Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 01/22


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

The Race to Number 50:
52) cakin .................................19062 / 68
57) conjur ...............................16657 / 38

Awesome Adul's Race to TA-250:
263)Adul .....................................2855 / 18

20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else!:
49) Poopaskoopa ....................19821 / 22
51) WayneS ...............................19197/ 41
53) Rebel Alliance ...................18019 / 102
54) LiveLongAndProsper .......17325 / 26
58) Ben98SentraSE ..................16453 / 168

The Great 10K CountDown:
94) mucman .........................10002 / 6
95) Maku ...............................9961 / 19
98) The TWTA Bus...............9783 / 15
99) Wiz ...................................9764 / 22
101)Fardringle ........................9502 / 24
103)GolfGeek .........................9313 / 1
109)John Wulff ........................8827 / 62
116)Jatwell ..............................7763 / 91

The Crunch & Munch 10K
100)British Bulldog Racers ....9545 / 31
104)minendo ............................9253 / 58 :Q
117)The Wildnet Team............7660 / 22

Gimme that 6th K-Key! Race to 6000:
147)Electrode .............................5705 / 26
148)clueless ...............................5701 / 0

Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Zip Zim Dash:
554)TheEvil1 ...............................941 / 10
588)Zim Hosein .........................835 / 5
614)BobTheWizard ....................785 / 7

The Christof Crunch - Gotta Get To 250:
1511)Christof ..................................62 / 1

Seti Stud-Studded Stud Stomp to 4000:
Pazoo .....................................31185 / 113 (982)
ShuxClams ...........................46328 / 97 (916)
Rebel Alliance ......................18019 / 102 (901)
jatwell ......................................7763 / 91 (830)
zodder ....................................28836 / 66 (681)

Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500:
cakin .....................................19062 / 68 (68)
Sizzlin Soni ..........................41340 / 47 (47)
def .........................................22789 / 32 (32)
lane42 ..................................24026 / 23 (23)

3000 WU Smoosh:
Rebel Alliance ...................18019 / 102 (2838)
jatwell ......................................7763 / 91 (2748)
Team Funky Ray ....................----- / 57 (2660)
Mighty Micron .......................11733 / 52 (2467)
Toft / Vold - DK ...................15517 / 51 (2423)

3000 WU's or Bust, Baby!:
BigWoofer ..........................15422 / 29 (2916)
Major Tom ..........................24202 / 30 (2262)

Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's:
LyNx01 .................................2887 / 7 (1257)
neovan ..................................7262 / 21 (1255)

1500 WU Smackdown:
The Wildnet Team..............7660 / 22 (1256)
ZeroEffect .........................13190 / 14 (1183)
Maggotry ..............................5918 / 16 (1067)
Orange Kid .........................7395 / 0 (410)

Wascally WU Whapper to 1500:
MaxSiren .............................10914 / 0 (1397)
mucman ..............................10002 / 6 (1261)

Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000:
DAPUNISHER ....................2920 / 29 (29)
Adul .......................................2855 / 18 (18)
Maggotry ..............................5918 / 16 (16)
KCJeeper ............................7160 / 14 (14)
TheEvil1 .................................941 / 10 (10)

1000 WU Packet Pounder Derby:
crt1530 .............................13449 / 16 (146)
ys .........................................3522 / 9 (121)
Pyxis ...................................5144 / 11 (114)
Evadman ...........................5337 / 16 (108)

1000 WU Woad Wally:
crt1530 ...............................13449 / 16 (924)
BigFatCow ...........................4466 / 16 (842)
ElFenix ..................................9206 / 15 (751)

