SD House Passes Abortion Ban

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Golden Member
Aug 19, 2002
Originally posted by: robains
I guess I don't even understand why this is an issue??

Last I checked, my body belongs to me -- or can someone legally suggest that it doesn't? What has my body got to do with someone's moral issues?

Everything! Don't you know!? No drugs! No abortions! However, you can drink alcohol any time you want! And you can smoke tobacco any time you want...unless it's in a place where it's banned!

As too many sane people have already said, this shouldn't be an issue. Since when did this become so much more important than that little skirmish in Iraq? Our degrading educational system? Our homeless?

I absolutely LOVE how politicians preach morals to us when they are the most immoral pieces of sh!t on the planet.


Apr 4, 2005
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper

We're about to become the laughing stock of the industrialized world. You can imagine political cartoons depicing a map of North America with cavemen holding clubs in the space for the U.S. That would be a more or less accurate description.

speak for yourself, the cartoonists will know enough to exclude canada from this foolish enterprise



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Why is this an issue other than some people feel that they have a moral obligation to impose their viewpoints on what constitutes right and wrong upon others?

Just allow the "Morning after pill" to be marketed over the counter (we'd be like the Free Market Society the right claims to want us to be) and then you would see the rate of abortions drop to almost nil. There would be less welfare paid by the government, less people living in poverty and less division amongst the populus. At that stage in the process, there is NOTHING that resembles a human being inside the womb anyway.

Also, the "abstinence only" crap is the stupidiest way to try to prevent teen pregnancy/STDs ever dreamed up. It should be taught HAND-IN-HAND with preventive measures at an age that is appropriate. Maybe we should have auto manufactures stop putting in seat belts, air bags and safety glass? They can just put a sticker on the dashboard that says in big block lettering: "Avoid accidents" instead.


Jan 6, 2005
Why is this an issue other than some people feel that they have a moral obligation to impose their viewpoints on what constitutes right and wrong upon others?
Possibly because this moral obligation centers around the argument as to whether or not a fetus is a person...taking spirituality out of the equation, there is something a bit twisted about terminating that which is destined to become a living, human being.

I am uncomfortable with abortion, and believe it is a Pandora's box and tragedy of modern medicine. Then again, I also recognize the societal implications of unwanted pregnancies, and the burden they create.

I do not agree with the Pro-Choice stance that a fetus is simply a clump of me, that is a morally convenient stance...similarly, I cannot agree with the Pro-Life stance of abstinance is an unreasonable solution to unwanted pregnancies.

People are going to have prevent unwanted pregnancies, we have to face that reality with aggressive sex education programs and readily available birth control...this would essentially limit abortions to rare and extreme cases, such as rape or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

It truly amazes me, as there is a common sense solution that our society could readily embrace and accept were it not for the fanatics on both sides of the would think that the fabric of our whole society revolves around the abortion many of us does it actually effect on a day to day basis or even in our lifetimes?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2005
Conservatives just want to control. They want to have control over other peoples bodies that the have never met or will meet.

They also want to kill anyone that they have a dispute with........


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Poulsonator
Originally posted by: robains
I guess I don't even understand why this is an issue??

Last I checked, my body belongs to me -- or can someone legally suggest that it doesn't? What has my body got to do with someone's moral issues?

Everything! Don't you know!? No drugs! No abortions! However, you can drink alcohol any time you want! And you can smoke tobacco any time you want...unless it's in a place where it's banned!

As too many sane people have already said, this shouldn't be an issue. Since when did this become so much more important than that little skirmish in Iraq? Our degrading educational system? Our homeless?

I absolutely LOVE how politicians preach morals to us when they are the most immoral pieces of sh!t on the planet.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper

We're about to become the laughing stock of the industrialized world. You can imagine political cartoons depicing a map of North America with cavemen holding clubs in the space for the U.S. That would be a more or less accurate description.

Heck, maybe we should just burn our Constitution and become a Christian Theocracy. Who needs separation of church and state? Perhaps the Christians could then go on a Jesushad and exterminate all of the non-Christians. We could then change the name of the country to Jesusland.

