Should I get an Xbox One or a PS4?


Junior Member
Oct 27, 2015
I have an Xbox 360 and absolutely love it, but in order to play new games (particularly Fallout 4), I'm going to have to upgrade. I bitterly made the change to that Xbox about 4 years ago from a PS2 (I had played on the PS1 and 2 since I was old enough to hold a controller, and only stopped because they stopped making new games for it completely), so I have had some experience with both consoles.

I like the Xbox controller setup much better than the Play Station, but I hate the Kinect and voice command stuff (not sure if they are still required though). I'm kind of leaning towards the PS4 mostly because of the exclusive games (Until Dawn and Uncharted). I'm afraid of getting one and then regretting it and I'm not satisfied with just liking a controller or being interested in a couple of games as a reason to choose one over the other. I don’t plan on doing anything on the console other than playing games, so the ability to watch TV while I play and stuff like that doesn't matter to me (I know features like that are usually very important to people).

I was curious if anyone could help me out with this decision.
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Feb 2, 2005
I've got an xbox one. It's fine, but I feel like I could have been just as happy with a PS4. I like the xbox one controller because I'm familiar with it, but when I've played ps4s adapting to the controller didn't seem to be a problem. I'm guessing that a few days of using it and I'd be just as proficient with it as an xbox one controller, so I wouldn't make a decision based on that.

The kinect is no longer mandatory, which is nice since it doesn't really add anything of substance to the experience anyway. The official microsoft store price is $499 for the kinect version and $349 for the kinect-less version. Thats a $150 difference, but on amazon the difference looks more like $50-$60 ($349 vs. $409), so maybe it's worth it to get the kinect just in case it ever has a decent application. Probably not, but who knows? All I use mine for is to tell my xbox to record short gameplay clips, which it admittedly is pretty good at. The PS4 just uses a button on the controller for that I think.

The PS4 technically has better hardware, but in reality that hasn't resulted in significantly different game experiences. I would place some weight on this, but probably more in other areas. Which brings me to...

It all comes down to the games you prefer. If everything else is essentially equal, then "being interested in a couple of games" is as good a reason as any to choose one console over the other. I chose the Xbox one pretty much because of the Halo franchise and memories of all the great times I had playing Halo: Combat Evolved back in the original Xbox days. One thing I knew for sure was that Halo wouldn't be coming to the PS4, and I knew I wanted to play the next gen version when it came out. It didn't hurt that I also knew I'd have access to at all the other non-exclusive games, which probably amount to 80-90% of all the games that come out anyway.

I'd say if there's even one exclusive game on either console that you know for sure you want to play, go with that console. If not you'll always wonder how much fun you might have had with that game. Chances are some other game will eventually come out that blows it away, but whatever helps you get the decision made is a good thing because either console is going to offer you a ton of great games to play. You can't really even make a wrong choice here, other than deliberately not choosing the console that you know has the games you want on it, so go with the games.
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Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
It'll always be about the exclusives you want. Both consoles are $350 for a 500-GB console right now. The Kinect is not a required purchase anymore. The difference is that with the Xbox One, you'll get free games bundled with your console, especially if you want to spend $400 for the 1-TB model, rather than $350 for a 500-GB one. For example, you mentioned Fallout 4, and you can get a digital DL of Fallout 4 with the 1-TB console for $400, and they'll give you a digital copy of Fallout 3 as well, which can be played via backwards compatibility (which the PS4 doesn't offer).

To reiterate, it's really about that first sentence I typed. Do you want traditional action/adventure stuff and a slew of indie titles, or do you want shooters, racing, and a load of non-gaming functionality? The libraries are similar in specific offerings (third-party, multi-platform games) and types of offerings (Forza being the only game where Sony really doesn't have a strong alternative because third-party racers are so mediocre).

I personally go Xbox for Halo, above all else. The backwards compatibility's cool to have, but I probably won't use it. I have watched a little MLB.TV on my console, and the potential for Windows 10 universal apps intrigues me. I also get to play Forza, Sunset Overdrive, and Quantum Break on the platform, which all intrigue me. On the flip side, MLB The Show is the only Sony title I truly want. Though I'm a massive baseball fan, Microsoft wins in quantity of exclusive titles I want.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Both BestBuy and Amazon currently have the Ps4 Uncharted bundle with free Destiny-Legendary Addition for $349.00.

If you have a BestBuy credit card and choose standard financing you get 10% back in rewards which makes the deal even better. Would need to open a rewards account if don't have one yet. Gamers club unlocked for $30 is worth looking into. Fina cing deal works on Xbox one also.

Really depends on games you want to play in the end.


Dec 30, 2000
Gamestop will let you trade in a working 360 or PS3 and get $100 towards a new console.


Jun 23, 2005
They both cost the same. PS4 though doesn't need to upscale the resolution in games so much to fit your native 1080p tv. As Microsoft doesn't offer any saving over the 4, I'd rather have the better hardware if it were me. Though if there's an exclusive on Xbox you want that is also something to consider.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
They both cost the same. PS4 though doesn't need to upscale the resolution in games so much to fit your native 1080p tv. As Microsoft doesn't offer any saving over the 4, I'd rather have the better hardware if it were me. Though if there's an exclusive on Xbox you want that is also something to consider.

