Should conservative climate deniers be despised for the threat they pose...

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Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
So, in your opinion, if you don't want to believe something, all you have to do is find someone that takes it too far and then you can dismiss the entire thing. That sounds like a logical fallacy. We should invent a name for that type of fallacy.

Nah, the doomsayers were wrong about 12-21-12 so they all took the fall back position of
Global Warming is going to destroy us all unless we throw energy and fossil fuels and conservatives into a big renewable volcano!!

If it's not one batch of nutcases and doom sayers it's another.


Jan 31, 2010
He has a brain defect and deep down he knows it. It makes him upset and incoherent. The bad news is that while he hopes I am going to help him, I can't. He has to help himself and we were all told we are too worthless to do that. I'm wondering if knowing how despicable he is would help. The reason that conservatives are so despicable is precisely because they are in denial of that fact. So maybe if he just has to face that night and day the need to deny will go away. Conservatives are despicable and there's no getting around no matter how hard they try. They are poisoned inside, so maybe they need some immunity, more of their own poison. We have to figure out something or they will kill us all out of their own unconscious need to destroy themselves.

So much anger, hopefully it won't cause you to have ulcers or a heart attack.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I give you James Hansen.

Political activists are in direct command and control of our scientists, and our temperature records.

You do realize that because one activist is a scientist, not even a climatologist even, doesn't mean anything? You need to demonstrate that all activists are motivated by a deep understanding of climate change on scientific level. You are saying that if one woman is an activist then all women are crazy. You owe yourself better thinking.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2007
You mock that which you do not understand.

Incorrect, I mock that which is all too easy to understand. There's nothing mystical about Moonies moonbattery, it's very typical, and easy to see.


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
You do realize that because one activist is a scientist, not even a climatologist even, doesn't mean anything? You need to demonstrate that all activists are motivated by a deep understanding of climate change on scientific level. You are saying that if one woman is an activist then all women are crazy. You owe yourself better thinking.

I thought he only needed to show a trend? Maybe his model of activist scientist doesn't need any data or evidence?
Kind of like Global Climate Models.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I thought he only needed to show a trend? Maybe his model of activist scientist doesn't need any data or evidence?
Kind of like Global Climate Models.

One activist scientist, not even a climatologist, isn't a trend. The statement that global climate models have no data or evidence is wrong. You are using your intelligence improperly. Your comments are not scientific. You need to accept that you have no judgment is these things. Try to see that you are being led in your thinking by bias.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Not only should they despised, they should also be treated for a mental illness according to Professor Norgaard of the University of Oregon.

or Moonie can call for the death penalty like this professor did.

Damn, he already took it down. lol

web citation.

Damn nutcake climate alarmists.
Holy bat crap!

Yeah, I just can't wait until we place our society into the foam-speckled hands of these idiots on the basis of their PhDs.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Holy bat crap!

Yeah, I just can't wait until we place our society into the foam-speckled hands of these idiots on the basis of their PhDs.

Of course the whole point is that your side comprised the foam-speckled idiots.

Let's look at it another way. What would you do about an adult man who felt he could cure his AIDS by having sex with young virgins. How about a person with a deadly contagious disease who refused to be quarantined. What about a parent with a child that has cancer but believe only in prayer? You are just this sort of imbecile but you threaten billions of lives, not just a few. Remember that Hitler couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that Jews are people. You are insane and dangerous to the human race. What do you expect more normal and rational people to do? Why should we allow you to kill us and the world's future children. On what logical basis should you get a pass? Ignorance is no excuse when you murder people and you have been told who you are. How utterly and totally contemptible do you wish to be?
Sep 12, 2004
Can someone point me to a scientific study or studies that definitively prove that AGW is the only cause, or even the primary cause, of climate change?


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
One activist scientist, not even a climatologist, isn't a trend. The statement that global climate models have no data or evidence is wrong. You are using your intelligence improperly. Your comments are not scientific. You need to accept that you have no judgment is these things. Try to see that you are being led in your thinking by bias.

Posted from my silo shelter!

