Senate rejects Universal Background Checks

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Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
If those states feel they need to do something about that they can. That is over half the states in the union, I see no reason for the fed to dictate how they do things.


May 15, 2000
Have you not seen some of the proposals being floated? CA and their ban on removable magazines? Give you gun grabber an inch and you'll take a mile. Stop with the phony incredulity you hack.

You said ban all guns, that's not the same as banning guns with removable magazines and it's also not something that is being pushed for universally across different states like voter ID laws.

So I'm sorry I don't see the equivalence, I understand the point though.


Oct 10, 2006
How the fuck is a universal background check taking away your 2nd amendment rights? Do all the pro-gun people here want mentally unstable citizens owning guns? It's a fucking background check. Lighten up Francis.

The check itself is mostly harmless. It's what it will lead to that's the issue. Universal background checks are unenforceable without registration, it would make sense for UBCs to pass, and then after the next mass shooting politicians point to their ineffectiveness and demand registration.

As for mentally unstable citizens getting ahold of guns, that's the reason we need better mental health reporting. Jared Loughner, for example, should not have been able to walk into a gun store and buy a Glock. He had an extreme and noted history of mental instability, and was actually suspended from his college over it.


Oct 9, 1999
Have you ever seen some of the gun nuts in P&N post? Some of them would never qualify as mentally stable.

How about a trade:

You get to choose who does and does not get to exercise their 2nd amendment rights by declaring them mentally ill as unfit to own a weapon.

I get to choose who does and does not get to exercise their 1st amendment rights by declaring them mentally ill and unfit to speak.

That seems fair.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Ohh I understand how polling is suppose to work. I also understand how easy it is to skew the data to whatever you like it to be. Even without intending to do so. Major polling places like Ramussen, Gallup, Pollster, and others have all been called out on doing that from time to time and have been caught fucking up too.

Oh really. It appears as if your argument is that somehow oversamples urban areas. This is baffling to me, as pollingreport is actually a collection of polls done by other people. They don't sample anyone.

What you're really saying is that a collection of about half a dozen pollsters are all using biased samples. If this is the case, please provide me with the source for your information as this is really big news. CNN, CBS, ABC, Quinnipac, Pew Research, hell, even Fox News are all in on this conspiracy!


Oct 9, 1999
You said ban all guns, that's not the same as banning guns with removable magazines and it's also not something that is being pushed for universally across different states like voter ID laws.

So I'm sorry I don't see the equivalence, I understand the point though.

It's called a slippery slope, and it's been very slippery lately. States and federal government alike have been falling all over each other recently to have stricter and stricter gun laws. At some point, a complete ban will be brought to the floor. It's really just a matter of time.

That is of course assuming that Democrats don't get their asses kicked out of office in droves during the next election after these attempted shenanigans.


Oct 10, 2006
It's called a slippery slope, and it's been very slippery lately. States and federal government alike have been falling all over each other recently to have stricter and stricter gun laws. At some point, a complete ban will be brought to the floor. It's really just a matter of time.

That is of course assuming that Democrats don't get their asses kicked out of office in droves during the next election after these attempted shenanigans.

Here's hoping, at least in some cases. One thing the gun control lobby's done right, it's made sure gun owners vote in droves.


Oct 30, 2000
Oh really. It appears as if your argument is that somehow oversamples urban areas. This is baffling to me, as pollingreport is actually a collection of polls done by other people. They don't sample anyone.

What you're really saying is that a collection of about half a dozen pollsters are all using biased samples. If this is the case, please provide me with the source for your information as this is really big news. CNN, CBS, ABC, Quinnipac, Pew Research, hell, even Fox News are all in on this conspiracy!

I said the poll in question was done with an oversampling of urban areas through landlines in a "random" fashion. I said places that do polling, and I mispoke with stating does polling, in such a fashion is doing it in a very skewed manner.

I since went on to noting the EXACT org that did that particular poll and how. Even posted a link. Try to keep up.

As for polls, they are all biased. I don't ascribe to any of them. When you've taken enough math and statistic courses you'll understand that polls in some instances are good for guidelines, but nothing you should base major judgements upon. Ever.

Or should I do a poll of 1000 evangelical christians about if they believe evolution to be fact or a "theory" ?

It would be a random sampling of that group I assure you. I'll even toss in a "weighting" system as well that only I know. Do you see the point I'm trying to make here?
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May 15, 2000
The check itself is mostly harmless. It's what it will lead to that's the issue. Universal background checks are unenforceable without registration, it would make sense for UBCs to pass, and then after the next mass shooting politicians point to their ineffectiveness and demand registration.

As for mentally unstable citizens getting ahold of guns, that's the reason we need better mental health reporting. Jared Loughner, for example, should not have been able to walk into a gun store and buy a Glock. He had an extreme and noted history of mental instability, and was actually suspended from his college over it.

So why were you against this bill? It specifically said no registration database? The current background check laws don't have a database and they have worked.


Oct 30, 2000
So why were you against this bill? It specifically said no registration database? The current background check laws don't have a database and they have worked.

