SETI@Home-"classic" official end-note, shutdown 15.12.2005. (update-17, 06.12.2005)

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Golden Member
Nov 30, 2003
WOW! It is finally going to happen. I am in a deep depressed state now. It will be like losing a loved one. (Okay, probably not that bad). What will I do? Where will I go? Maybe I will turn them all off and live under a bridge. SETI Classic has given me something to live for. Soon it will be gone, gone, gone. The Agony.

(Don't anyone take me serious. I am not suicidal. And I am not that depressed. Actually I am pretty happy).


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
SETI BOINC instead ,think of 'her' as a new G/F

Thanks RD ,wow! didn't think they'd commit to that date!


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Rattledagger

SETI@Home "classic" web-page:
November 15, 2005
On December 15, 2005, after 6 years of operation, this project will shut down. But SETI@home is not going away. We're alive and well and running on the BOINC distributed computing platform. It's easy to switch over - just follow the instructions on the new SETI@home web site. We hope to see everyone there!

At the time of shutdown, the stats for this project will be frozen but will continue to be available on the web.

Thanks to all original SETI@home participants for their tremendous dedication to the project. You made SETI@home into something of lasting significance.
SETI@Home/BOINC web-page:
November 15, 2005
The old SETI@home Classic project will stop issuing work on December 15, 2005. Anyone still running SETI@home Classic should deactivate it and install SETI@home/BOINC (see instructions under 'Getting started' on this page).

So there will be no "grace period" for us to dump our stashed queues? Is there anypoint to maintaing my queue around 5k? :disgust:

I liked it much better when he who had the most queued won


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
It's a good question - will any WU's be accepted after the 15th?


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Wiz
It's a good question - will any WU's be accepted after the 15th?

Well, even if you can upload anything, there isn't really any point since the stats are frozen, and there's no scientific reason for crunching "classic" any longer...

Also, as already quoted earlier in the thread:
In a month we'll start "repurposing" (I hate that word) SETI@home classic servers for BOINC, or retire them.

The "classic" upload/download-server can AFAIK immediately be re-configured for doing other tasks, so chances are there will not even be a place to upload the results to after "classic" has shut down...

The other servers on the other hand would need some working after shutdown, example to import final snapshot to SETI@Home/BOINC of "classic"-score and so on...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: BofBnT
Originally posted by: Rattledagger

SETI@Home "classic" web-page:
November 15, 2005
On December 15, 2005, after 6 years of operation, this project will shut down. But SETI@home is not going away. We're alive and well and running on the BOINC distributed computing platform. It's easy to switch over - just follow the instructions on the new SETI@home web site. We hope to see everyone there!

At the time of shutdown, the stats for this project will be frozen but will continue to be available on the web.

Thanks to all original SETI@home participants for their tremendous dedication to the project. You made SETI@home into something of lasting significance.
SETI@Home/BOINC web-page:
November 15, 2005
The old SETI@home Classic project will stop issuing work on December 15, 2005. Anyone still running SETI@home Classic should deactivate it and install SETI@home/BOINC (see instructions under 'Getting started' on this page).

So there will be no "grace period" for us to dump our stashed queues? Is there anypoint to maintaing my queue around 5k? :disgust:

I liked it much better when he who had the most queued won

lol ,it would seem not.

Then I guess us Q operators will drain off our cache near the time.
With probably every Q op doing the same I wonder if S@H will notice a drop off in WU demand with result return relativley steady? (excluding those who switch to BOINC).

Man I'm gonna miss seeing & using SETIQ ,it's been my homepage for about 4yrs I think!.
I 1st used the text version of SETIQ nearly 6yrs ago! :Q ,I think I was in the 1st 1/2 dozen to do so in TA .I needed a little help then


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
Man I'm gonna miss seeing & using SETIQ ,it's been my homepage for about 4yrs I think!.

