Seriously, explain like I am a child...what's the beef between Israel and Palestine?

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Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Simple, Zionist Jews are like the horde, they will consume your land and resources wherever they go and leave death in their wake. I dated one for two years and her deep insight on Palestinians amounted to: "They are all animals and should be exterminated". :'(

As for Palestinians, they are the scapegoats of the Islamic world, everyone likes to pretend they are for their cause but in reality they couldn't give a shit about them. Truthfully, Muslims are Muslims biggest enemy, the Zionist Jews are a distant third or fourth but just get the most attention due to proximity.
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Jun 23, 2004
Seriously, explain like I am a child...what's the beef between Israel and Palestine?

The United Nations pressured two warring factions into a ceasefire, now countless generations get to suffer and die because the war has not come to a proper conclusion.


Aug 31, 2002
I can't imagine anyone thought it would work, thats the confusing part.

All the fighting is so stupid. Here are some free hospitals and infrastructure for you all to launch rockets at so you can go back to being an undeveloped country, good job. There seems to be no helping certain regions of the world so long as they hold backwards beliefs about property rights and treating others fairly and upholding contracts and not killing each other etc. etc.
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Oct 30, 2004
I know something about it being a holy land that Israel lost in the late 60s, and now they want it back? Why in the world can't they simply share the area?
How'd they lose it in the first place?

I am 100% sure this thread will blow up somehow, but I ask everyone that posts in it, post like a kid in elementary school is going to read it (no profanity, racial bias, personal attacks...)

Basically, Jewish people, people with the world's highest IQ who tend to be the most secular about their religion, immigrated to that part of the Middle East slowly, over time with a large increase after WWII. (Before WWII there were 400-500,000 there already.) They purchased land from Arab sheiks and also moved onto abandoned worthless swampland and desert and then terraformed it into productive land.

In the meantime, after the Ottoman Empire had been defeated in WWI, the UK was controlling the area under the British Mandate. The area that is currently Israel/Palestine had been designated for the Jews and the area that is now Jordan for the Arabs of the region. The Arabs disliked how secular and Western the Jews were (including freedom for women) and became indignant when they saw just how advanced the Jewish people were and how much better they were doing with the land. Basically, they were being put to shame and felt butt-hurt.

So the Muslim world decided to attack and the Jews in an attempt to commit genocide, and the Jews put up an amazing defense. After surviving an attempt to commit genocide by the Arab world, the nation of Israel was founded and approved by the UN.

Even after having attempted outright genocide, the Palestinians and Arabs still claim that Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza rightfully belong to the Arabs even though in attempting to murder millions of people they have lost all moral claim to the land.

To understand what's going on in further detail, these novels are essential reading:


The Haj

When you read those novels, you have to take all of the information you have acquired over time about Jewish people and Muslims and then ask yourself whether what is portrayed in those novel seems plausible. If you do, you'll find that it makes perfect sense that the people would have acted that way. Sadly, the Arab World and the Muslim religion is still the world's most primitive and backwards, even to this day.
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Dec 3, 2013
After the holocaust, some leaders around the world had an idea to form a nation for Jewish people to be safe. Since the lands the Palestinians were living on was "decided" to be the new Jewish nation, they were rightfully pissed off. 70 some years later the children and grandchildren are still fighting each other, and there are two schools of thought on explaining what is going on in the present time:

(1) People of the Jewish faith have become experts at playing the victim card manipulating the world so they can profit off foreign aid monies
(2) Neighboring Arab countries are using and manipulating the Palestinians to fight their political battles for them (similar to Russia & the Ukrainian rebels)

Both schools of thought suggest that the conflict will not be resolved anytime soon, as in each one side desires a prolonged conflict against the other.

I'll vote #2, considering everything else going on of course.

But this is the simplistic version of things, but I' gonna say it's a large part of it.

But also a bit of #1, and more, or it wouldn't be that complicated to begin with I guess.
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Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
I know something about it being a holy land that Israel lost in the late 60s, and now they want it back? Why in the world can't they simply share the area?
How'd they lose it in the first place?

I am 100% sure this thread will blow up somehow, but I ask everyone that posts in it, post like a kid in elementary school is going to read it (no profanity, racial bias, personal attacks...)

