Should you be compensated for the GTX 970 issues and spec changes?

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Aug 10, 2009
What I find humorous are the people angry by proxy, they never even bought a 970 but they're "mad as hell and aren't going to take it", out for social justice, etc.. Internet outrage mobs are the best, and by best I mean really awful. :\

You are confusing disgust with anger.


Aug 10, 2009
So? Facts? They misrepresented a product, if you bought one you should be pissed, but getting PO'd by proxy is just silly. Some people have been acting like it's the apocalypse, when it's just a relatively minor sin of omission. If the owners are really pissed they can just take their settlement, take a partial refund from the retailer, and not buy an NV card anymore.

Who's acting like it's the apocalypse? The fact that you feel the need to exaggerate people positions to try and counter them proves they are right.

You don't visit reddit, do you? They're acting like it's the VW diesel scandal, when it's really just 500MB of slow VRAM. This is trying to head-off the pitchfork-swinging mob at the pass, AT doesn't need that crap.

So you think you are AT VC&G's savior now. lol

Good, choice is always best, consumers are best served with multiple options. It's simply been a shame that there are only 2 options now, and AMD has been such a poor competitor and allowed NV to walk all over them.

Consumers are best served with honest representation of what they are being sold.

See bold


Jun 26, 2009
It's not clear to me why anyone wants to be the outrage police and tell people what feelings are legitimate to have.

The reality is that for some folks $300+ is significant and worth doing research and making an educated choice. Being misled by, at best, incomplete information hinders making that choice.

nV ought to feel a financial sting for this. Hopefully they do and similarly, hopefully tech sites get even more scrupulous and vigilant when a new product is procured for review.


Aug 10, 2009
Why is this time different from the previous times Nvidia used segmented memory

It's not just the memory. Had it been that I don't think they would have had any issues, legally. After all the card does have 4GB of functional RAM on it. It's all of the other actual flat out falsehoods.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
It's not just the memory. Had it been that I don't think they would have had any issues, legally. After all the card does have 4GB of functional RAM on it. It's all of the other actual flat out falsehoods.
They're lies no doubt. Or mistakes or however you want to frame it.

I just don't think this is a massive deal everyone is trying to make it out to be. If you take out the segmented ram which Nvidia had a history of doing you are left with some random tech specs that are wrong. How much of the market actually used those specs in their purchasing decision? Maybe forum tech enthusiasts but not many.

This thread is should you be compensated. I believe you should be compensated if you used that as your defining decision.

That's not a lot of people.

But now would I collect this if I had some similar techspec fiasco with a card I owned?

You betcha!


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
They're lies no doubt. Or mistakes or however you want to frame it.

I just don't think this is a massive deal everyone is trying to make it out to be. If you take out the segmented ram which Nvidia had a history of doing you are left with some random tech specs that are wrong. How much of the market actually used those specs in their purchasing decision? Maybe forum tech enthusiasts but not many.

This thread is should you be compensated. I believe you should be compensated if you used that as your defining decision.

That's not a lot of people.

But now would I collect this if I had some similar techspec fiasco with a card I owned?

You betcha!

Well, obviously he wants it framed as a lie.

It isn't the massive deal individuals are making it out to be. For some reason though, they need it to be.

If Nvidia had shown performance of a 64ROP etc. etc. GPU and sold the performance of a 56ROP GPU, then I'd raise hell. And anyone complaining would be hyper justified.

But this is pure faux outrage. I mean mind blowing how some will cling to it.

As I said before, I do NOT like the fact that there was a performance hit when that last 512MB of GDDR5 was accessed. That is an actual TANGIBLE performance difference where people actually did run into that issue and before it was handled better with drivers. But still, I did not like they way they did that. It should have been advertised as a 3.5 GB card with a 512 reserve, or a more accurate descriptor.

I will give you guys that any day of the week.

But this outrage over incorrect specs even though everyone got the performance shown in reviews is BS.

Did you purchase ROPs? Or did you purchase performance shown by reviews? I can tell you what I did base my purchase on and it wasn't shader core or ROP or texture units or flux capacitors. It was the performance.

Compensation should be offered to anyone affected by the 3.5/512 issue if it even occurs anymore. For sure.


Nov 20, 2005
To me the big deal isn't a wrong spec sheet. That has happened before and companies apologized and we moved on.

