Shifting from ps3 to PC


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
I mainly play NBA 2k series and madden on the ps3. With the launch of ps4, I think I'm going to switch over to PC gaming with those games. I rather put $500 into a new gaming PC then a ps4

How is the setup like? I never played PC gaming like this. I normally play vs someone in person. I've seen people setup Bluetooth with the ps3 controllers.

When I play online vs someone are they using a PC as well or can I access people on the ps3/Xbox network.
Mar 11, 2004
You won't be playing Madden, EA stopped porting it a few years back.

NBA 2K has been on PC though. Not sure what online setup they use, but generally no you won't be playing against console gamers. Best bet is probably to use Steam but that might not matter if they use their own servers or online setup.

You should be able to use different controllers, with the 360 wired controller (or wireless if you have the dongle) likely being the best option. Its possible to use a PS3 or PS4 controller but its a bit of a hassle right now (hopefully Sony will release a full featured driver at some point but I wouldn't hold my breath). The Xbox One controller is supposed to be compatible but Microsoft said it'll be next year before they get the software to support it right. Valve is coming out with an interesting controller, although when (next year sometimes supposedly) and for what price is unknown so you're probably better off finding something else.


Senior member
May 29, 2013
Correct me if I'm wrong and seeing how popular PC gaming is, I'm surprised that these companies (Xbox and Sony) haven't done much work on providing updated drivers for their controllers. Yes, there are drivers available, but not very efficient.

I have a wireless Xbox controller and the adapter that I seperately purchased, have old drivers AND, I have to re-install these drivers on a regular basis when I want to use the controller (it's not deal breaker, but not efficient). It seems to me that Xbox & Sony could easily provide some (updated) efficient drivers for their products that are current with the OS...........especially with popularity of PC gaming.


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2008
Correct me if I'm wrong and seeing how popular PC gaming is, I'm surprised that these companies (Xbox and Sony) haven't done much work on providing updated drivers for their controllers. Yes, there are drivers available, but not very efficient.

I have a wireless Xbox controller and the adapter that I seperately purchased, have old drivers AND, I have to re-install these drivers on a regular basis when I want to use the controller (it's not deal breaker, but not efficient). It seems to me that Xbox & Sony could easily provide some (updated) efficient drivers for their products that are current with the OS...........especially with popularity of PC gaming.

Unless you bought your adapter with a controller from MS, then that could be the problem. Third party wireless adapters are definitely not as good as first party ones.

I'm more surprised that more sports games arent being ported. EA does fifa on a million platforms including PC, so I dont know why they wouldnt do the same for Madden, since it probably sells just as much. If they ever brought NHL to PC, I would have almost no reason to have any consoles anymore.


Senior member
May 29, 2013
I see what you mean. Yeah, I have a 3rd party wireless adapter. I'd totally love it if they would put Madden on's not like they'll lose money in doing so.....they'll most likely make a killing.
Mar 11, 2004
Correct me if I'm wrong and seeing how popular PC gaming is, I'm surprised that these companies (Xbox and Sony) haven't done much work on providing updated drivers for their controllers. Yes, there are drivers available, but not very efficient.

I have a wireless Xbox controller and the adapter that I seperately purchased, have old drivers AND, I have to re-install these drivers on a regular basis when I want to use the controller (it's not deal breaker, but not efficient). It seems to me that Xbox & Sony could easily provide some (updated) efficient drivers for their products that are current with the OS...........especially with popularity of PC gaming.

I assume its not a Microsoft brand controller? Or adapter?

Microsoft actually created a new controller API for the 360 controller on PC. In many ways that's good as it improved control by offering a consistent base for PC controller input, but mostly if you use a 360 controller or a controller meant to ape that. That's a big part of why support for the One's controller will take more, they'll probably have to add in support for the extra features and tweak some settings.

Sony outright said the PS4 controller will work on PC but in a limited basis, although that seems to be awfully limited right now as I believe to get it to work requires 3rd party drivers since it doesn't use Microsoft's API for the 360 controller. In a way Sony hinted that better support might be forthcoming (they basically said, right now which some have taken to imply that Sony intends to release a driver to fully support it on PC and maybe Mac in the future).

Well yes and no, in some ways they probably deliberately neglected support so as to make their console be more appealing (and Sony really had nothing to gain by writing proper drivers for their controllers). Microsoft had good reason to though since Windows is theirs, but it was somewhat half-hearted as it was still quite limited. Microsoft valued and emphasized Xbox over PC (as evidence by the awful GFWL).