It is explained in the book "Stranger in a Strange Land" on a visit to the ZOO, Michael watches a big monkey attack a smaller one, then the wounded monkey make a worst attack on a yet smaller one. The man from Mars laughs as he "GROKS" the Human Condition.

Or on another tack, abused children grow up to abuse others. Break the cycle.
Oct 30, 2004
in 1948 with military power and backing the brittish gave the land to the current group of people who occupy it, with the backing of UN and the brittish military, they succesfully fought off everyone (moved the people that lived on the land prior to 1948) off of there lands, and established the 1948 borders.

You really don't know that you're talking about, do you? The Jews had been on the land for decades previously, living relatively peacefully with the Arabs in that area, purchasing land from them and terraforming useless swamp and desert land via kibbutzes. They did not just suddenly show up after WWII. Of course, it didn't help when, during the War, a Nazi-sympathizing Mufti wanted to exterminate the Jews.
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Oct 30, 2004
The local Arabs of that land got pissed off and attempted to destroy Israel a few years later. Israel struck back (killing Americans as well; and took over land that was never apart of the UN's resolution and acknowledgement of Israel as a nation. Israel controls that land, under the pretense that they need to, in order to ensure Israel is safe,... yet, settlements have been cropping up since they took over. It is not their land, and with the presence of Israelis, it proves security is not an issue - because if it was, Israel would have left that land desolate, with only their military presence.

The Arabs lost the moral claim to that land when they attempted to commit genocide against the Israelis in numerous wars. Israel is the rightful owner of Gaza and the West Bank. However, they've been extremely generous in allowing the Palestinians to continue occupying it. Israel was also very nice to Egypt when it gave back the Sinai Peninsula (also acquired from an aggressor during a defensive war).


Dec 3, 2013
You really don't know that you're talking about, do you? The Jews had been on the land for decades previously, living relatively peacefully with the Arabs in that area, purchasing land from them and terraforming useless swamp and desert land via kibbutzes. They did not just suddenly show up after WWII. Of course, it didn't help when, during the War, a Nazi-sympathizing Mufti wanted to exterminate the Jews.

Don't bite too hard, I think he's on your side actually.
Oct 30, 2004
jews want it all

be it money power or land and no one may get in their way.

If you Christians in America hadn't hated the Jews so much, you could have just welcomed them all in after WWII and would have benefited from an influx of people with the world's highest IQs who could have contributed to America's scientific and economic advancement. Instead, Christian anti-semites turned away Jewish refugees and now Americans have gotten themselves embroiled with the Arabs' religious insanity and primitivism in the Middle East.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011

that is a crock of shit to be honest.

first of all, there was no Palestine, there was a Mandatory Palestine. A piece of desert carved out of the Ottoman Empire after WW1, the Land west of the Jordan River became Mandatory Palestine under British rule and the east became Transjordan, a Autonomous British protectorate. Secondly, there was plenty of Jewish Land in 1917 as Jews had been living there for centuries, all the Land however was British. Most of it was uninhabited desert.

1947 was not an uprising, it was a civil war started by the Arabs and won by the Jews. the Jews were actually on their best behavior and only acted defensively (more or less).
1948-49 was not an intervention, it was an attempt by the Arabs to drive the Jews from "Palestine", which failed miserably.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
Israel was created after WW2, because everyone felt bad for what happened to the Jews during said war.

The local Arabs of that land got pissed off and attempted to destroy Israel a few years later.

Except that the weren't really any "local" Arabs at the time. It was the neighboring countries around Israel that didn't want the Jews moving into the neighborhood. Now those other countries supply the locals with just enough weaponry to be a permanent PITA for Israel, while providing them with very little else in the way of aid. The truth is that the others despise the Palestinians, who they consider to be less than animals.


Jul 11, 2001
Simple, Zionist Jews are like the horde, they will consume your land and resources wherever they go and leave death in their wake.
Actually, the horde weren't wholesale death dealers except to those who were intransigent in their dealings with them. It was the plague that eventually (14th century) ravaged and destroyed ~1/2 of the population of the lands conquered and unified by the Mongolian empire in the 12th and 13th century.
I dated one for two years and her deep insight on Palestinians amounted to: "They are all animals and should be exterminated". :'(

I have to wonder about you if you dated a person with those sentiments for 2 years.
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Diamond Member
May 22, 2012
If you Christians in America hadn't hated the Jews so much, you could have just welcomed them all in after WWII and would have benefited from an influx of people with the world's highest IQs who could have contributed to America's scientific and economic advancement. Instead, Christian anti-semites turned away Jewish refugees and now Americans have gotten themselves embroiled with the Arabs' religious insanity and primitivism in the Middle East.

not christian or american...

so not sure if that quote was referring to me...