The big deal in this whole thing is Nvidia's very arrogant attitude. They basically said "It's a feature that its kinda 4GB and you should feel lucky because the alternative is we would have given you 3GB!" The possibility that people would have chosen a 4GB 290x over a 3.5GB 970 if they knew isn't even acknowledged.

Just like async not working is a fun fact. Just like a founders edition is somehow better than a reference card ("a rose by any other name"). Just like Gameworks was trying to help the PC gaming industry honest guys honest.

AMD has its share of screwups ("overclockers dream," pci issues) but those seem to obviously be cases of enthusiastic incompetence. Meanwhile Nvidia's gaffs the last few years all sound like arrogance. To me a guy screwing up because he is too excited about what he is doing is better than a guy who knows he is really popular and acts like you are lucky to even be able to hang out with him sometimes and if you buy the drinks.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
To me the big deal isn't a wrong spec sheet. That has happened before and companies apologized and we moved on.

The big deal in this whole thing is Nvidia's very arrogant attitude. They basically said "It's a feature that its kinda 4GB and you should feel lucky because the alternative is we would have given you 3GB!" The possibility that people would have chosen a 4GB 290x over a 3.5GB 970 if they knew isn't even acknowledged.

Just like async not working is a fun fact. Just like a founders edition is somehow better than a reference card ("a rose by any other name"). Just like Gameworks was trying to help the PC gaming industry honest guys honest.

AMD has its share of screwups ("overclockers dream," pci issues) but those seem to obviously be cases of enthusiastic incompetence. Meanwhile Nvidia's gaffs the last few years all sound like arrogance. To me a guy screwing up because he is too exited about what he is doing is better than a guy who knows he is really popular and acts like you are lucky to even be able to hang out with him sometimes and if you buy the drinks.

There are no exceptions. A screw up is a screw up. At least according to some in these forums. There are no mistakes. There are only lies.

Seriously though, Nvidia has sold 768MB cards vs AMDs 1GB. 1.5GB card against AMD 2GB. 2GB vs 3GB and have done fine. I think they also would have done just fine with a 3.5GB card vs AMD 4GB as well. This was the first time, I think, that there was a performance hit going into segmented memory. I don't think it was ever actually done in this fashion before. In this particular way.

And between you and I, I think with all that Nvidia has accomplished over the decades, they are entitled to a little arrogance.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
They're lies no doubt. Or mistakes or however you want to frame it.

I just don't think this is a massive deal everyone is trying to make it out to be. If you take out the segmented ram which Nvidia had a history of doing you are left with some random tech specs that are wrong. How much of the market actually used those specs in their purchasing decision? Maybe forum tech enthusiasts but not many.

This thread is should you be compensated. I believe you should be compensated if you used that as your defining decision.

That's not a lot of people.

But now would I collect this if I had some similar techspec fiasco with a card I owned?

You betcha!

I think it's a very big deal. Because the 970 was hyped by Nvidia as a barely cut down 980 it sold like crazy and forced AMD to lower their gpu prices to really low levels. I imagine AMD must have lost a ton of sales of the 290x those first 3.5 months before Nvidia got caught. The 970 would have still sold well had it been properly labelled from the beginning, but a lot more people on the fence between 970 and 290x probably would have chosen the radeon card for the full 4GB. The cards performed really similarly and for many the tiebreaker was probably the power efficiency of the 970 or the better game bundle (at the time the AMD bundle was mostly old games), but in retrospect the full 4GB of full speed vram was a huge tiebreaker in AMD's favor that none of us knew about when we bought our 970s in 2014. This lie from Nvidia likely cost AMD a lot of money and some market share.


Nov 20, 2005
And between you and I, I think with all that Nvidia has accomplished over the decades, they are entitled to a little arrogance.

That is where you and I disagree then. Arrogance is the step before complacency, and even though Nvidia probably does have the dedicated GPU market locked down that segment is shrinking and the segments that are growing (HPC, autos, mobile, etc.) are getting very competitive.

For example Nvidia's GPU arrogance makes me less likely to recommend a Shield tablet or Shield TV even though they are unrelated products. Even the great Apple isn't entitled to arrogance, as they learns when their tv service idea died in the boardroom. Arrogance has a negative connotation for a reason.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
That is where you and I disagree then. Arrogance is the step before complacency, and even though Nvidia probably does have the dedicated GPU market locked down that segment is shrinking and the segments that are growing (HPC, autos, mobile, etc.) are getting very competitive.

