen are playing to would get tired of being fleeced.
Based on this old music video (1991) and even though it is a parody, it's not so far from the truth. And seeing the fleecing scene, be they social conservative politicians or talk show hosts with a mental illness, 24 years later, the rubes probably won't get tired of it.
Dec 10, 2005
And Texas is following:

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, a Republican, issued a directive to state agencies saying that employees should not be penalized for refusing to act in violation of their beliefs. “No Texan is required by the Supreme Court’s decision to act contrary to his or her religious beliefs regarding marriage,” he said in a statement.

What an asshole. If you don't want to be issuing marriage licenses for the secular government: find another job. You don't get to use whatever power you have in the government as a tool to force your personal beliefs on another.


Feb 5, 2006

Shouldn't he fix the budget mess he already created instead of adding to it with legal bills to fight an already lost war on gay marriage.
Year after year, Louisiana didn't have enough money to cover its expenses, yet Gov. Bobby Jindal refused to roll back income tax cuts or ever-increasing corporate tax breaks. Instead, he raided reserve funds and sold off state property.

Jindal suggested job growth from his economic development wins would replenish those assets once the recession ended. It hasn't — and money from the lucrative oil industry has taken a nose dive with crude prices. Now, the Republican is running out of short-term patches and is struggling to plug a $1.6 billion budget hole just as he tries to build support for a possible 2016 presidential run.

Funding for higher education and health care services will almost certainly be subject to cuts deeper than what they already have endured in recent years, and Jindal's successor will have to repay a string of debts and IOUs.


Jul 17, 2003
I can see Dem election campaign staff throwing parties right about now. Not for the decision, but for the sheer magnitude of ammo they are being handed for 2016.

Nothing riles the religioulous partisans like a sacred cow getting tipped. Chalk this up as another reason why I think the GOTP is going to be brutalized next year. These guys are pretty much wrong about everything, and they react like this when American principles win the day.
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Aug 5, 2000
In other news stock prices on fear and hate is going through the roof.....chicken little has been voted president of the RNC....and Rush Limbaugh has been elevated to the status of Prophet Emeritus.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
And right-wing legislators in some states - Texas, for example - have indicated that they're going to place legislative hurdles in front of same-sex couples who want to marry. Kind of like what they're doing with highly-restrictive laws on abortion clinics. The intent is to delay, delay, delay.

One hopes that same-sex couples seeking to marry in such states will be able to get quick injunctive relief, as the harm to couples waiting for challenges to such laws to get through the courts would be far greater than any harm to a state that was forced to allow same-sex marriages during that waiting period.

Simply put, right wingers will stoop to any level to deny "liberal" rights to others.

This is what worries me. Reproductive rights have been going down the tubes in the South lately with things like mandatory ultrasound laws, "fetal pain" laws, waiting periods, mandated literature distribution, hospital admitting privileges for doctors, and building codes designed specifically to close clinics citing "safety" for women without any real medical reason.

Alabama has 5 clinics and they are actively working to close those. Huntsville's clinic had to rebuild elsewhere in the city to satisfy the new building codes (as they require them to now conform to the building standards of ambulatory surgical centers instead of outpatient clinics), and now they are trying to get a law passed that no clinic can be within a certain distance from any school, which would now apply to the newly built replacement clinic. The other four have had similar issues. Mississippi only has one clinic remaining for the entire state! Conservatives are slowly working their way around Casey v. Planned Parenthood, which IIRC states that no state may impose an undue burden for access to abortion. That access will soon be only in theory, but not in reality.

I don't want to turn this into an abortion debate. My overall point here is that there is a HUGE quiver of delay tactics and workarounds that make implementation of this decision anything but a sure thing for years to come. I expect that we may see a flurry of cases based on the RRFA work their way through the courts similar to what happened with the Hobby Lobby case, where the troglodytes rule the day. I certainly hope I am wrong here.
Feb 4, 2009
Christians aren't very tolerant people though so will be another uphill battle. As you can see by people's response to this ruling.

People who have hijacked the Church may not be so tolerant. The Bible is full of forgiveness, love thy neighbor and give people a chance. Even the Pope has spoken about tolerance and love is more important than hot button issues like gays & abortion. I'm too lazy to link to it however its been spoken about several times by him.


May 28, 2007
People who have hijacked the Church may not be so tolerant. The Bible is full of forgiveness, love thy neighbor and give people a chance. Even the Pope has spoken about tolerance and love is more important than hot button issues like gays & abortion. I'm too lazy to link to it however its been spoken about several times by him.

Yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but this particular pope is not exactly representative of Catholicism, Christianity, or the Clergy in general. I mean, it's unspeakably awesome, not to mention fun as hell watching all the Catholics freak out, but you say "even the pope" like he's not pretty much the most progressive part of the church at this point.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but this particular pope is not exactly representative of Catholicism, Christianity, or the Clergy in general. I mean, it's unspeakably awesome, not to mention fun as hell watching all the Catholics freak out, but you say "even the pope" like he's not pretty much the most progressive part of the church at this point.

I disagree. I think he is a great representative of all. Well what the bible wants anyway. perhaps not the people who are in the church today.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
I love the fear mongering intended to make them more money or get more donations to their PACs from the rubes.

At some point you would think that even those who sincerely hold the beliefs these snake oil salesmen are playing to would get tired of being fleeced.

To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, no demagogue ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of right-wing voters.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Do you? I'm always curious if people who bring this point up are actually familiar with the 10 Commandments. Because not only are there a LOT of laws in the US that have absolutely no relation whatsoever to anything espoused in the 10 Commandments, there is also a hefty percentage of the 10 Commandments that are specifically AGAINST American law. To wit:

1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other Gods before me; illegal to codify in US law, per the 1st Amendment.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image; illegal to codify in US law, per the 1st Amendment.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; illegal to codify in US law, per the 1st Amendment.

4. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy; illegal to codify in US law, per the 1st Amendment.

5. Honor thy father and mother; not a US law, arguably unConstitutional per the 1st Amendment.

6. Thou shalt not commit murder; DEFINITELY A LAW! However, also a law in places that don't follow the 10 Commandments, so a little disingenuous to imply that US law is based on the 10 Commandments here. It's not like if the Bible never existed, we'd be hunky-dory with murdering each other. Benefit of the doubt, the Christians get this one.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery; not a US law, arguably unConstitutional, though definitely costly to people who do it based on alimony awards.

8. Thou shalt not steal; DEFINITELY A LAW! But, like with murder, this is one of those things that plenty of cultures thought of before the Bible came around to clarify things. But hey, we're running out and we're not doing so hot, so let's give Jesus this one.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor; DEFINITELY A LAW! And one that can mostly be traced back to the 10 Commandments, so well done!

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, wife, ass, etc; Not only is this not a law, it's specifically anti-Capitalist, which makes it unAmerican. Why on Earth would I be interested in buying a fancy watch or a bigger house unless I wanted to one-up my neighbor? Absurd.

OK, so the final tally is 30% of the 10 Commandments are ACTUAL LAWS in the United States, and it's generous to claim that any of them are laws solely because of their place in the Commandments list. That means 70% of the 10 Commandments aren't actually laws in the United States, five being specifically unConstitutional, and one being anti-Capitalist, which is arguably worse. So, fine, "a lot of our laws come from the 10 Commandments," but VASTLY more don't, and of the 10 Commandments themselves, only three of them actually pertain to any part of our legal system. How does that fit into your history lesson?

FWIW Hammurabis code covered most of those and is 1500 or so years older then the bible
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