simple fact of life that everythings always been old school and alan turing

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Dec 29, 2015

as of february 5, 2023 2:43am eastern time I updated this post again, If you care to read my messages please do so & please share the videos or spread the message if you care to watch. I want everybody & I mean everybody or in other words obviously the 8 billion humans on this planet to know this important thing or fact of life that everything’s always been old school since I discovered this fact in 2022 & I went an ideal place the ww2 memorial in dc in 2022 to talk about this fact & the ww2 hero Alan turing. 8 billion is mind boggling an extremely tremendous amount. How much can the earth hold? Is it overpopulated? So to people who don’t speak English can translate the fact and all I am saying please. Or if people are deaf or blind or dyslexic can help them out. Some people can’t understand because they are low functioning or have severe autism or down syndrome. So not all the 8 billion humans can understand what I am saying but most can. But to other people who normal functioning most people understand what I am saying. For whatever reason some people who don’t understand that everything’s always been old school or anything I say, that is your issue. It doesn’t necessarily mean a person is mean or fake or dumb just because they don’t understand everything’s always been old school or the fact for short. Anyway I obviously know this fact will help people as knowing this fact helped me greatly in my life. Again I feel embarrassed that I didn’t know this fact when I was a kid. Maybe the fact is in our subconscious. Before I knew this fact I didn’t understand life as well as I do now. So again negative things or evil will never go away in life because everything’s always been old school or the fact for short. So of course even real or genuine people or positive things can never stop evil or negative things once and for all because again everything’s always been old school or people have free will to do negative things or evil. So positive things that I used to care about or dedicate my life to before I knew this fact such as Toy Story or Buzz Lightyear, eBay, yahoo, craigslist, of course fake people or haters or killers or bullys ruin the internet on eBay or craigslist and people get killed from let’s say a bomb or gun shot over let’s say buzz lightyear or rayman which does or can happen and I won’t be surprised if the creator of rayman or creator of toy story or Tim Allen gets swatted etc or even worse because of all that I have been saying everything’s always been old school, java, Rayman aka limbless mario but still cool he is limbless, Starbucks frapachino, this is how we do it song, Friday movie, scatman, opera browser, I cared about other people being born in 95 such as Austin Malone or post malone and Logan Paul and Leafyishere or Calvin, poppy or Moriah or kehlani etc. I cared about so many things about 1995. Windows 95 obviously doesn’t count for instance as windows was first invented in the 1980’s. Same for let’s say goosebumps or a goofy movie, goofy was created way before 95 and goosebumps existed before 95 to. Again I am an idiot for not knowing this fact or not seeing that positive things will never stop evil or negative things. How did this not occur to me? How I didn’t see it Is beyond me, For the life of me I just, yeah again I am an idiot. So the idea of entertainment is old school obviously. Entertainment has been computerized or digital. I can’t think of people born in 1995 who have nothing to do with digital or computer stuff or online popularity. I cared about the year 1995 because I was born in 1995 & I cared about 1995 being so great and everything that was created in 1995 was cool. So computers or digital stuff were not invented or established in 1995. The modern computer as we know it today was invented in world war 2. Some say Alan turing was not the only one to invent the computer but I believe and so do many people including people at Princeton that he is the 1 guy or the main guy who invented the computer. The idea of computers is old school or has been around a very long time. Precursors to computers or modern computers like analog stuff or calculators before they became computers such as the abacus. Other precursors analog stuff like punch cards or the typewriter is like a keyboard. So how real people view the fact and view or think of digital or computer stuff is old school is obviously like they say or think wow digital or computer stuff is old school and it’s been around since world war 2 or the 1940’s. How fake people or mean people or evil people or trolls or haters or bullies racist idiots etc. view or think of this is obviously like this wow computers or digital stuff are old school and have been around since world war 2 or the 1940’s ok I am going to do evil or negative stuff now like kill somebody or have a sick twisted sense of humor and create a toy story video of buzz and woody crashing into the World Trade Center and there are actually videos like this online I am not making this up. It is not funny at all you can say it is dark humor but I don’t find it funny at all and most people will agree with me. There are more videos like that not just with buzz or woody. I saw a thumbnail of one recently with rich masucci saying skip bidibop mm dada and crash into the wtc. I didn’t actually watch it obviously and if I did watch it I would genuinely dislike the video obviously. To the fake people trolls haters etc who create those videos you again seek negative attention you are not the kind of person I wanna associate with or be real friends with. Not saying you are evil or piece of human garbage I never met you or I don’t know you I don’t know what goes on in your home life or life but you have to create a video like this because I guess you are miserable or hate your life. But you did a really negative thing. So people don’t have to care about something old school like computers or digital stuff. They are like why should I care about this old school stuff such as computers or digital stuff?

So the idea of inventing or the idea of tech or science is old school. Inventing can make life easier or better but life still will always be difficult and many other things obviously. Also So by the way video games have always been digital or a computer obviously. Obviously digital or computer are the same thing. Games started to get computerized in the 1970’s I believe. So when you simply think about it games are computerized. Non computerized games would be board games or chess checkers or card games for instance. I prefer analog games of course like chess or poker. I have yet to go to a casino in my life. I have never been to Las Vegas. I have been to Atlantic City but never went to trump plaza hotel. But of course since I didn’t know the fact when I was younger I cared about computer or digital stuff and was distracted or addicted by it almost made my mom and my siblings miss the flight to Las Vegas in 2016. I was 21 so I was old enough to go to the casino but of course I missed my opportunity. They went to Las Vegas without me. So instead of going to Las Vegas they took me to a summer camp for people with physical and developmental disabilities. Things don’t bother me as much or not at all or It doesn’t bother me anymore that I went to this camp because everything’s always been old school or the fact for short. There were kids or people there or adults that have severe autism or Down syndrome or not high functioning or physically handicapped and make loud noises not speaking English. That doesn’t bother me as much. Same thing happened when they went to my uncle chuck on my moms side in Georgia in 2015. I almost made them miss the flight then. I didn’t go to Georgia. Again If I knew the fact when I was younger my life would be different in a good way and I would not have cared for computers or digital stuff and I would have gone to Las Vegas and to Georgia and still would have gone to the autism camp as well another time. I like chess and card games. It tests your brain. Whatever is good for your intelligence or knowledge base I care to say like reading articles , news papers, or books or comic books reading anything that interests you or that you care about. I prefer to read analog stuff obviously. Well maybe not wikipedia since wikipedia is usually inaccurate. Ah Alan turing again thanks to you this is also why this digital world is imperfect I can go on and on. I have free will to have a knowledge base or care to be smart and it’s you free will to be ignorant or an idiot or douchebag, idiot or douchebag or ignorant are the same thing by the way I care to say that is my free will. Computerized or digital games would be of course video games or virtual reality. Movies became digital or computerized sometime in the 1970’s as well I believe same with music etc. CD discs, DVD discs and blu ray discs are all digital. Tapes or record players are analog. Appliances like a conventional oven or microwave are digital or computerized. Shopping is digital or computerized it’s convenient but if I want something right a way I can just simply go in store. Maps are digital or computerized aka gps. I will admit another positive of this digital world is it’s easier to travel thanks to gps. But we survived without digital or computerized stuff and we traveled by analog maps just fine. Again this digital world thanks to Alan turing is obviously not perfect. Computers or digital stuff fail or make mistakes like gps. Robots are computerized as well. Robots or auto correct can be annoying sometimes and type with great grammar. That’s how you know I am human. I type with imperfect grammar. I again prefer analog like analog typing or messaging or hand writing or postcards like hand writing journaling or taking notes. I sent out a Washington DC postcard to a real friend Ashley Bernard and my nana recently in 2022. I prefer a phone or flip phone that is analog. Before phones became digital we had analog cell phones like the ones in the 90’s some were bulky but some were mobile or small. But I don’t think you could text on those analog cell phones which I don’t understand why. Again I wanna be an analog engineer go to school for analog or something. So I would like to engineer an analog cell phone that is small mobile and can text and even have an analog camera for analog video chat or analog selfies etc. I prefer analog video chat. Of course whether you hand write analog or type analog or type or text digitally, you can lose context. That is why people prefer talking in person or phone calling instead of texting. But again I care to be simple so I make sure people understand what I am writing or typing as best as I can. So you don’t take it out of context. Abreviations are old school. Like lol or lmfao. In 2022, I was writing about the fact or I wrote a non fiction/fiction piece about everything’s always been old school. I mention real genuine people and people who exist in real life in the story and I included the cartoon characters such as rayman buzz and woody being racist or rayman buzz lightyear woody and Sid being gay. Rayman aka Gayman lol. I know they are to really cartoon characters they are movie or video game characters but since they are fantasy I call them cartoons. I get silly with these cartoons like gayman rayman being able to balance off his strong penis lol. Most of what I say or type is what I wrote in my piece. Like talking about analog engineering I already talked about in my piece. The robots at chuck e cheese in the 1970’s I am sure were analog I am pretty sure. Even let’s say calculators are digital or a computer. So many things are digital or computerized I can go on and on. Some things may look analog but are actually digital like this Sony walkman tv tuner device and it said it has a digital tuner or certain corded land line phones look analog like a vtech so don’t be fooled. So if I were a great analog engineer again I would create something like analog wireless earphones or headphones and have great sound quality. I like audio technica ath m50 headphones and those are wired analog headphones. Even a stereo system or tv cable box that has analog ports like component or composite may look analog but has dolby digital or digital ports. If I were an analog engineer I can create a completely analog hd cable box with component or a completely analog stereo system with component. Some things have analog and digital stuff like teslas for instance. Nintendo for instance is a company that started out analog. So many things or almost everything is digital or computerized and that it’s good and bad. Does everything have to be computerized or digital such as a toilet seriously? Ah Alan Turing what have ya done? lol.

If you despise fake people or trolls or haters or spam you can thank Alan Turing for that and him creating this digital world with a lot of trolls, haters or spam etc. I dislike reading the comments on videos or posts because of trolls etc ruining the internet. Fake people or trolls or haters or bullys or spam bots etc dislike videos or dislike bomb videos. I understand why YouTube got rid of the dislikes but at the same time it wasn’t the greatest idea. People have free will to be fake. You obviously can’t force people because everybody has free will. Even laws of course can’t stop people because of free will. So even people have free will to use digital or computer stuff however they want to or what computer or digital stuff they want to use or what they wanna do with it. So obviously people have free will to not ever watch online videos or not go on YouTube. Obviously everybody does not use digital stuff. People have free will with whatever or care to do what they want with free will, free will with anything I can go on and on. Free will with using what analog stuff you wanna use. People have free will to think how they want to. For instance you have free will to think what is serious or not funny to you. Making jokes or dark humor of something serious like 9/11 or cancer or diabetes or the Oklahoma City bombing. Sadly people like Pete Davidson had lost a loved one in 9/11. I have yet to watch Pete Davidson’s comedy. Symbols are old school. Making a hashtag with something serious is not a totally negative thing. People do that to get their posts or content recognized. Also before I knew the fact when I was 23-24 years old I posted nonsense online like on Facebook twitter that made no sense. Since I didn’t know the fact back then I was bothered a lot by the news or negative or evil awful things like the Austin bomber and it got to me a lot and I cared about mental health back then so I was pretending to be depressed pretending to lose my mind pretending to be mentally ill from negative things or evil. I know the news is not all. Negative but it is mostly negative. I was typing or posting nonsense. It can be a good weird or funny when you or somebody makes no sense but man it is a bad weird that I posted nonsense. Or If for instance you think what is a good weird or bad weird is your opinion or free will. But most people will agree that for instance the human body being weird in a good and bad way is a fact and most people will agree that life is weird in a good way and bad way and difficult and many other things. Not surprising life is difficult and many other things because everything’s always been old school aka the fact for short. But hey it’s your free will again if you disagree but just know you are wrong and that’s your opinion. Anyway Digital stuff or computers are a want not a need they are a luxury. Again phones are a need but they don’t need to be digital or computerized. Again I prefer analog stuff and I would like to remake anything into analog like video games like kingdom hearts or movies like Toy Story or Old school. I have yet to see old school. My uncle mike told me about the movie old school in 2015 and he said it’s funny. I like will ferell and Vince vaughn. 2 of the greatest or funniest actors ever. I like Also I saw lightyear in 2022 and I know people love it or hate it. Most people dislike the movie but I like the movie. The movie wasn’t that bad. Yes it has issues no spoilers but it was a good movie not a great movie. Pixar can do better. I still recommend seeing it. But it’s your free will again if you wanna see it or not. Everybody has Free will to engage in whatever entertainment you wanna consume or engage in music, games, radio or podcasts, tv shows, news shows, books, comic books, magazines, broadway or opera etc. There is so much great entertainment out there. Whatever is great to you because again it’s your free will. But most people will say for instance impratical jokers is a great and funny tv show or the Jonas brothers or ludacris are great musicians and one of the greatest of all time. I like Jonas song only human. Great message and catchy. I like ludas song diamond in the back it’s a catchy song to me. I like him in fast and furious as well. I have yet to see the great ones. Most people will say Some of the fast and furious movies like some of the newer ones are mediocre. It’s ludacris that the newer movies are garbage haha get it? Rip Paul walker.

I even have free will to have many real friends of course. People don’t have to be real friends or associate with you and just be acquaintances or only have a few real friends. People have free will to not be real friends with you even if you are real. Keeping a small circle. Or people have free will to have many real friends. Shoutouts to more real friends or real or genuine people such as the Amtrak police of dc and Amtrak police of willimington Delaware such as officer Juan from dc I believe. I am not great with names. My memory is weird in a good and bad way, especially with names. I can remember something really well but can’t remember something else that well. I hope all my real friends or real people are doing well obviously. Shoutouts to Audrey and Marty the employee at the usps store. Shoutouts to Jatise Oates my genuine friend. I hope you are doing well. Jatise is a cool and funny sounding name weird in a good way. Jatise has a nice ring to it as well. Same with Jahkim similar sounding name. Certain names are not as common or popular like Jatise. Anyway Jatise has great taste in music too like my other real friend Frank from the ymca. Jatise introduced me to these songs in 2017 when I was 22. Jatise likes the songs pogo by digitlalism, breathe by telepopmusik, walking on a dream by empire of the sun, my baby by chief keef, smiling by hi Rez, early 20 rager by lil uzi vert. This lil uzi song is funny or weird in a good way. A lot of my real friends have great taste in music like Charles Moorse or Nelson. Charles likes Bruce Springsteen sone Tougher than the rest or Tracey chapman give me one reason. Nelson likes ac dc it’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll. I also like thunderstruck, the singers voice Brian Johnson sounds weird or funny to me in a good way in thunderstruck. I first smoked weed with Jatise when I was 22 in 2017. I also smoked weed with other real friends like Dave. Dave, Jatise, and I smoked weed together just the 3 of us. Again I do idiotic stuff especially when I was younger and smoking weed was illegal so I did an idiotic thing although I just wanted to have fun. You definitely do dumb stuff when you are younger. Young dumb and broke lol get the reference? Like when myself and other kids slapped each other in this slapping game in high school when I was 17 junior year. The kids called me little bill because I was a shrimp in school and I looked liked little bill. I despise bill cosby now because of what he has done. The slapping videos are online if you care to watch them. I wish I used analog camera to record them. It’s embarrassing of course but still funny. Shoutout to those kids in the slapping game including frank buchel and Chris Hodges, Brian dunshee, frank mckinight, Jorge Salinas, Jon Marin, Justin miller, Joe Faenza. Kyle goodman, Joe Golding, Dave olesky, so many kids. Of course you do idiotic stuff at any age that’s being human or imperfect again. Anyway Shoutouts to Jack Feola, Ryan Shemitz, Alex Salzman from little league baseball, Jon Smith, Dan Fox, Salvador, JP Powers, Andrew my genuine friends from middle school or elementary school. Shoutouts to Dominic a real friendly person from Wawa. Shoutouts to the people who helped me get a cab or uber to my nana like Johnny. Shoutouts to real friendly cab drivers like kristen I believe your name is kristen you know who you are and to another real friendly cab driver named Anthony I believe from patsy’s cab service as well. I smoked weed with this cab driver Anthony in 2022 when weed finally became legal in jersey. I first smoked weed when I was 22. I wish weed was legal when I was younger like a teenager. I wanna do mushrooms as well. Never had mushrooms. I haven’t said the fact to everybody that I shouted out. Some of these real people that I have shouted out such as Juan or the windmill people or Brian silva and his real friend I have told them the fact and they totally get what I mean by the fact everything’s always been old school. Shoutouts to the real people I met at the windmill restaurant. Shoutouts to my real friend from little league baseball Danny Seitz and his mom and aunt Katie. Shoutouts to all the real people who gave me money food or helped me out on my journey to dc like the real people at the quikchek or on the bus and train. Shoutouts to Mr.Phill, Richard, Jason, Asa, Youstena, Matt the custodian who is into rock and metal, Jorge the custodian, Robert scoff, Chris Corbin, waned, Lisa, Caitlyn, rohit, Darrielle, Charles Yurgelonis, Jasmine, Diana, Billy, Karina, Another Billy who loves the rocky movies, Paul Wyman, Roy my gay real friend, Joey cannon, Caterina, Ken Brown, Ken’s real friend Ashley Musgrave, Amy margolin, Larry, Verna occasion, Mike volante, Lisa Marie, Tim, younger tim, older Patrick, Eric Ganz, Randy, Nelson, Charles Morse, Ray Fernandez, Older Ray, Hillary, Shanai, Andy, Jillian, Jenna, Tall Jenna, Molly, Greg Gilden, Cody wright, Charles Smithers a gay real friend of mine, Joe Lynch, Rick , Carlton, and Chett. Ray Fernandez is a funny or weird guy in a good way. One time he made video just staring at you saying nothing then he just roars at the camera says raah. Jatise roared at the camera as well when we were smoking weed. Shoutouts to Mike Broccoli, Brian Smollon, Kyle Smollon, Yash, Paul Morris, Myesha Brown, Amor Williamson, Gina Lamatina, Deshawn, Matt can’t remember your last name but I remember seeing you outside of high School when I was 19, Noah smith, Traevon, Matt volte, Benjamin, Anthony Kowana, Zack mortimer, Jahkim Parrish, Matty papa, Leo Hernandez, Joe Creteli, Edwin Leon, Lucas Haber, Kyle kately, David Harmon, Zack Pittius, Kyle goodman, Kyle costa, Chris Raiola, Other Dennis, Jorge Alonso, Rob Avalone, Luke Ganz, Chris rose, sam beres, a greek kid with bush eyebrows from high school can’t remember your name, mike ryslik, Nick Chorman, Bryan font, rob yucas, rob sparapani, Brandon autiero,Monti Cooper, Joey red, sky valentine, Brianna Quinn, Yale, Wesley krompier, Deanna Johnson, Britney woodson, Jessica barlett, teresa sepe, and Dylan Riverra are a few of the many real friends from high school the list goes on and on. Hopefully I will see all of the real friends from high school at the reunion in 2023. Of course I have free will to go to the reunion. Some of them were not in my Class of 2013. They were older or younger than me like Zack or Leo. Leo is younger and Zack is older. I lost my high school senior yearbook hopefully it turns up if not maybe I can get a replacement or borrow one. Shoutouts to Christian, Jamie and other real people from club metro gym. Shoutouts to Dennis Bruzzi my real friend from little league baseball and his dad the coach. What is weird is I can’t think of too many asian real friends right now. Maybe I don’t have any or not much. I love asian people of course and we are all human. I obviously despise racism. I wish I had more of a social life when I was younger and again I wish I knew all that I know now or wish I knew the fact. I grew up mostly in the suburbs maybe someday I will live in a city but gotta be careful of crime or gangsters or thugs but crime can happen anywhere just more often in urban areas obviously or the hood or ghetto. I moved a lot as a kid, my parents moved like 4 times across New Jersey. Real people come and go in life sometimes and I lost touch with real people or people have forgotten me or I have forgotten them or real friends I met in school or in my previous neighborhoods like my neighbor Connor etc when I moved all those times. Sometimes you see people like from school like I saw Salvador one time when I was 23. Shoutout to Rhett and link they have been real friends since kindergarten. I wish I had real friends for that long. I saw kids from high school at the club in nj in 2016 when I was 21. One positive of this digital world Alan created was thanks to online or Facebook you can get in touch with real people you lost touch with. When I become an analog engineer I will find a simple way to get in touch with real people you lost touch with somehow. Shoutouts to rich masucci or review tech or aka rich of review tech usa he is a real friendly guy and he is funny and weird in a good way. I am not interested in digital or computer stuff again or I prefer analog tech but I like watching rich because of his funny intro skip bida bop mm dada lol Rich’s voice is so funny saying skip bida bop in dada. The skip bida bop mn dada is a reference to the scatman and rich’s real friend Matt in a funny or weird picture in a good way of Matt drunk he explained this in his videos. Ah rich, review tech when everything’s always been old school. I rather review analog tech. Review analog tech usa, review tech usa or review tech for short has a nice ring to it. Shoutouts to a guy his online name is masterlinkxx and he introduced me to the scatman first in one of his comedy show videos. Of course I didn’t know the fact when I was younger first watching reviewtechusa or masterlinkxx. Shoutouts to boogie2988. Boogie2988? lol that is a funny name or weird in a good way. When I pick my nose I think of boogie2988 or his real name Steve. Shoutouts to uncle vance he is not my blood uncle, he is my aunt’s husband my aunt Nicole is my dads sister. Uncle vance or Vance oldes met cam newton and Steve Harvey, the videos are online if you care to watch. Shoutouts to my cousin Kenny. Shoutouts to real people at new hope church of god in nj and new harvest church in nj who are real such as Pastor Bonaparte Lady Tracey, Brother Daniel, brother Joe, Pastor Selwyn, Sister Michelle, The kids from the youth group like Kai, Paster Samuel. Shoutouts to real people from jack and Jill which is an organization for people of color such as Noah Powell or the Powells, Sean Williams and, Brianna Sanders, Mike brown, Bradley jones, Jon Stanely. Of course there are fake people at church or wherever in life. Shoutouts to max from the gay bar. Ms Crystal from virginia or the dmv area. Shoutouts to bret glidwell aka flacco. Shoutouts to Austin with his turn up z brand in dc. Shoutouts to Chris with his brand in dc as well. Shoutouts to gay guys Jamal Jones and Quinton. Shoutouts to my real friends Ronya and Mark. Shoutouts to mike from the flea market where I bought an analog phone from him. Shoutouts to the Bernards Ashleys family. Tony Bernard her dad and her mom Grace Bernard and Ashleys cousin Lenny, Ashley’s sisters Gabby and Vanessa. Shoutouts to people such as josh zirkins or the zirkins, ms Nicki, Chris, Kristian, from my childhood old neighborhood where I lived in my parents big house. Shoutouts to ghost, Kase, ed, Jen, porche, caesar and other real people in my current neighborhood or people who work or used to work at the neighbor hood community glassworks like Robert, Andy, dean, Angelica, adrianne, and Joe. Shootouts to another angelica my dad's significant other and Jeff my sisters significant other. I can do so many shoutouts to so many real people but that would take forever there is too many.

So my theory about females being based off males or the female body is just the male body modified. If I knew everything’s always been old school when I was a kid or younger I would have never done anything with any human no kissing no dating no sex stay a virgin forever. Of course I still have female real friends and no sex involved. Again who knows if my theory is correct. We will never know if males or females were created 1st. Perhaps females were created 1st and males are based off females. We are all human and gay people I am sure understand my theory. Again Females are not that special. The Facts are for sure that Sex isn't everything, & everybody has cheating thoughts. Masturbation feels great or Sex must feel great but it doesn’t last and again sex isn’t everything in life because everything’s always been old school or aka the fact again. In other words, obviously people don’t wanna have sex all the time cause they don’t feel like it or they don’t want to or not have sex at all ever there are more important things in life than sex. To most humans it’s natural to pro create or have sex but I don’t care to pro create or have sex. I can resist having sex and everybody does not have to have sex at all or pro create. I won’t bring kids in this world because everything’s always been old school or life is difficult. I am sure people feel the same way I do about bringing kids in this world. I rather stay a virgin adopt kids & raise them right with physical discipline. Again Free will is good and bad obviously. If people don’t wanna pro create or have an abortion then that is ok. Some say abortion is like murder but I guess since the baby has not been out of the womb then it’s not murder. But I get why people say abortion is like murder cause you are killing the fetus. If you of course bring a kid in this world out of the womb and neglect your kid or intentionally leave them some where unattended then you are a terrible parent and you are asking for your baby to be killed and you are a murderer or piece of human garbage. Since I want to adopt kids I rather people not do abortion but again people have free will. Not surprising many people are gay when everything’s always been old school. Gay people can be masculine or manly. Queer people tend to be feminine or have a gay voice or accent. When you think about it it’s weird I a good way how some countries males kiss each other as greetings. That is gay. Again I am a virgin, no born again virgin nonsense. But hey you can have free will to be a born again virgin but it doesn’t make sense cause you had sex so? Never done oral, anal, or vaginal. Again I feel I wanna stay a virgin forever that is my free will when everything's always been old school. So I did flash my penis to a gay guy Quinton and he flashed his penis as well. Quinton kissed me on the nose & we rubbed each others noses and Jamal licked my ear and kissed my face not my mouth. I didn’t kiss them or lick them back anywhere at all. Again Never been kissed on the mouth by any human in my life. I have tasted my own cum before when I was 27 in 2022 for the 1st time in my life and it tasted weird in a good way I guess. People gay or straight taste their own cum right? I think so. So it’s not a totally gay thing. I went to a gay bar in jersey for the 1st time in my life in 2022. So even though I am a virgin and I did that gay stuff with Quinton and Jamal does that mean I am gay? I’m pretty sure I know what counts as losing your virginity but I wonder if I am gay. Charlie Wills my real friend told me nj is the best place to be gay. Obviously sex or gay sex or human species are old school. Alan Turing was gay by the way and sadly gay in the worst time period. The word human, emphasis on the word man. Emphasis on the word male. Hu”man” fe”male”or wo"man". Males and Females both have testosterone and estrogen. That is why females can grow facial hair but not as much as males unless you use testosterone booster. See we are all human and all different at the same time and we can embrace or accept that but that is your free will again but I embrace it. For instance My voice is not the deepest I wish I had a deeper voice. Some males just don’t have a deep voice or not have the deepest voice. For instance My uncle mike does not have the deepest voice but