SD House Passes Abortion Ban

Jun 27, 2005
SD House Approves Abortion Ban
The South Dakota House has passed a bill that would nearly ban all abortions in the state, ushering the issue to the state Senate.

Supporters are pushing the measure in hopes of drawing a legal challenge that will cause the US Supreme Court to reverse its 1973 decision legalizing abortion.

The bill banning all abortions in South Dakota was passed 47-to-22 in the House.

Amendments aimed at carving out exemptions for rape, incest and the health of women were rejected.

The bill does contain a loophole that allows abortions if women are in danger of dying. Doctors who do those abortions could not be prosecuted.

This country is headed for civil war.

Edit: Add Mississippi to the list


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
SD House Approves Abortion Ban
The South Dakota House has passed a bill that would nearly ban all abortions in the state, ushering the issue to the state Senate.

Supporters are pushing the measure in hopes of drawing a legal challenge that will cause the US Supreme Court to reverse its 1973 decision legalizing abortion.

The bill banning all abortions in South Dakota was passed 47-to-22 in the House.

Amendments aimed at carving out exemptions for rape, incest and the health of women were rejected.

The bill does contain a loophole that allows abortions if women are in danger of dying. Doctors who do those abortions could not be prosecuted.

This country is headed for civil war.

I never could understand this.


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
Let's see what Alito does with this (when it goes to the SC of course).
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
People will just go to another state for abortions.

Trust me... this is just the first domino. There are 35 other states ready to pass the same kind of legislation. The left in this country is about to lose its collective mind. If this makes it to the supreme court and wins... The nuclear option on Bush's next SC appointment will not be a figurative metaphor.

If nothing else, it'll be fun to watch.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
woahooooo! like we have nothing better to do than address an old, bitter, go-no-where topic such as abortion.

I am a bit surprised that this didnt wait until a little closer to the elections.


Jan 10, 2002
I really wish some of our politicians would have been aborted instead of allowing to bring their religious wrath upon us


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
It won't get to the SC. This is settled law, it's just posturing by right wing idiots who are pandering.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: OrByte
woahooooo! like we have nothing better to do than address an old, bitter, go-no-where topic such as abortion.

I am a bit surprised that this didnt wait until a little closer to the elections.

Hmm. I live here and never heard anthing about it. I guess i don't watch the local news much, i don't even get the local newspaper.

I know our state senator from my district, I'll have to email him and see what's going on in the Senate. Hopefully they have more sense then to pass this POS bill.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
I really wish some of our politicians would have been aborted instead of allowing to bring their religious wrath upon us

Do you have to be religious to oppose abortion on moral grounds?


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dahunan
I really wish some of our politicians would have been aborted instead of allowing to bring their religious wrath upon us

Do you have to be religious to oppose abortion on moral grounds?

You do to believe you have the right to force people to do what you tell them to.

God gives them the right to force their morality .. Manifest Destiny .. Yee Haw..


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dahunan
I really wish some of our politicians would have been aborted instead of allowing to bring their religious wrath upon us

Do you have to be religious to oppose abortion on moral grounds?

Does a relatively small issue like this have too be used as wedge between democrats and republicans? When people make political choices on issues like this we get administrations in office like what we have now. I consider my self pro choice, but won't any sleep on it unless some politician uses it to get the sheep to vote for him based on that issue alone.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Does a relatively small issue like this have too be used as wedge between democrats and republicans? When people make political choices on issues like this we get administrations in office like what we have now. I consider my self pro choice, but won't any sleep on it unless some politician uses it to get the sheep to vote for him based on that issue alone.
How do you define this as a 'small' issue? Abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US today - about 3600 times per day, 1.3 million times per year. It's the end to over 20% of all pregnancies. Sounds like a fairly important issue to me, regardless of which side of the fence you're sitting on, especially when one considers the moral weight that the issue carries.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: dahunan
I really wish some of our politicians would have been aborted instead of allowing to bring their religious wrath upon us

Do you have to be religious to oppose abortion on moral grounds?

You do to believe you have the right to force people to do what you tell them to.

God gives them the right to force their morality .. Manifest Destiny .. Yee Haw..