Jan 8, 2010
Honestly, if those are the games you want to play, you are better off sticking to the consoles as not many people play them on PC and not that many actually come to PC.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
I mainly play NBA 2k series and madden on the ps3. With the launch of ps4, I think I'm going to switch over to PC gaming with those games. I rather put $500 into a new gaming PC then a ps4

How is the setup like? I never played PC gaming like this. I normally play vs someone in person. I've seen people setup Bluetooth with the ps3 controllers.

When I play online vs someone are they using a PC as well or can I access people on the ps3/Xbox network.

Stick to console. More than ever PC gamers are going to get the shaft next gen. It's all about consoles and selling console versions of games. Especially since you play sports games, you should ONLY be thinking which console you want to buy.

PC gamers are fucked unless you have dual high end GPU's. Despite a single midrange PC GPU having far more specs than either console, developers are not planning on optimizing games for PC next gen. The target crowd they are making games for is -

1) Mobile market
2) Console market
3) High end (multiple high end GPU sli) PC market

that's it. if you have a midrange PC like me, you are fucked. They probably figure you are too poor to pay for games and are thus likely to pirate them if you have a midrange PC. if you have high end PC you can afford to buy games, so they make them for you. analytics in effect.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2005
$500 will buy you a upper level GPU that is if you have the rest of the system to handle modern level games and upcoming titles. For just sports games which seem dead on PC, but there are a few still out there FIFA, 2K NBA and etc. I would say the investment wouldn't be worth it unless you have another use for your PC besides gaming.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2010
Stick to console. More than ever PC gamers are going to get the shaft next gen. It's all about consoles and selling console versions of games. Especially since you play sports games, you should ONLY be thinking which console you want to buy.

PC gamers are fucked unless you have dual high end GPU's. Despite a single midrange PC GPU having far more specs than either console, developers are not planning on optimizing games for PC next gen. The target crowd they are making games for is -

1) Mobile market
2) Console market
3) High end (multiple high end GPU sli) PC market

that's it. if you have a midrange PC like me, you are fucked. They probably figure you are too poor to pay for games and are thus likely to pirate them if you have a midrange PC. if you have high end PC you can afford to buy games, so they make them for you. analytics in effect.

OP please don't listen to the stuff above. You do not need dual high end GPUs or some nonsense. In fact if you wait for a sale you can get something like a HD7950 or R9 280 for around $180-200 which should last for quite a while.

The optimization thing is so last-gen. The new-gen XBO/PS4 are practically PCs anyway, plus there is Mantle. Heck, PCs even get their own console (Steambox).

PC may have less selection in sports and exclusives etc., but PC also gets a lot more indie games and some exclusives like some MMORPGs and RTSes (think WoW, Total War, Starcraft 2, etc.) and indie games.

On the other hand if you really do just play sports games then perhaps you should just stay with consoles.
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Senior member
Apr 21, 2009
Stick to console. More than ever PC gamers are going to get the shaft next gen. It's all about consoles and selling console versions of games. Especially since you play sports games, you should ONLY be thinking which console you want to buy.

PC gamers are fucked unless you have dual high end GPU's. Despite a single midrange PC GPU having far more specs than either console, developers are not planning on optimizing games for PC next gen. The target crowd they are making games for is -

1) Mobile market
2) Console market
3) High end (multiple high end GPU sli) PC market

that's it. if you have a midrange PC like me, you are fucked. They probably figure you are too poor to pay for games and are thus likely to pirate them if you have a midrange PC. if you have high end PC you can afford to buy games, so they make them for you. analytics in effect.

Why do you think most PC gamers are going to be in trouble? What sources are you basing this on, or is this just your personal opinion? From everything that I've read, and from my personal impressions on what is happening, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Next-gen architecture is based on x86, and both are using AMD's chipset for CPU and GPUs. They are much more similar in how they're built to a PC than last-gen's ARM architecture, and there's even talk of how AMD's low-level Mantle API is similar to the low-level AMD API in both next-gen consoles (which could be a game changer if it gets adoption). So this generation's games should be even easier to optimize for PC than last-gen.