The only people that will care about the Xbox upscaling resolution (which 99.9% of people wouldn't have known unless it was pointed out) are PC elitist Ftards. Plain and simple.

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
I've had both, ignore anything hardware. Look at the exclusives they already have out and the exclusives they have announced. One of them will have games you prefer. Then ask your friends which console they have. If they're the same, great, get that one. If they're different, decide how much you care about multiplayer with your friends.

I kept my Xbox One because I preferred the games and my friends mostly chose that platform.
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No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
you should get what system has the games you want to play not what games strangers on an internet forum want to play.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2002
Most games are online multiplayer these days so it depends on what system your friends by their games for. Most of mine have switched to PS4 even if they started with Xbox one. PS4 exclusives will always look better than Xbox exclusives. People have eyes they can see.

With Xbox you can disable all the fluff features no problem. You can even set it to turn off properly when you turn it off.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
For big western published games, like Fallout 4, the systems are pretty much the same. There's a few differences in exclusives, such as Uncharted vs Halo, but most of the big western games are third party, and on both systems... and there's not a meaningful difference between most versions. Slitting hairs over 900p vs 1080p, or what game version has slightly better frame pacing, or AF, and things, is really not going to impact actually playing the games very much.

Alright, so that said, I have an observation, which may or may not be relevant to the OP...

When I pull a chart on Xbox One and PS4 exclusives, and sort it by Publisher, the Xbox exclusive list is much smaller, and dominated by "Microsoft Studios", a few indies, a little sprinkling of timed exclusives.... The PS4 list has it's expected "Sony Computer Entertainment" published stuff, but, sort of disturbingly, a lot of third party exclusives from indie developers who self publish, and a bunch of Japanese published stuff. Many of them pretty big publishers, like Square Enix, Capcom, Tecmo Koei, Atlus, Sega, Bandai Namco Ent.

I don't understand why this is the case... and actually think it's sort of bullshit. I mean, I get the idies, since Sony's worked hard on trying to be the most friendly platform for them, and they have a limited budget, but the big Japanese Publishers irritate me. I mean, skipping Xbox doesn't make sense to me, when the architecture of the system is so close to PS4 and PC.... Even if you were to not get back all your investment from the Xbox port (unlikely), it would be worth it for getting your brand out there with your IPs that haven't really taken in the Western market yet. Its hard to build a fanbase, when you're skipping a huge chunk of potential players for very little reason...

TLDR: PS4 has a lot more Japanese and Indie games. Many big Japanese publishers like Square Enix, heavily favor the PS4 and skip Xbox on many projects. I think it's BS, but that's reality right now. If you like these types of games, PS4 is what to buy.
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Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
Well, we've always known the Japanese consumers to shun the American products, so is it really surprising that a lot of developers do the same? I'm still trying to figure out the idiocy of releasing Kingdom Hearts 2.8 ReMix on PS4, but not Xbox One, when it could have been a chance to lead Xbox One users into the franchise a bit before KH3 is out. In fact, they should have just made a "Kingdom Hearts HD ReMix Complete" or something, where the whole story is on the new consoles, partially to get One owners into the franchise before the company shoves the, like, 9th game in the series onto a Microsoft platform for the first time.

Me, I think the indie thing is MORE confusing. Microsoft is the one with a universal app platform that could get those indie titles on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Windows 10 Mobile. Given that W10 is on more than 110 million PCs already, that's a much bigger potential install base than what Sony can give them (even if the majority of the W10 people aren't universal app users).


Feb 2, 2005
Me, I think the indie thing is MORE confusing. Microsoft is the one with a universal app platform that could get those indie titles on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Windows 10 Mobile. Given that W10 is on more than 110 million PCs already, that's a much bigger potential install base than what Sony can give them (even if the majority of the W10 people aren't universal app users).

This confuses me as well. It seems like just yesterday that microsoft was touting it's xbox one indie lineup and people were talking about how much support microsoft was giving to indie developers. The fact that the PS4 is the system to get for indie games is news I hadn't heard and certainly didn't expect. I've probably been out of the loop in recent months though.


Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2005
IMO on everything I say here.

I'm a Xbox fan simply because as a 1-handed gamer the controller is easier to use and I love the Halo series more than anything else that's exclusive to consoles. Outside of Halo, I go the PC route (I use an HTPC so it's the centerpiece of my living room entertainment)

The PS4 is a better gaming system. Its reason for existing is gaming. The XBone is an attempt by M$ to be a hub in the living room... movies, socializing, etc. It has slightly inferior hardware AND is bloated by an operating system that wants you to multitask.

Games may look better on one system over another, however, if you had to place a $$ bet on which system will look better with a given game the PS4 will get my bet.

