Should teachers or school admin carry guns?

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Feb 1, 2008
NRA spokes women warned that Obama is out to get your guns. lol
And the answer to the school shooting was to arm the teachers.

Tell me MS NRA lady...
Some guy walks into your classroom with an assault weapon and lets off a round of hundreds of shots a second, all spewing from his army type like assault weapon.
Hitting and killing probably 90 % of your students before you even realize what is happening, and you the teacher are then expected to go and pull out ""your"" assault weapon from under your desk, and fight back???
Yeah right....

Even a well trained Navy Seal could not have saved that day of carnage in that class room.

This is sooooooo F-ing retarded, this whole conversation from the NRA.

Listen up people... Just ban the fucking assault weapons. PERIOD!

People do not need them.
The teacher does not need them.
The wanna be wacko's mother DOES NOT need them.
The wacko does not need them.
This is just fucking insane for America, to be controlled by these insane gun freaks.

Im not a parent.
If I were a parent, and my advice to any parent out there, would be to really consider leaving America for another country of sane gun control leadership.
I mean really... Do you NOT owe that to your children?
If you love and cherish your children, and do not want to see them bullet riddled like bloody hamburger in the streets, in the classrooms, in the movie theaters, at their friends homes, then take action.
And if I were a parent, considering the consequences living in America, and that fear in congress of the NRA, the NRA the most violent organization in human history, would you that parent not seek a safer more sane country to raise your children?

If there were to be a revolt in America, it should not be gun freaks fearing gun control, the revolution should be parents rising up against the NRA.
Just as with the KKK, the NRA is just as violent and just as dangerous to American life liberty and freedom.

Think this through. It is not that difficult. Especially for any parent.


Feb 20, 2001
I don't think teachers, principals, or any school adminds should carry gun. Don't think that'll fix anything.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2003
Ok so what if a teacher goes ballistic (pun intended) and mows down everyone in their classroom? Does that mean we have to arm these kids as well? See where this logic is getting us?


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Gun free zones are where most of these massacres occur. It would seem logical to have less of these types of places. no?


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Here is a better solution.

Lots of people with post dramatic stress disorder.....hmmm


nobody wants to pay for it. We don't want to pay for what we are doing now much less add more to it....unless we want a new tax on guns and ammo to pay for it...hmmm? :hmm:


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Ok so what if a teacher goes ballistic (pun intended) and mows down everyone in their classroom? Does that mean we have to arm these kids as well? See where this logic is getting us?

What if a cop goes ballistic? Or a security guard or anyone with access to a gun on their job? See where that logic is getting us?

Puddle Jumper

Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
NRA spokes women warned that Obama is out to get your guns. lol
And the answer to the school shooting was to arm the teachers.

Tell me MS NRA lady...
Some guy walks into your classroom with an assault weapon and lets off a round of hundreds of shots a second, all spewing from his army type like assault weapon.
Hitting and killing probably 90 % of your students before you even realize what is happening, and you the teacher are then expected to go and pull out ""your"" assault weapon from under your desk, and fight back???
Yeah right....

Even a well trained Navy Seal could not have saved that day of carnage in that class room.

This is sooooooo F-ing retarded, this whole conversation from the NRA.

Listen up people... Just ban the fucking assault weapons. PERIOD!

People do not need them.
The teacher does not need them.
The wanna be wacko's mother DOES NOT need them.
The wacko does not need them.
This is just fucking insane for America, to be controlled by these insane gun freaks.

Im not a parent.
If I were a parent, and my advice to any parent out there, would be to really consider leaving America for another country of sane gun control leadership.
I mean really... Do you NOT owe that to your children?
If you love and cherish your children, and do not want to see them bullet riddled like bloody hamburger in the streets, in the classrooms, in the movie theaters, at their friends homes, then take action.
And if I were a parent, considering the consequences living in America, and that fear in congress of the NRA, the NRA the most violent organization in human history, would you that parent not seek a safer more sane country to raise your children?

If there were to be a revolt in America, it should not be gun freaks fearing gun control, the revolution should be parents rising up against the NRA.
Just as with the KKK, the NRA is just as violent and just as dangerous to American life liberty and freedom.

Think this through. It is not that difficult. Especially for any parent.

First off the rifle he used had 30 round mags so spewing hundreds of rounds in a second won't happen.

Do you seriously think a Navy Seal couldn't take out one 20 year old nutjob?


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
First off the rifle he used had 30 round mags so spewing hundreds of rounds in a second won't happen.

Do you seriously think a Navy Seal couldn't take out one 20 year old nutjob?

