Secret source of phony Iraq intel outed

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Sep 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
As far as trying to draw a parallel between the Nazis and the Bush admin, the only ignorance being displayed is by those who make that moronic comparison in the first place.

Karl Rove is the embodiment of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propoganda minister, who is often credited with stating and using the principles "the Big Lie." Specifically, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. That was his tactic against Max Cleland, John Kerry and evey John McCain.

Since the Bushwhackos seized power, they have lied continually, they have abused our formerly great Constitution to assume dictatorial powers under Presidential dicta and "signing statements," they have shredded the rights guaranteed to all American citizens by that once great standard of democratic institutions to justify spying on our own citizens, to imprison anyone who opposes, including American citizens, for as long as they choose and to deny them their basic Constitutional rights to legal representation and to have the charges against them presented in open court by simple declaratioins of "state secrecy" or labling them as "enemy combatants."

Get over it! Your fucking TRAITOR IN CHIEF and his criminal cabal are LIARS, MURDERERS and TRAITORS!

There are far too many valid comparisons of what the Bushwhackos have done and what Hitler and the nazis did in Germany. The only morons are brainless pissant sycophant Bushwhacko apologists who deny it.
You are the embodiment of a rhetorical broken record. That's beside the fact that you still haven't figured out the difference between being mistaken and telling a lie. You've been told the difference enough times that it should have sunk in by now so one can only assume you disregard the difference in order to use your idiotic bolded and capitalized reply macros that say the same damn thing over and over and over in the same way a psychopath bangs his head repeatedly against his padded cell. The obsessive-compulsive behaviour you display in here is, quite frankly, a bit disturbing.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: blackangst1
snipped to save space

Originally posted by: Red Dawn

President Bush is the one who made the case along with his handlers and the Senate cowardly went along with it. They aren't absolved at all but without the incompetent Bush pressing the issue we wouldn't have gotten stuck there and be in such a horrible situation.

OK. So you ARE hard headed. The bill the Senate signed, but admittedly did not read, contained the info needed to make the choice.
So it's thje Senates burden and not Bushes?:roll:

I never said that and you know it. But most of the responsibility? Yes. Let me put it to you this way. If the senate was intelligent, which apparently they arent, and if they had a mind of their own, which apparently they dont, they would have at LEAST read the brief on the fugging bill they signed authorizing force. They could have EASILY demanded it be defined if they didnt want to go to war. But they didnt. I dont give a shit what you think. Bush couldnt have sent troops NOR started this without the Senates approval and backing. Period.

It's like this. If your kid asks if they can go play and you arent paying attention and blindly say yes...without asking where, with whom, etc, and they get picked up on the street corner with druggies and whores, and they say to you "you said I could go"...they are right. It's YOUR fault.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: TastesLikeChicken
As far as trying to draw a parallel between the Nazis and the Bush admin, the only ignorance being displayed is by those who make that moronic comparison in the first place.

Karl Rove is the embodiment of Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propoganda minister, who is often credited with stating and using the principles "the Big Lie." Specifically, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. That was his tactic against Max Cleland, John Kerry and evey John McCain.

Since the Bushwhackos seized power, they have lied continually, they have abused our formerly great Constitution to assume dictatorial powers under Presidential dicta and "signing statements," they have shredded the rights guaranteed to all American citizens by that once great standard of democratic institutions to justify spying on our own citizens, to imprison anyone who opposes, including American citizens, for as long as they choose and to deny them their basic Constitutional rights to legal representation and to have the charges against them presented in open court by simple declaratioins of "state secrecy" or labling them as "enemy combatants."

Get over it! Your fucking TRAITOR IN CHIEF and his criminal cabal are LIARS, MURDERERS and TRAITORS!

There are far too many valid comparisons of what the Bushwhackos have done and what Hitler and the nazis did in Germany. The only morons are brainless pissant sycophant Bushwhacko apologists who deny it.

God, youre a troll.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: blackangst1
God, youre a troll.

Aww... Da widdle boy can't hide from the truth about his TRAITOR IN CHIEF... You remember... the one who believes it's OK to use torture. Kinda reminds me of the umm... Oh, yeah... the NAZIS. :shocked:

You're welcome to :lips: my (_|_), and I blow mighty farts in the general direction of your ooga booga deity. :laugh:


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: blackangst1
God, youre a troll.

