SETI CLASSIC: Daily Averages for the Week of December 5 - 12, 2004


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Hello TeAm Mates! :sun:

Report date: December 12, 2004

Top 25 World Team Analysis
This is my own personal analysis of the top teams in the world.


Special Alert

As many of you know, the TeAm recently had one of our major accounts hijacked. The account has been recovered but the experience has uncovered a glaring flaw in our Seti Accounts.

If your Seti Account is using a hotmail, yahoo, or similar free email service with the same address as your Seti Name, your account is in danger of being HIJACKED.

If your account remains "inactive" for 30 days (or whatever policy the free email provider may use) the account is deactivated. Anyone can register for your email account and gain complete control of it. Once they have your old email address, getting your Seti Password is a simple FORGOT PASSWORD message to S@H and the password is automatically sent to your "old" email address. The hijacker now has complete control of your account.

If you have one of the free email services that you don't actively use and your email address is the same as your Seti Name, you need to either change your Seti Email Address or your Seti Name.


Here are your TeAm AnandTech - SETI-CLASSIC stats for December 5 - 12, 2004.

TeAm Average per Day: 8,496 (Last Report: 9,019)

New Members

Departed Members
Status ?.. Name ??.. Wus
Gone ??. syd ?.. -512

Name Changes

*New members that joined during the period and any members that changed their "name" are not in the following report but will be included in the next one.

