Senator pushes for Universal Healthcare

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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Many people have UHC already 007. 80 million are covered between medicare and medicaid so about 30% of USA population. My question is why are we covering these liabilites, usually old and or/poor with no hope of ever generating signifigant income vs. not covering the working poor as it stands now? Seems silly to me. Best to keep producers healthy which we are not doing in many cases. The whole system needs a revamp but not the way they are going to do it, I'm sure.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Great. Didnt take long to try and get this rammed through. Universal Healthcare! I dont know when healthcare became a RIGHT, but it seems it will be. Which is a horrible idea, as we know how well its working in Canada. Unfortunately the little guys will lap it up because it "feels good" that we're trying to help those poor downtrodden victims of society.

This sucks, I really hope this fails miserably.


Senator wants universal health care plan

I totally agree with you!!!
We need universal healthcare like we need another hole in our head!!
I have worked in a private hospital for a number of healthcare is NOT the answer!!
Most of these kids who think universal healthcare would be a fantastic think have no idea what exactly is involved!!
It would cost us so much in the long run it would cripple our economy!!

By MATTHEW DALY, Associated Press WriterWed Dec 13, 5:00 PM ET

Several business and labor leaders on Wednesday hailed a proposal to provide health care coverage to all Americans through a pool of private insurance plans.

A dozen years after Congress rejected a Clinton administration plan for universal health care, Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden (news, bio, voting record) offered a plan he said would provide affordable, private health care coverage for all Americans, except those covered through Medicare or the military.

"Employer-based coverage is melting away like a Popsicle on the sidewalk in August," Wyden said.

Wyden, a Democrat and a member of the Senate Finance health care subcommittee, said his plan would "guarantee health coverage for every American that is at least as good as members of Congress receive and can never be taken away."

The plan, dubbed the "Healthy Americans Act," would provide universal coverage for no more money than the country spends on health insurance today, Wyden said.

Wyden, a veteran of the 1990s health care battle, drew support from groups that have frequently opposed each other, including Andy Stern, international president of the Service Employees International Union, and Safeway Inc. CEO Steve Burd.

Stern called employer-based health coverage a relic of an industrial economy that is long gone, and said U.S. companies "cannot compete in a global economy when we put the price of health care on the cost of our products, and our competitor nations do not."

Stern said the health care system had failed to create jobs while adding to trade deficits and holding wages stagnant. For the nation's 46 million uninsured, "it is a failed moral policy as well," Stern said.

Burd said his California-based grocery chain had saved millions in health care costs by emphasizing preventative care and offering discounts for nonsmokers and others with lower health risks.

Left unchecked, health care costs will soon surpass net income for many companies, Burd said, calling Wyden's proposal a bold plan to restart a national dialogue on health care.

"Working together, business, labor, government, consumer groups and health care providers can collectively solve this problem," he said.

Wyden's plan is an outgrowth of work by the Citizens' Health Care Working Group, a 14-member panel that held meetings in 36 states and heard from 28,000 people about how to overhaul the nation's health care system.

The group, created in 2003 by legislation sponsored by Wyden and Sen. Orrin Hatch (news, bio, voting record), R-Utah, recommended that the government take steps to guarantee that all Americans have basic health insurance coverage by 2012.

Wyden said his new plan would allow workers to carry their health insurance from job to job without penalty. More efficient administration and more promotion of competition for health care plans, he said, would allow greater coverage while costing no more than the government is paying today for health insurance coverage.

The plan would require that employers "cash out" their existing health plans by terminating coverage and paying the amount saved directly to workers as increased wages. Workers then would be required to buy health insurance from a large pool of private plans.

After two years, companies would no longer have to pay the higher wages. Instead, Wyden said, they would pay into an insurance pool, based on annual revenues and the number of full-time workers.

At Wyden's request, the Lewin Group, a Virginia-based health care consulting firm, reviewed the plan. The consultant said the plan would reduce health spending by private employers by nearly three-quarters and save $1.4 trillion in total national health care spending over the next decade.

Increases in premium payments for individuals and families would be offset by higher wages and subsidies provided under the plan, the report said. As an example, Wyden cited a worker who earned $60,000 last year, and received about $12,000 worth of health care coverage.