For example Nvidia's GPU arrogance makes me less likely to recommend a Shield tablet or Shield TV even though they are unrelated products. Even the great Apple isn't entitled to arrogance, as they learns when their tv service idea died in the boardroom. Arrogance has a negative connotation for a reason.

By that logic, Nvidia has been complacent for the better part of a decade then and still unrelentingly taken market share from their competition. If that is your definition of complacent, I'm sure they'll take it.
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Jun 26, 2009
Well, obviously he wants it framed as a lie.

It isn't the massive deal individuals are making it out to be. For some reason though, they need it to be.

If Nvidia had shown performance of a 64ROP etc. etc. GPU and sold the performance of a 56ROP GPU, then I'd raise hell. And anyone complaining would be hyper justified.

But this is pure faux outrage. I mean mind blowing how some will cling to it.

As I said before, I do NOT like the fact that there was a performance hit when that last 512MB of GDDR5 was accessed. That is an actual TANGIBLE performance difference where people actually did run into that issue and before it was handled better with drivers. But still, I did not like they way they did that. It should have been advertised as a 3.5 GB card with a 512 reserve, or a more accurate descriptor.

I will give you guys that any day of the week.

But this outrage over incorrect specs even though everyone got the performance shown in reviews is BS.

Did you purchase ROPs? Or did you purchase performance shown by reviews? I can tell you what I did base my purchase on and it wasn't shader core or ROP or texture units or flux capacitors. It was the performance.

Compensation should be offered to anyone affected by the 3.5/512 issue if it even occurs anymore. For sure.

When was the last time you paid full price for a card?

Did you ever use a 970 in your main rig? My guess is that you did not as you've had Titans and other high-end cards for quite a while now. So based on everyone else saying if you didn't own/buy it why are you mad... if you didn't own it/buy it, why are you defending this shady behavior?

I also wonder how many people bought a 970 and then owned it long enough to see new games arrive that suffered with the 970's limits. I would expect that to be most of those people.

I could be wrong about a lot of my suppositions here. But I think being at all permissive about this case doesn't make any sense as a consumer. It's an absolutely bad practice, intentional or not, and should not be tolerated by the marketplace and should bring with it serious backlash.

Why would you trust a company that says "Hey, we are honest almost all of the time."? This is particularly troubling from a tech company because things will always be taken apart and analyzed completely to uncover all false info and data.

I don't understand what is gained by downplaying this case, unless it is personal financial and/or emotional gains. I suppose if I was a stockholder, I'd definitely want this to go away. Likewise if I was devoted to the brand, I'd have a hard time reconciling this cognitive dissonance.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
You are confusing disgust with anger.

No, I'm really not.

Who's acting like it's the apocalypse? The fact that you feel the need to exaggerate people positions to try and counter them proves they are right.

All the AMD fans crying over cards they never bought (and never intended to buy).

So you think you are AT VC&G's savior now. lol

As much as you do, amirite? "Oh no, he isn't on the NV hate bandwagon. Burn the heretic!" An NV omission about 500MB of slow VRAM is worth this much drama? Even the 970 owners aren't going on about it as much as you guys, and they have a legitimate reason to complain.

Consumers are best served with honest representation of what they are being sold.

You mean like how AMD misled customers about the number of Bulldozer cores? That was much worse than a 500MB block of slower VRAM. How about their lies regarding the performance of the 300 series? How they purposely crippled the 980 with irrelevant tests at still-unplayable 4K settings (completely ignoring 1080p and 1440p, resolutions that players in the market for those cards actually use), in official press releases.

Moral of the story? All tech companies omit information, and it's a crappy practice. AMD isn't special, they've done their fair share of it too.

Customers are also served by competitive products, where are AMD's new GPUs to fill the upper tier markets right now? (Which was the entire point of my statement to begin with; they're allowing NV to walk all over them, completely conceding that whole market segment).
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
When was the last time you paid full price for a card?

Did you ever use a 970 in your main rig? My guess is that you did not as you've had Titans and other high-end cards for quite a while now. So based on everyone else saying if you didn't own/buy it why are you mad... if you didn't own it/buy it, why are you defending this shady behavior?

I also wonder how many people bought a 970 and then owned it long enough to see new games arrive that suffered with the 970's limits. I would expect that to be most of those people.