Aww... Da widdle boy can't hide from the truth about his TRAITOR IN CHIEF... You remember... the one who believes it's OK to use torture. Kinda reminds me of the umm... Oh, yeah... the NAZIS. :shocked:

You're welcome to :lips: my (_|_), and I blow mighty farts in the general direction of your ooga booga deity. :laugh:

Aawww da wittle short bus kid cant hide from the truth his heroes ALLOWED Bushie to go play war.

How cute.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Corbett
Care to respond after your whining I wont answer? This is why I didnt want to bother with you in the first place.

The irony.

I would like to see Pabster, Corbett, JD50, and other supporters address my post above.

I'm not a GWB supporter, I'm just tired of the whole "GWB is a liar and murderer" bullshit. All you are doing is playing semantics. If you are going to accuse a politician of being a liar and murderer because they said "there is no doubt" when there *might* have been some doubt, then you need to start looking at every single member of congress, and every President that we have ever had. EVERYONE thought that Iraq had WMDs, everyone.

If there were "all of those articles/reports before we attacked that said we can't be certain" when he said this, why wasn't he called on it? Where were all of the Democrats? Why was he given the power to do whatever he wanted to do? If you want to say that the GWB administration over exaggerated, I'll agree with you there. But to call them liars, murderers, and traitors for doing what EVERY politician does is a little far fetched.

Edit - could you provide a link to your quote? I'd like to see the context.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corbett
Best I can come up with? Give me a break. The article completely destroys your entire premiss for hating Bush so much. Like I said, PROVE that he lied.

To do it, all I'd have to do is search through several years of posts and links by me and others and put them in a ten foot long thread quoting them. After all this time, if you still believe your own bullshit, reality doesn't mean anything to you so you're welcome to do it yourself.

All your bullshit copy and paste quotes show is that Bush was wrong. You have yet to prove that Bush lied.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."
President Bush 3-17-2003

So our president told every one of us citizens that we must go to war because there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. And all of those articles/reports before we attacked that said we can't be certain? Even if he thought that they probably did...even if those in his administration thought that he probably did...there was plenty of doubt, and for him to say that there wasn't any was a lie.

Whether he was right or wrong, can't you admit that your president lied to you when he told you that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD?

Liks JD said. Cant you understand the difference between being flat out wrong and lying? Of course I wont admit that. You have no proff Bush lied, only that he was wrong.

So he was just wrong when he told every US citizen that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. Mind you, he didn't say "There's intelligence that says we can't be certain, but we're not going to listen to all that" ...he said "NO DOUBT". As if those doubts didn't even exist.

Do you understand Corbett? I know, as we all do now, that Iraq didn't have WMD. But that's a seperate issue.



Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corbett
Best I can come up with? Give me a break. The article completely destroys your entire premiss for hating Bush so much. Like I said, PROVE that he lied.

To do it, all I'd have to do is search through several years of posts and links by me and others and put them in a ten foot long thread quoting them. After all this time, if you still believe your own bullshit, reality doesn't mean anything to you so you're welcome to do it yourself.

All your bullshit copy and paste quotes show is that Bush was wrong. You have yet to prove that Bush lied.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."
President Bush 3-17-2003

So our president told every one of us citizens that we must go to war because there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. And all of those articles/reports before we attacked that said we can't be certain? Even if he thought that they probably did...even if those in his administration thought that he probably did...there was plenty of doubt, and for him to say that there wasn't any was a lie.

Whether he was right or wrong, can't you admit that your president lied to you when he told you that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD?

Liks JD said. Cant you understand the difference between being flat out wrong and lying? Of course I wont admit that. You have no proff Bush lied, only that he was wrong.

So he was just wrong when he told every US citizen that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. Mind you, he didn't say "There's intelligence that says we can't be certain, but we're not going to listen to all that" ...he said "NO DOUBT". As if those doubts didn't even exist.

Do you understand Corbett? I know, as we all do now, that Iraq didn't have WMD. But that's a seperate issue.