The worker's health insurance would be terminated but his salary would increase to $72,000, which would cover his health care coverage. The plan would bar workers from buying a "bare-bones" health package and pocketing the savings, Wyden said.



Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Specop 007
This sucks, I really hope this fails miserably.

why? for ideological reasons? the usa is just about the only first world country without universal health care. In the long run, it would save your country money and improve the overall health of the US population.

That is so the long run it would bankrupt this nation.......sorry...nice idea...but foolish!!


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
FINALLY about time we are getting healthcare.

Remember, elections have their consequences, time to cash in on some of that "political capital" bush used for to screw us for some good for once. :thumbsup:

It?s a noble idea; really, I just cannot see how it?ll be obtained with any degree of quality. Obviously though as the socialist movement continues to grow through the country we?re bound to find out the results.

Curious, even with current failing social services how this will be paid for on top of saving those.


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Specop 007
This sucks, I really hope this fails miserably.

why? for ideological reasons? the usa is just about the only first world country without universal health care. In the long run, it would save your country money and improve the overall health of the US population.

That is so the long run it would bankrupt this nation.......sorry...nice idea...but foolish!!

actually it might help your nation avoid bankruptcy.

with all the money spent on health care in the USA, you are still one of the sickest first-world nations. People are far healthier in Australia, the UK, and just about every European country. that would indicate you are not getting value for money on your health dollar.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
Hehe, "screw us". The lack of such a thing is screwing you over a whole lot more.

Why should I be financially for someone else's health problems?

By the way, I've had about $300,000 in back surgeries over the past couple years and I think I paid $20 in co-pay once because my mom didn't have $20 on her.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Tab
Originally posted by: sandorski
Hehe, "screw us". The lack of such a thing is screwing you over a whole lot more.

Why should I be financially for someone else's health problems?

By the way, I've had about $300,000 in back surgeries over the past couple years and I think I paid $20 in co-pay once because my mom didn't have $20 on her.

Someone else Paid for your Surgery. Those Else's Paid a whole lot more than if it was Paid through a Universal Program. As part of a Co-Pay you are already Paying for someone elses health problems and are financially responsible(believe you missed this word ) for them.

In short, you already are.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
of course the big lie is that people don't have health care in this country.


Everyone can get health care in this country. There is a difference between having no health insurance and having no health care. But politicians like to rely on ignorance to sell people on the idea that both are the same.

Look, I have a sister who has no health insurance. She goes down to the local emergency room or whatnot and gets stuff I pay for for free. Looks like health care to me. Appendix removed - didn't cost her a dime. She qualified because of her income.

The government has been burdening private health care plans with all sorts of requirements in an effort to drive them under on purpose. The government does want healthcare to take care of you, they want it so you rely on them even more.

I work for a company that is private insursed. Our costs keep going up because of mandates that specific types of coverage be offered! Like WTF? Of course the cost is going to go up when you are being forced to pay for stuff that isn't life threatening...

Oh I know, but everyone deserves it and it will be best for everyone.

Wrong again. Two different family friends from Canada have both resorted to coming to the US for treatment because of the wait time to get it done in Canada. One came here after his local doctor didn't agree with the specialist about his heart condition. He came here and got prompt service for a condition that would have killed him. Another came here for knee surgery he could not get for nearly 3 months up there. Taking drugs and not being able to bend your knee was apparently an okay condition.

Go look into Canada's healthcare system. They are one of the few who increased spending only to see wait times increase!!! Worse, their own government acknowledges that the system is coming apart. Why? Because people don't have the ambition to enter the system anymore (who wants to be a doctor when it means being told who you can serve and when). Worse, what really hurts the system is people that abuse it. Going in for anything they perceive that is wrong with them. The "professional" patient as some call it.

People lambasted the drug program passed here because of its costs have no idea what its going to be when they try universal medical care. You think HMOs are bad? With government control who can you appeal to? Huh?