I could be wrong about a lot of my suppositions here. But I think being at all permissive about this case doesn't make any sense as a consumer. It's an absolutely bad practice, intentional or not, and should not be tolerated by the marketplace and should bring with it serious backlash.

Why would you trust a company that says "Hey, we are honest almost all of the time."? This is particularly troubling from a tech company because things will always be taken apart and analyzed completely to uncover all false info and data.

I don't understand what is gained by downplaying this case, unless it is personal financial and/or emotional gains. I suppose if I was a stockholder, I'd definitely want this to go away. Likewise if I was devoted to the brand, I'd have a hard time reconciling this cognitive dissonance.

Ugh....... The assumptions.

I always pay full price when I buy a card. If I get a card from Nvidia,(notice I said IF) it is only one per gen. The rest of the cards I own and have owned, I purchase myself.

Why didn't you wait for the answer to your first question before going on your tirade here?

Oh, and yes, I purchased a GTX970 with my own good old fashioned hard earned money. Used on a daily basis.


Jun 26, 2009
Ugh....... The assumptions.

I always pay full price when I buy a card. If I get a card from Nvidia,(notice I said IF) it is only one per gen. The rest of the cards I own and have owned, I purchase myself.

Why didn't you wait for the answer to your first question before going on your tirade here?

Oh, and yes, I purchased a GTX970 with my own good old fashioned hard earned money. Used on a daily basis.

I called them suppositions. Meaning I am open to being corrected. And I asked about using it in your main rig. And full price. Details, they matter.

And I don't think it was a rant, it was trying to deduce your reasons for downplaying the severity of this incident and how it has played out. And I am openly fine with being wrong about things. As a fan of science I know we pretty much always get things wrong. So if I'm wrong, please correct me.

And I stand by stock owners and fanboys trying to play this down, as that makes sense. If you are neither... then why?
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Jun 26, 2009
No, I'm really not.

All the AMD fans crying over cards they never bought (and never intended to buy).

As much as you do, amirite? "Oh no, he isn't on the NV hate bandwagon. Burn the heretic!" An NV omission about 500MB of slow VRAM is worth this much drama? Even the 970 owners aren't going on about it as much as you guys, and they have a legitimate reason to complain.

You mean like how AMD misled customers about the number of Bulldozer cores? That was much worse than a 500MB block of slower VRAM. How about their lies regarding the performance of the 300 series? How they purposely crippled the 980 with irrelevant tests at still-unplayable 4K settings (completely ignoring 1080p and 1440p, resolutions that players in the market for those cards actually use), in official press releases.

Moral of the story? All tech companies omit information, and it's a crappy practice. AMD isn't special, they've done their fair share of it too.

Customers are also served by competitive products, where are AMD's new GPUs to fill the upper tier markets right now? (Which was the entire point of my statement to begin with; they're allowing NV to walk all over them, completely conceding that whole market segment).

Man, you really only have one trick in your bag.

Something from AMD being a problem doesn't absolve nV from the fault in this problem. And this topic is about the nV problem.

Stop trying to be the outrage police. You are, imho, not at all good at it.

I'll go one further, some people here might be hypocrites, even myself. Why do you care? Are you also putting in time as the character police?

I'm sure there have been many instances where a tech product was misrepresented and my reaction was tepid. You don't get to decide my level of emotions, particularly because you have no idea of my personal context. The same applies to everyone else over whom you hold no dominion.


Senior member
Apr 4, 2008
No, I'm really not.

All the AMD fans crying over cards they never bought (and never intended to buy).

As much as you do, amirite? "Oh no, he isn't on the NV hate bandwagon. Burn the heretic!" An NV omission about 500MB of slow VRAM is worth this much drama? Even the 970 owners aren't going on about it as much as you guys, and they have a legitimate reason to complain.

You mean like how AMD misled customers about the number of Bulldozer cores? That was much worse than a 500MB block of slower VRAM. How about their lies regarding the performance of the 300 series? How they purposely crippled the 980 with irrelevant tests at still-unplayable 4K settings (completely ignoring 1080p and 1440p, resolutions that players in the market for those cards actually use), in official press releases.

Moral of the story? All tech companies omit information, and it's a crappy practice. AMD isn't special, they've done their fair share of it too.

Customers are also served by competitive products, where are AMD's new GPUs to fill the upper tier markets right now? (Which was the entire point of my statement to begin with; they're allowing NV to walk all over them, completely conceding that whole market segment).