There is so much wrong with that emotional, raving post that I'd rather just forget it than deal with the utter bullshit. Hundreds of rounds a second? Most violent organization in human history? Bloody hamburger? lolwut? Straight up unhinged fearmongering has reached a new level.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
All this talk of security guards at schools (99.999% of which will never have any need for), safe rooms, locking doors and metal detectors... armed teachers... it's all just amazingly stupid IMO.

If I'm a father of a kindergartner and my child is sick in the nurse's office and I'm sent to pick them up, I should be able to walk into that school any time of the day, walk to the school office, and pick my kid up.

There should, at no time, be any locking doors or metal detectors or ID checks or armed guards. I'd rather home school a child than send them to a place like that.

I'll give you three very good reasons these sorts of measures should not be adopted:

1.) They will not work, will not stop a dedicated killer
2.) They will cost a shit load, and the return on investment will be non-existent.
3.) They will taint the entire atmosphere of school and of childhood.

Don't ban guns, either.

The proper reaction to a rare-as-fuck crazy act by a lone person is NOTHING WHATSOEVER.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Since basically all mass school shooters are white men, when will we put in place measures to profile and screen white men for extra security?


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
Ok so what if a teacher goes ballistic (pun intended) and mows down everyone in their classroom? Does that mean we have to arm these kids as well? See where this logic is getting us?

So what is stopping a teacher from going ballistic RIGHT NOW with a weapon in their classroom? If they are going to slaughter children then it doesn't really seem allowing or disallowing weapons would really change what is going to happen?

Teacher concealed carry is already happening, btw-


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
NRA spokes women warned that Obama is out to get your guns. lol
And the answer to the school shooting was to arm the teachers.

Tell me MS NRA lady...
Some guy walks into your classroom with an assault weapon and lets off a round of hundreds of shots a second, all spewing from his army type like assault weapon.
Hitting and killing probably 90 % of your students before you even realize what is happening, and you the teacher are then expected to go and pull out ""your"" assault weapon from under your desk, and fight back???
Yeah right....

Even a well trained Navy Seal could not have saved that day of carnage in that class room.

This is sooooooo F-ing retarded, this whole conversation from the NRA.

Listen up people... Just ban the fucking assault weapons. PERIOD!

People do not need them.
The teacher does not need them.
The wanna be wacko's mother DOES NOT need them.
The wacko does not need them.
This is just fucking insane for America, to be controlled by these insane gun freaks.

Im not a parent.
If I were a parent, and my advice to any parent out there, would be to really consider leaving America for another country of sane gun control leadership.
I mean really... Do you NOT owe that to your children?
If you love and cherish your children, and do not want to see them bullet riddled like bloody hamburger in the streets, in the classrooms, in the movie theaters, at their friends homes, then take action.
And if I were a parent, considering the consequences living in America, and that fear in congress of the NRA, the NRA the most violent organization in human history, would you that parent not seek a safer more sane country to raise your children?

If there were to be a revolt in America, it should not be gun freaks fearing gun control, the revolution should be parents rising up against the NRA.
Just as with the KKK, the NRA is just as violent and just as dangerous to American life liberty and freedom.

Think this through. It is not that difficult. Especially for any parent.

Complete. Logical. Failure.

Okay, take away guns, complete gun ban with door to door confiscation. So the psycho breaks into the school with a chainsaw and easily kills another 30 people. Confiscate chainsaws, the psycho goes into the school with a sword. Confiscate swords, the psycho makes a trip to Lowes and builds a bomb or two. Confiscate home/lawn care supplies and the psycho sets the school on fire with gasoline. Confiscate gasoline and....

Take away all the tools you want and it doesn't change shit. The only hope is to give the people protecting the innocent a level playing field.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2012
Since basically all mass school shooters are white men, when will we put in place measures to profile and screen white men for extra security?

What I've read is that 20% of mass killers (a bit different than mass shooters perhaps) are black. That would actually mean blacks contribute disproportionately to mass killings given that they are 13% of the US population.

Just a couple of months ago there was a black mass shooter who killed several of his coworkers, and the media worked very hard to show his face as little as possible.

Here's an article about black serial killers and the media choosing not to cover them written by a black woman, for a black-interest website:

A quote from an expert interviewed:

"That is a total, total myth that there are no black serial killers,'' said Dr. Schlesinger, who has been studying serial killers and extraordinary crimes since the 1970s. "There have been black serial killers for many, many years, but they haven't been publicized. The media simply chooses not to focus on them.''

The incident a few months ago I mentioned got almost no coverage.

The only reason John Allen Muhammad and his little buddy got as much coverage as they did, was because most of that coverage had happened before the media knew the shooters were black. They couldn't really avoid covering who was caught and prosecuted at that point...


Apr 10, 2000
NRA spokes women warned that Obama is out to get your guns. lol
And the answer to the school shooting was to arm the teachers.