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
that is a crock of shit to be honest.

first of all, there was no Palestine, there was a Mandatory Palestine. A piece of desert carved out of the Ottoman Empire after WW1, the Land west of the Jordan River became Mandatory Palestine under British rule and the east became Transjordan, a Autonomous British protectorate. Secondly, there was plenty of Jewish Land in 1917 as Jews had been living there for centuries, all the Land however was British. Most of it was uninhabited desert.
No Broheim, you have presented "crock of shit."

"Uninhabited desert" is a full on lie to deny the long standing towns and villages that were annexed and renamed by Israelis in the state of Israel. It is a further perpetuated lie for you to omit the ever continuing colonisation of territory outside the State of Israel with annexation of land into the West Bank.

In neglecting and dismissing the existing presence and title of land by non-mentioned lesser people (many of whom are refugee survivors who to Gaza from what is now Israel), you're intentionally repeating a long standing PR revision to deny the facts of ethnic cleansing. You have ignored the very real and lasting presence of a strong native population that was not "Jewish" nor British.

As the British were forced out via Zionist terrorism, your falsified tale only leaves Jews as the remaining population. Such a fairy tale narrative intentionally ignores the pre-existence of other Palestinians under various religions denominations, such as Sunni Muslim, Christian, Druze, and Samaritans.

To simply classify the territory as Jewish is blatantly false and supremacist of one ethnicity/religion holding favour over others.

Those other countries, carved out of the former Ottoman Empire were only a few decades old, and hardly formed nor divided by the sovereign rights and self-determination by their native populace.

The State of Israel was ceded land by the British and then re-enforced by the UN. The remaining land of Palestine was to become its own state. Those people in that territory were not Jordanians, Egyptians, etc....... They were native occupants to the land their were upon at the time of the Ottoman collapse.

The facts on the ground are, that the State of Israel has had its borders grow since 1948. Yes, countries have a legal right to defence. The offence is when they continually act out in aggression beyond their sovereign jurisdiction. The 1967 border were its last internationally recognise sovereign jurisdiction.

Modern life could have been quite different without the following actions that created the atmosphere for intifadas and Hamas. Unfortunately, Israel couldn't contain itself, and continually to this day has the strategic and illegal policy under military might to aggressively occupy, expropriate, and annex territory and specific parcels of land that are titled to the native population.

Refugees who had legal title to land in Israel are denied return or compensation. More are still displaced by IDF and colonist/'settlers' expropriation of land in the West Bank. A sad historical irony when compared to Jews of Europe who fought and retained title to their losses.

Israeli action outside of its state borders fail a moral stiff test. It is not hyperbole to correctly and accurately align historical pogroms and contemporary legal language against Israeli extra-jurisdictional crimes. A charged language is apt as the accurate parallels with history are damning indictments of Israeli state action:

· As Germany of the past, Israel has a state policy of lebensraum. Ironically, rather than Germanise lands beyond its border, Israel is applying its military to Zionise extra-territorial lands and displace its undesirable residents. "We are short of land, we are short of air, let us breathe in this country." Distasteful echoes of the past ring true today.

To the OP, here is a perfectly apt surmise of contemporary Israeli antagonism against its fellow native Palestinians.

Suddenly we are short of space here in Israel, which has become full to capacity and needs lebensraum. Every cultured person knows that this is a despicable German concept, banned from use because of the associations it brings up. Still, people are starting to use it, if not outright then with a clear implication: We are short of land, we are short of air, let us breathe in this country.
When we embarked on the Six-Day War did we want to remove a threat or did we want to gain control in order to spread out? That's what happens after 44 years of mire and moral corruption, which distort things and make us forget the original objective and replace it with an entirely different one. We were fortunate when we occupied the West Bank because had we not done so, where would we have come to live? And who knows how high housing prices would have risen? The divine promise is now being revealed in all its ability to prophesy about real estate.