How's your end of the world global warming shelter working out for you ?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Can someone point me to a scientific study or studies that definitively prove that AGW is the only cause, or even the primary cause, of climate change?

Can you prove to a fundamentalist Christian that we evolved from an ape like ancestor? Science proposes theories that explain observed facts. New observations bring new theories. Science isn't about proving things but explaining them in ways that make sense. There are many scientists who think the best explanation for global warming is human produced CO2. Your job would be to propose a different theory that convinces more scientists.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally Posted by ketchup79
Stop referring to people who disagree with you as having brain defects. You have an opinion. He has an opinion.

Your opinion has been disproved by science. I simply use the word defect because the differences in conservative brains are disastrous at this point in history, sort of like a fatal mutation, or gills for a snake on land.

It has moved far from beyond a difference of opinion when Conservatives have been public in their hate for Science.

I wholly agree with the OP that most Conservatives suffer from a brain defect that must be dealt with and Americans are starting to realize it.

England got rid of their defective ones and the Country of Australia was re-populated. Not sure what should be done with such a massive amount of defectiveness now but it will be worked out.

History dictates it.
Sep 12, 2004
Can you prove to a fundamentalist Christian that we evolved from an ape like ancestor? Science proposes theories that explain observed facts. New observations bring new theories. Science isn't about proving things but explaining them in ways that make sense. There are many scientists who think the best explanation for global warming is human produced CO2. Your job would be to propose a different theory that convinces more scientists.
Oddly enough, of the two of us, only one of us believes in a magical man in the sky, and it's not me.

I'm asking for science, Moonie, not voodoo. The simple fact is that CO2 does not completely account scientifically for the climate variabilty we are seeing. Models based on only on CO2 fail time and time again. When that happens one can only assume that there are other forces in play and those forces can be scientifically determined. I'm not denying that CO2 plays a role. I just want to know what percentage that role is. Unlike you, I'm not willing to prostrate myself at the altar of Al Gore Warming, guzzle whatever he decides to force down my throat, and blindly proclaim that it's all said and done.

You really need to sit back, contemplate, and ask yourself, of the two of us, who is REALLY acting like the fundamentalist on this issue; and it's not me. Unfortunately people with your attitude who want to pretend that all the science is in on GW are stymying the debate and preventing us from coming any closer to the real answers.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
TastesLikeChicken: Oddly enough, of the two of us, only one of us believes in a magical man in the sky, and it's not me.

M: Now now Chicken, take it easy. The god you don't believe in doesn't exist. God is not a magical man in the sky. If you want a different example of fundamentalism, use your own. How would anybody convince you there is a god when you already believe you know who he is and and what you think he is isn't what he is. It would be like looking for god in churches even when he could only be found in your heart and your heart isn't working. You'd be up shit creek without a paddle.

TLC: I'm asking for science, Moonie, not voodoo.

M: You are asking for proof when science provides explanations that either test out over time or don't. You are asking to be convinced against your will because you already have an opinion.

TLC: The simple fact is that CO2 does not completely account scientifically for the climate variability we are seeing. Models based on only on CO2 fail time and time again. When that happens one can only assume that there are other forces in play and those forces can be scientifically determined. I'm not denying that CO2 plays a role. I just want to know what percentage that role is.

M: How can you claim as fact what others postulate is false. The whole point is in debate. CO2 models do account for the rise in temperature according to some. You don't believe their data. You believe people who say they are wrong.

TLC: Unlike you, I'm not willing to prostrate myself at the altar of Al Gore Warming, guzzle whatever he decides to force down my throat, and blindly proclaim that it's all said and done.

M: No of course not. You prostrate yourself elsewhere believing ad deeply as folk who believe Gore.

TLC: You really need to sit back, contemplate, and ask yourself, of the two of us, who is REALLY acting like the fundamentalist on this issue; and it's not me.

M: "I am not the fundamentalist, God Damn it Moonie, you are!!!"

Hehe, how very fundamentalist of you.

TLC: Unfortunately people with your attitude who want to pretend that all the science is in on GW are stymying the debate and preventing us from coming any closer to the real answers.

