She Makes $26k, Will Pay $14k for Health Coverage.

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Sep 12, 2012
When Trump cowrote the book "Why We Want You to be Rich" with Robert Kioski (Rich Dad Poor Dad), it was so when he became POTUS you'd better be rich so you could afford health coverage!
Nov 8, 2012

And, it's just an estimate from the CBO. They could be wrong, but I have a feeling they aren't too far off.

You mean like how their estimate for the ACA was wrong? Yeah, that one.

That said, I don't support this bill overall. What pisses me off the most is this "3 pillar" approach of passing 3 bills. This isn't something you can do in a 3-Phase approach. You can't take away medicaid for the majority of people and say "Oh, we have a fix for that coming in the 2nd and 3rd bills". Bullshit.
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Mar 9, 2005
“will wish he had paid that $300 a month.”
I had to pay $240 a month through my employer for health insurance. Everybody acts like they're supposed to get it for free and this entitlement mentality is a problem with more things than just health care costs.


Nov 11, 1999
I had to pay $240 a month through my employer for health insurance. Everybody acts like they're supposed to get it for free and this entitlement mentality is a problem with more things than just health care costs.

Subsidized ACA plans aren't free unless you're poor enough to qualify for medicaid. They actually cost people more than a lot of employer sponsored plans, depending on income. They're also much cheaper overall than the same coverage on the open market.

Repubs' position is entirely ideological- The Rich have the right to get richer & everybody else has the right to be screwed.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You mean like how their estimate for the ACA was wrong? Yeah, that one.

Estimates for the ACA were actually pretty spot on. The one thing they missed on was that they thought more people were going to be forced onto the exchanges by private employers dropping coverage. Their estimate of the actual overall decline in the uninsured rate was pretty close to the mark. They said something like a 40% decline and it was a 45% decline. They were also very close on premium prices, etc. No forecast is perfect (or even close), but their ACA forecast wasn't too bad.

That said, I don't support this bill overall. What pisses me off the most is this "3 pillar" approach of passing 3 bills. This isn't something you can do in a 3-Phase approach. You can't take away medicaid for the majority of people and say "Oh, we have a fix for that coming in the 2nd and 3rd bills". Bullshit.

Yes, this is a criticism I never understood about the ACA, that it was too large and trying to change too much. Our healthcare industry has tons of interlocking parts. You can't change one without dramatically affecting others and the players in the health care industry need to know what's going to be law and what isn't. There's no 'phases', just do it or don't do it.
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Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2002
You mean like Obama told the Spanish community when they complained about Obamacare costs.

"This is a few days old, but it’s amusing nonetheless. Barack Obama appeared in a town hall for Spanish-language media on March 6th to discuss ObamaCare and promote enrollments, and got challenged by a viewer on the economics of it for low-income Americans who are now forced to buy comprehensive health insurance. On a $36,000 annual income, the requirement to buy the broad policy rather than something a little more economical — say, hospitalization coverage combined with an HSA, a strategy which is now all but illegal — makes it impossible to comply. Pshaw, Obama replied. Why, all those low-income folks need to do is stop spending money on luxuries like cable television and cell phones!"

The President responded that “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” He added that if a family member gets sick, the father “will wish he had paid that $300 a month.”
ROFL are you seriously comparing paying $300/month to insure a family of FOUR with a monthly income of $3,000 (they'll be paying 0 in federal taxes) to spending $1,166/month on just ONE person with a monthly income of $2,166 leaving just $1000/month to live on? The former one is tough, but it is doable, especially considering that before ACA that family couldn't even dream of getting health insurance. The latter one is pretty much impossible as you'll have to choose between buying food/keeping your heat on and health insurance.

Now ask yourself. Does this look like what Trump repeatedly promised? Is it better or worse than what he promised?
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Jul 17, 2003
We're going to need a lot of popcorn and lawn chairs for the midterms and 2020 I think. People who fell for the Dump and his fake populism are starting to realize how badly they got suckered. I think it's only a matter of time before we see the likes of Ryan, McConnell and Chaffetz get burning effigies of themselves on prime time.

It will be unpleasant for many for a while. I'm hoping this anti-constitution fraud in the White House, led around by the nose by banana republicans, could be what convinces America that republicans no longer have any business controlling government. And I really hope sane alternatives to the GOP don't squander the opportunity.
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Feb 24, 2009
But choices!