The truth is that the graphics cards in both consoles aren't particularly high-end, either. You definitely won't need SLI graphics... it looks like a single R9 280x today (which is a pretty mid-range GPU and can be had for around $300 USD) should be more than adequate to last through the next 5+ years, and it is actually a more powerful GPU than either the XBone or PS4 has (the consoles are already a generation behind technically) - so the statement about the mid-range GPUs not being more powerful seems to be just wrong. Since processors aren't seeing huge increases anymore, either, upgrading to new PCs isn't something that is a very high priority for most people... they'll just upgrade the GPU and/or HDD to an SSD.

So, in summary, based on the points above - we should actually see more timely and efficient ports for next-gen, and they should play better on PC architecture [than last gen]. PCs will always be more expensive to build ($800-$1000 vs $500 for an XBone), but there's nothing particularly top-end about that - and PCs have much more utility as well. Certainly mid-level graphics cards today are going to be capable for the foreseeable future, and dual SLI would only really be required if you want to use a resolution that's much higher than the consoles support (>>1080p) at high-ultra settings.
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Jan 8, 2010
Bad code is bad code, really has nothing to do with needing a $600 gpu. I'm still rocking a sole 480 with no issues on any game at max settings and haven't had issues with any games.

His question is around specific games, and in that context, he'd be better off sticking with consoles.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
All I play is nba2k on my ps3. I buy it every year and spend my $60. 75% of my game play is in person 1v1 or 2v2. We all play and talk smack on the weekends. During the week I might get an online game going. Madden and COD is a once in a blue moon. It seems insane for my to spend another $500 and $60 per year on game and $50 online access.

I think I can build something decent with $500, I'm used to the ps3 controller. But don't might going to xboz


Senior member
Apr 21, 2009
And yet AC4 is unplayable on high settings without $600 of GPU... explain that!

Remember that AC4 on XBone and PS4 as shipped only ran at 900p, and you're probably trying to push a higher resolution with more details. PS4 did push an update to run at 1080p at 30fps, but that's still not that great - and it's still 900p on the XBone because it has a weaker GPU. Source:

This is typical for console gaming though, later on you should see more 60 fps games as they optimize, but it's not nearly there yet. We may still see more titles down the line not hitting full 1080p. 30fps is really close to the minimum for playability.

From this chart, you can see that any of the Radeon R9's can provide better performance (FPS) at full 1080p and max details than either the XBone or the PS4 are pushing:

Edit: I can't deep-link that graphic, apparently... to get there, go here (I realize it's German, but the graphs are still legible):

A Radeon 7970 or GTX 760 seems like either will give you PS4 level performance.
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Senior member
Aug 16, 2005
Often a $200-$300 GPU is not enough, you need a decent processor that won't be bottle-necked. I thought I could get by with my E6500 and a HD7750, worked fine for games that were 2-3 years old, but anything in the last year forget it, frame rates dropped, low resolution settings and still looked like shit no way would it do 1080p on Metro: LL or Crysis 3 and be playable. A 7950 or 7970 would not help either.

So for me I would need to spend more than what a PS4 cost MSRP or what you can buy them for on Ebay right now to get a PC that would be up to handling the latest and future games.

If you already have a 1150 socket mobo and a i5 or better, then sure a $200-$300 GPU would probably be a better option. If your stuck with a 775 like me in an OEM case, then it's a total new system $$$.


Aug 14, 2009
Honestly, if those are the games you want to play, you are better off sticking to the consoles as not many people play them on PC and not that many actually come to PC.

Yeah as much as I love PC gaming, sports games on the PC suck. I heard FIFA on PC was pretty good but besides that. I wouldn't build a PC to play sports games. For NBA 2K there's no lobbies to play w/ friends and there's all sorts of problems trying to get online to play. 2K does not care about PC. There was no patch for last yrs game and there probably won't be one for this yrs game. On PS3 there's be about 30,000 - 69,000 people online; on PC there'd be about 600-900. Nba on PC is ps3 gen engine, not xbone or ps4 style. The mods for nba2k are nice, but besides that you'll be missing game modes also. No Madden. Mo baseball games.

If u do go w/ it I wouldn't use ur ps3 controller on it. Motion joy or ds3 tool killed my wired xbox 360 controller and made my wireless keyboard and mouse unusable. Your best bet would be to get an xbox 360 controller; it maps perfectly and nothing else will get ruined. If u have a wireless 360 controller you'll need just the rceiver.

read the steam forums about nba 2k14
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