1) Who is going to pay for background checks? Just as people decry voter ID laws as infringement because of the "cost" involved in obtaining an ID, same thing here. The cost is an infringement upon ownership.

2) Assuming the cost is "free" how the hell would it work? So I decide to sell a gun, and someone online in my state wants to buy it from me. I do a background check, and because NICS hasn't enough data from the initial query, the sale is put on "delayed." Which means I have to wait up until 30 days now before I can sell that firearm to the guy or anyone else at all. In 30 days NICS calls me back with a "proceed" for the sale. How is that going to work now? Do you really expect normal citizens to wait up to 30 days like that?

3) How the hell is it going to be enforced? Joe sells a gun to Bill. Cops come later and ask how did Bill get a gun from Joe? Joe says he sold it to him. Cops asks why wasn't a NICS background check done? Joe replies he sold it to him before the law went into effect. How the hell are the cops going to prove Joe didn't?

The guy in this youtube video does a pretty good job explaining some of the problems with it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I said the poll in question was done with an oversampling of urban areas through landlines in a "random" fashion. I said places that do polling, and I mispoke with stating does polling, in such a fashion is doing it in a very skewed manner.

I since went on to noting the EXACT org that did that particular poll and how. Even posted a link. Try to keep up.

Your link was to a standard polling methodology statement, nothing in it showed an oversampling of urban areas through land lines. I do not think you understand how scientific polling works.

As for polls, they are all biased. I don't ascribe to any of them. When you've taken enough math and statistic courses you'll understand that polls in some instances are good for guidelines, but nothing you should base major judgements upon. Ever.

Or should I do a poll of 1000 evangelical christians about if they believe evolution to be fact or a "theory" ?

It would be a random sampling of that group I assure you. I'll even toss in a "weighting" system as well that only I know. Do you see the point I'm trying to make here?

This is a bunch of nonsensical statements. Evangelical christians are not the population being examined, residents of America are. Therefore polling 1,000 evangelical christians would in no way be a random sample. Weighting is done to adjust the population sampled to known demographic characteristics, in many cases urban rural included btw.

You realize that I do statistics for a living, right? (well I do policy analysis, but statistics is an enormous part of that) I'm interested for you to tell me exactly what I should learn about math and stats to be as well informed as you are on the subject.


Apr 8, 2013
You mean the one where the survey asked, "Would you be in favor of laws enacted that prevented the deaths of young school children like what happened at Sandy Hook?"

That survey? The one that you look like a monster if you answer no, and if you answer yes the tabulation is that you are in favor of universal background checks and gun bans?

I call bullshit on that one.

You're arguing out of your ass on this one.

Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online? 86 percent support, 13 percent oppose.

I can't remember the last time 86% of Americans agreed on anything.

You just don't like what the polling shows and so you want to find a way to discredit it. I thought you were better than that. Apparently I was wrong.


Oct 10, 2006
So why were you against this bill? It specifically said no registration database? The current background check laws don't have a database and they have worked.

Yeah, and that would be great as long as the law remaind unaltered. After the next mass shooting, however far away it is, what would stop lawmakers from simply repealing that part of the law and passing registration in one go?

If an amendment to the Constitution is passed revising the 2nd amendment to stipulate no national registry, I might be more supportive.


Oct 30, 2000
Your link was to a standard polling methodology statement, nothing in it showed an oversampling of urban areas through land lines. I do not think you understand how scientific polling works.

This is a bunch of nonsensical statements. Evangelical christians are not the population being examined, residents of America are. Therefore polling 1,000 evangelical christians would in no way be a random sample. Weighting is done to adjust the population sampled to known demographic characteristics, in many cases urban rural included btw.

You realize that I do statistics for a living, right? (well I do policy analysis, but statistics is an enormous part of that) I'm interested for you to tell me exactly what I should learn about math and stats to be as well informed as you are on the subject.

The link was HOW the poll was conducted. 1,004 "random" phone calls to landlines.

I used to do those calls. I used to write the programs for those calls. I know how fucked up they are. I am speaking from experience here. Those calls are anything but "random" in how they are conducted. I've done campaigns on political polls. What have you done? You ever try cold calling a place like Florida? good fucking luck getting anything but massive amounts of cursing thrown at you over the phone when you call anyone "randomly" down in that state. Florida is literally the worst state to call for political opinions.

Anyhow, the point I'm making is I know the "system" that is being used. They are all done with an agenda. They are polls paid for 99% of the time by an entity outside the polling group with a vested interest in the results. More so with political polls than other types.

Again, if the call sample had been 100,000 with no more than 10 calls to given zip code instead of 1,000 without the lockout on zipcodes, it's by nature a FLAWED poll. Period.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Except the bill had a provision that said no registration database would be allowed. But keep shouting how ignorant you are.

Registration would come later. It would have to in order for background check on sales to work. It's the same play that has been applied before in many other countries.


Oct 30, 2000
You're arguing out of your ass on this one.

I can't remember the last time 86% of Americans agreed on anything.

You just don't like what the polling shows and so you want to find a way to discredit it. I thought you were better than that. Apparently I was wrong.