When would ANY politian say what I've bolded? Jesus.

That would have been great though "US citizens. This aspirin factory we're about to annhialate we *THINK* might have bad people in it. But we're gonna bomb it anyway"

That woulda been an awesome speech!


Nov 11, 1999
Desperate, Blackangst1? apparently so, since dispatching a few cruise missiles against a third world dictatorship is a whole different deal than invasion and occupation of another country...

And the part of it all that bushfans refuse to recognize is that the truth didn't matter to BushCo at the time. While there is some overlap of the truth and what they represented to be the truth, that's merely coincidence, and not central to the whole theme. They conflated Iraq and 9/11 to drum up public support for the invasion, and said whatever they could get away with saying at the time to sell the war. As with all hucksters, the truth mattered only when it could be used to their advantage.

They put lipstick on a pig, called it the most beautiful girl in the world, and some still think that she was...


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corbett
Best I can come up with? Give me a break. The article completely destroys your entire premiss for hating Bush so much. Like I said, PROVE that he lied.

To do it, all I'd have to do is search through several years of posts and links by me and others and put them in a ten foot long thread quoting them. After all this time, if you still believe your own bullshit, reality doesn't mean anything to you so you're welcome to do it yourself.

All your bullshit copy and paste quotes show is that Bush was wrong. You have yet to prove that Bush lied.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."
President Bush 3-17-2003

So our president told every one of us citizens that we must go to war because there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. And all of those articles/reports before we attacked that said we can't be certain? Even if he thought that they probably did...even if those in his administration thought that he probably did...there was plenty of doubt, and for him to say that there wasn't any was a lie.

Whether he was right or wrong, can't you admit that your president lied to you when he told you that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD?

Liks JD said. Cant you understand the difference between being flat out wrong and lying? Of course I wont admit that. You have no proff Bush lied, only that he was wrong.

So he was just wrong when he told every US citizen that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. Mind you, he didn't say "There's intelligence that says we can't be certain, but we're not going to listen to all that" ...he said "NO DOUBT". As if those doubts didn't even exist.

Do you understand Corbett? I know, as we all do now, that Iraq didn't have WMD. But that's a seperate issue.

When would ANY politian say what I've bolded? Jesus.

That would have been great though "US citizens. This aspirin factory we're about to annhialate we *THINK* might have bad people in it. But we're gonna bomb it anyway"

That woulda been an awesome speech!

Exactly my point. If you are gonna use that to justify a crazy BDS rant about LIARS TRAITORS CRIMINAL CABAL BLAH BLAH then you better start ranting about every single politician out there. Or better yet, don't support and vote for the politicians that allowed this to happen.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Corbett
Best I can come up with? Give me a break. The article completely destroys your entire premiss for hating Bush so much. Like I said, PROVE that he lied.

To do it, all I'd have to do is search through several years of posts and links by me and others and put them in a ten foot long thread quoting them. After all this time, if you still believe your own bullshit, reality doesn't mean anything to you so you're welcome to do it yourself.

All your bullshit copy and paste quotes show is that Bush was wrong. You have yet to prove that Bush lied.

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."
President Bush 3-17-2003

So our president told every one of us citizens that we must go to war because there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. And all of those articles/reports before we attacked that said we can't be certain? Even if he thought that they probably did...even if those in his administration thought that he probably did...there was plenty of doubt, and for him to say that there wasn't any was a lie.

Whether he was right or wrong, can't you admit that your president lied to you when he told you that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD?

Liks JD said. Cant you understand the difference between being flat out wrong and lying? Of course I wont admit that. You have no proff Bush lied, only that he was wrong.

So he was just wrong when he told every US citizen that there was NO DOUBT that Iraq had WMD. Mind you, he didn't say "There's intelligence that says we can't be certain, but we're not going to listen to all that" ...he said "NO DOUBT". As if those doubts didn't even exist.

Do you understand Corbett? I know, as we all do now, that Iraq didn't have WMD. But that's a seperate issue.

When would ANY politian say what I've bolded? Jesus.

That would have been great though "US citizens. This aspirin factory we're about to annhialate we *THINK* might have bad people in it. But we're gonna bomb it anyway"

That woulda been an awesome speech!