Why not? If we're going to force religious beliefs on other Ameicans, like the belief that an embryo cell mass that doesn't have a brain is the moral equivalent of an individuated person, then why not just burn the Constitition and its horrific First Amendment that establishes a separation of church and state.

About to become the laughing stock??? We have been since the turn of the Century.

Now go to church like a good American and fill that donation plate and keep voting Republican.


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2005
If conditions had been made for rape, incest, and health, I would probably be in agreement with the law, but as it stands, I have to agree that it's an nothing more than a law to say "Look what we can do."


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Does a relatively small issue like this have too be used as wedge between democrats and republicans? When people make political choices on issues like this we get administrations in office like what we have now. I consider my self pro choice, but won't any sleep on it unless some politician uses it to get the sheep to vote for him based on that issue alone.
How do you define this as a 'small' issue? Abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US today - about 3600 times per day, 1.3 million times per year. It's the end to over 20% of all pregnancies. Sounds like a fairly important issue to me, regardless of which side of the fence you're sitting on, especially when one considers the moral weight that the issue carries.

Abortion is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US today - about 3600 times per day, 1.3 million times per year.

I call shannanigans - Show us facts or delete your fraudulent statement.

I say allow South Dakota outlaw Abortion, and the other 35 states "waiting in the wings", I say let Kansas, and any other state teach Creationism, er, I mean 'Inetllijent Dezine', I say we let any of those Red States do whatever they want, they will all implode socially, economically, educationally and spiritually. Every decent well educated and 'normal' person will find a home with the rest of us in the Prosperous states, with real education and society... we'll even include gays, blacks and women who need an abortion.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Hacp
Let the red states ban abortion. That just means more buisiness in the blue states. More economic activity= red states stay poor while blue states thrive.

All this economic activity to be had. Taxi money. Medical bills. Food expenses. Hotel expenses. All of that goes to blue states. Yay.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: robains
I guess I don't even understand why this is an issue??

Last I checked, my body belongs to me -- or can someone legally suggest that it doesn't? What has my body got to do with someone's moral issues?

Because Jesus said so..............



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: azazyel
Other fun stuff from SD>...

House Bill 1217 - Abstinence-only Sex-Ed in schools

Because not teaching kids about safe sex will make them not have it. Yeah for SD! Way to talk a few steps backwards.

They tried it in Republikan controlled Orange County California....... they have as high a teen preggers and abortion rate as any 1st rate Red State... They (The civilized people) have finally convinced the local color (Red) that Real Sex Education can actually reduce Teen preggers/Abortion rates, so they are teaching a 50/50 style deal now.... so maybe they'll get a 50% of what they want.



Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Shuxclams
Originally posted by: azazyel
Other fun stuff from SD>...

House Bill 1217 - Abstinence-only Sex-Ed in schools

Because not teaching kids about safe sex will make them not have it. Yeah for SD! Way to talk a few steps backwards.

They tried it in Republikan controlled Orange County California....... they have as high a teen preggers and abortion rate as any 1st rate Red State... They (The civilized people) have finally convinced the local color (Red) that Real Sex Education can actually reduce Teen preggers/Abortion rates, so they are teaching a 50/50 style deal now.... so maybe they'll get a 50% of what they want.


OK so all that proves is California has the highest percentage of parents who dont give a sh!t about their kids. Yay for them.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: eits
"thank you for joining us on channel 4 news. today is february 15th. coat hanger company stocks skyrocketed today...."

Does haliburton make coat hangers?


Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: eits
"thank you for joining us on channel 4 news. today is february 15th. coat hanger company stocks skyrocketed today...."

Does haliburton make coat hangers?

no, but they do specialize in raping common decency and ripping money out of peoples' pockets. i'm sure with a background like that, they might make some kind of abortion tool before too long.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: eits
"thank you for joining us on channel 4 news. today is february 15th. coat hanger company stocks skyrocketed today...."

Does haliburton make coat hangers?
Only for the Pentagon, $100K each.


Jan 6, 2005
Our society has a somewhat inconsistent stance on the status of a fetus...abortion in isolation considers a fetus nothing more then a parasite or cluster of cells that is a potential human being...because a woman's right to do what she wishes to her body is paramount to any moral or ethical considerations in terminating a pregnancy.