I didn't say all the polls were worded that way. But many polls are done with bad questions or follow on questions designed to guide the person being asked to answer in the way they want. This is my stance on just about all political polls. I've done them enough to know how skewed they can be to trust really any of them that doesn't use a big enough sample size. 1,000 as a sampling is not representative enough to show a good sampling in a culture as diverse as America across 350+ million people. It just isn't.


Oct 10, 2006
I'm liking the comments section on CNN:

Top voted comment:
I think its sad that we the people have to lose our fundamental rights just because a few lunatics commit acts of terror. Every time a tragedy happens in this country people are so quick to point fingers that we rush to create laws that would have done nothing to prevent these tragedies in the first place.

Here fucking Here!


May 15, 2000
Yeah, and that would be great as long as the law remaind unaltered. After the next mass shooting, however far away it is, what would stop lawmakers from simply repealing that part of the law and passing registration in one go?

If an amendment to the Constitution is passed revising the 2nd amendment to stipulate no national registry, I might be more supportive.

Lol so your argument is that no laws should be passed because future laws may violate prior laws? Sorry your argument is illogical.

The supreme court has already stated that constitutional rights can be limited, there is also an existing background check law, has that been found unconstitutional yet? No it hasn't.


Oct 30, 2000
wolfe, the dailykos showing the poll I'm talking about.. specially this question...

Would you support or oppose a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online? 86 percent support, 13 percent oppose.

HORRIBLY worded question meant to skew the answer. First off, you can't buy guns online without a background check. It's a two part question asked as one. Nor is the question a sound one considering the media conditioning as of late with the unfactual crap spewing about "gunshow loopholes" that doesn't exist.

If the question was asked instead of,

"Do you support a law that would require private citizens to use a federal system of a background check to be required for all private transactions of gun sales between private citizens?"

Or something a bit less biased in the question it might yield a better result. If the questions were asked of more than 1,004 cold called landlines that were randomly weight to sample both high urban, and rural areas equally, you might get a better result. As it is, that poll is a bunch of poop.

Also, again these are opinion polls. They are asking for opinions on issues, not factual samplings. Even then, when the questions are asked in a less biased manner you get a different result. For example here is a less biased question in that same poll.

Do you think having a gun in the house makes it (a safer place to be) or (a more dangerous place to be)? 51 percent say safer, 29 percent say more dangerous.

It was not a 2 parter. It used no media or political buzzwords like "assualt" or "gunshow" or crap like that. It asked a straighter question. The answer shows that more Americans from that poll favor a gun in the house.

Bad poll is a bad poll.
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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The link was HOW the poll was conducted. 1,004 "random" phone calls to landlines.

I used to do those calls. I used to write the programs for those calls. I know how fucked up they are. I am speaking from experience here. Those calls are anything but "random" in how they are conducted. I've done campaigns on political polls. What have you done? You ever try cold calling a place like Florida? good fucking luck getting anything but massive amounts of cursing thrown at you over the phone when you call anyone "randomly" down in that state. Florida is literally the worst state to call for political opinions.

Anyhow, the point I'm making is I know the "system" that is being used. They are all done with an agenda. They are polls paid for 99% of the time by an entity outside the polling group with a vested interest in the results. More so with political polls than other types.

Again, if the call sample had been 100,000 with no more than 10 calls to given zip code instead of 1,000 without the lockout on zipcodes, it's by nature a FLAWED poll. Period.

So you used to do the grunt work for polling, congrats. The fact that you would quote a very standard methodological statement as some sort of proof of a biased sample makes me think you don't have any actual experience with the stats behind a scientific poll or the weighting done with it.

Aa for the agenda that you believe is behind every poll, you will have to explain their generally excellent accuracy. Blind luck I guess?

You are going to need to either provide some evidence for a biased sample, biased question language or wording, or biased after sample action. There isn't even a likely voter screen being applied here. You are talking out of your ass because you don't like what the polls are telling you.


May 15, 2000
Registration would come later. It would have to in order for background check on sales to work. It's the same play that has been applied before in many other countries.

So with the current background checks are you saying there is also a registry? Sorry I'm calling bs on your argument.


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2008
So with the current background checks are you saying there is also a registry? Sorry I'm calling bs on your argument.

Can you prove that there isn't? You really think the government is busy destroying all of the 4473 forms it can get its hands on despite it being a law that those are to be destroyed?


Oct 10, 2006
Lol so your argument is that no laws should be passed because future laws may violate prior laws? Sorry your argument is illogical.

The supreme court has already stated that constitutional rights can be limited, there is also an existing background check law, has that been found unconstitutional yet? No it hasn't.

Please don't generalize, we're talking about background checks and registries.

My argument is that I don't trust government to keep to its word, and I don't want a registry. Ergo I will not support action that is likely to lead to a registry, and a "oh, we PROMISE we absolutely, cross-our-fingers-and-hope-to-die pinky-swear will not use this as a launchpad for a registry." is not good enough to earn my support.

I want either SCOTUS to stipulate that registration is unconstitutional, or better yet the 2nd amendment updated to more specific language protecting gun rights. Until then, I'll have better luck making reliable money with bitcoins than I will trusting Washington to keep its word on gun rights.
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