The founding fathers, as opposed to the Diadochi who fought for control after Alexander the Great's death, represented a different approach, for the most part. Between "A little goes a long way," and "Don't bite off more than you can chew," they chose to bite; they even agreed to the 1947 UN partition plan for lack of choice. They believed that all the objectives of rational Ben Gurion-style Zionism could be fulfilled even in "Lesser Israel," which is more complete and more at peace with itself. And it has no need for lebensraum, may God preserve us.
To the inflaming cost of their neighbours, a destructive "Greater Israel" is state policy.

Israel holds the expanding power and cards. Natives will forever hold antagonism and fight back against their occupier and oppressor. In the cessation of expansionist aggression, only Israel, holds the starting solution to a just peace.
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Ahh, for the OP, I might as well re-post this summation of just grievances and antagonisms:


My belief is that to continue the facts on the ground for Israeli annexation of territory that is not Israeli, like clock-work, every few years Israel pounces upon any excuse to initiate yet another land war. Hamas cannot be routed by military action. Gaza has been invaded in the past, to again have Hamas rebuild, yet despite its latest strengthened position, the past year proved to be among the quietest periods of rocket launches into Israel.

Hamas even joined into the recent, but precarious, unity government with Fatah. That was Israel's provocation to find cause for violent action and disruption. It wasn't the deaths of 3 Israeli's in the West Bank that prompted this war -- it was rejuvenated diplomacy between Hamas and Fatah. Since the 2 decade old Israeli assistance in its founding to oppose Fatah, Hamas is Israel's great deception and Machiavellian ploy. Israel's greatest fear is a relative moral standing against its opposition, and a such a diplomatic effort for Palestinian governance leaves Israel as the lone and prime perpetrator of high international crimes. Palestinian diplomacy and unstoppable moves towards even greater international recognition that go beyond the Palestinian Authority already having been recognised as a state government of the West Bank (9 states against the world do not nullify such reality), and then onto involvement into the International Criminal Court (ICC). For strategic goals of expansion, Israel needs a violent and ever present nemesis to redirect focus from Israeli crimes to the east.

Though not party to the ICC, such an international judicial body can directly act if a member state, such as he Palestinian Authority will be -- as I predict it to be within 2 years -- and appeals against any extra-territorial aggressor perpetrating crimes in its territory. Israel fears becoming a pariah, one on par and as widely vocally vilified as its former associate, the former Apartheid regime of South Africa. As Israeli expansion and high crimes continue, this will occur. Time is running out, and Israel will continue its illegal land grabs and distractionary wars.

As an insurgent entity such, Hamas cannot be militarily defeated, as known by Israel and well demonstrated by Hamas continually returning in strength after Israeli invasions of Gaza. There is the other Israeli rational for this war -- keep Hamas' cause alive to further Israeli territorial gain in the West Bank.

Rather than any plausible settlement with its occupied native populations, the state of Israel has a strategic desire to maintain the status quo with a divided and weakened Palestinian presence all to acquiesce its continued criminal expansion and ethnic cleansing.

Currently, under occupation, Palestinians face extreme economically competitive disadvantages. It is intentionally not a level playing field as a weak and divided Palestine more easily enables Israel to imply a guise of extreme and even illegal security measures to further illegally annex territory for colonisation.

These are high international crimes, and reasonably, quite antagonising to the native populations.

Israel, for that dreadful policy of lebensraum, is in control of the viability of Palestinians, but chooses to maintain oppression all for state strategic purposes. Potential Palestinian success and sovereignty is the number one obstacle to the implementation of a greater and more expansive state of Israel.

The Palestinian Authority (now a recognised state government, though just of the West Bank), rather than the militant wing or even political wings of Hamas, is conducting a unilaterally peaceful, diplomatic, and a just way forward with the avocation of civil disobedience in their occupied land against the aggressors, in combination with a route to achieve a semblance of state sovereignty and a gained UN seat to lobby for criminal charges and further condemnation against Israel expansionist actions. These Israeli action along with the brutal ghettoization of Gaza, provide a Machiavellian mechanism of both dividing any possibility of a Palestinian unity government, plus a ready bogeyman to distract and demonise for Israel’s propaganda PR blitzes of its good against evil.