******, this same government ruined education and now you want them to handle your medical coverage. Sheesh.



No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Looks like another attempt to save the incredibly complicated, wasteful, and greedy private health insurance industry while pretending to provide universal coverage. Screw the private insurance industry, I want an efficient single payer system.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Specop 007 - in your post title you say "screw us" - who is the "us" you refer to?

You, me, hell every person on ATOT.

Private healthcare has 3 things going for it over a universal healthcare.

1) Its better
2) Its faster
2) Its more expensive.

I'll gladly suffer through #3 to enjoy #1 and #2.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Typical response from a right-wing ideologue who has utterly lost any human perspective, moral perspective and common sense.

Government exists for the *serving of the needs of the public*, the welfare of the citizens, the benefit of the people, all those nice phrases.

Times change for rational people who are not locked into pretending the economy and technology are still in the 18th century. Our founding fathers looked forward to changes.

Medical care is something everyone needs available. Our economy gets the benefits of increased productivity by allowing some to be left out; the system not rewarding some people is built in to the way it works. Clearly, you are not one of the people who cannot afford medical insurance. Nor are you moral enough to care much about those who are.

When rational people look at the issue, they look at the costs to society of not having such insurance, the feasibility of providing it, the benefits of healthier people, the moral issue, and every industrialized nation on the planet but the US, and a majority of the public of our nation, has reached the same conclusion, that the government should offer universal health care. A right-wing ideologue, though, mocks the needs of the poor, mocks the need for healthcare, and demands the ideology be followed.

Some imagined catastrophe causes him to insist that healthcare must be kept as it is, while the tens of millions who need healthcare are ignored.

It's an utterly immoral, irrational approach. The debate points of the ideologue do not stand up. The ideologue is unaware of the influence of the propaganda of those who have a vested interest in the enormous profitability of the status quo continuing, and is unable to weigh that interest against the public's interest. Luckily, the ideologue is losing ground on this issue, and like countless others, society will progress in spite of him.

Typical answer from a welfare baby.
Work much? Well I do, so let me keep this short.

Universal healthcare ALREADY exists in this country. Ever hear of Medicare? Medicaid? Perhaps you should run down and talk to a doctor at the county hospital before you make assumptions that universal healthcare is needed. I've WORKED there, I've SEEN it. As with any entitlement program, it will be grossly abused. And people who NEED help will be forced to wait, and sometimes die, as the system caters to a first come first serve and the line is stacked with the poor who dont feel the need to work for anything.

If Universal Healthcare is so damned spiffy, why do Canadians travel here for medical care? Why do ENGLISH DOCTORS travel here for medical care?

Does our system need some changes? Damn right, healthcare costs ARE climbing at ridiculous levels. But I cant see why anyone in there right mind would think drug addicts and lazy people are entitled to anything. And thats not what the founding fathers thought either.

And more to the point, I dont know why anyone would want bad medical coverage for all over good medical coverage for the virtually everyone.



Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Balt
I hate to break it to you, but you are already paying for Universal Healthcare. It's called the Emergency Room, and people without Healthcare go there every time they have a problem whether it qualifies as an 'emergency' or not.

It's a really bad and inefficient way of doing things, I assure you.

This man knows of what he speaks.



Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Specop 007
This sucks, I really hope this fails miserably.

why? for ideological reasons? the usa is just about the only first world country without universal health care. In the long run, it would save your country money and improve the overall health of the US population.

That is so the long run it would bankrupt this nation.......sorry...nice idea...but foolish!!

It would be MUCH cheaper and better for this Nation than George's jaunt into Iraq.
But big oil would make no money off health care, so excuse me!
I worked all my life as a diesel mechanic and never felt over payed. I think the
nutritionists of this world are highly over paid.


Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: aidanjm
Originally posted by: Specop 007
This sucks, I really hope this fails miserably.

why? for ideological reasons? the usa is just about the only first world country without universal health care. In the long run, it would save your country money and improve the overall health of the US population.

Think so?
What color is the sky in your world.

You think the shortage of doctors and nurses is bad now? Wait till theres a cap on salarys. Why would I be a doctor who was capped and my salary went from 250k a year to 50k a year? I wouldnt! I'd move, or quit.