Tell me MS NRA lady...
Some guy walks into your classroom with an assault weapon and lets off a round of hundreds of shots a second, all spewing from his army type like assault weapon.
Hitting and killing probably 90 % of your students before you even realize what is happening, and you the teacher are then expected to go and pull out ""your"" assault weapon from under your desk, and fight back???

Yeah right....


The first classroom teacher might not be able to respond in time but if trained properly, you can bet your ass the 2nd teacher will be locked and loaded and waiting for the piece of shit.


Apr 8, 2002
Ok so what if a teacher goes ballistic (pun intended) and mows down everyone in their classroom? Does that mean we have to arm these kids as well? See where this logic is getting us?

And you believe the current "gun free" zones are keeping snapping teachers from mowing down their children how? I find it interesting people are fine with allowing teachers to instruct their kids when they are scared the very same teacher will mow them down.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
The thing is teachers are there to teach. Teaching unlike being a member of the military or a law enforcement officer traditionally doesn't require proficiency in any firearm.

There might be teachers who are gun enthusiasts and would be capable of carrying in a classroom without adding too much risk but they're probably extremely rare.

Adding more responsibilities on teachers plates when teachers unions are a favorite target of people with political views that seem to often include a disdain for gun regulations might be a rather ironic stand to take.


Apr 10, 2000
The thing is teachers are there to teach. Teaching unlike being a member of the military or a law enforcement officer traditionally doesn't require proficiency in any firearm.

There might be teachers who are gun enthusiasts and would be capable of carrying in a classroom without adding too much risk but they're probably extremely rare.

Adding more responsibilities on teachers plates when teachers unions are a favorite target of people with political views that seem to often include a disdain for gun regulations might be a rather ironic stand to take.

Don't need to make it a requirement that every teacher become proficient with firearms and they carry. Just need a few volunteers.


Apr 8, 2002
The thing is teachers are there to teach. Teaching unlike being a member of the military or a law enforcement officer traditionally doesn't require proficiency in any firearm.

There might be teachers who are gun enthusiasts and would be capable of carrying in a classroom without adding too much risk but they're probably extremely rare.

Adding more responsibilities on teachers plates when teachers unions are a favorite target of people with political views that seem to often include a disdain for gun regulations might be a rather ironic stand to take.

I dont believe anybody has proposed forcing a teacher to take this role. But instead simply allowing them to take it if they so choose. At the very least if it were allowed then the idea schools are a great place to shoot people who cant shoot back will diminish regardless if no teacher actually carries.

That said, I still wonder why people are so willing to send their children to school if they are afraid a teacher will mow their children down with a gun.


Oct 9, 1999
That said, I still wonder why people are so willing to send their children to school if they are afraid a teacher will mow their children down with a gun.

Because they're gun free zones. No teacher who wanted to kill their class would bring a gun to school. See? The rules do work... :hmm:


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
Don't need to make it a requirement that every teacher become proficient with firearms and they carry. Just need a few volunteers.
I dont believe anybody has proposed forcing a teacher to take this role. But instead simply allowing them to take it if they so choose.

Well, I suppose that might be a solution... except that accidents happen. How do we ensure that these volunteer teachers are better than the police with gun safety because they would have to be.

Recently a law enforcement officer allowed his son access to a loaded gun while he and his wife went into a store on the way to a wedding. this kid shot and killed his sister.

There are risks to allowing teachers to carry. If people are willing to accept those risks then I suppose it could deter a mentally ill shooter. Maybe.


Oct 9, 1999
Lots of people with post dramatic stress disorder.....hmmm


nobody wants to pay for it. We don't want to pay for what we are doing now much less add more to it....unless we want a new tax on guns and ammo to pay for it...hmmm? :hmm:

Hell the Righties want people with mental illness to pack heat, I doubt if PTSD would even phase those lawmakers.


Oct 9, 1999
Because they're gun free zones. No teacher who wanted to kill their class would bring a gun to school. See? The rules do work... :hmm:

I am thinking your teachers really wished they didn't work in a "gun free" zone?():biggrin::biggrin:


Apr 8, 2002
Well, I suppose that might be a solution... except that accidents happen. How do we ensure that these volunteer teachers are better than the police with gun safety because they would have to be.

Recently a law enforcement officer allowed his son access to a loaded gun while he and his wife went into a store on the way to a wedding. this kid shot and killed his sister.

There are risks to allowing teachers to carry. If people are willing to accept those risks then I suppose it could deter a mentally ill shooter. Maybe.

I'd suspect they would be required to pass a permit test. Accidents do happen but what is the alternative? Crazy people show up and mow people down until they run out of bullets or the police show up 20 mins later?
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