Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 1/1...


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

Polo's Challenge to the Turtle: 10,000 by 2/14/02 or You're Soup:
32) Polo ..................................8548 / 6

The Very Very Loooonnnnggg Race to 10,000:
185)Bigwoofer ........................1366 / 27
195)EvilWobbles ....................1311 / 24

Race to 7000:
42) TWTA ...............................6379 / 36
43) def ....................................6244 / 62 :Q
44) ZeroEffect .......................6101 / 17
45) zodder .............................6084 / 35
47) The Federation ..............5693 / 26

Another Race to 6000:
50) MaxSiren .........................5213 / 16
56) ElFenix .............................4796 / 5
68) Slahr Dzhe ......................3889 / 33
72) DroolMAN! .......................3609 / 161 :Q:Q

Race to Catch def:
43) def ....................................6244 / 62 :Q
45) zodder .............................6084 / 35
47) The Federation ..............5693 / 26
54) mgpaulus .......................5096 / 21

Race to 5000:
59) Fardringle ........................4549 / 23
61) cakin .................................4396 / 20
62) GreatWhiteNorth ............4366 / 91 :Q
63) Gul Dukat ........................4361 / 23

Battle to 4000:
75) Baldy18 ............................3545 / 33
83) ledzepp98 ........................3383 / 25
100)Tarca ...............................2897 / 32

Race to 3000:
95) sparks ...............................3030 / 31
98) IceCreamLtDan ...............2961 / 17

Free-For-All to 3000:
107)Electrode ........................2538 / 10
113)Swanny ............................2414 / 6
114)PieDerro .........................2383 / 12
119)thecool1 ..........................2311 / 23
129)Pabster ............................2120 / 21

A Photograph of Confusion at 3000:
108)PhotoLenny .....................2526 / 18
127)ConfusedBW ..................2144 / 0

Another Race to 2000:
143)Serialb .............................1894 / 16
147)JimMc ..............................1864 / 16
148)DarkMajiq ........................1857 / 10

Still Another Race to 2000:
142)srvblues00 ......................1896 / 6
153)Dazmite ............................1748 / 9
195)EvilWobbles ....................1311 / 24

Y.A.R.T. 1500:
189)Eltano1 ............................1345 / 11
192)EvadMan .........................1327 / 11
203)Emos ...............................1220 / 4

Race to 1500:
186)KCJeeper ........................1355 / 16
201)Panhead49 .....................1234 / 0

Race to 1000:
244)CRV .....................................955 / 11
258)r0tt3n1 .................................876 / 14
259)ShotgunSteve ....................871 / 2

Race to 750:
299)JetsFanatic ........................684 / 5
302)Hoober ...............................676 / 0
307)neovan ...............................665 / 13

Lonely Racers:
22) USS IsOs .......................12337 / 28
23) USS Guid .......................11823 / 36
26) USS Poop ......................11233 / 39
40) Yield ..................................7076 / 34
77) Ai3x ....................................3477 / 4
79) Maku .................................3414 / 6
85) Toft ....................................3334 / 27
89) mucman ............................3139 / 15
91) Jwyatt ................................3051 / 9
94) crt1530 .............................3045 / 7
180)pyxis ..................................1415 / 6
208)Ishmael2k .......................1170 / 23
213)Bunker ..............................1131 / 10
217)Logix .................................1113 / 0
253)Dingas ...............................900 / 2
260)Boogak ...............................865 / 9
266)Kruptikos ............................834 / 6
270)Bleep ..................................827 / 9
390)Corsairpro .........................401 / 0


Milestones achieved on 1/1:

sparks - 3000 (3030)
Garion - 500 (580)
Dave_Toffling - 250 (302)
Crazee - 250 (296)
teriba - 250 (257)
csaddict - 100 (102)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Ishmael2k - Race to 1100 - 12/30/2001
Bunker - Race to 1100 - 12/30/2001
USS IsOs - Race to 12,000 - 12/29/2000
Jumpin' Jwyatt - Quickie to 3000 - 12/29/2000
Pabster - Race to 2000 - 12/28/2000
ZeroEffect - Race to 6000 - 12/28/2000
PhotoLenny - Race to 2500 - 12/27/2001
crt1530 - Quickie to 3000 - 12/27/2001
Soni - Clash of the Titans - 12/27/2001
TWTA - Race to Catch def - 12/25/2001

After a two day lull in race winners, this morning sees sparks sparkle his way across the finish line to take the checkered flag ahead of the Ice Cream Man on the strength of a 31 wu day in the Race to 3000, earning his third K-Key. After sitting on the 2999 mark on New Year's morning, sparks had to wait an extra day to earn his prize because of a quirk of stats collection timing. Oh Well, a milestone is a momentous event regardless of when it is achieved. Congratulations, Sparks, and congratulations to the veteran IcecreamLtDan as well. Here's your 3K-key where there's a fridge full of sody pop and a hottub full of... Rowdy Ray!?! Ray! Get out of that hottub and wait your turn!

While Rowdy Ray was sneaking a dip in the winner's hottub, the Rogue Racer def was busy overhauling the El Camino's engine, dumping in a bottle of Slick 50, and adding a super-charger to the intake manifold. Overnight, the defster appears to have found the additional "POWA!" he so desperately needed to avenge being passed by Rowdy Ray and the TWTA bus. Cranking out an impressive 62 in the Race to 7000, the defster is back! Meanwhile in the Race to 6000, front-running racer Mad Max can feel the roar and rumble all the way up front as Dribble Puss cuts loose with a major hocker at the rear of the pack, dumping a window rattling 161, and chopping off a huge chunk of deficit at the same time. Look out up ahead, Droolie's got it going now!

