Send a FREE message to those fighting for America who can't be home for the holidays (Video or Email)

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Senior member
Sep 2, 2001
Originally posted by: alphansx
they are risking their lives for corporate trash to live better. not to defend the country


I'm risking my life so that my daughter can live free from fears of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.


Platinum Member
Mar 12, 2001
oh my...the flame war is about to begin online =P
Luckily for you all, I have created a DOOMSDAY FLAMER! It goes off whenever a flame is launched at me, and cannot be deactivated.
And yes, I was watching Dr. Strangelove =P

*puts on flame retardant suit with napalm resistance*
*straps on bullet proof vest underneath*
*straps on another bullet proof vest*
*straps on a layer of titanium alloy armor*
*straps on another bullet proof vest with inlaid titanium sheets*
*attaches body temp monitoring and adjustment unit*
*puts on neuro connectors*
*puts on inner helmet*
*jumps into slightly larger than human size robotic suit with neuro-interface, made out of strongest metal alloys of steel and flexible titanium, armed with lots of mechwarrior type crap*


Toro 45

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: JWade
well when i refer to sacrifices I am refering to such things as deploying to Bosnia in 1997, 10 days after my first daughter was born, again deploying to bosnia 2 months after my second daughter was born in 1999, and deploying to Kuwait in 2001 45 days BEFORE my 3rd daughter was born, and now being deployed to Afghanistan. Everyone in the service makes sacrifices, I love my job too, i cant really think of any other job i would be doing than what I do now.

Coming from an Army soldier deployed in Afghanistan to all other service members, deployed or stateside, I salute you.

Without a doubt one of the most important jobs in the world & it's really great to see someone with a great attitude about being where your at. It's gotta be tuff being away from your family especialy this time of year.

I salute you & all the service men & women,all of you make me proud to be an American!!

Please return safely,Toro



Senior member
Apr 12, 2000
haha Deployed in Afghanistan and still checking for deals!!!!

Originally posted by: JWade
I am deployed in afghanistan and i think this is great from circuit city, unforunately there is no store even close to my wife to do this. It is however a great service they are doing, it means alot to service members over here when they get stuff like that from the states. It re-emphasises why we are over here for and lets us know that people do appreciate the sacrifices we make.



Senior member
Jun 16, 2002
I'm risking my life so that my daughter can live free from fears of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.

Really? The world would be free from terrorism if there were less people like you, viz. American military, struting around the world like you own it. As for 'weapons of mass destruction', why don't you suggest to your Commander-in-Chief to stop developing them. Perhaps you don't want to get court martialed for criticizing a superior officer? Too bad the the military doesn't enjoy the same freedoms your supposedly protecting.

If you need a spot to spew any anti-war sentiment, please do it here: AT Off Topic forums

Since when is this a *hot deal*? War is not cheap, especially for those who die.


Oct 26, 2000
The world would be free from terrorism if the American military weren't "strutting" around? Good thing those menacing Austrailians were stategically bombed in Bali- god knows what menacing tyranny filled lives they'd of led if they weren't taken out! Whew- praise Allah! With the great military superpower of Australia on the run we've only got every other western minded civilization to destroy!

You're so misinformed it's painful.

The U.S. does own the world. If you suddenly disconnected the U.S. economy from the rest of the world you'd discover exactly how true that is.

As for weapons of mass destruction, it seems we're the only ones holding them in a responsible manner. Even the russians have have large percentage of nuclear material unaccounted for.

As for you advocating a democratic structure inside a military organization- it just shows your remarkably simplistic understanding of its purpose. Maybe if you chopped down that tree you've been hugging and made it into a book you'd be better informed.


Jun 21, 2001
I think that it is great that Circuit City is doing this for the military families. Being in the Navy for 18 years, my family can tell you all about the sacrafices we face when I go to sea for 6 months. I have a great wife that supports me in this job, and she is willing to let me stay past 20. We have had a good career, and support companies that try to help us out. They will have my dollar when it comes time to buy something that they carry.
I am currently deployed to the Persian Gulf. We will be home in just over a month or so. We have a generic email address for penpals to write to out here:
It goes into a public folder for everyone out here to read. Anyone can reply to them if they want.

Take care all

Navy Linux


Senior member
Jun 16, 2002
>The world would be free from terrorism if the American military weren't "strutting" around? Good thing those menacing Austrailians >were stategically bombed in Bali- god knows what menacing tyranny filled lives they'd of led if they weren't taken out! Whew- praise >Allah! With the great military superpower of Australia on the run we've only got every other western minded civilization to destroy!

>You're so misinformed it's painful.

Perhaps it's you who are so brainwashed it's lamentable.