Anywho, at the end of the day, the deciding factors should be decided by you, not strangers. Ask yourself:

Which system has more of the exclusives that YOU like
Which controller do you prefer
Which system do the majority of your friends use (if you want to play on/offline with them)


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
This confuses me as well. It seems like just yesterday that microsoft was touting it's xbox one indie lineup and people were talking about how much support microsoft was giving to indie developers. The fact that the PS4 is the system to get for indie games is news I hadn't heard and certainly didn't expect. I've probably been out of the loop in recent months though.

Well, initially Microsoft had a "parity clause" where they would refuse to publish an indie game if the indie dev went to another platform before Xbox, and they didn't allow self publishing. Compared to Sony's policies, it was sort of a joke. Later, MS realized they were losing indie dev support, and pulled a 180... allowing self publishing, pretty early on, and saying that they'll allow games that violate their parity clause on a case by case. As of July of this year, they dropped the ridiculous parity clause, as far as I'm aware.

I think they hurt a lot of good will with devs with all the nonsense, so there could be a bit of lingering damage going on right now, even though I think they have their policies much more indie friendly now....

But now when it comes to indie games, MS has a new problem. PS4 has twice the user install base...


Dec 12, 2001
I have both and both are good and have a nice selection of titles. I guess you need to look at the games you currently play and decide whether you want the sequels etc.
Sep 29, 2004
The only real difference to me is Forza. There is nothing anywhere near as good on the PS4. I have the PS4 and while I don't regret it .... I miss Forza. Also, I'm not a Halo guy but some might want the XBone because of Halo.

Otherwise I love my PS4. Most of my friends that have consoles have a PS4 .... and that is probably a better way to decide than anything else.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
Both systems are good, I play both of mine a lot. If you can only get one pick the one with the exclusives you want to play the most. You shouldn't be disappointed with either system, they are both good


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
I vote get neither, get the wii u.

This current gen of consoles is so very much like pc's. The big shooters, destiny and halo, neither have split screen. The wii u is the only console which makes a significant effort for couch coop

By default you should get a ps4 because it is more powerful and so overall games will look better on it.

But here are a few points in favor of the Xbox:

-sunset overdrive
-backward compatibility with Xbox 360 games allowing you to replace the 360
-ota dvr in a future update.

The ps4 of course has uncharted. I personally will be waiting for the last guardian and possibly a die shrink refresh before I get a ps4


Dec 12, 2001
I vote get neither, get the wii u.

This current gen of consoles is so very much like pc's. The big shooters, destiny and halo, neither have split screen. The wii u is the only console which makes a significant effort for couch coop

By default you should get a ps4 because it is more powerful and so overall games will look better on it.

But here are a few points in favor of the Xbox:

-sunset overdrive
-backward compatibility with Xbox 360 games allowing you to replace the 360
-ota dvr in a future update.

The ps4 of course has uncharted. I personally will be waiting for the last guardian and possibly a die shrink refresh before I get a ps4

Sunset overdrive was the biggest disappointment in the XB1 library for me. I liked Ryse Son of Rome more if that tells you anything about how much I liked SO, which is to say very little.

Also to the OP I should mention that I prefer the PS4's party chat over the XB1. The XB1 party options are hidden behind settings menus accessed outside the party chat window from what I've noticed. The PS4 has all the options for mic level, audio mixing and volume in the party chat app itself or accessed through holding the PS button and adjusting device options. The XB1 does the same things through a separate settings app. I haven't found a way to access this without going deep into the options on the XB1. Both fiunction roughly the same but I find things easier to navigate and setup on the PS4.
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Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
Sunset overdrive was the biggest disappointment in the XB1 library for me. I liked Ryse Son of Roam more if that tells you anything about how much I liked SO, which is to say very little.
I thought sunset overdrive was awful. I played it when they did a free weekend on Xbox live. I played for a couple hours but couldn't get into it at all.
Ryse son of Rome was way more fun then SO and Ryse was a hack n slasher


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2000
For me I prefer the Xbone controller, Xbox interface, and the constant OS development (including layout) that MS usually provides. Normally I get any cross platform game on the Xbox one for that reason.

The Problem is if I ignore those the Xbox still wins handily for me. Just in exclusives. In fact the only Exclusive that Sony has released that has been any interest to me was TLoU and that was a port from the PS3. Uncharted being one I'll be looking at picking up when it comes out. But nothing really strong been laid out. 2015 has had almost no new unique releases and 2016 looks to be kind of soft. While most of the Xbone exlcusives have been MS published. They have a strong lineup of successful series, including already 3 Forza launches. The Playstation exclusives will probably grow as the train gets going and will probably be better in the long run, its been pretty slow on the PS4 side so far.


Dec 12, 2001
I still think the XB1 dashboard is a cluttered mess. Nearly everything is an app and not integrated into the OS directly. I think they're working on that though.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
I still think the XB1 dashboard is a cluttered mess. Nearly everything is an app and not integrated into the OS directly. I think they're working on that though.
I agree with you, apps everywhere. The last update borked the YouTube app, every time I open it my Xbone just shuts off
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