Should I replace vengeance ddr4 2666 with rip-jaws / trident z 3466 (2x4Gb)


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2016
Tridentz 80$ s link

Ripjaws 65$

Independent review of these kits

Experts opine please . These kits (3466 )seems to have the highest speeds per dollar . From my understanding slower speeds seems to have tigher latency and timings and larger the kits better memory speeds.

I'm getting about 31.5 GB/s mixed memory speeds on my 2x4gb 2666 vengeance kits bought recently . My entire PCs benchmarks.

My build
[PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant](

**CPU** | [Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor]( | $154.99 @ NCIX
**Motherboard** | [ASRock Z170A-X1/3.1 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard]( | $132.00 @ Vuugo
**Memory** | [Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2666 Memory]( | $53.77 @ Amazon Canada
**Storage** | [Corsair Force LE 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive]( | $77.99 @ Amazon Canada
**Video Card** | [EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB SC Gaming ACX 3.0 Video Card]( | $599.99 @ NCIX
**Case** | [Corsair SPEC-ALPHA ATX Mid Tower Case]( | $78.99 @ NCIX
**Power Supply** | [EVGA SuperNOVA GS 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply]( | $94.99 @ Ncix

| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $1803.00
| Mail-in rebates | -$50.00
| **Total** | **$1753.00**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2016-09-03 03:41 EDT-0400 |

Seems like higher ram has higher speeds.
Should I buy an extra set of kit it's 57$s a pair or sell my existing kit for the posted deals .

People get up to 60gb/s. (It's slower MHz 3200 better timings -14 and bigger modules 16x 4) That's double of what I'm getting now. Is it worth Investing in those extra kits ?

Do I really need more than 8 gb ram ?

***My entire purchase was based on this review
Ram speed performance on gaming :


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
Go with lower RAM timings. 2666 ,,,, whats the default timings on that. Your not gonna see any difference which ever kit you get a.2666 or 3400 RAM. Go with 2666 and decrease the timings. For that RAM I have no idea what timings it uses... Anyhow dont waiste your money. you running 2000 ram or 3400 ram your not gonna see a real world difference. Benchmarks will just show but who cares about benchmarks,, Actual game will be same, game FPS will be same , and maps will load quickly.. Thx


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Benchmarks will just show but who cares about benchmarks,, Actual game will be same, game FPS will be same , and maps will load quickly.. Thx

You need to keep up more. That may have been largely true in the Haswell and prior generations, but Skylake is a different animal, and responds well to faster memory in gaming.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
Get 16GB kit or 32GB so your future proof. 8GB is not enough to drive Windows 10 .... Dual Core, hmmm. Stop worrying about RAM ... i3 dual core ,,,,,,,,, Your CPU is not good enough for a 1070 ..... Your build is shady. Get more RAM 8GB is soo Windows 7 lol. Its not enough for Windows 10. Your CPU is a huge bottleneck. That 1070 is a sick card but you don't have enough CPU power to drive it. You should have gotten a i7 if your going to spend all that money for a 1070 video card. i3 is not for gaming. Its for company workers sitting behind the computer all day long using MS Office or DOS based apps and what not. Thx


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
Your worrying about RAM, when the CPU is a POS, only 8GB RAM in this day in age is little. You will never get the FPS you should get in games with a 1070 GTX. For a i3 I recommend 760 Ti . 1070 Your CPU will hold you back. i3 and a 1070 ? Wtf are you thinking ? Someone gave you bad advice or something. Thx


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
This is a subject people are divided on. Some will say it will increase performance, and others will say it won't.

You already linked to the Eurogamer review. That review has very different findings than most other sites that have done DDR4 scaling on Skylake CPUs. Going from DDR4 2666 to DDR4 3466, you will see insignificant increases according to most reviews that are out there. Even if you took the Eurogamer article at face value, there is hardly a difference on several of the games they tested.