Sorted by Average WUs per Day

Rnk ?. ???.. Avg ?? Seti Name
1 ?? ???... 667.9 ?.. Don Telkamp
2 ?? ???... 504.7 ?.. amd.borg
3 ?? ???... 310.4 ?.. TenaciousT - Huntsville, AL
4 ?? ???... 252.6 ?.. shuxclams
5 ?? ???... 196.9 ?.. Rebel Alliance
6 ?? ???... 162.4 ?.. Eugene Stover
7 ?? ???... 159.3 ?.. corky
8 ?? ???... 158.1 ?.. The Enterprise - TeAm AnandTech
9 ?? ???... 146.0 ?.. Ronin
10 ?. ???... 143.1 ?.. jatwell - TeamAnandtech
11 ?. ???... 140.7 ?.. LANMAN
12 ?. ???... 137.3 ?.. TeAm BadThad and MadMark
13 ?. ???... 131.4 ?.. TeAm M&M
14 ?. ???... 126.6 ?.. jdiddy
15 ?. ???... 126.4 ?.. IsOs ® TeAm AnandTech
16 ?. ???... 113.9 ?.. pazoo
17 ?. ???... 106.3 ?.. UMM CSci Labs [M²]
18 ?. ???... 103.0 ?.. zodder
19 ?. ???... 102.6 ?.. mike9o
20 ?. ????.. 84.9 ?.. LastKnight
21 ?. ????.. 79.9 ?.. wtmh6opn
22 ?. ????.. 74.7 ?.. Darkone
23 ?. ????.. 74.6 ?.. Polo
24 ?. ????.. 65.6 ?.. Barbary
25 ?. ????.. 64.9 ?.. strider7
26 ?. ????.. 64.1 ?.. CraigRT
27 ?. ????.. 61.3 ?.. nombo
28 ?. ????.. 61.0 ?.. Cory
29 ?. ????.. 55.4 ?.. matchbok
30 ?. ????.. 54.0 ?.. wirelessenabled
31 ?. ????.. 52.9 ?.. serialb
32 ?. ????.. 51.7 ?.. Phiton
33 ?. ????.. 49.1 ?.. Fardringle
34 ?. ????.. 48.0 ?.. Soggy
35 ?. ????.. 46.9 ?.. strikermike
36 ?. ????.. 46.6 ?.. Dalephi
37 ?. ????.. 45.7 ?.. Assimilator1 - Team AnandTech
38 ?. ????.. 45.4 ?.. Sofa King
39 ?. ????.. 42.3 ?.. BMdoobieW
40 ?. ????.. 42.3 ?.. Swanny
41 ?. ????.. 41.0 ?.. EvilWobbles
42 ?. ????.. 40.7 ?.. Sideswipe (#1)
43 ?. ????.. 40.6 ?.. groundedsailor
44 ?. ????.. 40.4 ?.. George M. Fryberger
45 ?. ????.. 40.3 ?.. Pie Derro
46 ?. ????.. 39.3 ?.. Home_of_Akin
47 ?. ????.. 38.6 ?.. Wiz
48 ?. ????.. 37.9 ?.. Poolman
49 ?. ????.. 37.7 ?.. Amer
50 ?. ????.. 37.0 ?.. Maku
51 ?. ????.. 34.1 ?.. MrSanderzX
52 ?. ????.. 31.4 ?.. Peter Valverius
53 ?. ????.. 31.4 ?.. The Cow Watcher
54 ?. ????.. 31.0 ?.. Aaron Busi
55 ?. ????.. 30.6 ?.. GhettoFob
56 ?. ????.. 30.1 ?.. LukFilm
57 ?. ????.. 30.0 ?.. dagrump
58 ?. ????.. 27.9 ?.. nova
59 ?. ????.. 26.9 ?.. Tony Kell
60 ?. ????.. 26.1 ?.. seticruncher
61 ?. ????.. 25.9 ?.. Blade
62 ?. ????.. 25.7 ?.. Thoreau
63 ?. ????.. 25.6 ?.. Maggotry
64 ?. ????.. 25.1 ?.. JimMc
65 ?. ????.. 24.3 ?.. Team TaBoo
66 ?. ????.. 23.3 ?.. lobadobadingdong
67 ?. ????.. 23.3 ?.. MarkP
68 ?. ????.. 23.1 ?.. PK709394
69 ?. ????.. 23.0 ?.. prontospyder - TeAm AnandTech
70 ?. ????.. 23.0 ?.. Sean (#1)
71 ?. ????.. 22.4 ?.. iamwolverine
72 ?. ????.. 22.3 ?.. neovan
73 ?. ????.. 22.1 ?.. Jarrod Hammack
74 ?. ????.. 22.1 ?.. IHATEHUMANS
75 ?. ????.. 22.0 ?.. Romulan Male
76 ?. ????.. 21.9 ?.. Grant
77 ?. ????.. 21.7 ?.. panhead49
78 ?. ????.. 21.7 ?.. basilisk420
79 ?. ????.. 21.7 ?.. Ed Omega
80 ?. ????.. 21.6 ?.. tmp
81 ?. ????.. 21.4 ?.. Schadenfroh
82 ?. ????.. 20.9 ?.. Obitus
83 ?. ????.. 20.3 ?.. Richard Anderson Jr.
84 ?. ????.. 20.3 ?.. HunterKiller
85 ?. ????.. 19.9 ?.. Trashman
86 ?. ????.. 19.6 ?.. Steve (#1)
87 ?. ????.. 19.4 ?.. medfly
88 ?. ????.. 19.4 ?.. Tech88
89 ?. ????.. 19.3 ?.. Otiss
90 ?. ????.. 19.0 ?.. Spiffyguy
91 ?. ????.. 19.0 ?.. dukoolio
92 ?. ????.. 18.9 ?.. Corsairpro
93 ?. ????.. 18.6 ?.. Conjur - Team Anandtech
94 ?. ????.. 18.4 ?.. Spacehead
95 ?. ????.. 18.1 ?.. Technonut
96 ?. ????.. 18.1 ?.. Doc Brown
97 ?. ????.. 18.1 ?.. Lane42-TeAm Anandtech
98 ?. ????.. 17.7 ?.. Niege
99 ?. ????.. 17.6 ?.. Rmcsc32
100 .. ????.. 17.3 ?.. bunker
101 .. ????.. 16.9 ?.. mrbeci
102 .. ????.. 16.9 ?.. Gambler's Ruin
103 .. ????.. 16.7 ?.. DanStp
104 .. ????.. 16.7 ?.. MC^2-Lagrange
105 .. ????.. 16.6 ?.. Unforgiven
106 .. ????.. 16.4 ?.. ace_mcmac
107 .. ????.. 16.4 ?.. minendo
108 .. ????.. 16.1 ?.. Hasche Grumble - Visionary
109 .. ????.. 16.1 ?.. TeAm * MoFunk
110 .. ????.. 15.9 ?.. Bryan Hammons (Pop-Pop)
111 .. ????.. 15.9 ?.. TeAm Tarca - bigwoofer - Douger
112 .. ????.. 15.6 ?.. r2d2
113 .. ????.. 15.3 ?.. Garoz
114 .. ????.. 15.3 ?.. Beltfed
115 .. ????.. 15.3 ?.. Hellburner
116 .. ????.. 15.1 ?.. Cuban
117 .. ????.. 15.1 ?.. Paul Larson
118 .. ????.. 15.1 ?.. Eric
119 .. ????.. 15.0 ?.. elFUSIONÉ
120 .. ????.. 15.0 ?.. TheEvil1
121 .. ????.. 15.0 ?.. Tenchi_Kioto
122 .. ????.. 14.6 ?.. The Federation - TeAm AnandTech
123 .. ????.. 14.4 ?.. baxsie
124 .. ????.. 14.3 ?.. msparish
125 .. ????.. 14.3 ?.. Intelligence3
126 .. ????.. 14.3 ?.. lhampel
127 .. ????.. 14.1 ?.. vrmuds
128 .. ????.. 13.6 ?.. Maetryx
129 .. ????.. 13.6 ?.. BestJinjo
130 .. ????.. 13.4 ?.. moe_29
131 .. ????.. 13.3 ?.. Michael and the Cuppies
132 .. ????.. 13.1 ?.. Old Geezer
133 .. ????.. 12.9 ?.. titanmiller
134 .. ????.. 12.9 ?.. Alan J. Simpson
135 .. ????.. 12.7 ?.. Mihai
136 .. ????.. 12.6 ?.. Sunny129
137 .. ????.. 12.6 ?.. cthulhu
138 .. ????.. 12.3 ?.. modedepe
139 .. ????.. 12.1 ?.. qt0cali
140 .. ????.. 11.9 ?.. Mackdady
141 .. ????.. 11.9 ?.. m2kewl
142 .. ????.. 11.7 ?.. maxcom
143 .. ????.. 11.7 ?.. Blue Crumb Truck
144 .. ????.. 11.7 ?.. skiersteve
145 .. ????.. 11.6 ?.. vtec_freak
146 .. ????.. 11.4 ?.. Doomer
147 .. ????.. 11.3 ?.. Ollie