Yes, Israel did de-colonise from the Gaza strip, in favour of supplemented colonisation with expanded annexation in through the West Bank. A regular PR line of Israel is to keep repeating that withdrawal of Gaza without heed to its growing high crimes to the east. Gaza has long been densely populated, unlike the diverted focus to far more sparse West Bank regions for expropriation, annexation, and colonisation. With Israeli ghettoization and now fairly regularly destructive military invasions, to Israel’s long term strategic advantage for state territorial expansion to the east, Gaza has been willfully fostered into a powderkeg and demagogue.

Israeli action outside of its state borders fail a moral stiff test. It is not hyperbole to correctly and accurately align historical pogroms and contemporary legal language against Israeli extra-jurisdictional crimes. A charged language is apt as the accurate parallels with history are damning indictments of Israeli state action:

· As Germany of the past, Israel has a state policy of lebensraum. Ironically, rather than Germanise lands beyond its border, Israel is applying its military to Zionise extra-territorial lands and displace its undesirable residents. "We are short of land, we are short of air, let us breathe in this country." Distasteful echoes of the past ring true today.
Suddenly we are short of space here in Israel, which has become full to capacity and needs lebensraum. Every cultured person knows that this is a despicable German concept, banned from use because of the associations it brings up. Still, people are starting to use it, if not outright then with a clear implication: We are short of land, we are short of air, let us breathe in this country.
When we embarked on the Six-Day War did we want to remove a threat or did we want to gain control in order to spread out? That's what happens after 44 years of mire and moral corruption, which distort things and make us forget the original objective and replace it with an entirely different one. We were fortunate when we occupied the West Bank because had we not done so, where would we have come to live? And who knows how high housing prices would have risen? The divine promise is now being revealed in all its ability to prophesy about real estate.

The founding fathers, as opposed to the Diadochi who fought for control after Alexander the Great's death, represented a different approach, for the most part. Between "A little goes a long way," and "Don't bite off more than you can chew," they chose to bite; they even agreed to the 1947 UN partition plan for lack of choice. They believed that all the objectives of rational Ben Gurion-style Zionism could be fulfilled even in "Lesser Israel," which is more complete and more at peace with itself. And it has no need for lebensraum, may God preserve us.
· Israel has long implemented policies akin to apartheid with militarily enforced separate areas and separate laws in the West Bank. Palestinians are subverted in favour of Israeli while only those Israeli colonists, rather than their subjugated Palestinian neighbours, are granted a political say upon state policy by Israel.

Balanced, condemnation upon Israel is not warranted out of its simple existence nor the presence of Jews, but of that state's extra-territorial policies and actions. So, also please avoid a the expected trivial misrepresentation for no peace being achievable simply due to hate for Jews or that myself, a Jew, gets-off "Jew-baiting" by presenting comparisons to a convicted Germany...

Those in rabid and absolute defence of Israel will again likely cry with hyperbole over such applicable language, then I call for a new tact. Try avoiding the familiar arguments into ad nauseum and ‘Jew-hating’ or ‘anti-Semitic’ tarring against internet messengers, and to constructively put an end to the likes of applicably vile language against Israel. You can accomplish this via turning to a rationale course of action by pressuring Israel to cease its condemnable actions.

That promoting and applauding in favour of Zionist expansionist (not that a title of Zionism should equate to evil, rather unilateral territorial expansion is a crime) is antagonistic and ought to be reasonable concluded as such to every honest witness. Do such high crimes warrant crimes of humanity attacks upon Israeli civilians, as per more personal terrorism and indiscriminate rocket attacks? No. Yet those actions represent a minority of belligerents and most certainly do not give a pass to the continued and disproportionately greater instigating crimes by Israel.

In the context of Israeli occupation, subjugation, and colonising of the West Bank of Palestine, categorising what is to be unjust is fairly easy:

Charter of the United Nations: Article I:
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
· without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
· Article 9
o No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
· Article 13
o (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
o (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
· Article 15
o (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
o (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
· Article 17
o (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Though the above are mostly ideals, some points have been ratified into international law, particularly those ratified and signed by the state of Israel.