Exactly my point. If you are gonna use that to justify a crazy BDS rant about LIARS TRAITORS CRIMINAL CABAL BLAH BLAH then you better start ranting about every single politician out there. Or better yet, don't support and vote for the politicians that allowed this to happen.
JD50, you're not denying it. You're simply saying that others do it too. You agree that he lied? It just aint so bad because you say others are guilty of it too?

BlackIThinkI'llBecomeARepublicanangst1, the same goes to you. You agree, then, that he lied?


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: blackangst1

It's like this. If your kid asks if they can go play and you arent paying attention and blindly say yes...without asking where, with whom, etc, and they get picked up on the street corner with druggies and whores, and they say to you "you said I could go"...they are right. It's YOUR fault.
So what you are saying is that the President and his handlers are infantile and shouldn't have been trusted. I agree but we expected better from him.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: blackangst1

It's like this. If your kid asks if they can go play and you arent paying attention and blindly say yes...without asking where, with whom, etc, and they get picked up on the street corner with druggies and whores, and they say to you "you said I could go"...they are right. It's YOUR fault.
So what you are saying is that the President and his handlers are infantile and shouldn't have been trusted. I agree but we expected better from him.

"Expected better?" Hell! Congress and the American people should have demanded better, but that still doesn't let this adminstration of TRAITORS and MURDERS off the hook for the crimes THEY committed.

Just remember to GET CHENEY FIRST! :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Gaard

BlackIThinkI'llBecomeARepublicanangst1, the same goes to you. You agree, then, that he lied?

Thats not what I said. I know he didnt lie. He, along with congress and the cabinet, simply interprated the info they had and made a judgement call. Very few things, moreso in politics, can be "proven" beyond a shadow of a doubt. It's about decisions made at the time based on information at the time. Did we know the intel was false AT THE TIME? No. You war haters seem to think a president has psychic powers to determine if its good intel or not.

But whatever. Interprate what you want. I said what I meant and meant what I said.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Thats not what I said. I know he didnt lie. He, along with congress and the cabinet, simply interprated the info they had and made a judgement call.

That is pure, unadultrated BULLSHIT!!! :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

The Bushwhackos ignored all info they had that didn't agree with their preconceived objectives, stovepiped andy whisp of a suggestion, regardless of itd credibility and manufactured any further "intel" they wanted to use to con Congress and the American people into backing the resolution to allow these madmen to start their war of LIES.

At the risk of shamelessly cutting and pasting from of my previous post in this thread and many times before:
  • The "intelligence" fed to Congress and the American people was cherry picked and directed from the top.
  • Rumsfeld set his own parallel "intelligence" operation within DOD when the CIA and FBI couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear.
  • There was no yellow cake uraniium in Niger.
  • There were no aluminum tubes capable of being used in centrifuges process nuclear material.
  • There were no facilities for making nerve gas or biological weapons.
  • There were no long range rockets.
  • There were no WMD's.
  • There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq.
They ignored any information from competent internal sources that ran counter to their ambitions:
  • They ignored all warnings about the possiblity of an attack like 9/11, despite explicit warnings from people like Richard Clarke, former terrorisim advisor to Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton. Richard Clarke also warned Bush that Saddam probably was not tied to 9/11.

    The Bushwhackos didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • They claimed their pre-war planning included plenty of troops to handle foreseeable problems in the aftermath of their invasion, despite warnings from Army Chief of Staff, Eric Shinseki that they would need around 400,000 troops to do the job.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • Before Bush started his war of lies, Ambassador Joseph Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate reports that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake uranium. He returned and informed that the reports were false.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good adminstration would do. They outed his wife, Valerie Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative, blowing off her value to our national security and endangering her life and the lives of everyone who ever worked with her anywhere in the world.
The bottom line is, THEY LIED, and as of 11/6/07 11:46 am EDT, 3,855 American troops are dead in the war they started based on those LIES.

That's six more dead Americans since yesterday at this time. Aren't you Bushwhacko sycophants oh so very proud of your TRAITOR IN CHIEF??? :shocked:

The entire Bushwhacko administration should be charged, tried and convicted of MURDER for each and every one of those deaths. Just remember to GET CHENEY FIRST!!!


