ShareShare your supernatural experience(s)


Nov 19, 2001
Well, make your own judgement whether you want to believe or not, but here it goes...

last night I went to bed just as usual, I wasn't drunk or under any kind of influence, it must be said that this has happened a few times before so I kinda know what the "procedures" are. But last night was the longest and scariest I've ever come to experience. Anyway, I was lying on my bed waiting to fall asleep, and all of a sudden, I discovered that I couldn't move my body, I was like " Sh$t! not again!" I knew I couldn't do anything so I just waited on my bed hoping it will get past quickly...and then it started feeling like something has crawled on my bed from the left side as if it wants to share bed with me, I was like...ok, I had this before, this is not going to scare me. And then I felt another thing crawled on the right side of my bed, I started thinking "Ok, enough is enough. You motherfvcker, stop it now!" Normally, my previous experiences would stop here and I go on to have a pretty miserable night of sleep...but last night, there was a voice right in front of my face sounding like "boooowwwwsssssaaaaapppppp" and repeated a few times. At this point, I was like "ok, how weird can this thing get"...and sure enough, it gets weirdier. I started hearing something kicking on the wood panel on the side of my bed. I was like "Fvck you! I own this bed! I am not going to get up!". So as soon as I was able to move my body again, I gave two middle fingers in the air and started cursing in my room. I know the ghost were probably pissed at me but I was probably just as equally pissed. And as if to reassure me that they do exist in this world, there was this ticking sound outside of my room for a long time afterward, but I was just too tired and fell to sleep.

Share your story now.


Apr 10, 2001
On my first day of the 1st grad I spilled syrup all over my sweat pants during breakfast and I had to endure the entire day in such a condition. It was awful


Oct 7, 2001
hehe i've had sleep paralysis before. It's where the timing in your brain gets all phokked up. When you're in deep sleep, your brain usually shuts off the ability to move and such.
sometimes this happens when you're awake heh


Senior member
Sep 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
On my first day of the 1st grad I spilled syrup all over my sweat pants during breakfast and I had to endure the entire day in such a condition. It was awful



Apr 10, 2001
Frankly, ghost may or may not exist.

Honestly, I must default to the notion that it is incredibly selfish of those who think they see ghosts to assume that nature has nothing better to do.

:Q*Hears house creaking due to the wind and thinks it is ole' Beezebub himself*:Q

On the other hand...


Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
On my first day of the 1st grad I spilled syrup all over my sweat pants during breakfast and I had to endure the entire day in such a condition. It was awful


Too funny.


Apr 10, 2001
Originally posted by: t3hmuffinman
Originally posted by: Goosemaster
On my first day of the 1st grad I spilled syrup all over my sweat pants during breakfast and I had to endure the entire day in such a condition. It was awful


I was being truthful. It traumatized me even more then the time that teacher touched my safety zone.*

*syrup was real, touching was not


Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and sounds and you were so sure it really only have one way to think of these events.


Mar 31, 2004
Originally posted by: luvya
Well, make your own judgement whether you want to believe or not, but here it goes...

last night I went to bed just as usual, I wasn't drunk or under any kind of influence, it must be said that this has happened a few times before so I kinda know what the "procedures" are. But last night was the longest and scariest I've ever come to experience. Anyway, I was lying on my bed waiting to fall asleep, and all of a sudden, I discovered that I couldn't move my body, I was like " Sh$t! not again!" I knew I couldn't do anything so I just waited on my bed hoping it will get past quickly...and then it started feeling like something has crawled on my bed from the left side as if it wants to share bed with me, I was like...ok, I had this before, this is not going to scare me. And then I felt another thing crawled on the right side of my bed, I started thinking "Ok, enough is enough. You motherfvcker, stop it now!" Normally, my previous experiences would stop here and I go on to have a pretty miserable night of sleep...but last night, there was a voice right in front of my face sounding like "boooowwwwsssssaaaaapppppp" and repeated a few times. At this point, I was like "ok, how weird can this thing get"...and sure enough, it gets weirdier. I started hearing something kicking on the wood panel on the side of my bed. I was like "Fvck you! I own this bed! I am not going to get up!". So as soon as I was able to move my body again, I gave two middle fingers in the air and started cursing in my room. I know the ghost were probably pissed at me but I was probably just as equally pissed. And as if to reassure me that they do exist in this world, there was this ticking sound outside of my room for a long time afterward, but I was just too tired and fell to sleep.

they're just installing upgrades. don't worry. usually just involves small things like say, oh, changes in destiny.

they've seen something in you that they like. you fit the profile. stay tuned to futher communication and do not shut anything out. you must remain open minded...