>The U.S. does own the world.

That's exactly the kind of talk that breeds terrorists.

>If you suddenly disconnected the U.S. economy from the rest of the world you'd discover exactly how true that is.

Obviously, you are so unbelievably arrogant that you think the rest of the world would collapse without us.

>As for weapons of mass destruction, it seems we're the only ones holding them in a responsible manner. Even the russians have have >large percentage of nuclear material unaccounted for.

Sure. As long as you can hide behind your stealth bombers and aircraft carriers, say what you want about keeping your 'other' weapons safe.

>As for you advocating a democratic structure inside a military organization- it just shows your remarkably simplistic understanding of its >purpose. Maybe if you chopped down that tree you've been hugging and made it into a book you'd be better informed.

Obviously. Please tell all of us what the intrinsic purpose of a military organization is and what this role is currently fulfulling for this so called democratic government. Well, do what have to do to win.. That surely is the true metric of greatness.


Oct 26, 2000
>The world would be free from terrorism if the American military weren't "strutting" around? Good thing those menacing Austrailians >were stategically bombed in Bali- god knows what menacing tyranny filled lives they'd of led if they weren't taken out! Whew- praise >Allah! With the great military superpower of Australia on the run we've only got every other western minded civilization to destroy!

>You're so misinformed it's painful.

Right. The Aussie's were in cahoots with us redknecks, then. Thanks for your fact filled rebuttal.

> Perhaps it's you who are so brainwashed it's lamentable.

>>The U.S. does own the world.

> That's exactly the kind of talk that breeds terrorists.

You mean the kind of talk that the first amendment protects, the amendment that supports your right to spew your venom? The kind of talk that would have you stoned to death in so many middle eastern countries?

>>If you suddenly disconnected the U.S. economy from the rest of the world you'd discover exactly how true that is.

>Obviously, you are so unbelievably arrogant that you think the rest of the world would collapse without us.

Your words. The world economy is dependant on American consumption, simply put. 25% of middle eastern petrol is exported to the U.S. alone.

>>As for weapons of mass destruction, it seems we're the only ones holding them in a responsible manner. Even the russians have have >>large percentage of nuclear material unaccounted for.

> Sure. As long as you can hide behind your stealth bombers and aircraft carriers, say what you want about keeping your 'other' weapons safe.

Amazing that you're critical of the one government that not only has shown complete responsibility in it's use and deployment of nuclear and biological weapons but goes to great lengths (read, cost us taxpayers money) to clean up and protect other countries from nefarious nations as well.
>As for you advocating a democratic structure inside a military organization- it just shows your remarkably simplistic understanding of its >purpose. Maybe if you chopped down that tree you've been hugging and made it into a book you'd be better informed.

Obviously. Please tell all of us what the intrinsic purpose of a military organization is and what this role is currently fulfulling for this so called democratic government. Well, do what have to do to win.. That surely is the true metric of greatness.

The role it's currently fulfilling is removing religous extremists who would surely be killing "westerners" by the thousands if it weren't in place.



Senior member
Sep 21, 2000
The U.S. is the only country to have dropped nuclear warheads on a civilian population. There is really no reason for a pre-emptive strike on Iraq right now. Why is the focus all of a sudden being drawn away from the war on terrorism. Does Bush think we are really dumb enough to believe his rhetoric. We all know Saddam is nuts but there are bigger threats to the U.S than him (N. Korea for one.) And since when has a pre-emptive strike been authorized by the world community? I am really afraid for the U.S because we may the the #1 power now but when we aren't no one is going to be on our side. Take Tony Blair out of the equation and we have zero allies.

AnandTech Moderator

Staff member
Oct 12, 1999
I am going to say this only once. Then, I am going to start passing out vacation that will last beyond the holidays.

This thread is for discussing the deal providing free messages to our service personnel overseas during the holidays. We have plenty of threads in OT discussing the political and moral values involved in the Middle East. If that is what you want to discuss, go there and join in. If nobody is discussing your particular point, start a thread. DO NOT POST IT HERE!

Happy holidays.

AnandTech Moderator


Mar 6, 2002
How hard is it to send a word of encouragement to those who are without their families while the rest of us are? Not to mention those fighting and dying for their country and our safety... JUST SEND A HOLIDAY GREETING FOR PETE'S SAKE.


Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by: delltrinitron
Originally posted by: Nightfall
I just read about a couple women that videotaped a rather risque holiday greeting and were excused from the store. I wish I could see that.

i dont know how risque it could have got, the place where we do the msg, "stage" is in the front of the store next to the Customer Support counter. anyone needing help or wanting to return something would see.

you assume every CC has the same setup...that assumption is incorrect.