How about these stats for you


Here's one of our periodic roundups of recent news items from the world of government-run medicine:


* Woman waits four days for surgery for broken leg

Susy Horna spent four pain-filled days in Surrey Memorial Hospital waiting for an operation on her broken leg.


"You can't eat for 12 hours before surgery, so I didn't have anything to eat from Wednesday to Saturday," Horna said yesterday from her hospital bed, recovering from her Saturday operation. "The only thing they offer you is morphine."

* Canadians fleeing long waitlists by going abroad

As waitlists grow ever longer, surgical tourism has become an option for many Canadians who are in pain and frustrated with the country's chronically overburdened medical system.

United Kingdom

* Cancer Appointment Cancelled 48 Times

ANGRY cancer patient Dennis Burke yesterday branded the NHS a shambles after a hospital cancelled his appointment 48 times in a row.

Dennis, 68, who is in remission from bowel cancer, spent 14 months trying to get a consultation after his GP referred him to hospital. He said: "I am absolutely fed-up with them messing me around.

"What's the point in my GP telling me to go to hospital if I can't get an appointment?

"I have had to put up with 48 appointments with an NHS doctor being cancelled in a row. It is a disgrace."

* U.K. Woman Goes to Norway to get an MRI

A WOMAN has spoken about why she opted for an MRI scan in Scandinavia rather than waiting for one in Wales


The 55-year-old, ... travelled the 715 miles for a contrasting MRI scan after being told she faced an 18-month wait for the same diagnostic procedure on the NHS in Wales.

* No One to Operate the MRI Scanner

The dire state of funding at our hospitals was laid bare today when it emerged a scanner designed to ease pressure on the N&N has not been used since it was installed six months ago.

The delay was today blamed on a lack of money to employ radiographers to operate it and the need to test it fully.


North Norfolk MP Norman Lamb said: "It is not just lack of radiographers that is the problem - it is the lack of money to employ them."

"It has been excruciating and frustrating that the MRI scanner has sat there unused for so long, and even when it is used it will only be for one session a week. The hospital trust has had a bad deal from the Government. I will continue to encourage them to find ways to get the scanner in use full time and I know the hospital authority is keen to do that."

The scanner was moved from the N&N to Cromer and District Hospital in May to ease pressure at the N&N, where people were waiting up to 25 weeks for a scan.

* Scottish Flee to India for Medical Procedures

When doctors told Stuart Shaw he needed a hip replacement he was faced with a six-month wait or a 9,000 [pound. bill from a private hospital. Suffering excruciating pain, the 67-year-old decided to travel to India instead. He paid less than 4,000 [pounds] for the operation, including his travel expenses and five weeks in hospital.

* Breast Cancer Surgeries Delayed

Reports that 12 women have had vital breast cancer surgery delayed due to bed shortages at the Mater Hospital in Dublin are 'very disturbing', the Labour Party has said.


* Triple Bypass Surgery Cancelled Four Times

Yesterday morning, 62-year-old Vincent Mays and his family were shattered to learn that his triple bypass surgery had been cancelled because of a lack of beds - for the fourth time in six weeks.

* Woman with Cancer Told To Wait

"The recording said that the doctor had advised that my case wasn't urgent and that they would reschedule an appointment in the new year," she said.

How about the fact Canada has a limited number of Cat Scan machines, and come about Sept/Oct its almost impossible to get a Cat Scan. The machines are essentially "rationed".

How about the fact we ALREADY spend more on healthcare and human services then just about any other item on the budget.

Universal Healthcare will be what bankrupts this country.

And it will offer shoddy healthcare for all.

Thats the problem with Democrats. They dont want a greta life for everyone, they want equal misery for all. Rather then working to get everyone to the highest common denominator then work to bring us all down tot he lowest common denominator.

But damn, it just feels good to do that doesnt it?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Shivetya
of course the big lie is that people don't have health care in this country.


Everyone can get health care in this country. There is a difference between having no health insurance and having no health care. But politicians like to rely on ignorance to sell people on the idea that both are the same.

Look, I have a sister who has no health insurance. She goes down to the local emergency room or whatnot and gets stuff I pay for for free. Looks like health care to me. Appendix removed - didn't cost her a dime. She qualified because of her income.