148 .. ????.. 11.3 ?.. ethebubbeth
149 .. ????.. 11.3 ?.. TheGrandHooHa
150 .. ????.. 11.3 ?.. DaT
151 .. ????.. 11.3 ?.. TeAm_BnT
152 .. ????.. 11.1 ?.. Rufio
153 .. ????.. 11.0 ?.. jtusa4
154 .. ????.. 11.0 ?.. mk
155 .. ????.. 11.0 ?.. Mike O.
156 .. ????.. 10.9 ?.. BalloFruit
157 .. ????.. 10.7 ?.. Big_T8r
158 .. ????.. 10.6 ?.. iceberg
159 .. ????.. 10.6 ?.. Bespin Reactor Shaft
160 .. ????.. 10.6 ?.. Heretik
161 .. ????.. 10.3 ?.. martyreadling
162 .. ????.. 10.3 ?.. Viper6
163 .. ????.. 10.1 ?.. Zzessy
164 .. ????.. 10.1 ?.. skimania
165 .. ????.. 10.1 ?.. ElFenix
166 .. ????.. 10.1 ?.. Pnko
167 .. ?????. 9.9 ?.. Catalyst_Eighteen
168 .. ?????. 9.7 ?.. DoritoOfDeath
169 .. ?????. 9.6 ?.. flyermax2k1
170 .. ?????. 9.6 ?.. FatmanOSU
171 .. ?????. 9.3 ?.. ORION (#2)
172 .. ?????. 9.3 ?.. ereshkigal
173 .. ?????. 9.1 ?.. Spudgunr
174 .. ?????. 9.1 ?.. Badfinger
175 .. ?????. 9.0 ?.. Aaron/Homncruse
176 .. ?????. 9.0 ?.. firstrival
177 .. ?????. 9.0 ?.. Sukhoi
178 .. ?????. 9.0 ?.. skymaster
179 .. ?????. 8.9 ?.. Phaxmohdem
180 .. ?????. 8.9 ?.. jjsetihead
181 .. ?????. 8.7 ?.. Soul_pAOM (#1)
182 .. ?????. 8.7 ?.. FlameDeer - TeAm AnandTech
183 .. ?????. 8.6 ?.. webjockey
184 .. ?????. 8.4 ?.. Vulcan 800
185 .. ?????. 8.4 ?.. Turtle-Blue
186 .. ?????. 8.3 ?.. IndyJaws
187 .. ?????. 8.1 ?.. Chris 'NE14FUUN' Fernandez
188 .. ?????. 8.1 ?.. Robor - TeAm AnandTech
189 .. ?????. 8.1 ?.. Chris S
190 .. ?????. 8.1 ?.. Joshua
191 .. ?????. 8.0 ?.. esko
192 .. ?????. 8.0 ?.. poopaskoopa
193 .. ?????. 8.0 ?.. rynn
194 .. ?????. 7.9 ?.. darrylwebber
195 .. ?????. 7.9 ?.. mopar7769
196 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. PurVamP
197 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. CombatChuk
198 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. Scratch
199 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. Mr_Rocker
200 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. Martin
201 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. Don Carey
202 .. ?????. 7.7 ?.. CANTAGON
203 .. ?????. 7.6 ?.. joeychai
204 .. ?????. 7.6 ?.. Nutzo
205 .. ?????. 7.6 ?.. EvadMan
206 .. ?????. 7.4 ?.. Hurakan
207 .. ?????. 7.4 ?.. Audigy
208 .. ?????. 7.3 ?.. Liquidambar
209 .. ?????. 7.3 ?.. cherub
210 .. ?????. 7.3 ?.. John Wulff
211 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. ccalvert
212 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. Megatomic
213 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. Allen Cope
214 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. Soggy's1stBrat
215 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. Steg
216 .. ?????. 7.1 ?.. Handy_Dave
217 .. ?????. 7.0 ?.. Nader
218 .. ?????. 6.9 ?.. Gamingphreek
219 .. ?????. 6.9 ?.. For John Carroll - We search, he already knows the answer.
220 .. ?????. 6.7 ?.. redhedstranger
221 .. ?????. 6.7 ?.. Mlani
222 .. ?????. 6.7 ?.. Joshua Clark
223 .. ?????. 6.7 ?.. jg45
224 .. ?????. 6.6 ?.. Logix
225 .. ?????. 6.6 ?.. Chris Buchach
226 .. ?????. 6.6 ?.. GaryAlcorn
227 .. ?????. 6.4 ?.. Pyxis
228 .. ?????. 6.4 ?.. grimmer
229 .. ?????. 6.3 ?.. Tachikoma-kun
230 .. ?????. 6.3 ?.. Grimner
231 .. ?????. 6.3 ?.. Allied Zebu
232 .. ?????. 6.3 ?.. RoHo (Athlon 1900+)
233 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. BobTheWizard
234 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. spyrius
235 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. Dazmite
236 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. yswonder
237 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. PC Specialties - Garrett Socling
238 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. yazman
239 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. Alphatea
240 .. ?????. 6.1 ?.. Scorch
241 .. ?????. 6.0 ?.. Lssar (#2)
242 .. ?????. 5.9 ?.. NTB
243 .. ?????. 5.9 ?.. benedict
244 .. ?????. 5.9 ?.. yuejon
245 .. ?????. 5.7 ?.. TA_Beowulf
246 .. ?????. 5.7 ?.. Fee
247 .. ?????. 5.6 ?.. Lumba
248 .. ?????. 5.6 ?.. Jeff7
249 .. ?????. 5.6 ?.. Munchy Boys
250 .. ?????. 5.6 ?.. Arch
251 .. ?????. 5.4 ?.. NoBozos
252 .. ?????. 5.4 ?.. Slackware1995
253 .. ?????. 5.4 ?.. 4D Konsulenterne A/S
254 .. ?????. 5.3 ?.. Wineryguy
255 .. ?????. 5.1 ?.. rajs
256 .. ?????. 5.1 ?.. kc5wee
257 .. ?????. 5.1 ?.. Sean McLaughlin and Dawn Sulok
258 .. ?????. 5.0 ?.. rajeevacharya
259 .. ?????. 5.0 ?.. quietdad
260 .. ?????. 5.0 ?.. Bingo31
261 .. ?????. 5.0 ?.. stone
262 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. negativezero
263 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. Icefire_QuickSilver
264 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. GregANDTCH
265 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. xeno117
266 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. cismaxz
267 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. Sickle 584th
268 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. Marrkks
269 .. ?????. 4.9 ?.. Coquito
270 .. ?????. 4.7 ?.. Chris Linzey
271 .. ?????. 4.7 ?.. Hoverdude
272 .. ?????. 4.7 ?.. Ed Schaub