Senior member
Nov 24, 2002
Anandtech Moderator,

While I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on the issue, I feel compelled to post just one thought (and then I'll comply with your request and shut up):

unclebabar is absolutely correct on almost all the issues. You have been meticulously brainwashed by the media agencies. The soldiers in those foreign countries are not serving to "protect" your daughter. It's actually the exact opposite. Their horrendous and inhumane actions (NONE of which you saw in the on the news during Gulf War) are going to seal her fate, along with everyone elses.

Most of you haven't heard of the attrocities from the Vietnam War, Korean War, Invasion of Panama, and the Gulf War.

I have a friend who served in the Gulf War. He just wanted to get in the Army to be in better shape, get a good education, and serve his country. He told me some of those terrifying stories I have ever heard, and this friend has NEVER lied:

During the Gulf War (1991), a large number of the Iraqi soldiers surrendered; instead of taking prisoners (which, according to his superiors "Would just slow us down") they just ran the Iraqi soldiers over and just buried them in the dirt alive. Not only was that a violation of the Geneva Convention, but it was also one of the horrific things to do to the young soldiers' psyche. You never heard any of this, simply because the media never reported it.

If you really want to continue this argument, please, sign up at Ars Technica, and post your thoughts in "The Soap Box"; moreover, send me the link via emai.



Sep 18, 2002
They all gettin paid.

They all signed up knowing there was a chance they might have to actually fight. :Q
They all knew they were going to be apart from their family.
Merry Christmas


Senior member
Oct 21, 2000
As a soldier in the Army now and have been for the last ten years I thank those that have nothing but good words to say. Those that want to say how bad the US is and that every single person in the US military is the next Adolph just goes to show you how misinformed people can be. If it weren't for those soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen throughout the world you wouldn't have the option to "Voice" your opinion so openly. My feeling on the subject is if the US is so terrible and the military along with it then leave, no one is forcing you to be here. By that same token the ability to have an opinion and voice it openly is what makes this country so great. So on that note let's get back to thanking those in the military that are deployed and away from their loved ones. Here is a little Christmas poem written by a Marine that was stationed in Okinawa:

T'was the night before the night before Christmas,
he lived all alone
in a one bedroom house made of
plaster and stone.

I had come down the chimney
with presents to give
and to see just who
in this home did live.

I looked all about,
a strange sight I did see,
no tinsel, no presents,
not even a tree.

No stocking by mantle,
just boots filled with sand.
On the wall hung pictures
of far distant lands.

With medals and badges,
awards of all kinds,
a sober thought
came through my mind.

For this house was different,
it was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier,
once I could see clearly.

The soldier lay sleeping,
silent, alone, curled up on the floor
in this one bedroom home.

The face was so gentle,
the room in such disorder,
not how I pictured
a United States soldier.

Was this the hero of whom I'd just read?
Curled up on a poncho, the floor for a bed?
I realized the families
that I saw this night,
owed their lives to these soldiers
who were willing to fight.

Soon 'round the world,
the children would play,
and grownups would celebrate
a bright Christmas Day.

They all enjoyed freedom
each month of the year,
because of the soldiers
like the one lying here.

I couldn't help wonder
how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas Eve
in a land far from home.

The very thought
brought a tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees
and started to cry.

The soldier awakened
and I heard a rough voice,
"Santa don't cry this life is my choice;

I fight for freedom,
I don't ask for more,
my life is my god,
my country, my Corps."

The soldier rolled over
and soon drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it,
I continued to weep.

I kept watch for hours,
so silent and still
and we both shivered
from the cold night's chill.

I didn't want to leave
on that cold, dark night,
this guardian of honor
so willing to fight.

Then the soldier rolled over,
with a voice soft and pure,
whispered, "Carry on Santa,
It's Christmas Day, all is secure."

One look at my watch, and I knew he was right.
"Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2000
This is a Hot Deal and everyone should take advantage of it. I know how it is being away for years at a time.


Senior member
Sep 22, 2001

they just ran the Iraqi soldiers over and just buried them in the dirt alive

Man sign me up for the Army!!!!!!

Man all those "innocent" Iraqi solders, just out for a walk, and couple hundred accidently got ran over, it happens.

What do you think the iraqi solders were doing to the kuwaiti daughters???

Man go put your mommy's panties on and watch the Lifetime channel. Even better, when our troops get back, why dont you go down the the Docks when the boats land and tell them what you think of them!!!!!!

You should be kissing their ass's right there!!!! Im glad we're not sending Homo's like you over

So your friend just wanted a free ride and education and get in shape. Man, now that's a hot deal!!!!!!!
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