Ok. Fine. I understand, now. You're a lot less sensitivity to being screwed over by corporation compared the others. Fine. I'm not. That's what you're failing to understanding. It doesn't even matter if I own one or not ( I do own one). IT STILL IS CRUMMY.

Drama? I think you're the one considering this over the top drama. I merely said Nvidia was caught false advertising and they deserved to be punished for it. That's it. Is that hella drama to you? LOL. This guy.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I called them suppositions. Meaning I am open to being corrected. And I asked about using it in your main rig. And full price. Details, they matter.

And I don't think it was a rant, it was trying to deduce your reasons for downplaying the severity of this incident and how it has played out. And I am openly fine with being wrong about things. As a fan of science I know we pretty much always get things wrong. So if I'm wrong, please correct me.

And I stand by stock owners and fanboys trying to play this down, as that makes sense. If you are neither... then why?
Severe by your own opinion.

Nvidia has had segmented gpus out on the market before this. Anyone could have at any time been outraged at Nvidia for not openly stating this on the box. No one did to any large effect.

It's only now when it's people cheerleading for gpu vendors that this is brought up again and now people are more outraged than ever.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
I called them suppositions. Meaning I am open to being corrected. And I asked about using it in your main rig. And full price. Details, they matter.

And I don't think it was a rant, it was trying to deduce your reasons for downplaying the severity of this incident and how it has played out. And I am openly fine with being wrong about things. As a fan of science I know we pretty much always get things wrong. So if I'm wrong, please correct me.

And I stand by stock owners and fanboys trying to play this down, as that makes sense. If you are neither... then why?

I appreciate your honesty and your opinions. I don't really have a main rig as I commonly use many. One of my favorite rigs has a 970 in it. The one I am using right now has a 960 in it. I own many GPUs but I only receive one, and not always mind you, one GPU from Nvidia each gen. I have to purchase all other GPUs for my rigs personally.

And to answer your query, I don't believe the incident was severe at all, hence the downplaying. And, I thought I had thoroughly explained why I feel this way. With the exception of the 3.5/512 issue, the rest is just bull. Plain and simple as it has zero effect on anyones buying decision. Anyone saying they bought a GTX970 because it had 64 ROPs and a certain amount of TMUs I feel isn't being honest. They bought it based on viewed reviews and the performance it gave. I mean, why wouldn't you?
It's why I called the outrage, faux outrage.. because I believe it is manufactured outrage. And, they are trying to capitalize on it with everything they have. So, with that I'll say I understand your position even if I don't agree with it if you are in the position that the incorrect specs was a severe issue.

Mistakes happen. They should be corrected if possible. But, you know, as a fan of science, getting things wrong is part of the job.
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Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
Severe by your own opinion.

Nvidia has had segmented gpus out on the market before this. Anyone could have at any time been outraged at Nvidia for not openly stating this on the box. No one did to any large effect.

It's only now when it's people cheerleading for gpu vendors that this is brought up again and now people are more outraged than ever.
just asking
did they ever do that on the #2 card ? like the 1070 , 570 , 470

I think some mid range cards in the stack had it [66xx], but not the high end cards [at release time]

also the 970 had no tech reasons to go to 3.5 +.5 , it was well talked about at the time that it was done for binning only.
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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2009
The 3.5 and 512 potentially messing up badly gaming experience is a serious thing for gamers in itself.

4 month withholding information and then jhh calling it a feature is an insult.

I had an 970 and it was a fine card. But so what? I was still lied to, got less ram than i anticipated, got simething that could give problems, and i am glad they lost the lawsuit.

I think its not worthy saying the judge perhaps got amd stock and then at the same time we dont know your own economic interests. The details. Full price. What is eg one each gen? Not politician talk.

Btw just sold the 970. Falls of a cliff fast in newer games.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Calling the 4gb/3.5gb issue a "Mistake" is being intentionally disingenuous. It was deception from the start.


Golden Member
Mar 23, 2010
Last page of this thread with an Nvidia focus member desperately trying to address each and every post, pretty telling!

Insulting other members is not allowed
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
I have a 970 since around the time it came out. But it's not the first time I have been deceived or lied to so you won't find me complaining much. My only gripe is the 30fps I get in a lot of games now.
Some people get ripped a little on something stupid and they just flat out go ghetto...thread reminds me of that police car video where the cop gave that black guy a speeding ticket and he completely lost it and went nuts when he realized it was $100
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