273 .. ?????. 4.7 ?.. Belldandy_Lover
274 .. ?????. 4.6 ?.. thresher
275 .. ?????. 4.6 ?.. NeoPTLD
276 .. ?????. 4.6 ?.. CadetLee
277 .. ?????. 4.6 ?.. crt1530
278 .. ?????. 4.4 ?.. RedFish
279 .. ?????. 4.4 ?.. RoMaN
280 .. ?????. 4.4 ?.. ravana
281 .. ?????. 4.4 ?.. PIIXeon
282 .. ?????. 4.4 ?.. Ted LaMusga
283 .. ?????. 4.3 ?.. Joe Schwarzbauer
284 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. MHaar110
285 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. kalaga
286 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. kamper
287 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. Maverick (#1)
288 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. sugardaddyjr
289 .. ?????. 4.1 ?.. DoctorBooze
290 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. een
291 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. perka
292 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. CoreDex
293 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. Lokken
294 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. Skarps
295 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. PoloMaster
296 .. ?????. 4.0 ?.. Gobbletwo
297 .. ?????. 3.9 ?.. RedÐem0n
298 .. ?????. 3.9 ?.. Monk
299 .. ?????. 3.9 ?.. Tweaked
300 .. ?????. 3.7 ?.. cavdraco
301 .. ?????. 3.7 ?.. onebadv6
302 .. ?????. 3.7 ?.. SoulAssassin
303 .. ?????. 3.6 ?.. Chris Naude'
304 .. ?????. 3.6 ?.. Carl
305 .. ?????. 3.6 ?.. TechGraphix
306 .. ?????. 3.6 ?.. FifthFactor
307 .. ?????. 3.4 ?.. Silex
308 .. ?????. 3.4 ?.. john_doe
309 .. ?????. 3.4 ?.. Mike (#2)
310 .. ?????. 3.4 ?.. Lokret
311 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. maxxwizard
312 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. Sengir
313 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. Vendetta
314 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. cchagadorn
315 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. jetskr9
316 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. Orion (#1)
317 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. JawaJedi
318 .. ?????. 3.3 ?.. [LM]MavericK
319 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. Jojo7
320 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. Dougal
321 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. Dave Graham
322 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. jalaram
323 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. The Runningboard
324 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. rhao
325 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. Defster
326 .. ?????. 3.1 ?.. skiznots
327 .. ?????. 3.0 ?.. DarkFury
328 .. ?????. 3.0 ?.. kag
329 .. ?????. 3.0 ?.. BubbleHead
330 .. ?????. 3.0 ?.. TK149
331 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. Nacelle
332 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. htmlmasterdave
333 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. Ne0 - Team Anandtech
334 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. PC Specialties - Dennis Socling
335 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. Midnite
336 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. Guido
337 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. CrimsonWolf
338 .. ?????. 2.9 ?.. Looker2000
339 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. jswjimmy
340 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. CA-Skater4
341 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. Matthew Coulson
342 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. Beets
343 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. xylog
344 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. Neurodog
345 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. JonB - TeamAnandtech
346 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. Curt Oien - Team AnandTech
347 .. ?????. 2.7 ?.. ScottSwingleComputers
348 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. Gentleman
349 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. Larry Morley
350 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. Patrick Van Uffelen
351 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. kboggs
352 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. Tarmek
353 .. ?????. 2.6 ?.. CookieMonster
354 .. ?????. 2.4 ?.. vwbobby
355 .. ?????. 2.4 ?.. Koala Bear
356 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. BIG DADY
357 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. Zach (#2)
358 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. Victor
359 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. AkumaX
360 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. DanDeighan
361 .. ?????. 2.3 ?.. kamish
362 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. SSJ4Zer0
363 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. CrazyNitroGuy
364 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. ACJ
365 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. Silverpig
366 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. Toft / Vold - DK
367 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. Smash & Reymyster
368 .. ?????. 2.1 ?.. sparks
369 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. blx53
370 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. Michael Gratton
371 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. Jonnyapple
372 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. SuperDave-DCF
373 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. dkvamme
374 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. PhoenixOfWater
375 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. I-Chuan
376 .. ?????. 2.0 ?.. kmmatney (#1)
377 .. ?????. 1.9 ?.. rbsnider
378 .. ?????. 1.9 ?.. Kwatt
379 .. ?????. 1.9 ?.. bhaai
380 .. ?????. 1.9 ?.. l)oomday
381 .. ?????. 1.9 ?.. LiveLongAndProsper
382 .. ?????. 1.7 ?.. Crazee
383 .. ?????. 1.7 ?.. sgriffin
384 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. tippcarb68
385 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. Hubba
386 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. Wolverine27
387 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. devonz
388 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. The_One
389 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. Smillie
390 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. Coolkid
391 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. ShotgunSteve
392 .. ?????. 1.6 ?.. Barry Jones
393 .. ?????. 1.4 ?.. Folding@Home - TeAm AnandTech
394 .. ?????. 1.4 ?.. magnentius
395 .. ?????. 1.4 ?.. compudog (#1)
396 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. Combo
397 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. mike frisbee
398 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. 440sixpack
399 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. icmurdie
400 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. tashaw
401 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. Smaug
402 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. [CGAA] Omega Geek
403 .. ?????. 1.3 ?.. almega
404 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. Dafrabbit
405 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. Mortimer
406 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. blues008
407 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. ForgottenLegion
408 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. BeefcakeVA
409 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. caddlad
410 .. ?????. 1.1 ?.. Carl R. Buratti
411 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. Clemente
412 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. PIMPBOT 5 0 0 0
413 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. Ned^Kelly
414 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. Foots
415 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. André Bravo
416 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. Squishy
417 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. OtterTings
418 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. nobody
419 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. JCA
420 .. ?????. 1.0 ?.. RCaplinger
421 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. globalcitizen
422 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. Raj (#2)
423 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. oztutor
424 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. MIsle
425 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. thisbrian
426 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. Waldo_2k
427 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. Trimzulu
428 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. Mike (#1)
429 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. ABHISHEK
430 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. xcript
431 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. cramand1
432 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. One_Shot
433 .. ?????. 0.9 ?.. Dustswirl
434 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Jaramin
435 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Thumper6
436 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Examancer
437 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. mickey
438 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. MooCow
439 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Migroo - Team Anandtech
440 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. asim
441 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Stompie
442 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. michael^
443 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. movinslow
444 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Ric
445 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Lars
446 .. ?????. 0.7 ?.. Killadam
447 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. bsizemore
448 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Phiberop