She can choose if she wants to die of cancer or going broke and dying of hypothermia and starvation in the streets.

The magic of the free market!
Get with the new meme. They didn't want healthcare anyway.


Nov 11, 1999
ROFL are you seriously comparing paying $300/month to insure a family of FOUR with a monthly income of $3,000 (they'll be paying 0 in federal taxes) to spending $1,166/month on just ONE person with a monthly income of $2,166 leaving just $1000/month to live on? The former one is tough, but it is doable, especially considering that before ACA that family couldn't even dream of getting health insurance. The latter one is pretty much impossible as you'll have to choose between buying food/keeping your heat on and health insurance.

Now ask yourself. Does this look like what Trump repeatedly promised? Is it better or worse than what he promised?

Your numbers for an ACA plan aren't accurate. A family of 4 with an income of $36K would only pay 4% of income, ~$120/mo for an ACA silver plan-

The Repub plan is actually much worse than your representation.


Aug 2, 2001
No, grandma has MANY more choices besides getting a handout just because she paid into social security and medicaid for a few decades.

All she needs to do is work the gig economy -- Uber, escort services, black market pharmaceutical deliveries, you name it. The opportunities are there for the self-reliant who are not afraid of a few STDs or a little jail time.

True. Didn't consider that. I've been hearing GILF pr0n is entering a renaissance.

Didn't think this was the "jobs" Trump was planning on creating. Guess I fell into the whole "serious but not literal" trap. Got it now. Boom times ahead!
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Aug 5, 2000
I find it absolutely hilarious how the Repubs are attempting to dress up a smelly corpse with flowery nouveau chic apparel by Rove accented with knocked off accessories by Breitbart.

It simply defies all logic and common sense to have the Repubs and their corporate sponsors in the health care industry to compel themselves to violate the "free market" ideology that is a cornerstone of their beliefs in order to have the government provide a nation-wide health care plan that actually benefits those Americans who really need such a program in order to acquire those essential health care services they wouldn't be able to get any other way.

It's like forcing a kid to eat cauliflower and bitter melon. They will attempt any form of deceit and sleight of hand to make it look like they're eating it when in fact they're obviously storing the bits in their cheeks and then coughing it up into their napkins or trying some other (what they think to be) clever ploy to get around actually eating it.

The Repubs are trying to and failing at having things the way their ideology dictates yet appearing to yield to the demands of the masses that they be provided real affordable health care for ALL.

Try again Ryan, you haven't fooled enough of them yet.

Oh, and by the way, making Trump happy getting to you yet?
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I missed something. When did older people start counting? They've been seen as pretty awful people by some- "it's their fault". Now you younger guys have your iceberg to shove them onto.


Jun 30, 2004
You mean like Obama told the Spanish community when they complained about Obamacare costs.

"This is a few days old, but it’s amusing nonetheless. Barack Obama appeared in a town hall for Spanish-language media on March 6th to discuss ObamaCare and promote enrollments, and got challenged by a viewer on the economics of it for low-income Americans who are now forced to buy comprehensive health insurance. On a $36,000 annual income, the requirement to buy the broad policy rather than something a little more economical — say, hospitalization coverage combined with an HSA, a strategy which is now all but illegal — makes it impossible to comply. Pshaw, Obama replied. Why, all those low-income folks need to do is stop spending money on luxuries like cable television and cell phones!"

The President responded that “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” He added that if a family member gets sick, the father “will wish he had paid that $300 a month.”

I imagine a lot of folks took the unreasonable risk to elect the Disgusting-Filth-in-Chief as a crap-shoot on the whole economy. It was like an electoral gladiatorial game: Thumbs up! Thumbs down! I could also imagine they think the world will be a better place if they pay no federal taxes so they can buy a new Lexus every year.

So whether it's cable-TV and cell-phone subscriptions or an annual 4WD trade-in, I'd think it fairly accurate that it's also a matter of priorities and common sense.

We get Cable-TV because our three-way budget can afford it. We can only afford it knowing that we can pay our premiums for insurance. But insurance doesn't get you immediate gratification until you need to use it; watching "The Apprentice" is somehow more important.

So if the O Man made this argument, there is some truth to it. It just doesn't taste so good to the whining Trumpers in the high-chair. It's not "politic," in other words.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 2, 2000
At 64, hopefully she can just forego medical insurance until she hits 65 and Medicare kicks in for her...IF she qualifies.