Lonely Racers:
5) PieDerro ..........................66688 / 8
6) Smokeball .......................58064 / 200
10) IsOs ................................51354 / 113
11) LastKnight .....................51188 / 229
16) The Federation .............42053 / 99
24) m2kewl ..........................30089 / 72
28) Crazee ............................27859 / 98
31) LANMAN..........................26004 / 1
32) Networkman ..................25873 / 44
34) IJump .............................24435 / 0
38) Yield.................................23502 / 49
40) wirelessenabled ...........22996 / 96
43) Darth Polo ......................21259 / 15
44) SoulAssassin ...............20824 / 27
46) EvilWobbles ..................20372 / 33
50) DroolMAN! ......................19638 / 23
63) Basilisk420 ....................14113 / 27
66) Baldy18 ...........................13619 / 23
70) Karsten ...........................13350 / 43
76) Swanny ...........................12426 / 50
88) tuffguy ..............................10552 / 0
119)Slahr Dzhe .......................7510 / 0
142)teriba..................................5886 / 29
150)Dazmite ............................5674 / 18
159)Ishmael2k ........................4999 / 7
179)sukhoi ...............................4221 / 9
261)Spacehead ......................2879 / 11
277)Logix .................................2645 / 2
289)Starrider ............................2449 / 31
390)Actaeon .............................1701 / 11
397)SpookyFish ......................1660 / 0
469)Lithium381 .......................1327 / 0
537)JetsFanatic .......................1023 / 0
915)titanmiller ............................335 / 4


Milestones achieved on 1/22:

TeAm Smokeball - 58000 (58064)
LastKnight - 51000 (51188)
The Federation - TeAm Anandtech - 42000 (42053)
Home_of_Akin - 19000 (19062)
Rebel Alliance - 18000 (18019)
Mucman - 10000 (10002)
clstrfbc - 4000 (4011)
Steve - 4000 (4000)
ravana - 2000 (2003)
Sunny129 - 1500 (1508)
ereshkigal - 250 (252)
BigJ2078 - 100 (102)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Bad Bad Baldy18 - 1500 WU Smackdown - 1/21/2003
Electrode - Plain Old Race to Crunch 1500 WU's - 1/21/2003
OhioDude - 20,000 Before the Project Ends, or Else! - 1/18/2003
KCJeeper - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
Kruptikos - 1000 WU Woad Wally - 1/17/2003
Sizzlin' Soni - 3000 WU's or Bust, Baby! - 1/16/2003
BobTheWizard - Team AnandTech SETI 111110100 - 1/16/2003
- The Great 10K CountDown - 1/16/2003
Ammocan - The Great 10K CountDown - 1/16/2003
Sammael - The Great 10K Countdown - 1/11/2003


One of TA-Seti's long-time veterans and SRL participant from the early days even before yours truly began spreading a daily dose of BS around the DC forum, crosses the finish line in The Great 10K CountDown and joins the lofty ranks of the five digit crunchers. Muckity Mucman takes the checkered flag to the rousing cheers and foot stomps of his faithful following, from toddlers wearing their "Muc Truks" diapers, to old-timers in their Mucman leathers, to the lovely ladies with the "Mucky's Just Ducky" T's. Mucman steers his powerful racing rig to the award's stand where he crawls through the window of the pilot's cabin to receive his key to the 10K lounge and his certificate for one free physics lesson from the babes. Waving to his many fans, Mucman heads towards the door of the 10K lounge, a spring in his step and a babe on each arm. Congratulations, Mucman, and welcome to the 10K Club!

Two new races make their appearances on the docket this morning and today we welcome another rookie to the Seti Racing League. Making his SRL debut in Bob The Wizard's Evil 1K Dash, Zim Hosein joins fellow rookies TheEvil1 and Bullet BobTheWizard in their quest of the 1K milestone marker. This should be quite a battle for the roses between Bullet Bob and Zippin' Zim. SRL prognosticators have predicted that both racers should saunter across the finish line on the same day, literally within minutes of each other, so fasten your seat belts and get ready for a dandy daring duel from this bracket. On a side note, a certain racing commentator wishes Zim Hosein and Zodder could race because of the fun it would be calling a contest between Zippin' Zim and Zappin' Zod!