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2004
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and really only have one way to think of these events.

What I am saying is, why do some people assume that "spirits" communicate this way?

For all we know, they could live in light bulbs, and sing the banana phone song all day.

If there is a spirit world, we are completely ignorant of(to) it.


Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and really only have one way to think of these events.

What I am saying is, why do some people assume that "spirits" communicate this way?

For all we know, they could live in light bulbs, and sing the banana phone song all day.

If there is a spirit world, we are completely ignorant of(to) it.

No, it's not what I assume, it's what I felt from last night's experience. And your last sentence is just ur opinion, you don't know if other people know about them.



Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2004
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and really only have one way to think of these events.

What I am saying is, why do some people assume that "spirits" communicate this way?

For all we know, they could live in light bulbs, and sing the banana phone song all day.

If there is a spirit world, we are completely ignorant of(to) it.

No, it's not what I assume, it's what I felt from last night's experience. And your last sentence is just ur opinion, you don't know if other people know about them.

Um, I can safely say that know one else knows about them.


Because there is no book entitled "how to know when you have come in contact with a spirit".

So tell me, what is the "litmus test" for knowing if you have come into conact with a spirit?

That is what I thought, you have no reply. Truth is, there is no standard to judge these things by.



Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and really only have one way to think of these events.

What I am saying is, why do some people assume that "spirits" communicate this way?

For all we know, they could live in light bulbs, and sing the banana phone song all day.

If there is a spirit world, we are completely ignorant of(to) it.

No, it's not what I assume, it's what I felt from last night's experience. And your last sentence is just ur opinion, you don't know if other people know about them.

Um, I can safely say that know one else knows about them.


Because there is no book entitled "how to know when you have come in contact with a spirit".

So tell me, what is the "litmus test" for knowing if you have come into conact with a spirit?

That is what I thought, you have no reply. Truth is, there is no standard to judge these things by.

Just because there is no scientific proof to it, doesn't mean ghosts don't exist. You need to be open minded about it.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Let me state right here that I don't believe in ghosts.

With that said:

I was working in a variety store back in 1991 on a Sunday morning by myself. There was only me in the store. I was stocking the candy bars when I heard a soft voice calling me. I got up and looked around and saw no one in the store. I said "ok, this is BS." The morning went by uneventfully. Then after 2:00 PM I had arranged the empty milk jugs in the back so I can do a little bowling with them. Anyway I heard a strange sound comming from the back of the store there. I went and looked and all my milk jugs were scattered across the floor. :Q No one was in the store but me. That was pretty damn weird.



Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: Wanescotting
Originally posted by: luvya
Originally posted by: shimsham

Ok, but it doesn't deny the possibility that ghosts do exist.

That may be, but what makes you think we know anything about them.

Maybe we don't know anything about them, but when there is unexplainable feeling and really only have one way to think of these events.

What I am saying is, why do some people assume that "spirits" communicate this way?

For all we know, they could live in light bulbs, and sing the banana phone song all day.

If there is a spirit world, we are completely ignorant of(to) it.

No, it's not what I assume, it's what I felt from last night's experience. And your last sentence is just ur opinion, you don't know if other people know about them.

Um, I can safely say that know one else knows about them.


Because there is no book entitled "how to know when you have come in contact with a spirit".

So tell me, what is the "litmus test" for knowing if you have come into conact with a spirit?

That is what I thought, you have no reply. Truth is, there is no standard to judge these things by.

Just because there is no scientific proof to it, doesn't mean ghosts don't exist. You need to be open minded about it.

So do you. The things we DO know about sleep paralysis describe what you experienced, and without any kind of tangible evidence to the contrary you're convinced that some "spirits" you didn't see had nothing better to do one night then to climb on your bed and make some noise.