M: Not really. You just assume you know what I think. I am not a believer in man made global warming and never have been. But I'm not a denier either. I have an open mind of the subject. My interests are in understanding the psychology of denial and why it exists. It is obvious that the brains of conservatives are defective and dangerous. This is a fact now in evidence as a result of numerous peer reviewed studies.

The consequences are that if human beings are causing the planet to heat us and that could lead to disaster, those who will not consider the evidence with open minds will need to be dealt with. We can't have a bunch of lunatics road blocking human survival.

And since cooling the planet will be like turning a battle ship and the risks are so great, I think it's time to get started on it. When you have a large body of serious and intelligent well trained people telling you the road you're on goes off a cliff, you don't want to drive down it at 90 miles an hour.

In short, what you call fear and hysteria is intelligent risk assessment, with the real issue the refusal of conservative brains to deal with that possibility as real. We can do nothing and let our children suffer is we are headed for disaster, or we can suffer now in order to save them. This is the difference between a conservative and a liberal mind. Conservative like to cite Chicken Little and the Boy who Cried Wolf, but liberals remember the Three Little Pigs and make bricks even though they cost more. And you only have to look at the titanic disaster taking place in the House to understand the conservative brain. We always create what we fear.
Sep 12, 2004
M: You are asking for proof when science provides explanations that either test out over time or don't. You are asking to be convinced against your will because you already have an opinion.
The above is the crux of your intellectual tilting at windmills so allow me to address that and ignore the rest, which is mostly trolling.

You are the one convinced that all is settled in this debate and that we should act now to 'save the children.' otoh, I look at the science of GW and realize that we, as of yet, do not have all the answers.

As a quick aside; speaking of "GW," certain people need to get their acronyms straight in this discussion. For example, your rants over "climate deniers" really doesn't concern GW, it is about AGW and only AGW. You are already absolutely and firmly convinced that AGW is the sole cause of climate change. So when you say GW you really should be honest and say AGW to avoid muddying the waters. And when you say climate deniers you really should say 'Climate change caused by CO2 and only CO2 deniers,' because that's what you actually mean.

Now, back to my previous response regarding the science. Even the IPCC and just about every other major scientific organization in the world involved in GW research has acknowledged that CO2 only contributes to a portion of climate change and also acknowledges that they do not know remotely what that portion is other than to say it's a "major factor" which is rather vague, scientifically speaking:

That means the science agree with my pov, Moonie, not yours.

Are we clear on this now? While you are busy spreading FUD and spouting your irrational hatred for conservatives, I have the science on my side. So tell me once again who the real fundie is?
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Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Moonie, shilla, parrot and so many of the other folks that post in these threads aren't just Anthropogenic Global Warming fans, but Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming nutcases (CAGW's). There is a difference.


Mar 19, 2007
It's funny how we were led to believe science had it right in the 70's when they claimed the earth was cooling. When you questioned their claims then you were idiot denier of scientific fact.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Can someone point me to a scientific study or studies that definitively prove that AGW is the only cause, or even the primary cause, of climate change?

TLC, Science cannot PROVE anything! Science is about developing plausible explanations for what it observes. You could argue that there is a buffalo orbiting Venus and Science can only say that it is unlikely. There is one aspect, however, about Science that is fundamentally sound and that is that Science seeks to falsify hypotheses and when it does the notion is dropped like any reasonable person ought to do.

There is evidence that various factors contribute to Global Warming. What the contribution of each is to the issue is debatable but real. The argument is which can be mitigated by some means by us humans. Or, even if it matters at all.