And finally (and notice how they had very different findings concerning the findings Eurogamer had on 'Ryse'):

Since you are not going from DDR4 2133, and since you already have DDR4 2666, it is not going to be much difference. For the most part, after DDR4 3000 the performance increase really just levels out. Yes, it is true that synthetic benchmarks it will show a difference. If you are a person who cares about that type of results, go ahead and buy the RAM. But in the end, it's your money and your decision. Just read the reviews and see which one you believe.

Do I really need more than 8 gb ram ?

Depends on what games you play, or if you are a heavy Photoshop user, or do video editing.


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
Your worrying about RAM, when the CPU is a POS, only 8GB RAM in this day in age is little. You will never get the FPS you should get in games with a 1070 GTX. For a i3 I recommend 760 Ti . 1070 Your CPU will hold you back. i3 and a 1070 ? Wtf are you thinking ? Someone gave you bad advice or something. Thx

That's being a little harsh and rude. Not only that, but not very accurate. The i3-6100 is a good little CPU for gaming. Of course it is not a 6700k, but it's far from a "POS".


Junior Member
Sep 3, 2016
This is a subject people are divided on. Some will say it will increase performance, and others will say it won't.

You already linked to the Eurogamer review. That review has very different findings than most other sites that have done DDR4 scaling on Skylake CPUs. Going from DDR4 2666 to DDR4 3466, you will see insignificant increases according to most reviews that are out there. Even if you took the Eurogamer article at face value, there is hardly a difference on several of the games they tested.

And finally (and notice how they had very different findings concerning the findings Eurogamer had on 'Ryse'):

Since you are not going from DDR4 2133, and since you already have DDR4 2666, it is not going to be much difference. For the most part, after DDR4 3000 the performance increase really just levels out. Yes, it is true that synthetic benchmarks it will show a difference. If you are a person who cares about that type of results, go ahead and buy the RAM. But in the end, it's your money and your decision. Just read the reviews and see which one you believe.

Depends on what games you play, or if you are a heavy Photoshop user, or do video editing.

Thank you so much much for taking time . Only quantum breaks recommend specs say you need 16 gb ram other than that I don't thinkthere is much of a difference . I finished quantum break , Ryse, rise of the tombraider with this machine and everything worked wonderful with a little bit of tweaking . Great thing about Ryse is it has native up scaling so you can easily find the sweet spot for 60 fps gaming other games like Arkham Knight I had to change the uni files to run at 90 % 4K resolution to play at 60 fps. Yes you are right after 3000 MHz there are diminishing returns . Seems like my i3 has very little cache memory in comparison to the i7 6700k . Great thing about tthe i3 processor is that it only has a tdp of 51 watts so inefficiencies due to excessive heat is greatly reduced . I don't need a custom cooler for it it's virtually silent . This is like my 5th machine my first was pentium 1 -133 . So all these years I've always tried to run my PCs at peak efficiencies.

I'm really interested in finding the balance in between the best performance per watt / dollar / efficieny and of course the build which has the lowest noise . Presently my 1070 makes only 29 db
Source :

at load and I've it OCed at 1900 MHz. My 550w is gold rated and silent and my PCs total power consumption is ~300w so it operated at its peak efficiency like 94 %or platinum.

So coming back to my question I'm really interested in getting more fps from ram as ram consumes very less power . If for example I can get 15 % increase just for a having a better ram . A 15% increase means at least 30 watts As if changing my prcessor /GPUs to i7 -6700k or gtx1080 . I'm getting 30GBps on my memory benchmarks . Given that my processor has low cache memory . Is there any way I can reach 60 Gbps with any kits . Would double memory speed increase fps greatly ? Or anyway changing my kits would bring me insignificant benefits. Thanks for you time.


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
So coming back to my question I'm really interested in getting more fps from ram as ram consumes very less power . If for example I can get 15 % increase just for a having a better ram . A 15% increase means at least 30 watts As if changing my prcessor /GPUs to i7 -6700k or gtx1080 . I'm getting 30GBps on my memory benchmarks . Given that my processor has low cache memory . Is there any way I can reach 60 Gbps with any kits . Would double memory speed increase fps greatly ? Or anyway changing my kits would bring me insignificant benefits. Thanks for you time.