And why assume spirits? Why not aliens? Or elves? Or midget burglars? Or a Kangaroo? Why doesn't anyone think there was a kangaroo in their house...since they don't see anything and just hear a few noises; why are spirits and ghosts what people assume are causing the problems? Maybe a suprhero lives under your house in a cave, and when he opens his garage door to let his flying machine out, it shakes your house and makes all sorts of noises that you interpret as ghosts.

Perhaps a mutant field-mouse, some walking rosebushes or a very tiny truck being driven by pixies who are drunk after going into a liquor cabinet at the house next door and spooking the absolute bejesus out of the alcoholic who would have otherwise *Sworn* he had a full fifth of vodka left.....ever think about that?

No, because that doesn't make any sense right? It was obviously ghosts, what the hell was I thinking.



Elite member
Sep 12, 2000
I consider this a natural experience...

My great grandmother--- who was a formidable woman from Spain who you wouldn't want to mess with--- came to me (I could see her, she was shimmering) when I was barely a day pregnant with my first child. I used to smoke cigarettes and I was sitting alone, smoking and drinking wine while watching TV. My then husband was out shooting pool or something.

She spoke directly to me and told me to stop drinking and smoking because I "was carrying life".

Of course I was totally freaked out, but I couldn't be tested for pregnancy for 2 weeks yet, because I wasn't due to have my period for 2 weeks. This was almost 18 years ago, and tests were not as good as they are right now. I was sufficiently impressed to quit smoking and drinking, just in case.

Anyway, sure enough, the day my period was due, I took a pregnancy test, and I was pregnant. I was only 18, so it was a huge wake up call for me.

That particular child was born completely naturally on November 8th, which was the anniversary of that particular great grandmother's death. It was also the anniversary of her husband's (my great grandfather) birthday. My neice was born 3 months later, on the anniversary of his death. Both great grandparents died well before I was born, so I never met them, but as a little girl I used to visit their grave weekly with my great aunt (their youngest daughter).

I have a great picture of myself sitting on the gravestone with my oldest daughter. It's just sort of a neat thing to me. It's already been posted here... do a search if you are interested. I've got to leave for work in a minute. And it doesn't matter if anyone here believes me or not, I haven't got anything to prove to anyone.


Oct 7, 2001
I was studying late night during high school, and had to take a leak. The restrooms were situated in a way where u can see the doorway to the restroom from the couch of the study room. My bro was laying on the couch reading. As I went towards the restrooms, I see something flying at me out of the corner of my eye and the object barely misses me. It smacks against the wall leaving a mark. I look to see what the hell it was and it's a quarter. WTF.

My bro saw it too. We both confirmed it flew from the dining area. We both freaked and checked if my dad was playing some sort of prank, but no, the master bedroom was closed, and he was soundly snoring inside.

A couple months prior to that incident:
It was a bit late at night and i was walking from the study room to my room to go to sleep. As i passed by the dining area, the chandelier (sp?) made a series of "tink tink!" noises. I froze and looked towards the chandelier, and it was swaying back and forth, and one of the glass holders for a lightbulb was tilted.

I never believed in ghost and never will. I still think it was some off-balance glass that triggered it, and as for the quarter who knows, maybe a rat threw it..we did have a rat problem

maybe ghosts are nothing more than people actually living in the past, just that what you see is instead is a messed up hole in the time-space-blah-consortium-crap-wtf, so you're just actually looking into the past.



Platinum Member
Feb 17, 2003
I saw the virgin mary in a grilled cheese sandwich once.....

(Spirit!, Go make me a sandwich)


Senior member
Jan 1, 2000
I take morning classes so one morning I was getting ready for class. Shower/brushing teeth etc. I came out of the bathroom, bathroom door still open to let all the steam out, and came into my room across the hall to get ready. After a few minutes I heard what sounded like the sink running. Was weird as I was the only one awake at the time and I turned off the sink after brushing teeth etc. This wasn't the normal drip drip drip drops, this way like halfway on gushing out.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2004
I do get dreams that eventually come true in real life. Just everyday-ish moments, nothing major (yet?). It's where I think I get my deja vu's from.

I guess one could call that "supernatural" or somesuch.

Or it could just be The Matrix fckin with me.
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