I figure that it is plausible for the Earth to be destined for what ever its life course might be but that there may be some human contribution which speeds that process up. We can't reasonably eliminate what may be our greatest threat to life which may be a visit by some Comet or other natural occurrence but should we simply sit back and await the ultimate catastrophe and ignore what may be a real factor that threatens life? Is there some dollar value assignable to mitigation beyond which we simply say we can't afford it and who cares even if that mitigation only eliminates an unproven threat? I think we should consider the economic entirety of actions and in this case it seems to point to a favorable economic endeavor if we choose to act. As humans we ought to consider doing anything reasonably priced to further our life on this planet. It makes no sense to worry about and fund feeding the hungry given the end result of other issues makes that endeavor futile. Is it more humane to step in and end a killer virus and neglect a killer atmosphere because one may be further in the future but just as deadly?
Sep 12, 2004
TLC, Science cannot PROVE anything! Science is about developing plausible explanations for what it observes. You could argue that there is a buffalo orbiting Venus and Science can only say that it is unlikely. There is one aspect, however, about Science that is fundamentally sound and that is that Science seeks to falsify hypotheses and when it does the notion is dropped like any reasonable person ought to do.

There is evidence that various factors contribute to Global Warming. What the contribution of each is to the issue is debatable but real. The argument is which can be mitigated by some means by us humans. Or, even if it matters at all.

I figure that it is plausible for the Earth to be destined for what ever its life course might be but that there may be some human contribution which speeds that process up. We can't reasonably eliminate what may be our greatest threat to life which may be a visit by some Comet or other natural occurrence but should we simply sit back and await the ultimate catastrophe and ignore what may be a real factor that threatens life? Is there some dollar value assignable to mitigation beyond which we simply say we can't afford it and who cares even if that mitigation only eliminates an unproven threat? I think we should consider the economic entirety of actions and in this case it seems to point to a favorable economic endeavor if we choose to act. As humans we ought to consider doing anything reasonably priced to further our life on this planet. It makes no sense to worry about and fund feeding the hungry given the end result of other issues makes that endeavor futile. Is it more humane to step in and end a killer virus and neglect a killer atmosphere because one may be further in the future but just as deadly?
Au contrair. Science can indeed provide proof. Considering our currently incomplete knowledge of the universe that proof can never be absolute, but it can generally be accepted with an extremely high level of confidence. For example, science says that water is composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Would anyone argue contrary to that claim? Wouldn't the level of confidence of that claim be way in excess of 99.99999%?

Now contrast that with the claim about AGW. The IPCC posits that they have a 90% - 99% confidence level that AGW is a major factor in contributing to global warming. In many scientific endeavors, if a scientist released a paper whose findings were based on a 99% confidence level he'd be laughed out of academia. Yet the confidence level for the influence of AGW ranges somewhere between 90% as a low and 99% as the absolute high, so there's a lot of waffle room there. Then they go on to say that they believe AGW is a "major influence" yet can't seem to put a figure on what that means. Is major influence defined as 51% or do they mean 99.99%? Nobody knows because all we get is the rather vague term "major influence," which really doesn't tell us a whole lot and, again, leaves more waffle room.

Yet we are somehow supposed to devise a plan to combat something that we aren't exactly sure is really a major cause of the problem, and that we can't define how much it's responsible for if it actually is a major cause in the first place. I don't get a warm fuzzy about that, How the hell are we supposed to make any scientific determinations based on that kind of information? Should we spend billions, hundred of billions, or trillions to combat AGW? What is the proper plan? How do we force major polluters in Asia to go along with this plan? Shall we hamstring economic progress in the name of "Save The Children." based on what we currently know?

The world may be heating up but we'd just be playing with a different sort of fire. There's an old saw "You don't fuck with Mother Nature." That saw cuts both ways.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Au contrair. Science can indeed provide proof. Considering our currently incomplete knowledge of the universe that proof can never be absolute, but it can generally be accepted with an extremely high level of confidence. For example, science says that water is composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen. Would anyone argue contrary to that claim? Wouldn't the level of confidence of that claim be way in excess of 99.99999%?

Now contrast that with the claim about AGW. The IPCC posits that they have a 90% - 99% confidence level that AGW is a major factor in contributing to global warming. In many scientific endeavors, if a scientist released a paper whose findings were based on a 99% confidence level he'd be laughed out of academia. Yet the confidence level for the influence of AGW ranges somewhere between 90% as a low and 99% as the absolute high, so there's a lot of waffle room there. Then they go on to say that they believe AGW is a "major influence" yet can't seem to put a figure on what that means. Is major influence defined as 51% or do they mean 99.99%? Nobody knows because all we get is the rather vague term "major influence," which really doesn't tell us a whole lot and, again, leaves more waffle room.