You should live here if you want a real hoot! I got in a fight with a cowboy once because I was wearing sandals.

I have a friend who had long blonde hair, still does as a matter of fact. That caused a fight every time we left town. It was back in the middle sixties and when he was running a tractor in the field with his shirt off cars would stop on the highway to watch thinking it was some dumb country girl getting a tan. LMAO!!


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
People will just go to another state for abortions.

Trust me... this is just the first domino. There are 35 other states ready to pass the same kind of legislation. The left in this country is about to lose its collective mind. If this makes it to the supreme court and wins... The nuclear option on Bush's next SC appointment will not be a figurative metaphor.

If nothing else, it'll be fun to watch.

And when they criminalize it, what then will the right use as its wedge issue? Gay marriage? The right needs this issue to remain just that, an issue.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
People will just go to another state for abortions.

Trust me... this is just the first domino. There are 35 other states ready to pass the same kind of legislation. The left in this country is about to lose its collective mind. If this makes it to the supreme court and wins... The nuclear option on Bush's next SC appointment will not be a figurative metaphor.

If nothing else, it'll be fun to watch.

And when they criminalize it, what then will the right use as its wedge issue? Gay marriage? The right needs this issue to remain just that, an issue.

The left needs it just as much as the right does.

Personally I wish this issue would just go away. There are far to many people on both sides who forego debate on all other issues to make sure that the candidate that sees their side of abortion gets elected. When SD gets this through the senate half of their legislature it's headed straight for court... and that means the SC. If the SC overturns Roe you can kiss debate on any other issue goodbye. Possibly '06 and absolutely '08 will be single issue elections. It's going to be a total nightmare.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Does a relatively small issue like this have too be used as wedge between democrats and republicans? When people make political choices on issues like this we get administrations in office like what we have now. I consider my self pro choice, but won't any sleep on it unless some politician uses it to get the sheep to vote for him based on that issue alone.
How do you define this as a 'small' issue? Abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US today - about 3600 times per day, 1.3 million times per year. It's the end to over 20% of all pregnancies. Sounds like a fairly important issue to me, regardless of which side of the fence you're sitting on, especially when one considers the moral weight that the issue carries.

IMO it is a small issue compared to all the corruption that is going on in our government today especially considering that those corrupt politicians I mention will glady use it as an issue to get your vote and they have yet to have actually done anything about it. Remember, they have had the majority of 3 branches for 5 years and haven't even tried banning it, and I doubt they want to, as they would lose the abortion card for future elections.

The 1:5 stats you quote sound high as I don't know a single person who has had or considered an abortion, but maybe that is just because I live in a rural red state :shrug;


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
People will just go to another state for abortions.

Trust me... this is just the first domino. There are 35 other states ready to pass the same kind of legislation. The left in this country is about to lose its collective mind. If this makes it to the supreme court and wins... The nuclear option on Bush's next SC appointment will not be a figurative metaphor.

If nothing else, it'll be fun to watch.

And when they criminalize it, what then will the right use as its wedge issue? Gay marriage? The right needs this issue to remain just that, an issue.

The left needs it just as much as the right does.

Personally I wish this issue would just go away. There are far to many people on both sides who forego debate on all other issues to make sure that the candidate that sees their side of abortion gets elected. When SD gets this through the senate half of their legislature it's headed straight for court... and that means the SC. If the SC overturns Roe you can kiss debate on any other issue goodbye. Possibly '06 and absolutely '08 will be single issue elections. It's going to be a total nightmare.

I completely and 100% agree with this

Kerry was the only one bringing FACTS to the table on Iraq.. but who cared...

Cheney had a gay daughter
Bush used code to tell his religious "folk" that he would try to get rid of abortion..

Abortion and Gays are FAR more important than our dying soldiers.. at least to the religious people that is



Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: compuwiz1
People will just go to another state for abortions.

Trust me... this is just the first domino. There are 35 other states ready to pass the same kind of legislation. The left in this country is about to lose its collective mind. If this makes it to the supreme court and wins... The nuclear option on Bush's next SC appointment will not be a figurative metaphor.

If nothing else, it'll be fun to watch.