Unless Paul Ryan gets his plan through to delay the start of Medicare from age 65 until the full retirement age for Social Security. For a 64 year old, the SS full retirement age is 66.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2013
They wont wake up and they wont feel betrayed and they wont ever blame Trump or the republicans. They will simply wonder what the liberals did to them. Then their masters will tell them. And they will think what they are told to think. Like always.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Feb 5, 2006
As much as I sympathize with that lady, she still has $1K per month to live on, and she has not been in my shoes after I sold a bunch of stocks for a six figure gain, and later realized I have blown by the $250K AGI threshold and would have to pay extra 3.8% on the capital gain. It was an extremely sad situation, which I am glad Paul Ryan is laser focused on.


Sep 2, 2006
What the h**l is wrong with you, America? Get a nationalised, free-at-point-of-use healthcare system.

this will cause too much damage to the health insurance and health care industries

hence, it will not happen


Oct 12, 2009
As much as I sympathize with that lady, she still has $1K per month to live on, and she has not been in my shoes after I sold a bunch of stocks for a six figure gain, and later realized I have blown by the $250K AGI threshold and would have to pay extra 3.8% on the capital gain. It was an extremely sad situation, which I am glad Paul Ryan is laser focused on.

The sad part is that "we" fight about this while they make bank.

6 years of "service" to be vested? Really?

I would not cry if they all dropped dead.

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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
I missed something. When did older people start counting? They've been seen as pretty awful people by some- "it's their fault". Now you younger guys have your iceberg to shove them onto.
They bought the iceberg. If I'm going on that iceberg, the f'in boomers sure as f are going with me. As things stack up at the moment with Republican legislation, Medicare and SS will be there for the boomers and for no one who follows. Fuck that. The boomers can freeze in the dark if they want to take the rest of us down.
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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003

Opps. But it's CNN. You know, the Clinton News. Of course, this is all fake.

Granny had better stop buying those ipads and smartphones!

I have a feeling that many of the people who voted for Trump are in for a rude awakening.
They are not. If they were too dumb to see what a bastard he was during the campaign, they arent gonna notice it now.
They'll just listen to Kellyanne explain how everything is still wonderful and anyone disagreeing is too stupid/liberal to understand.


Feb 6, 2002
Best thoughts I've heard concerning the ACA

Free markets have the power to drive down prices if and only if the consumers have a realistic and sustainable choice of not purchasing the product in question. If not, price gouging is the far likelier result of an unregulated free market.

Name one place in the world where free market health insurance works. There isn't any

I always subscribed to the first when it comes to oil, didn't think to apply here.
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Jan 25, 2000
No, grandma has MANY more choices besides getting a handout just because she paid into social security and medicaid for a few decades.

All she needs to do is work the gig economy -- Uber, escort services, black market pharmaceutical deliveries, you name it. The opportunities are there for the self-reliant who are not afraid of a few STDs or a little jail time.
UberXXX GILF edition, hurry up and tell Travis Kalanick how to finally turn a profit and save his company.

Is this part of some evil U.N. plan to "thin the herd" of Americans? By forcing them to give up their health insurance, because they can't afford it, and thus more good Americans will be dying in the streets?

This just seems wrong. American lives are worth so much more, than say, the droves of starving children in Haiti.

Before the bleeding-heart libs think I'm a bigoted callus individual for saying that - it's true. It's for exactly the same reason that airline stewardesses tell you to put the oxygen mask on YOU (the adult) FIRST, before the child.

Save an American, and over the course of their lives, save hundreds of Haitian children.
Huh WTH are you saying? The U.N. has ANY influence on Congressional Republicans?

In practice, yes an American life is "worth" more than that of a kid in an impoverished country. Ethically speaking, a human life is a human life.

That is NOT the reason why an adult puts on his oxygen mask first. The adult cannot save the child if he passes out while panicking in a depressurized cabin. It has nothing to do with which life is more "valuable". IMO most parents would gladly save their child before themselves if given the choice.

RyanCare is exactly what we all thought it would be based on where Paul Ryan's stated policy positions and goals have always been. has an excellent, thorough analysis of "The Lessons of Obamacare" and how they were almost entirely ignored by AHCA bill writers.
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