449 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Odette
450 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Trinity
451 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. GimpTG
452 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. octuu
453 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Bulldozer
454 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. oldsmoboat
455 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. jbravo18
456 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. poopyman67
457 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Jeffe19007
458 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Domination
459 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. nlj
460 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Hsu Fu-Tsong
461 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Match
462 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. Wharffrat
463 .. ?????. 0.6 ?.. ElPresidente408
464 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Jal
465 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. JP
466 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. nitemare (#1)
467 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Petsaki
468 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Webmonkey
469 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. sereichling
470 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Pyromidion
471 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Ionizer86
472 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. fx72
473 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Ber Makiah
474 .. ?????. 0.4 ?.. Ian_Bradley
475 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Mokala
476 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Sharpstick
477 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. ifertig
478 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Patricio Cotro
479 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Gary_D
480 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. ELH-Firemane
481 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Y0DA
482 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Brian Riordan
483 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. bdjohnson
484 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. David Stuart
485 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Kalen
486 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. geomagick
487 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Drunkguy
488 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. TheBoyBlunder
489 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. SquishyWeasell
490 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Jon (#1)
491 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. IBhacknU
492 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. The Romulans - Team AnandTech
493 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. TeamGundogs-Force
494 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Fingers
495 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. David Vantongerloo
496 .. ?????. 0.3 ?.. Waverider
497 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Sephiroth
498 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Terminus
499 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Sushi_X
500 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. DaxOmni
501 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. QBix
502 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Thomas Lake
503 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. DL
504 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. tiwazz
505 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Nancy Triplett
506 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Karsten
507 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. James Daily
508 .. ?????. 0.1 ?.. Goran Cicek


I would like to recommend two ?Stat Sites? that are updated very often during the day for TeAm AnandTech.

"Soni.DK Stats" which includes 7, 14, and 30 day Averages: "Soni.DK Stats"

TeAm AnandTech Personalized Stats brought to you by ?Wiz & Smoke": ?Wiz & Smoke"



Jun 2, 2002
7 ?? ???... 159.3 ?.. corky

94 ?. ????.. 18.4 ?.. Spacehead

Thanks for the stats Smoke


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Thanks Greg,

47 ?. ????.. 38.6 ?.. Wiz

Yeah, that's getting back to normal I guess.

(can I upgrade to a P4 HT from my AMD XP1700 @2ghz without reinstalling Win XP?)


Senior member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Spacehead
7 ?? ???... 159.3 ?.. corky

94 ?. ????.. 18.4 ?.. Spacehead

Thanks for the stats Smoke
That's some powerful teamwork! Thanks Smoke



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
37 ?. ????.. 45.7 ?.. Assimilator1 - Team AnandTech

Not bad at all considering my 2 home rigs are switched to Taboo now

Rig T
Nice going!
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