The government has been burdening private health care plans with all sorts of requirements in an effort to drive them under on purpose. The government does want healthcare to take care of you, they want it so you rely on them even more.

I work for a company that is private insursed. Our costs keep going up because of mandates that specific types of coverage be offered! Like WTF? Of course the cost is going to go up when you are being forced to pay for stuff that isn't life threatening...

Oh I know, but everyone deserves it and it will be best for everyone.

Wrong again. Two different family friends from Canada have both resorted to coming to the US for treatment because of the wait time to get it done in Canada. One came here after his local doctor didn't agree with the specialist about his heart condition. He came here and got prompt service for a condition that would have killed him. Another came here for knee surgery he could not get for nearly 3 months up there. Taking drugs and not being able to bend your knee was apparently an okay condition.

Go look into Canada's healthcare system. They are one of the few who increased spending only to see wait times increase!!! Worse, their own government acknowledges that the system is coming apart. Why? Because people don't have the ambition to enter the system anymore (who wants to be a doctor when it means being told who you can serve and when). Worse, what really hurts the system is people that abuse it. Going in for anything they perceive that is wrong with them. The "professional" patient as some call it.

People lambasted the drug program passed here because of its costs have no idea what its going to be when they try universal medical care. You think HMOs are bad? With government control who can you appeal to? Huh?

******, this same government ruined education and now you want them to handle your medical coverage. Sheesh.

1) Canada's system isn't perfect, far from it, but at least everyone has available the Treatments that are inaccessible to those Un-insured in the US. Emergency Care and Life Saving Care is fine and good, but they are a small part of Healthcare and in reality much Life Saving Care can be avoided or much cheaper when People are Insured and see a Doctor regularly

2) The lack of people entering the Health Profession in Canada is for the same reasons that they are not in the US. Cost of Education, other Career choices, length of Education, etc. The US has a shortage too and is constantly recruiting Foreigners to pick up the slack

3) Abuse is not a major issue, it is rather rare.

4) Canada's system will change, but it won't be adapting the clearly broken US system. It will adopt a French or German system which are both good mixes of what are the current Canadain and US systems.

J Heartless Slick

Golden Member
Nov 11, 1999

Do not get your knickers in a twist over this. The Democrats do not have a large enough majority in Congress to get something big like Universal Health care into law. They would need enough Republican votes to overcome GWB's veto. And I doubt that is going to happen.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Craig234
you're right, yllus, if the republicans did it. Hello, Katrina.

On the other hand, the democrats *could* do a great job at it. Admittedly, they might screw it up too.

"It will be anything but free. Enjoy the higher taxes. "

You forget all the benefits, of businesses freed of the costs and such. I suspect business could pay the full cost of this in taxes and come out ahead with the profit gouging reduced, not that it'd happen that businesses pay the tax.

This is hilarious coming from you. You are now a proponent of business? lmao
Anyways I find it rather funny the left falls back on this excuse for mandating healthcare in this country. They piss and moan about profits from these companies and how the working man doesnt get his share. Then try to enact legislation that pushes the cost of healthcare off the evil corporations and onto the working man.

Just shows your true colors everytime. This isnt about healthcare but control.


Senior member
May 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Craig234
Typical response from a right-wing ideologue who has utterly lost any human perspective, moral perspective and common sense.

Government exists for the *serving of the needs of the public*, the welfare of the citizens, the benefit of the people, all those nice phrases.

Times change for rational people who are not locked into pretending the economy and technology are still in the 18th century. Our founding fathers looked forward to changes.

Medical care is something everyone needs available. Our economy gets the benefits of increased productivity by allowing some to be left out; the system not rewarding some people is built in to the way it works. Clearly, you are not one of the people who cannot afford medical insurance. Nor are you moral enough to care much about those who are.

When rational people look at the issue, they look at the costs to society of not having such insurance, the feasibility of providing it, the benefits of healthier people, the moral issue, and every industrialized nation on the planet but the US, and a majority of the public of our nation, has reached the same conclusion, that the government should offer universal health care. A right-wing ideologue, though, mocks the needs of the poor, mocks the need for healthcare, and demands the ideology be followed.