Oh dear, Gul Ducky can't be a happy Cardy this morning! Sometime under cover of darkness, GreatWhiteNorth stoked up the boilers and thundered out 91 workunits to streak past the Cardassian to take over third position in the Race to 5000. If I were one of Dukat's crew, I'd definitely be attempting to find someplace to hide, right now. Baldy18 continues his rampage in the Battle to 4000, but ledzepp98 turns in an impressive 25 to cause a few raised eyebrows. Could the Long Island Rocker have awakened from his slumber? The racers are employing a unique strategy in the Photograph of Confusion at 3000. Taking turns grabbing naps. Today it's the British Bulldog's turn to slumber a bit while PhotoLenny decides it's time to get his rear off the starting line and into the race, dumping 18 wu's very nicely.

Serialb has chugged out to a 30 wu lead over JimMc in Another Race to 2000 but New Year's saw the Mc Man match serialb's production with 16. Unfortunately for Majiq, unless he can find a couple of assimilations, he may have to become accustomed to watching his two competitors battle it out from the third position. The Evader matches wits and wu's with Eltano1 in the YART 1500, each racer breaking the double-digit barrier with 11 and we have a position change in the Race to 1000. r0tt3n1 slams 14 workunits into the wu grinder while ShotgunSteve has an off day with two. The end result is a flip-flop of positions between the two, with the Spoiled Digit now sporting a five wu lead over SGSteve.

Advancements among racers on 1/1 include Bigwoofer up 3 to 185, DroolMAN! up 5 to 72, GreatWhiteNorth up 1 to 62, ledzepp98 up 1 to 83, sparks up 1 to 95, PieDerro up 1 to 114, PhotoLenny up 2 to 108, EvilWobbles up 1 to 195, EvadMan up 1 to 192, KCJeeper up 1 to 186, CRV up 1 to 244, r0tt3n1 up 1 to 258, neovan up 5 to 307, Jwyatt up 2 to 91, Ishmael2k up 1 to 208, Bunker up 1 to 213, Boogak up 1 to 260, Kruptikos up 2 to 266, Bleep up 2 to 270.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.2
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.

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Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks OD!

Great stats and commentary, as usual!

Congrats to all the MM's today!

Oh, the Work Core has been unclogged...and a new Dual PIII 733 (Xeon?) is up and testing now (not sure how long, but nice while it will last)


Senior member
Jun 6, 2000

<< Oh dear, Gul Ducky can't be a happy Cardy this morning! >>

I see that the Dude is in fine form today! LOL
Great racing, fine stats & wonderful commentary. Thanks OD.

I wonder if Capt. Izzy would be interested in a race to sector 15,000..............................
/me glances nervously @the worn TG drive/

EDIT--------------Just ckd. Smoke's stats page, it seems that Capt. Izzy's production has been double mine for the last two weeks. Maybe I should have engaged brain before putting mouth in gear............................


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
Thanks, OD

Unfortunately, people going away on vacation and turning off computers has really killed me. I lost about .5 WU a day from one friend when he went away for a couple of weeks, then a buddy who was producing about 3.5 a day for me left and turned off his computer (I assume, anyway, since I haven't gotten any WUs from it) and is still gone. Now someone else is gone and I've lost another .5 WU a day from there for the past week or so... My total lost production is about 40-45 WUs I'm going to have to give these people a talking-to when they get back


Oct 10, 1999
Congrats! to the Milestone Makers and Race Winners!

Thanks! OD for the stats & LOL commentary!

And I'll get out of the hot tub when I'm good and ready. And I'm not good, and I'm definitely not ready.

I'll loan ya my cane for that "talking too" if needed.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
Great comments as usual OD

Congrats to the MM's (No Racewinners ?? )


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
<<62) GreatWhiteNorth ............4366 / 91>>

Ouch! Where did that come from!?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 1999
Thanks D!

Things seem to be rolling along nicely for my herd.

Congrats to all the MMs! and to winner sparks!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Mahalo for the stats update

Congrats to sparks and the milestones makers


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Thanks for the stats OD.

Installing Winblows XP is going to cost me a few tomorrow.


Senior member
Jun 28, 2001
Thanks for the stats and commentary, Oh Ohio One!!

Gul Ducky? Gul Ducky! Grrrrrrrrrrr...

New standing orders, crew! A one year guarantee of NOT being fed into the matter/anti-matter chamber to the man who first spots the ship of Admiral OD, and a two year reprieve for he who fires the shot that takes out his flagship!!



Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Thanks for the stats/commentry OD

Congrats to sparks, the race winner, and to all MMers

The stats must have been run before i flushed my Q today, should be an OK day tomorrow



Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
I think I just fried one of the power supplies i one of my computers. Thankgoodness it was just my briefcase compuer, and all it did was run Seti and download MP3's for me The bad thing is, that was my second best producer. I will lose 3 wu's a day til I get that back up.

Darn heat. I wish it were easier to remove. *Kazam* Evad's room is now at 1.3 Degrees K! Whohoo!


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
Darnit! Yep, I killed it. One of the heatsinks for the voltage regulators hits 150 degrees F in under 5 seconds. I will call that dead Now the question is, can a K7S5A with an athlon 900 run with a 200 watt PWS? No time like the present to find out

Whoops, that was F not C. Big Difference

<edit #2>
Woot Woot! It's alive, and with only a 200 Watt Sparkle PWS! Methinks I will go out and buy some more PWS's I got this sparke for only $4 from Global / Tigerdirect. I am going to go grab some more, just in case
sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |