Seti Race Stats and Milestones for 6/28


Diamond Member
Apr 23, 2001
Team rank) Name .............. total wu/new wu

IJump's Independence Day Bash - 15,000 by 7/4/2002:
36) IJump ...............................13792 / 5

Race to Catch the Race Coordinator:
35) OhioDude ........................13829 / 21
37) zodder ..............................13592 / 51
39) def .....................................13176 / 26
49) Major Tom........................11240 / 16

Turtle Wars: Episode II. The Tortoise Strikes Back at 15K:
35) Dude OhioWalker ..........13829 / 21
38) Darth Polo .......................13511 / 7

The Great 10K CountDown:
55) Assimilator1 ....................9932 / 22
56) ZeroEffect .........................9817 / 11
58) pazoo ................................9545 / 65
60) cakin .................................9223 / 0
62) Baldy18 ............................8937 / 3
65) Crazee ..............................8481 / 74

Race to 9000:
62) Baldy18 ............................8937 / 3
67) MaxSiren ..........................8474 / 5

Race to 6000:
93) mucman ............................5579 / 16
96) Eltano1 ..............................5412 / 18
98) Swanny ..............................5402 / 31
106)thecool1 ............................4960 / 5
114)minendo ...........................4591 / 6
116)JimMc ................................4523 / 14
122)paf077 ...............................3949 / 23

Another race to 6000:
101)TeAm Confused Ai3x .....5238 / 2
102)ledzepp98 .........................5210 / 6

Neovan's Scary Halloween Run to 4500:
170)neovan ..............................2883 / 0

Another Race to 4000: <--------------------------- Panhead powers into the lead!
127)Panhead49 ......................3776 / 34
128)PhotoLenny ......................3775 / 3
137)Freewolf ............................3527 / 26
146)Ammocan .........................3302 / 13

Summer Sizzler to 3500:
154)Sukhoi ...............................3088 / 7
155)Ishmael2k ........................3058 / 13
167)Maggotry ...........................2927 / 10
168)pyxis ..................................2918 / 7
173)Tetsuo316 .......................2758 / 12

Clash of the Super WU Poopers - Race to Dump 10,000:
EvadMan ...........................3374 / 9 (9638)
PieDerro .........................27290 / 206 (5328)
Robor ..............................88830 / 131 (4136)
Hack ................................48797 / 120 (3599)
Grant ...............................77061 / 118 (3587)
IJump ..............................13792 / 5 (3062)

The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500:
Rowdy Ray ............................3938 / 37 (1272)
Toft / Vold - DK ......................7051 / 64 (1229) :Q
minendo ................................4591 / 6 (1131)
Swanny ..................................5402 / 31 (832
ZeroEffect ..............................9817 / 11 (739)
MaxSiren ................................8474 / 5 (666) <-------- Oh No! Mad Max falls into the Bermuda Triangle!

1500 WU Tally Tagger:
minendo ...............................4591 / 6 (916)
Freewolf ................................3527 / 26 (661)
migroo ..................................2645 / 19 (649)
micron ...................................3377 / 18 (634)
IceCreamLtDan ..................5751 / 14 (605)

What's 1500 wu's Between Friends?:
GreatWhiteNorth .................11832 / 32 (540)
lane42 ...................................12307 / 35 (386)
WayneS .................................10767 / 40 (374)
Yield........................................14032 / 47 (366)
cakin ........................................9223 / 0 (192)
crt1530 ..................................11019 / 7 (83)

Race to Crunch 1500 That I Can't Think Of A Name For:
Polo .....................................13511 / 7 (424)
LANMAN ................................5248 / 99 (389) :Q
SoulAssassin ....................11675 / 28 (313)
paf077 ...................................3949 / 23 (247)
Toft / Vold - DK .....................7051 / 64 (221) :Q

DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750:
tuffguy ....................................5406 / 13 (111)
DDad .....................................2352 / 15 (104)
Assimilator1 .........................9932 / 22 (98)
ys ............................................1208 / 10 (84)
ElFenix ..................................6874 / 9 (65)

The Other Team AnandTech SETI 500:
Dazmite ................................3507 / 18 (103)
teriba ....................................1562 / 19 (87)
Fingers .................................2428 / 10 (79)
JustStarting .........................1449 / 5 (60)
Adul .........................................383 / 10 (55)
PhotoLenny .........................3775 / 3 (54)
Avenger01 ...........................2235 / 0 (0)

Team AnandTech SETI 500:
MoFunk ................................1865 / 14 (189)
Jwyatt ...................................4931 / 14 (152)
TeAm Confused Ai3x ........5238 / 2 (141)
ledzepp98 ...........................5210 / 6 (84)
Kruptikos .............................2083 / 9 (81)
Emos ...................................2350 / 7 (64)

Lonely Racers:
14) Smokeball........................29594 / 102
15) USS IsOs ........................29455 / 127
28) USS Guid .......................20079 / 47
32) USS Poop ......................16770 / 11
46) DroolMAN! ......................11793 / 45
54) m2kewl .............................10524 / 108
73) EvilWobbles .....................7705 / 38
80) Slahr Dzhe .......................6732 / 4
94) Maku .................................5502 / 25
111)wirelessenabled .............4767 / 60
117)ICXRa ................................4501 / 46
120)Serialb ..............................4280 / 9
190)Bleep .................................2466 / 8
208)Logix ..................................2191 / 1
214)BigFatCow .......................2095 / 4
235)ShotgunSteve ..................1883 / 1
258)Boogak ..............................1661 / 0
261)SpookyFish .......................1629 / 0
341)marrkks..............................1205 / 17
390)JetsFanatic........................1008 / 0


Milestones achieved on 6/28:

Grant - 77000 (77061)
Cory - 56000 (56074)
Yield - 14000 (14032)
Toft / Vold - DK - 7000 (7051)
ExtremeEvil - 2000 (2147)
kravahn - 1500 (1511)
broncobailey - 100 (100)
sleepside - 100 (100)
imafreak - 100 (100)

10 Most Recent Race Winners:

Cygor & Cobra - Clash of the Super WU Poopers - 6/28/2002
m2kewl - The Great 10K Countdown - 6/24/2002
cakin - Race to 9000 - 6/20/2002
pazoo - Race to 9000 - 6/20/2002
ICXRa - Another Race to 4000 - 6/18/2002
frglss - Team AnandTech SETI 1000 - 6/15/2002
wirelessenabled - Wireless Dazzler to 4000 - 6/14/2002
EvilWobbles - Race to 7000 - 6/10/2002
crazee - Race to 7000 - 6/9/2002
Serialb - Race to 4000 - 6/7/2002


Hmmm... Hope the remaining participants in the newly renamed Summer Sizzler to 3500 don't mind the leader newly added to the ranks of the racers. Most recently toiling amongst the ranks of the lonley ones, Super Sukhoi has been a large part of numerous SRL contests of skill in the past. Who can forget his memorable wrestling match in the steel cage with Rowdy Ray before the Rayman fell in love with the wild wheels of the red Rascal Rider? In one of the more thrilling matches in SRL history, Super Sukhoi developed a number of signature wrassling moves: the Super Sukhoi Duplex Suplex, the Super Shinny-Shin Chin Kick and of course, the Flying Butt Smash that eventually spelled defeat for Rowdy Ray. Welcome back to active racing Super Sukhoi! Just don't get too comfortable in that lead position because there appears to be someone by the name of Ishmael2k breathing down your neck already!

Another Race to 4000 has a new leader this morning as Panhead49 powers his way around PhotoLenny, finding a small opening near the track infield, to streak into first place by a single workunit. The unexpected power burst from Panhead's fleet causes a look of concern to cross the face of the Liberated Predatory Canid who continues to make his move through the pack. Swanny impresses the crowds at two racing venues as his 31 allows him to make some serious headway in both the Race to 6000 and The Crunch Bunch Munch to 1500 where Rowdy Ray sees the team of Great Danes dump a monster 64 to cut into his lead. But, should the overclocked red Rascal Rider maintain it's blistering high-thirties pace, Team Tofter Volder will be forced to keep reaching for the massive dump more often as time has begun to grow short in this race.