Some imagined catastrophe causes him to insist that healthcare must be kept as it is, while the tens of millions who need healthcare are ignored.

It's an utterly immoral, irrational approach. The debate points of the ideologue do not stand up. The ideologue is unaware of the influence of the propaganda of those who have a vested interest in the enormous profitability of the status quo continuing, and is unable to weigh that interest against the public's interest. Luckily, the ideologue is losing ground on this issue, and like countless others, society will progress in spite of him.

I need food too. We all need food. Why doesnt the gov't pay for all our food? Why stop there? I should get my vitamins, juice, and a home gym paid for by the gov't too. Its my right to have healthy free food, so I can prosper.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
IT is not free health care.

The description sounds like setting up a pool and requiring people to buy into it.

In theory, they state the the employer will no longer foot the bill; the savings will be passed on to the employee in terms of higher wages.

(Ocean front property in Az)

What about those that are self employed - will we be able to get lower rates?

Higher wages will also generate higher tax income for the governemnt to spend.

Using the example that they provided for a 60K income jumping to 72K; the tax bite will take3-4K of that.

So, if they have to pay 12K for health insurance and have a net income increase of 9K; who is losing.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: J Heartless Slick

Do not get your knickers in a twist over this. The Democrats do not have a large enough majority in Congress to get something big like Universal Health care into law. They would need enough Republican votes to overcome GWB's veto. And I doubt that is going to happen.
And I doubt they'd have all the Democrats onboard. Not because they don't want everybody to have access to good medical care but because they don't believe the Government is up to the task of implementing it. I wouldn't mind spending the 6 grand on taxes instead of my Health Care Ins if I would be assured it would be just as good (which isn't all that great) but after what I saw our government do with Katrina and the WOT I don't also don't think they are up to the task.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: bobdelt
Originally posted by: Craig234
Typical response from a right-wing ideologue who has utterly lost any human perspective, moral perspective and common sense.

Government exists for the *serving of the needs of the public*, the welfare of the citizens, the benefit of the people, all those nice phrases.

Times change for rational people who are not locked into pretending the economy and technology are still in the 18th century. Our founding fathers looked forward to changes.

Medical care is something everyone needs available. Our economy gets the benefits of increased productivity by allowing some to be left out; the system not rewarding some people is built in to the way it works. Clearly, you are not one of the people who cannot afford medical insurance. Nor are you moral enough to care much about those who are.

When rational people look at the issue, they look at the costs to society of not having such insurance, the feasibility of providing it, the benefits of healthier people, the moral issue, and every industrialized nation on the planet but the US, and a majority of the public of our nation, has reached the same conclusion, that the government should offer universal health care. A right-wing ideologue, though, mocks the needs of the poor, mocks the need for healthcare, and demands the ideology be followed.

Some imagined catastrophe causes him to insist that healthcare must be kept as it is, while the tens of millions who need healthcare are ignored.

It's an utterly immoral, irrational approach. The debate points of the ideologue do not stand up. The ideologue is unaware of the influence of the propaganda of those who have a vested interest in the enormous profitability of the status quo continuing, and is unable to weigh that interest against the public's interest. Luckily, the ideologue is losing ground on this issue, and like countless others, society will progress in spite of him.

I need food too. We all need food. Why doesnt the gov't pay for all our food? Why stop there? I should get my vitamins, juice, and a home gym paid for by the gov't too. Its my right to have healthy free food, so I can prosper.



Senior member
May 26, 2006
Dude, why am I even getting my mba? I should be sitting on a porch drinking 40's, eating the gov'ts food, and going to the hospital when I get alcohol poisoning every night. It's starting to be real tempting to be poor. Which I'm sure will have great effects on the economy


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: bobdelt
Dude, why am I even getting my mba? I should be sitting on a porch drinking 40's, eating the gov'ts food, and going to the hospital when I get alcohol poisoning every night. It's starting to be real tempting to be poor. Which I'm sure will have great effects on the economy

If that's all you aspire for, go for it.
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