SIMAP - Is there anyone on Team Anandtech that still participates?


Senior member
Jun 28, 2004

Seems I am Team Anandtech as far as SIMAP is concerned. (as del Sol)

Since no one participates and I put up strong numbers when work is available, I think I should be the Team Founder as I am the only one that remains active.

I was talking about this issue and a similar one with SETI with my good friend Astro Al ...

just kind of wondering what the motivation is to stay on the Team Anandtech Team when I seem to be the sole participant and about 99% of the teams points?

I could still punch up 100+ fast and multiprocessor computers on any project but I just don't have any motivation these days to keep the hordes in line.

Seems most of our teams on projects that might I have any interest in are lanquishing with the founders having taken a powder.



Rudy Toody

Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2006
I currently have 3 quads currently waiting for work from SIMAP. They did all they could get last month.


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
Why would it matter if you were the only one working on a project? Sometimes that's how it goes, look at EON and Majestic 12. Up until July 1st I was the only one working on those projects. Look at D2OL, there are only 2 of us working on that project.

Just my 2 cents.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: mondobyte
Seems most of our teams on projects that might I have any interest in are lanquishing with the founders having taken a powder.

Hello mondobyte

I seem to remember a committee being formed that would share "founders" responsibilities. So that if someone takes a power, there are others that still have access.

Someone will post soon that knows more on this.


Rudy Toody

Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2006
Originally posted by: GLeeM
Originally posted by: mondobyte
Seems most of our teams on projects that might I have any interest in are lanquishing with the founders having taken a powder.

Hello mondobyte

I seem to remember a committee being formed that would share "founders" responsibilities. So that if someone takes a power, there are others that still have access.

Someone will post soon that knows more on this.

Yes, that's true. Petrusbroder, Tom Philippart, and I are the TAC (TeAm AnandTech Committee) and we are automatic founders for the projects that periodically request team information from BOINC.

We haven't started assimilating other projects yet, but I could do something in a few days. We were waiting for the hijacking security to be set up, since we were not planning on crunching under the user TAC. That may change. Stay tuned.



Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Originally posted by: Silverthorne
Why would it matter if you were the only one working on a project? Sometimes that's how it goes

What he said. And besides, What you said it's not true! If you look at the RACs of TA on SIMAP, you'd see that actually quite a few of us are active. But with only 130,000 WUs distributed in the last wave, naturally we didn't crunch much. I've been the sole cruncher for projects on and off many times, and I rather see it as sort of fun to keep a project alive for the TeAm rather than a burden as you do, mondo.


Originally posted by: mondobyte
Seems I am Team Anandtech as far as SIMAP is concerned.

Ever heard the saying: "There's no I in TeAm"?


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Originally posted by: mondobyte

Seems I am Team Anandtech as far as SIMAP is concerned. (as del Sol)

Since no one participates and I put up strong numbers when work is available, I think I should be the Team Founder as I am the only one that remains active.

Hello mondobyte, long time no see.

I just checked our SIMAP stats and it seems you are not alone and not #1 in RAC, not that your standing makes you more or less important to the TeAm.

? RAC .. Name
. 354.7 .. 1) Sofa King
. 142.3 .. 2) del Sol
?. 87.8 .. 3) Christian Diepold
?. 73.6 .. 4) Rudy Toody
?. 17.3 .. 5) aka1nas
?. 10.7 .. 6) Ingleside
?? 7.1 .. 7) GhettoFob
?? 3.0 .. 8) mnelsonx
?? 2.6 .. 9) rune-san
?? 1.1 .. 10) Tom Philippart
?? 0.1 .. 11) petrusbroder
?? 0.1 .. 12) rise
?? 0.1 .. 13) irishScott
?? 0.1 .. 14) bjm129
?? 0.1 .. 15) Dwight
?? 0.1 .. 16) Chocobo Navy
?? 0.1 .. 17) idlorj
?? 0.1 .. 18) caferace
?? 0.1 .. 19) cooper76
?? 0.1 .. 20) kb3edk
?? 0.1 .. 21) johnycache
?? 0.1 .. 22) bp
?? 0.1 .. 23) mk
?? 0.1 .. 24) Strebor
?? 0.1 .. 25) Rebel Alliance *FOUNDER

I was talking about this issue and a similar one with SETI with my good friend Astro Al ...

Ask your good friend to stop by and say hello as I recommended in my last SETI PM back to him. I'd like to get his reply.

just kind of wondering what the motivation is to stay on the Team Anandtech Team when I seem to be the sole participant and about 99% of the teams points?

I could still punch up 100+ fast and multiprocessor computers on any project but I just don't have any motivation these days to keep the hordes in line.

Seems most of our teams on projects that might I have any interest in are lanquishing with the founders having taken a powder.


You seem to come around and post similar feelings from time to time. As a TeAm supporter I only hope you continue your crunch with us and post in a more friendly manner. You look like a friendly guy (picture on your website) but you come off rather harsh when you post here.



Diamond Member
Feb 15, 2001
Kinda of funny you don't brother to come around and post anything until the second time I've stopped you from becoming founder in the last six months and you believe just because you crunch more then some others in a project you should be founder without even asking the other members of the team. By your thinking I guess i should be the founder of ufluids and tanpaku. It's not going to happen, so crunch or not up to you. Doesn't matter to me what you do because you're no more important then any of the rest of us except maybe to yourself.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: GLeeM
So that if someone takes a power, there are others that still have access.

An honest spelling error, actually a typo.

Is there a term for that? Some kind of "slip" or something

Rudy Toody

Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2006
Is a Freudian slip from Freud's Secret?

I just invented a new word like tannery, coopery, and bakery. Psychiatrists place of work is a Freudery.


Now my brain is tired. I need a nap!


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Perhaps we need another committee to handle "lonely cruncher" situations.

Freudian Anandtech Committee!

Of course we would need a sub-committee to put together a FAQ for FAC.




Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: biodoc
Perhaps we need another committee to handle "lonely cruncher" situations.

Or a lonely crunchers club band


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004

but also real problem: a cruncher without the support or encouragement of team mates, without the friendly banter, perhaps also with RealLife-problems: all together just a bit too much. It is so much easier to let the frustration show in a net-forum than in real life.
I believe in real humans supporting their friends, their team mates. With respectful, friendly posts, where anger and frustration is directed towards an issue when needed and not towards the poster him/her-self.

Back to the issue at hand.
I think that the idea that a committee is the founder of the teams in the different projects is important. The members of the committee are exchangeable, when some one wants a time out or want out then there are other crunchers who can maintain the team. The "founder" responsibility is then shared. Which is more democratic, more secure and more in the spirit of our TeAm.

Therefore I do not support the idea that a founder's responsibility should be given to the person who crunches most or who crunches a project alone.

Fred (RudyToody) took the initiative for the TAC (TeAm AnadTech Committee). The other founding members were Smoke and myself. When Smoke saw that he could not serve he was replaced by Tom (Philippart). We have had communication with other TeAm members, there have been threads discussing this issue, we let time pass so that anyone could add his/her opinion.

Now - after the summer - it is time to act and to make sure that no project teams are abandoned or without a founder who can be contacted.
The TAC should become the founder of as many projects teams as possible.
TAC is prepared to maintain those accounts because the TAC is accountable to all TeAm members and because the TAC-members are active crunchers who keep track of what is going on. We may not always post, but we are watching the forums, the stats, the issues.
We also can react fast when needed by PM, posting, opening discussion threads, communicating with TeAm-members.

How are the TAC-members chosen? Well just now it is a matter of who wants to do the job. Later probably it will be a matter of elections. We do not see that the TAC will have many members, but the TAC should not be too small either. In the discussions the number 3 or 4 turned up ...

And that is where we are now: Prepared to take responsibility, be accountable and to do the work. Not one person, but three. All three - AFAIK - well known to this community, probably mature enough, not too short tempered, with a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at them selves.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2005
Sorry, I didn't mean to diminish the importance of TAC and the democratic process of the TeAm.

Rudy Toody asked me to help out on 3x+1 since he was going it alone over there and doing quite well I might add to help move the TeAm into 3rd place.

Of course, the lure of 100 points for 5000sec of CPU time had something to do with it too!

Maybe we should have an informal "buddy system". If you see someone crunching alone on a project, toss in a core or 2 to help out!

EDIT: Misspelled Rudy Toody (Roody Tudy); Clearly NOT a Freudian slip!:beer:


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Oh, no offense intended or taken.
I just wanted to explain the function of TAC.
Probably an informal buddy system would work very well.
Please be aware that no team founder will be forced to give up his/her responsibility. This would be strictly voluntary.
OTOH: we have quite a few teams which are without a functioning founder ...
As long as the TeAm's name is correctly given and as long as the team-stats of the different sites work well (e.g. that the stats represent the work done by the team) all is well.

But some "Team AnandTech"-teams are named differently (e.g. there is a Anandtech-team in WCG and the team founder is not available) The contribution of these teams are not added to TeAm AnandTech's stats. That makes the stats inaccurate and the comparison of teams difficult.
And, yes we do know that the founder of this team belonge(s)(d) to Team AnandTech ... it is a well known member who has not posted for a long time, has not responded to PMs and e-mails and who - sadly enough - does not seem to be crunching anymore.


Senior member
Jun 28, 2004
My RAC as you put it has declined significantly since a direct lightning strike on Memorial Day took out most of the crunchers.

Due to the wonders of insurance, I could be back stronger than ever or I could just go do my own thing and sack the team and maybe not crunch anything and just continue with life. Some of these posts just make me want to puke, particularly the one by Freewolf.

And NO I don't believe I should be the founder because I crunch more than some others ... get real ... I am more than 10x "some others". Nice verbage to diminish my contributions. In fact, I believe I might even be about 10x all other Anandtech members put together on SIMAP. That's not the important thing here but thanks for the admission that I crunch more than "some others". Very nice backhanded slap for a compliment if I ever saw one. I think SOFA KING would be a far better FOUNDER than the REBEL ALLIANCE that hasn't contributed to the project in a blue moon. In fact, I would be quite pleased if anyone that regularly and actively crunches SIMAP (NO MATTER THE CONTRIBUTION) were the FOUNDER rather than REBEL ALLIANCE that seems to ONLY RETAIN the FOUNDERS ROLE for the purpose of BRAGGING RIGHTS and to TAKE CREDIT for the work of others. What has REBEL ALLIANCE done for me lately in terms of increasing my enthusiasm. NIL. Lets get someone who will be ACTIVE in the team. Maybe I am not the right one at all for the role but I am a 'bit better" by a long sight than Rebel Alliance that does NOTHING for the project including supporting the others on the team. At minimum, I would expect REBEL ALLIANCE to be ACTIVE and make regular contributions to SIMAP or they should (it is a Mini Team by the way) give it to some one who actually gives a crap about SIMAP. It need not be me at all and in fact.

I really don't think I like committees that TELL me what I should think or do.

Now you all can flame the living crap out of me and make me really really mad because I am not a communist or socialist who believes that we should all subordinate ourselves to the masses for the sake of mediocrity as apparently some here believe ... .

Seems folks aren't interested in a simple post that expresses a perception and opinion ... there does not appear to be any appreciable TeAM spirit for SIMAP so why should a team exist and why should I beat my head against a wall.

How often has SIMAP been the primary topic for discussion in a thread on these forums in the last 3-6 months?

Very Rarely! My point exactly.




Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007
How does being the founder really change anything? What would you do if you had founder? Change the TeAm link or description?

The founder doesn't really do anything as far as the team goes...

I don't see it as an issue to get angry about...

So please explain, if you will, why does this matter?


Golden Member
Apr 28, 2007

How does being the founder really change anything? What would you do if you had founder? Change the TeAm link or description?

The founder doesn't really do anything as far as the team goes... He doesn't tell you anything. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't require you to crunch, I've never heard anyone brag about it.

The reason for a committee is so that no one goes AWOL and we loose a team account. This happened on WCG, the team lost a good chunk of credit.

I don't see it as an issue to get angry about...

So please explain, if you will, why does this matter?

Edit: Whopse wrong button! Quoted instead of edited....


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
The TeAm does seem to lack the spirit of old and I believe there is a very logical reason. Currently TeAm AnandTech participates in 61 BOINC projects (if I counted correctly). We must also remember that BOINC only represents about 1/2 of the total membership's participation.


BOINC combined
Climate Prediction
Rectilinear Crossing No.
Malaria Control
World Community Grid
Leiden Classical
BBC Climate Change
SZTAKI Desktop Grid
SETI@Home Beta
Seasonal Attribution
SHA-1 Collision Search Graz
Sudoku project
Artificial Intelligence
The Lattice Project
BOINC Alpha Test
NQueens Project
ABC@home beta
Virtual Prairie
Project Neuron
UCT Malaria


Community TSC

I'm sure I've left some of the newer projects out and my apologies.

Back when I first joined the TeAm there were three or four projects. Our efforts resulted in Top Ten and Top Five rankings. I remember when the F@H TeAm came to the support of our S@H-Classic TeAm in the final days as we were battling our old nemesis DSLR. I and many other S@H crunchers promised to repay that support. That's the primary reason my mini-team (with co-captains Crazee, Wiz, and myself) has devoted our greatest efforts to medical research in the project Rosetta@Home.

Since the proliferation of so many projects we have found ourselves spread all over the place. Since we are all free spirits and definitely not "communists or socialists" we all crunch whatever we want and do so without any recriminations from any quarter. The TeAm AnandTech Committee is telling no one what they should think or do. That was a Red Herring. We must all guard against being over-zealous about our own particular choice of projects.

No one needs to worry about having the "living crap" flamed out of them. We have several Moderators on duty all the time to make sure that doesn't happen. I am one of those Moderators but I am posting in this thread as a regular member. Legitimate discussions are always "on topic" but we need to remember we are on the same general TeAm.

Let's talk about Captains and Founders.

Since I've been associated with the TeAm, the Captain or more commonly titled Founder has always been the person that signed up the TeAm for that particular project. There was never a requirement or expectation that the Founder do hardly anything else. Actually, there is very little a Founder can do. If a Founder chooses to be a cheerleader or just one of the regular crunchers, it has never been challenged. We have had problems in the past that a Founder has just vanished into the Ethernet but, on almost every occasion, that Founder has given other members the email and password needed for Founders access.

If someone wants to be a TeAm leader all he has to do is step up and start posting threads about his project. To be a TeAm leader you do not have to be a FOUNDER.


When someone creates a thread announcing how proud they are about their latest milestone, it is always greeted with celebratory replies. When someone creates a thread spouting their stats with a "in your face" attitude, it is usually ignored. Friendly challenges are always part of our forum if they are done in a cajoling manner.

As far as mondobyte's desire that someone other that the Rebel Alliance be the founder of the SIMAP team is concerned, I can see no change as long as the current FOUNDER is still a member of the TeAm and the project, and desires to remain the FOUNDER.

We are all free to come and go as we please. We are all free to crunch what we want as we please. That said, it is sad when a TeAm Mate leaves our group and that is something we never want to happen. However, when it does happen we always leave the light on and look forward to their return.

Now there have been some hurt feelings in this thread but I don't see anything that has gotten too far out of hand. Let's all calm down and just get on with our lives and, if the desire is there, crunch for our favorite project and the TeAm.



Senior member
Jan 11, 2000
Well said Smoke!

Nice to hear that we have people holding the fort on some projects!

So many choices these days, and we all have our own personal goals.

BTW, nice numbers mondobyte!


Senior member
Jun 28, 2004
I do like the idea of an "artificial" entity such as TAC being the founder of ALL TeAM Projects.

I would also propose that most of the BOINC projects could be persuaded to turn over the FOUNDER role to TAC, when necessary, by invoking copyrights or trademarks or servicemark issues with the usage of Anandtech in the Team Name.

This sounds like the best idea I have read here and would satisfy my philosophical and idealogical issues with the status quo.

Last month's RAC is an anomaly ... because most of the computers were and are still out of commission after the lightning strike. In some cases portions of the computers were vaporized or melted. Surge Supressors, Lightning Arrestors, UPS ... they all fail to protect when lightning is on the loose inside the house. Punched a nice hole in the house in several places. Thank you Saint Charles Fire Department!

Originally posted by: petrusbroder

but also real problem: a cruncher without the support or encouragement of team mates, without the friendly banter, perhaps also with RealLife-problems: all together just a bit too much. It is so much easier to let the frustration show in a net-forum than in real life.
I believe in real humans supporting their friends, their team mates. With respectful, friendly posts, where anger and frustration is directed towards an issue when needed and not towards the poster him/her-self.

Back to the issue at hand.
I think that the idea that a committee is the founder of the teams in the different projects is important. The members of the committee are exchangeable, when some one wants a time out or want out then there are other crunchers who can maintain the team. The "founder" responsibility is then shared. Which is more democratic, more secure and more in the spirit of our TeAm.

Therefore I do not support the idea that a founder's responsibility should be given to the person who crunches most or who crunches a project alone.

Fred (RudyToody) took the initiative for the TAC (TeAm AnadTech Committee). The other founding members were Smoke and myself. When Smoke saw that he could not serve he was replaced by Tom (Philippart). We have had communication with other TeAm members, there have been threads discussing this issue, we let time pass so that anyone could add his/her opinion.

Now - after the summer - it is time to act and to make sure that no project teams are abandoned or without a founder who can be contacted.
The TAC should become the founder of as many projects teams as possible.
TAC is prepared to maintain those accounts because the TAC is accountable to all TeAm members and because the TAC-members are active crunchers who keep track of what is going on. We may not always post, but we are watching the forums, the stats, the issues.
We also can react fast when needed by PM, posting, opening discussion threads, communicating with TeAm-members.

How are the TAC-members chosen? Well just now it is a matter of who wants to do the job. Later probably it will be a matter of elections. We do not see that the TAC will have many members, but the TAC should not be too small either. In the discussions the number 3 or 4 turned up ...

And that is where we are now: Prepared to take responsibility, be accountable and to do the work. Not one person, but three. All three - AFAIK - well known to this community, probably mature enough, not too short tempered, with a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at them selves.



Elite Member
Apr 2, 2004
Originally posted by: petrusbroder
but also real problem: a cruncher without the support or encouragement of team mates, without the friendly banter, perhaps also with RealLife-problems: all together just a bit too much. It is so much easier to let the frustration show in a net-forum than in real life.
I believe in real humans supporting their friends, their team mates. With respectful, friendly posts, where anger and frustration is directed towards an issue when needed and not towards the poster him/her-self.

This is really good Peter
Good enough to put in a sig!


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: mondobyte
How often has SIMAP been the primary topic for discussion in a thread on these forums in the last 3-6 months?

Very Rarely! My point exactly.

In a project that had work for less than 1 days crunching in July, it isn't really much if anything to discuss...



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
Originally posted by: mondobyte
How often has SIMAP been the primary topic for discussion in a thread on these forums in the last 3-6 months?

Very Rarely! My point exactly.



I would have guessed that the best way to put SIMAP threads up would be to post. :roll:

You don't need to be a project founder to do that do you?

Further, I think if you want to have the bragging rights associated with founding projects, then founding them would be the best approach. It seems completely proper for the person that founds a project be recognized as such. They founded it.


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