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Harvey
Just remember to GET CHENEY FIRST!!!

At least you found a new macro :roll:

You have provided nothing new here, Harvey. It's no smoking gun, there is no proof or evidence of LIES as you say.

In other words, you're full of it. As usual. :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Harvey
Just remember to GET CHENEY FIRST!!!

At least you found a new macro :roll:

Glad you like it. It's important to get Cheney first. We wouldn't want to give that TURD even a nanosecond as President.

You have provided nothing new here, Harvey.

Amazing how the truth is the same answer to the same old Bushwhacko sycophant LIES.

It's no smoking gun, there is no proof or evidence of LIES as you say.

In other words, you're full of it. As usual. :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

Hitler's propoganda minister, Joseph Goebbels and Bush's propoganda minister, Karl Rove were wrong. Denying the truth won't change it no matter how many times you repeat your lies. YOU are the one who is so full of shit my ass is farting in jealousy. :Q


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Thats not what I said. I know he didnt lie. He, along with congress and the cabinet, simply interprated the info they had and made a judgement call.

That is pure, unadultrated BULLSHIT!!! :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

The Bushwhackos ignored all info they had that didn't agree with their preconceived objectives, stovepiped andy whisp of a suggestion, regardless of itd credibility and manufactured any further "intel" they wanted to use to con Congress and the American people into backing the resolution to allow these madmen to start their war of LIES.

At the risk of shamelessly cutting and pasting from of my previous post in this thread and many times before:
  • The "intelligence" fed to Congress and the American people was cherry picked and directed from the top.
  • Rumsfeld set his own parallel "intelligence" operation within DOD when the CIA and FBI couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear.
  • There was no yellow cake uraniium in Niger.
  • There were no aluminum tubes capable of being used in centrifuges process nuclear material.
  • There were no facilities for making nerve gas or biological weapons.
  • There were no long range rockets.
  • There were no WMD's.
  • There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq.
They ignored any information from competent internal sources that ran counter to their ambitions:
  • They ignored all warnings about the possiblity of an attack like 9/11, despite explicit warnings from people like Richard Clarke, former terrorisim advisor to Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton. Richard Clarke also warned Bush that Saddam probably was not tied to 9/11.

    The Bushwhackos didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • They claimed their pre-war planning included plenty of troops to handle foreseeable problems in the aftermath of their invasion, despite warnings from Army Chief of Staff, Eric Shinseki that they would need around 400,000 troops to do the job.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • Before Bush started his war of lies, Ambassador Joseph Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate reports that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake uranium. He returned and informed that the reports were false.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good adminstration would do. They outed his wife, Valerie Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative, blowing off her value to our national security and endangering her life and the lives of everyone who ever worked with her anywhere in the world.
The bottom line is, THEY LIED, and as of 11/6/07 11:46 am EDT, 3,855 American troops are dead in the war they started based on those LIES.

That's six more dead Americans since yesterday at this time. Aren't you Bushwhacko sycophants oh so very proud of your TRAITOR IN CHIEF??? :shocked:

The entire Bushwhacko administration should be charged, tried and convicted of MURDER for each and every one of those deaths. Just remember to GET CHENEY FIRST!!!

Shut up already Harv with your cut and paste hatred rants.

Jesus your approaching Dave level for trollishness. And intelligence.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Shut up already Harv with your cut and paste hatred rants.

Jesus your approaching Dave level for trollishness. And intelligence.

Hatred? Sure! But I'd be more concerned about why you lying POS Bushwhacko sycophants love the TREASON and MURDER commited by this criminal administration.

:lips: my (_|_), and FOAD, PUTZ!


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Shut up already Harv with your cut and paste hatred rants.

Jesus your approaching Dave level for trollishness. And intelligence.

:lips: my (_|_), and FOAD, PUTZ!


Well you got me there.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Until substantial evidence is presented, yes.

Abundant and substantial evidence is as close as previous posts in this thread. You just want to keep on bullshitting yourself and everyone else with Bushwhacko LIES.

Or you ignored your mother when she warned you, if you didn't stop it, you'd go blind.. :laugh:
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