my dad who is the younger brother to my uncle mike has a deeper voice than me or uncle mike. My real friend Ashley has the highest voice of a female ever while some females have a deeper voice. Ashley also is mixed of Caucasian and Brazilian or person of color. She is really dark skinned. She is mixed of so much more. Some people of color are light skinned even lighter than me that they look white or almost white like my nana or Charlie Wills who he is mixed as well. I am not mixed, I am African american. Some asians are colored. My real friend Frank from the ymca. I met frank through the ymca mentor program by the way in 2015. Frank can grow long hair that looks feminine. Dreads or long hair or buns or ponytails or certain piercings like earrings looks feminine. Having long nails is feminine. A shaved face looks feminine when you think about it. Females have shaved faces or baby faces. But females shave just like men in certain areas. People even have free will to have whatever kind of facial hair you want just a mustache or a goatee or a full beard. Everybody is different again. Or you can have free will to be fully shaved or have a shadowly look like me. It’s weird in a good way. I am not the most hairy guy even my ass is not hairy. My chest has some hair decent amount same with my arms and legs compared to other more hairy people. Comparing or competing with each other when every human is different so keep that in mind. We are no better than anybody else we are all human. It’s interesting that if males were created 1st that males have long hair. So again perhaps males are based off females. Females can be as strong as males or masculine or tomboy of course. Females can be as tall as males. Females can have big feet or bigger feet or bigger whatever than males. Some females wanna look like masculine like cutting their hair short or be bald. Keeping my theory in mind again. Males can have cellulite too by the way. Again the human body is weird which is a good and bad weird of course. Again I care to be weird in a good way or to be funny. People even have free will to be funny or not funny. Or have free will to think what is funny to you. I for instance find the movie shaggy dog scenes with Tim Allen and Robert downey jr acting like dogs funny or weird in a good way. The shaggy dog was not the greatest movie in the world but it had funny moments to me. Again everybody is different. Or I am a weird guy in a good and bad way like every other human. People have free will to let’s say be weird in a good or bad way. Weirdness or randomness in a good or bad way.

People peeing in bottles and keeping them is a good weird. I mean you are not hurting anybody or yourself. Pee is harmless even though it stinks and it’s foul. But pooping in containers or bag and keeping or containing them safely I suppose is a bad weird. Poop is deadly. But if you contain poop safely then I guess it’s a good weird as well. I have peed In bottles and kept them but some people have a problem with that which I don’t care I will do it again. I also have pooped in bags or containers and kept them safely. I peed and pooped all over the floor in my apartment as well which people were concerned about. I didn’t know breathing in poop is deadly then. Racist people who are gay or straight will also say people of color look like poop or have a poop penis. I have seen gay porn and even the lightest skinned minority like the trans foxxy has a poop penis and it’s interesting or weird in a good way to me but not to racist people of course. I do look like poop well people of color do look like poop when you think about it but still not a kind thing to say. I am considered light skinned like caramel or peanut butter or in this case like poop. But most people of color look like darker poop or dark chocolate. Poop looks weird in a bad way. Poop can look green sometimes which is weird in a bad way. Although Poop jokes or fart jokes or crude humor can be funny or weird in a good way. In 2022 for the 1st time in my life which this is ridiculous what I am about to say but I rubbed poop on my penis while I was masturbating which is a good weird and bad weird at the same time I guess. The poop on my penis felt slippery like astroglide. I sort of liked it well not really. I wash the poop off I don’t seep it on there. I like the smell of poop well not really it smells weird in a really bad way so foul. Some people even eat poop and dogs eat poop and I let the dog lick my mouth and jerked off to it wow. Other animals are weird in a good or bad way just like us human species. I definitely messed up my gums a couple times my gums became black and the corners of my mouth were infected with bacteria. Man bestiality is sickening but we all have free will again. What is weird about the human body is for instance the mouth or nose or nipples, so much about the weird human body I can go on and on. Nipples or pecs are like tits. Again keeping my theories in mind whether male or female was created 1st. Doing a nipple twister hurts and I remember Steven ginter from high school a real friend of mine weird