You will not see a huge increase going with RAM faster than you already have. Even if you go off of the Eurogamer results, many of the games had 1-10 FPS increase with the faster RAM. And that was going from the slowest RAM available.

Your best bet if you want a bigger increase, you will need a more powerful CPU. Although the i3 is a good gaming CPU, it is not a processor you want to chase benchmarks with.

Here is a review on DDR4 4000. They also compare it to DDR4 2133, 2666, and 3200. Just not enough real world difference.,4362-2.html


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
The only thing a dual core i3 can do is,, word processing, excel company apps like DOS based terminals etc. I don't get why you stressing about the RAM, Im telling the truth. i3 dual core with a 1070 LOL,,, no good... my friend.


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
The only thing a dual core i3 can do is,, word processing, excel company apps like DOS based terminals etc. I don't get why you stressing about the RAM, Im telling the truth. i3 dual core with a 1070 LOL,,, no good... my friend.

Really, again? Please post a review link that show an i3-6100 is only good for word processing and DOS based terminals.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
The only thing a dual core i3 can do is,, word processing, excel company apps like DOS based terminals etc. I don't get why you stressing about the RAM, Im telling the truth. i3 dual core with a 1070 LOL,,, no good... my friend.

This is not accurate. It beats previous gen i5s in many games with same GPUs. Do your homework.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
i5 is horrible too. A true gamer gets a i7 with a 1070 ,,,,,,,,,,, not a dual core with a 1070. Hear my out, Im just being blunt so he understands. Also you don't need DDR4 either, and if your gonna get it grab a 2133 ram, spend much less. Then you could have upped your CPU to a i7 .......Also do not buy from newegg, they send used stuff and send wrong orders,, Its a pain, I live in Los Angeles so I haveh to pay tax,, the only site I buy from is

I can help you build a nice system, just ask ? for 800 dollars.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2010
Your going to get choppy results and your RAM has nothing to do with it. No need to over spend on RAM on a dual core i3. Grab a 16GB RAM KIT 2133 for a great price,,, check amazon.. GL my friend and IM sorry to anyone I offended,, I was just blunt ,,, sorry to anyone I hurt.. Thank you ,, Looking forward to what your gonna do. gl


Elite Member
May 4, 2000
i5 is horrible too. A true gamer gets a i7 with a 1070 ,,,,,,,,,,, not a dual core with a 1070. Hear my out, Im just being blunt so he understands. Also you don't need DDR4 either, and if your gonna get it grab a 2133 ram, spend much less. Then you could have upped your CPU to a i7

Not even addressing the DDR4 comment, but are you seriously not only telling him that his i3-6100 is a "POS", but you are now saying that i5 CPUs are "horrible"?

You keep making very 'unique' statements, but you have not backed up any of your claims with any shred of proof.,15.html

Last edited:


Senior member
Nov 22, 2014
faster ram may get you ~10% higher fps in cpu bottlnecked sections of games
a i5 6600k could get you ~80% in a multithreaded game overclocking it to 4.5ghz brings that up to ~120% http://translate.googleusercontent....6.html&usg=ALkJrhjSXYL9LQGXNtXEymT5IQx2cq92cA
then faster ram could still add ~10% ontop of that
a i7 may add ~7% over a i5 in current multithreaded games maybe ht will help more with dx12 games

2666 ram is a lot better than 2133 and there is a good chance it will oc to ~3000c15
faster ram helping is not new to skylake its always been there it just wont show in any gpu bottlnecked reviews where a faster cpu makes no difference

since you have a 4k monitor you may find that your gpu is still what wants upgrading to get more fps in most games
if droping the res to 1080p improves your fps enough chances are upgrading the cpu\ram wont help but upgrading the gpu will


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Faster ram differences are minimal on skylake. Very minimal. i3-6100 is a great chip and beats previous gen quads. Best advice in this thread is to completely ignore tweakboy. If he can't figure out how to buy from newegg direct and not a reseller to avoid buying "used stuff" then he clearly can't bother himself to read the vast sea of information available to show he's basically wrong about everything he's said.

Other advice in this thread is solid.
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