The thundering roar heard throughout SRL land this morning is from the packed house at Whomper Park where the Wild and Wooly WU Whomper to 3500 kicks off. As the starter's pistol fires, Makin Bacon Cakin scrambles out to an early lead, mashing up 68 workunits under oversized wu stomping boots to take the early lead into the first turn. Hot on his trail is TA-Seti's stats master and one of our contingent of Great Danes, Sizzlin' Soni, grinding up 47 packets to settle comfortably into the two hole. A little slow off the starting line is the rogue racer himself, the defster who makes a long awaited return to active racing. In the stands, "Def Rulez" is the tatoo of choice amongst the sizable contingent of leather clad bikers and goth chicks. And bringing up the rear, artfully tinkling in his queue, is Lanky Lane42 who as we speak, is beginning to load up the wu gun for a big blast sometime in the near future. Good luck, gentlemen!

Our second new race today consists of a quintet of crafty crunchers matched up head-to-head in a battle to crunch 1000 wu's first. The Master Plaster WU Blaster to 1000 is officially underway and leading the pack into the first turn is DAPUNISHER who has officially brought his A-game to Master Plaster Park. Punishing 29 packets to earn a smilie and a ticket to the first turn with the lead, DAPUNISHER once again shows the SETI world that he lives for the thrill of competition. Firmly holding onto the number two slot is the intrepid Awesome Adul, 11 wu's to the rear of the leader at this early juncture. Getting a good jump out of the starting gate and occupying the three hole is Magnificent Maggotry who takes the time to wave to his sizable following in the stands as he approaches turn number one. KCJeeper currently cruises in fourth, laying waste to 14 workunits and bringing up the rear is TheEvil1 who lost a key cruncher just as the race began, but in true SRL spirit has decided to gut it out. That's the spunk we like to see! Good luck, gentlemen!

Advancements among racers on 1/22 include Electrode up 2 to 147, TheEvil1 up 3 to 554, Zim Hosein up 2 to 588, BobTheWizard up 1 to 614, Christof up 3 to 1511, Starrider up 2 to 289, Actaeon up 1 to 390, titanmiller up 3 to 915.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Thanks for the stats and comments OhioDude

Congrats to Racewinner MucMan
and to the MM's:


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Thanks, OD!

And congrats to mucman!

<--- going to work on the HTPC today on his snow day! no car sales training today...woo hoo!


Oct 10, 1999
Congrats! to the Race Winners and Milestone Makers!

Thanks! OD!

Let's go Team Funky Ray!


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
On a side note, a certain racing commentator wishes Zim Hosein and Zodder could race because of the fun it would be calling a contest between Zippin' Zim and Zappin' Zod!
I wish we could, too. But unfortunately, I'd probably get smoked in that race too.

Great stuff as always, OD.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: BobTheWizard
Thanks OD!

Welcome fellow racers!!! See you at the finish line!!

I'll be waiting for you at the finish line BobTheWizard

WTG racers & congrats to all the MM's

As always, Thanks OhioDude


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001
Thanks OD, good to be back racing(well, online that is).

I'll see if I can't rustle up some more production and give the other racers a bit of a challenge.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Thanks OD! You always gave me that good kick in the pants when my production started dwindling

Thanks for all your time and effort managing the races! I checked the results almost every day, and a got a chuckle out of your dialogue


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Thanks for the stats and commentary D!

Well, my production is going to fall a bit. I've decided to shut down my dual T-bird 950 rig, as it is turing the small room it's in into a pressure cooker! I'm going to replace the T-birds with a single XP1700+ once I get a little extra cash...


Nov 18, 2001
Woot! Thats right, finally hit 100! Total domination Damn ppl getting over 100WUs a day make me sick

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: zodder
On a side note, a certain racing commentator wishes Zim Hosein and Zodder could race because of the fun it would be calling a contest between Zippin' Zim and Zappin' Zod!
I wish we could, too. But unfortunately, I'd probably get smoked in that race too.

Great stuff as always, OD.

That would be fun to hear OD come up w/ daily commentary on that zodder
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