Hmm, is actually still using SetiQueue as my homepage... :beer:

Installed On Mon 2002 Apr 08 1:26:51 (3.61587 years ago)
Started On Sat 2005 Nov 12 14:28:14 (5 days 5 hr 42 min ago)
Last WU downloaded at Thu 2004 Jun 10 1:40:05 (1.44056 years ago)
WU downloaded 19,162
WU queued 0
WU pending 0
Last Result uploaded at Wed 2004 Jun 23 4:54:42 (1.40457 years ago)
Results uploaded 17,927
Results queued 0
Results dropped 0
Result duplicates dropped 1
Passthroughs handled 4
EmptyQueue overrides 0
Connections 37,093
Failed connections 386
Last connection Wed 2004 Jun 23 4:54:42 (1.40457 years ago)
Connection State idle

Total Time 17.8222 years
Total CPU Time 13.2368 years
Average Time 8 hr 42 min
Average CPU Time 6 hr 28 min (74% efficient)


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Wow the end is in site. What a bummer. I have been crunching seti for a LONG time. I remember when I first heard about it (when it first came out) and had my little screen saver running all the time.

I wonder how much money I put into Seti? Between the power consumption, the upgrades, replacing burned out ram, CPU's.... wow


Oct 10, 1999
I wonder how much money I put into Seti? Between the power consumption, the upgrades, replacing burned out ram, CPU's.... wow

Don't go down that road, MoFunk, you really don't want to know.....



Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Though my home page goes straight to the 'history' section & will seem 'stale' after S@H1 ends

General Stats
Installed On Tue 2003 Mar 11 21:12:44 (2.69014 years ago)
Started On Tue 2005 Nov 15 0:24:01 (2 days 18 hr 26 min ago)

SetiQueue to SetiServer stats
Last WU downloaded at Thu 2005 Nov 17 9:27:18 (9 hr 23 min ago)
WU downloaded 7,100
WU queued 388

Didn't know I had that many Q'ed! :Q
I'm sure I'd installed it before that ,though I did use the text SETIQ long after the GUI one was out (about a year).


Platinum Member
Apr 26, 2002
Setiqueue is one of the five tabs on Mozilla that is my home page. IT has seen a lot of action and still has plenty left to play with.

General Stats
Installed On Sun 2003 Jun 01 9:06:10am (2.46648 years ago)
Started On Wed 2005 Nov 16 7:49:34pm (18 hr 40 min ago)

SetiQueue to SetiServer stats
Last WU downloaded at Thu 2005 Nov 17 9:31:44am (4 hr 58 min ago)
WU downloaded 237,489
WU queued 4,985


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I'm sure I'd installed it before that ,though I did use the text SETIQ long after the GUI one was out (about a year).

Did run multiple copies of the text-version for some months, but when the beta-versions of the gui with multi-user-support started appearing switched to these...

Hmm, for some reason is actually up to Q0024 now... :Q


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Well haven't been running mine that long almost 2 years.. but it has uploaded more than 300k finished wu..

General Stats
Installed On Thu 2004 Feb 05 10:10:42pm (1.78353 years ago)
Started On Tue 2005 Nov 15 5:17:18pm (2 days 4 hr 35 min ago)

SetiQueue to SetiServer stats
Last WU downloaded at Thu 2005 Nov 17 9:52:25pm (10 sec ago)
WU downloaded 321,944
WU queued 17,095
WU pending 4,750
Last Result uploaded at Thu 2005 Nov 17 9:49:05pm (3 min 30 sec ago)
Results uploaded 309,901
Results queued 2


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
New technical news:
November 18, 2005 - 00:30 UTC
Regarding the master database merge (see posts below), it looks like it is going to be postponed again - at least until next week, and probably sometime after that (since next week is short due to the holiday). We are continuing to develop C++ tools to move data around, and we don't want to rush into anything (and potentially screw up the database) before the software is fully tested.