An above point there of all having a right to nationality, was directly born out of the aftermath of WWII with mass-refugees and the struggle of sovereign state borders through to that of the founding of the state of Israel as home for some stateless Jews. A lesson of that conflict was an enabler to high crimes against humanity was to deny a people their identity or nationality. When considering Palestinians, an occurrence that is now commonly practiced in simple forums as this, to even high international forum such as the UN General Assembly. People have a sovereign right to identity, and to deny such an identity is an enabler to deny and confiscate property, through to the demeaning treatment and expulsion of such an identified group, all for the strategic territorial goals of supremacist ethnic cleansing.

The self-determination of Palestinians is directly offensive to Israeli state policy, as it further complicates and deters the expansionist colonisation of the state of Israeli into jurisdiction beyond its borders, enforced by the IDF.

Definition of Aggression, United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX).
Article 5:
3. No territorial acquisition or special advantage resulting from aggression is or shall be recognized as lawful.
Article 7
Nothing in this Definition, and in particular article 3, could in any way prejudice the right to self-determination, freedom and independence, as derived from the Charter, of peoples forcibly deprived of that right and referred to in the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, particularly peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination: nor the right of these peoples to struggle to that end and to seek and receive support, in accordance with the principles of the Charter and in conformity with the above-mentioned Declaration.
Reaffirming such post-WWII international law, here are some of the historically sanctioned and recorded legal international views, that also include that of your USA:
United Nations Resolution 242 (November 1967) - The situation in the Middle East:
Emphasizingthe inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,
1. Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;
United Nations Resolution 3236 (November 1974) - Question of Palestine:
Recognizing that the Palestinian people is entitled to self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
Expressing its grave concern that the Palestinian people has been prevented from enjoying its inalienable rights, in particular its right to self-determination,
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter,
Recalling its relevant resolutions which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,
1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:
1. (a) The right to self-determination without external interference;
2. (b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;
Internationally, on a state-per-state basis, Israel is absolutely isolated upon a view of legal annexation and colonisation of extra-jurisdictional territory. Driving partisanship, Prime Minister Harper of Canada has been both praised and critiqued for his unwavering support for Israel, yet even the government that he leads is unequivocal upon the illegality of Israeli aggression:
Foreign Affairs

Status of Jerusalem

Canada considers the status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute.
Canada does not recognize Israel's unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem.

Occupied Territories and Settlements
Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip). The Fourth Geneva Convention applies in the occupied territories and establishes Israel's obligations as an occupying power, in particular with respect to the humane treatment of the inhabitants of the occupied territories. As referred to in UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465,
Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlements also constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

Canada believes that both Israel and the Palestinian Authority must fully respect international human rights and humanitarian law which is key to ensuring the protection of civilians, and can contribute to the creation of a climate conducive to achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement.

The Barrier
Canada recognizes Israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, including through the restriction of access to its territory, and by building a barrier on its own territory for security purposes. However, Canada opposes Israel's construction of the barrier inside the West Bank and East Jerusalem which are occupied territories.
This construction is contrary to international law under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Canada not only opposes Israel's construction of a barrier extending into the occupied territories, but also expropriations and the demolition of houses and economic infrastructure carried out for this purpose.
Israeli occupation, subjugation, and colonisation of Palestinian land is immoral, criminal, and as specified -- unjust. As far as states go, Israel is alone upon challenging this. If you choose to side with Israel in such opposition, then your perception of justice is quite incorrect.

With full support of legal citations through the legal and public diplomatic positions of the state of Israel’s closest allies, I have firmly displayed the illegality of Israeli actions. Further, with firm conviction and rational, I view the isolation and regular military invasions of Gaza (even Lebanon) serve the Israeli policy position of fostering/provoking extremism and surreptitiously prolonging any chance of achievable peace settlements, all to divide a nation of Palestine, deny the unity of such an already recognised state, and thereby permit the backhanded continuance of high crimes of aggression in the form of annexation and expropriation of territory beyond the state borders of Israel, all for the greater supremacist expansion and growth of a Greater Israel.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
You guys are straying from the OP - keep it simple enough for a child to understand. Basically it goes like this: Arabs = tribal and backward, Jews = tribal but with modern knowledge. Jews vs Arabs = backward Arabs die. End of story.
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