Now take the case of a pregnant woman who is murdered, or cases where a couple loses a fetus due to a miscarriage or other complications...that cluster of cells suddenly takes on the characteristics of a human being...the loss of the fetus is treated as the loss of child, with burial rites, etc. In the murder scenario, the murderer can actually be charged for killing the mother and the unborn child...both are recognized as individual human lives.

This inconsistency is what troubles me about abortion...take a fetus that is early enough in the pregnancy term for an an unwanted pregnancy, it is not a human being, but as a wanted pregnancy, it is?

Abortion is a tragedy of modern medicine, but we can't wish it away just because we don't like it...there are mitigation strategies that would make the demand for abortions significantly is a behavioral shift.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
Our society has a somewhat inconsistent stance on the status of a fetus...abortion in isolation considers a fetus nothing more then a parasite or cluster of cells that is a potential human being...because a woman's right to do what she wishes to her body is paramount to any moral or ethical considerations in terminating a pregnancy.

Now take the case of a pregnant woman who is murdered, or cases where a couple loses a fetus due to a miscarriage or other complications...that cluster of cells suddenly takes on the characteristics of a human being...the loss of the fetus is treated as the loss of child, with burial rites, etc. In the murder scenario, the murderer can actually be charged for killing the mother and the unborn child...both are recognized as individual human lives.

This inconsistency is what troubles me about abortion...take a fetus that is early enough in the pregnancy term for an an unwanted pregnancy, it is not a human being, but as a wanted pregnancy, it is?

Abortion is a tragedy of modern medicine, but we can't wish it away just because we don't like it...there are mitigation strategies that would make the demand for abortions significantly is a behavioral shift.

I don't believe that there is an inconsistancy. I believe that this appearance of one comes from the right's ability to pass the "Fetus as a person" laws relating to crime b/c that isn't as much of a devisive, hot-button issue. It is babysteps to getting Roe overturned. Now, they are able to use that as "evidence" that it (fetus) is a person under law.


Jan 6, 2005
I don't believe that there is an inconsistancy. I believe that this appearance of one comes from the right's ability to pass the "Fetus as a person" laws relating to crime b/c that isn't as much of a devisive, hot-button issue. It is babysteps to getting Roe overturned. Now, they are able to use that as "evidence" that it (fetus) is a person under law.
I am not talking about law but rather our society's perception of what a fetus is...I didn't hear many outcries in the Scott Peterson case that Laci's unborn child was only a clump of cells.

Similarly, two couples I know that suffered miscarriages, who are more or less Pro-Choice, did not perceive the loss of their unborn child as the dumping of flawed cells...they mourned the miscarriage as the loss of a child.



Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
Our society has a somewhat inconsistent stance on the status of a fetus...abortion in isolation considers a fetus nothing more then a parasite or cluster of cells that is a potential human being...because a woman's right to do what she wishes to her body is paramount to any moral or ethical considerations in terminating a pregnancy.

Now take the case of a pregnant woman who is murdered, or cases where a couple loses a fetus due to a miscarriage or other complications...that cluster of cells suddenly takes on the characteristics of a human being...the loss of the fetus is treated as the loss of child, with burial rites, etc. In the murder scenario, the murderer can actually be charged for killing the mother and the unborn child...both are recognized as individual human lives.

This inconsistency is what troubles me about abortion...take a fetus that is early enough in the pregnancy term for an an unwanted pregnancy, it is not a human being, but as a wanted pregnancy, it is?
Good points. The reasons, as I see them, are the following.

In both cases (wanted and unwanted), the body responds to the loss of a pregnancy in the same manner as the loss of a child.** Those who are wanting the pregnancy deal with the grief that ensues, while those having an abortion do not. They ignore it or push it aside because to acknowledge it would be to acknowledge that they have just willingly killed a child. The emotional disorders experienced afterwards may either be a result of them never having grieved and their body catches up with them, or they realize what they've done mentally and have a hard time coping.

**To me, this natural response to the loss of a pregnancy is telling regarding what the fetus actually is. Clearly, your body believes it to be a child. This is true even at the early stages where an ectopic pregnancy (one in which the 'fetus' implants in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus) might be discovered, which is very early indeed.
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