And when they criminalize it, what then will the right use as its wedge issue? Gay marriage? The right needs this issue to remain just that, an issue.

The left needs it just as much as the right does.

Personally I wish this issue would just go away. There are far to many people on both sides who forego debate on all other issues to make sure that the candidate that sees their side of abortion gets elected. When SD gets this through the senate half of their legislature it's headed straight for court... and that means the SC. If the SC overturns Roe you can kiss debate on any other issue goodbye. Possibly '06 and absolutely '08 will be single issue elections. It's going to be a total nightmare.

I completely and 100% agree with this

Kerry was the only one bringing FACTS to the table on Iraq.. but who cared...

Cheney had a gay daughter
Bush used code to tell his religious "folk" that he would try to get rid of abortion..

Abortion and Gays are FAR more important than our dying soldiers.. at least to the religious people that is
Its the culture of life, silly.


Feb 18, 2004
if this goes before the supreme court, it will be rejected purely on the basis that it does not include a provision for abortion when the life of the mother is at risk. I'm pretty sure that's why late-term abortion bans got shot down as well.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2005
Originally posted by: loki8481
if this goes before the supreme court, it will be rejected purely on the basis that it does not include a provision for abortion when the life of the mother is at risk. I'm pretty sure that's why late-term abortion bans got shot down as well.

It said right there at the bottom that:

The bill does contain a loophole that allows abortions if women are in danger of dying. Doctors who do those abortions could not be prosecuted.

So if they are in danger of dying they qualify. The generic "health of the mother" is typically used interchangably with "inconvience of the mother"


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Does a relatively small issue like this have too be used as wedge between democrats and republicans? When people make political choices on issues like this we get administrations in office like what we have now. I consider my self pro choice, but won't any sleep on it unless some politician uses it to get the sheep to vote for him based on that issue alone.
How do you define this as a 'small' issue? Abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US today - about 3600 times per day, 1.3 million times per year. It's the end to over 20% of all pregnancies. Sounds like a fairly important issue to me, regardless of which side of the fence you're sitting on, especially when one considers the moral weight that the issue carries.

I do find it curious that you persist in citing medical statistics that have no basis in reality.

Lasik (laser eye surgery) accounts for over 2 million procedures each year . . . and that still isn't the most common surgical procedure.

If I had to guess . . . circumcision is probably more common than abortion as well . . . although a lot of states no longer cover the unkindest cut.

Actually more than 20% of pregnancies end in abortion but most of those are spontaneous. Probably a multiple of that number never implant. Granted, those numbers are a bit of "fuzzy" math b/c only Mother Nature knows exactly how many women got pregnant in a given year. And she can be a cold-hearted wench at times.

Given as an abortion ratio (abortions per 1000 live births) you get close to a number ~20%. The abortion rate is a totally different number which is abortions per 1000 females 15-44. If you express that as a percentage you get a number less than 1.5%.

The portion performed after 13 weeks hasn't changed in a decade (88%). Neither has the portion performed after 20 weeks . . . possibly utilizing an intact D&X.

Curiously, the same people clamoring to end abortion rights support foreign wars and cuts in domestic social services. There morals kind of sux.

Reduce unwanted pregnancies and "elective" abortion becomes a RARE event.



Nov 27, 2005
BaliBabyDoc, why do you persist in addressing him - he already said that you were a disgrace to the medical profession... what makes you think he'll listen to you now?


Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by: BlueFlamme
Originally posted by: loki8481
if this goes before the supreme court, it will be rejected purely on the basis that it does not include a provision for abortion when the life of the mother is at risk. I'm pretty sure that's why late-term abortion bans got shot down as well.

It said right there at the bottom that:

The bill does contain a loophole that allows abortions if women are in danger of dying. Doctors who do those abortions could not be prosecuted.

So if they are in danger of dying they qualify. The generic "health of the mother" is typically used interchangably with "inconvience of the mother"

Prove it! Third trimester pregancy and childbirth sux. If you doubt it . . . try it. Aside from the specific medical conditions that require expedient cessation of pregancy (eclampsia, Marfan syndrome) there are always health consequences to pregnancy. Accordingly, women should have a lot of liberty in choosing how they will balance these issues.
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