Yet we are somehow supposed to devise a plan to combat something that we aren't exactly sure is really a major cause of the problem, and that we can't define how much it's responsible for if it actually is a major cause in the first place. I don't get a warm fuzzy about that, How the hell are we supposed to make any scientific determinations based on that kind of information? Should we spend billions, hundred of billions, or trillions to combat AGW? What is the proper plan? How do we force major polluters in Asia to go along with this plan? Shall we hamstring economic progress in the name of "Save The Children." based on what we currently know?

The world may be heating up but we'd just be playing with a different sort of fire. There's an old saw "You don't fuck with Mother Nature." That saw cuts both ways.

I'm sorry but Science cannot prove but it can and with certain confidence levels suggest. You may hold a bowling ball and let it loose and predict it will fall down toward the earth surface, however, you cannot say it will always do that. You may say with a very high confidence level that it will fall but to say always and that it always has is not proof of the next time you let it loose.

You water point is well taken but water may be water and contain quantum bits that vary. You look to the observable and not to the totality which may be questionable. Are all the 'dark matter' bits of the proton the same exact bits in each bit of water? 90% of the proton is 'dark matter' and we don't have a clue what those virtual particles are... Proof also must consider infinite calculus. Perhaps Proof is in the eye of the observer and I'd not quibble with that notion... or using the Reasonable and Prudent doctrine you'd be on solid ground proclaiming you can prove water is as you say... While I'd say, 'perhaps' but I'm not certain to the exclusion of every other possibility.

I've thought about Climate Change for years now and still see bias on the part of just about everyone who is not a scientist.... Scientists are experts in their narrow fields but there are no Scientific Authorities.... I often wonder what the agenda is on both sides of the issue. It is not really obvious to me what reasons exist for folks to gather about them experts to defend their positions. The same data viewed differently suggests a lack of understanding of the issue as well as different equally viable data pointing in different directions is puzzling.

My particular science looks to this issue as an opportunity but in another arena all together. IOW, I see the positive of accepting Climate Warming as a means to provide technical economic benefit to the people while also maybe doing something reasonably prudent for the planet. We invest in asteroid destroyers on the oft chance it is needed because we both see the threat and the means to mitigate that... Why is this Climate issue different? We are ready to commit to war to deny some nuclear weapons which no doubt can alter the climate proximate to their detonation but that is more political some say... I say both are political and both are real and present dangers IF they are true... So... what is the convincing argument that they are or are not? I'd say that the legal terms are good for this too... Do you need 'beyond a reasonable doubt' or simply a 'preponderance of the evidence'?

Edit: It is plausible that from nothing something - a universe for instance - can come into existence thus negating the need for a creator... don't prove that a god don't exist but it suggests a god is not needed... In our Universe 'nothing' is unstable and will, according to quantum mechanics, always produce something. We know nothing for sure but act as if we do on many issues. I suggest we adopt an attitude toward all this Climate stuff which defaults toward what the truly independent scientific community produces and reject anything that has a bias potential... IOW, look first to the reason for the 'paper' and then to the data therein.
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Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
I say so what to global warming. What you going to do about it?

I'd say you have every right to say what you say regardless of the facts of the matter. You conjure based on what you have to conjure with as we all do. IF in the face of reasonable evidence an avalanche is headed your way and you say, 'so what' I shrug my shoulders and say, 'Oh well'.
Moonbeam postulates that you don't have that right because as a human you must do what is right for the rest of humanity... I say we can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead. But Moonbeam's point is not about global warming but, rather, that conservatives have a brain defect which causes them to conjure irrationally... That they don't know they are defective and will act as if liberals have the defect as is obvious from their perspective... So... IF one sees a bunch of snow and ice coming their way it might be prudent to move out of the way or learn to swim in hard water....
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