What's 1500 wu's Between Friends? is already a third of the way completed for the current leader GreatWhiteNorth who sits atop the leader board with 540 making me seriously consider lengthening the race. Behind him, the battle is heated for the number two spot between lane42, the rookie WayneS, and yield who tough it out separated by only 20 wu's. Meanwhile, LANMAN has nearly destroyed the deficit dealt him by Polo's recent power purge. Managing a superlative double nines yesterday, LANMAN cruises only 35 wu's behind the Turtle. Tuffie maintains his lead in DDad's Wonderful Tuff Crabby Ass(imilator) Race to 750, but that lead is dwindling. DDad pounds out 15 to pull to within 7 of the leader while the Guildford Gentleman Assimilator1 suprises the spectators with a 22, entending his lead to 14 over ys who cruises comfortably in the fourth spot ahead of the enormous Alaskan King Crab with the frightening foreclaws. And MoFunk remains funky in the Team AnandTech SETI 500, as he runs with the lead by 37 over Jumpin' Jwyatt.

Advancements among racers on 6/28 include Crazee up 2 to 65, Panhead49 up 2 to 127, Ishmael2k up 1 to 155, DroolMAN! up 1 to 46, wirelessenabled up 2 to 111, Logix up 1 to 208.

God Bless America!

Race stats and race text generated by OD's automated SRL Stats-O-Matic version #1.3
Lame race commentary generated by the same goofball who always generates it.


Senior member
May 8, 2000
OD, I think we should up the ante, 1500 WUs may to too short to give everyone a chance to up their production rate. Then again, my production rate is all over the place. It all depends on availability of PCs at work which come and go depending on use of a small lab.



Golden Member
Oct 7, 2001
Number 2!

I got 19 today!!! That's my best ever, and it's only going up from here.:Q Just yesterday I was an 8 average kind of guy.


Senior member
Feb 22, 2001
OD, I'm also up for extending the race, just made an upgrade thats good for another 4 or so Work Units a day. Don't think that will be enough but with some more time and proper use of the spare parts I now have well...

Thanks for the race stats.


Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2001
Thanks Od! Look at Panhead49 go!
I think my numbers will be a little better tomorrow.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Whoohoo I'm racing again! It looks like this race to 3500 is gonna be close..


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
Thanks OD

Ill go for upping the Race. Maybe to 2500 or 3000, heck it's the only way i might be able to catch GWN, But i have to fend off WayneS first

On vaction for a week so i won't be able to flush my work computers for awhile.


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2001
I'm baaack? A/C went on the fritz while I was out of town and the wife turned off all my machines (even the server)
I am in the process of moving everything but my server and work laptop to the garage.


Oct 10, 1999
Congrats! to the Milestone MKakers!

Thanks! OD! @LOL! I'd forgotten about the Super Sukkoi Flying Butt Smash move. Watch out guys, it's a killer! :Q

Go Red Rascal Go!

Found some high octane GO juice for the Red Rascal! I don't think I can sustain 37, but I'm going to try and keep it above 30, if the creek don't rise and the valves don't fry!

Go Red Rascal Go!


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2000
Thanks for the stats and commentary OhioDude.

Congrats to the milestone makers.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Thanks OD

A good day for me ,though I'm not sure why ,I'm guessing that 2days of stats made it in 1!.

Ddad & Tuffguy
You guys had better watch your back ,my 2nd ship(PIII 733@800) at my friends house hasn't had its weekly dump yet ,oh & it runs 24/7 (I hope he's not out of WU's!:disgust: ).Also my work colleges Athlon 1.2Ghz should be crunchin again for me (part time) next week (assuming NTL get there finger out & install broadband!


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Thanks for the stats and comments OhioDude

Congrtas to the OTHER milestonemakers :


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Assimilator1
Ddad & Tuffguy
You guys had better watch your back ,my 2nd ship(PIII 733@800) at my friends house hasn't had its weekly dump yet ,oh & it runs 24/7 (I hope he's not out of WU's!:disgust: ).Also my work colleges Athlon 1.2Ghz should be crunchin again for me (part time) next week (assuming NTL get there finger out & install broadband!

You're assuming that I'm not holding any WUs back and saving up for a big dump...


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999

Oh ,& for a short burst ,a friend of mine has asked me to upgrade her PC ,it's gonna be a Duron 1.1 GHz with DDR ,of course I'll have to 'burn it in' with SETI hehe ,should be good for about 4.5hrs/WU .Should be building it late this week


Golden Member
Aug 6, 2000
Thanks OD, my P4 is up and running so that will give more breathing room from the guys behind me.

Best regards

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