As well, we need to coordinate the merge with the mass e-mail asking all Classic users to move to BOINC. We were hoping to start that this week, but the merge delays have postponed everything (since we may require a long outage and don't want a flood of new users finding the project inaccessible upon first try). It's likely we'll start the mass e-mail early next week and do the merge much later on.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
Yes, looks like we can start to hope for an ending

Now, if i can just reach 75K before, i will be very happy


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
I bet the Dec 15th date will slip

Amdxborg & Bof
Wow you sure have had a lot of WUs move through your Q's!:shocked:

Now this Q's been installed a while!

Installed On Thu 2001 Jan 25 5:49:46pm (4.81543 years ago)
Started On Fri 2005 Nov 11 3:08:12am (7 days 5 hr 54 min ago)

SetiQueue to SetiServer stats
Last WU downloaded at Wed 2005 Nov 16 2:02:53am (2 days 6 hr 59 min ago)
WU downloaded 77,111
WU queued 118
WU pending 1
Last Result uploaded at Fri 2005 Nov 18 5:45:07am (3 hr 17 min ago)
Results uploaded 75,711

Guess whose it is?
That start date is quite possibly before it was publicly released.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
I bet the Dec 15th date will slip

Installed On Thu 2001 Jan 25 5:49:46pm (4.81543 years ago)

That start date is quite possibly before it was publicly released.

Ah, the programmer. :thumbsup:

V3.03-beta1 is 27.01.2001, so it's closing-in on 5 years since started running the gui-versions of SetiQueue.

If remembers correctly, one of the later versions changed naming-convention or something on the queues or users, so installed a new queue instead of continuing to use the old...

So, over to your betting...

If they can't finish the db-merging next week without a long outage, they'll very likely just kill-off "classic", wait till Seti_Enhanced is released and all "old" wu is out of the system, and cache-up as many Seti_Enhanced-wu they've got the space for and do the merge.

Before they tried the db-merge this week, they cached-up 2M results, this is enough for roughly 3 days without only backend-outage for doing the merge.
With Seti_Enhanced on the other hand, 2M results will with no problem last over a week.

A new forum-post:
The two databases are physically identical, just contain different data. The issue is that several fields are of user-defined type, which apparently don't just get copied with a SQL "insert into db1:table (x,y,z) select (x,y,z) from db2:table". Some really annoyingly long SQL may do the trick, except that these types contains lists of indefinite length, and from what we've experienced, if you screw up the transfer, you hose the *enter* table.

We actually already have the C++ tools to insert/update, etc. (since that's how the data got in there in the first place). The hard part is getting the join to work (preserving relational constraints as we move joined tables from one db to another, losing original IDs in the process), and we're running into memory issues (keeping maps of old ids/new ids in memory). As well, we need to work in some parallelism to shrink the amount of time this all takes.

The databases involved are both on the same server running informix.

The mass e-mail/shutting down of classic comes into play as this merge may very well take many many days, during which the splitters and assimilators *must* be off (since the dbs cannot be updated at all during the transfer). We may run out of work to send out, and an flood of new users will experience a long outage and be confused/annoyed. If we can't get this going without an outage (or at least a short one), we may very well postpone the whole thing a month or two - it's just that there's a lot of momentum right now.

- Matt (Lebofsky)



Jun 2, 2002
If we can't get this going without an outage (or at least a short one), we may very well postpone the whole thing a month or two -

Hey Assimilator1, it looks like they're listening to you (" I bet the Dec 15th date will slip ")

As much fun as SETI has been over the years, i'll be glad when it ends. Hopefully there isn't too much of a delay now that they're actually quoting end dates.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: CheesePoofs
I got my email today, it clearly says december 15th is the last day. Looks like its final.

Thanks for the info. :beer:

Hmm, now is they going alphabetically or by account-id, with sending-out the emails...

Well, if they sends to the active "classic"-crunchers 1st. it would be some time before gets any email...

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