memory to have in a good and bad way but he twisted my nipple. Peoples breath can be offensive which is a bad weird. I have never heard of bad breath being a turn on for people in my life. My sort of bestiality mouth breath is a bad weird of course. Other odors like stinky or sweaty feet is a good or bad weird depending on if you are into stinky feet. People with asd can have issues with odors or it’s a sensor issue or overload. I personally am not affected by odors or senses. Everybody on the autism spectrum is different. I eat boogers. I remember eating boogers as a kid. Where are them boogers as my grandpa or poppy used to say to us as kids. He called us boogers. Or I love farting and burping and eating my boogers. Females who love to wear make up or lip stick. Females being based off man and we are turned on by females. When you think about it it is gross you are attracted to a modified male body. See we are all the same or human it’s gross but weird in a good way. So it’s like this let’s take the male body and make it’s hips rounder or make their pecs looser or make their voice higher or get rid of the facial hair or remove the penis and add a vagina or turn the penis into a vagina etc. That is my theory or how I believe the female body became to be. Keeping my theory in mind again females can eat boogers or have nasty hygiene or love farting and burping or do masculine stuff or having no manners. Again who cares what society says and people have free will so think weird or be weird in a good or bad way. What is it about wrinkled soles that is too hot or sexy? Feet are a weird body part for sure. Feet are similar to hands. So are hands sexy? What is it about for instance cellulite that is too hot or sexy? Nail polish, make up or no make up, lip stick, tits, Feet or wrinkled soles, cellulite, ass or anal or the female licking a males anus or tossing the salad or facesitting or riding position anal or vaginal, 69 position, ponytails or buns, piercings , shaved or baby face, oral, vagina or pussy shaved or not, tight or skimpy clothing like tank tops or high shorts, dressing masculine or tomboyish, females wearing hoodies, lesbians, transexuals or a male turning into a female gay porn, straight porn, females being weird in a good way or females being human females eating boogers farting or burping or doing masculine stuff or having poor manners, or females who love to fart or eat boogers or burping or love having poor manners or love doing masculine stuff or love being weird in a good way or love being human, being mature and immature at the same time like in your 30’s or being mature for your age like 18 , all did turn me on. So many other things turned me on I can go on and on.

Having a dirty mind like thinking of dirty words like saying that’s what she or he said whatever you are into, or bananas or salad or sausages etc. Again sex isn’t everything so it can be inappropriate or perverted. People having public sex or having oral sex in the parking lot in your car or at bj’s and dick’s store parking lot lol get it. Even though I don’t care about health I wanna shoutout to Marc lobliner for that bj’s dicks store joke and shoutouts to the hodgetwins as well both funny guys and weird in a good way. So people have sex wherever when sex isn’t everything and everything’s always been old school aka the fact for short again. That’s your dirty little secret lol Kissing in public can be inappropriate but again humans are weird creatures in a good and bad way. When people kiss with no tongue kissing then that is ok but tongue kissing can be inappropriate because it’s more sexually. So in the lightyear movie there is a gay female kiss scene and it’s not a sexual kiss so why are people banning the movie or bothered by the that? It does not make sense but again it’s your free will. Sex isn’t everything but kissing with no tongue action is not vulgar. Keeping my theory in mind again kissing females when females are based off males and I never kissed a females mouth. I have kissed a females cheek though. Females have kissed me on the cheek before. Kissing a male in the mouth like kissing your son on the mouth is a bad weird to me. Calling your dad daddy or mom mommy as a male when you are a teenager or adult is weird in a good way and bad I guess. But hey it’s your free will. Females can call their dads daddy at any age which is like a double standard. Staring can be a good and bad weird. You stare at somebody and don’t say anything or you say something while you stare. So you stare at somebody who you are attracted to or you just stare at anybody but sometimes it can be creepy. Certain jobs can be perverted because again sex isn’t everything but certain jobs like a massager. You can’t help stare at somebody’s ass or cellulite or tits or ponytail or face whatever you are into like stare at wrinkled soles. I have yet to go to massage parlor in my life. I have gotten a pedicure or spa treatment at a nail salon for the 1st time in my life before when I was 24. I didn’t use nail polish and never have but some gay males or goth guys or straight guys do use polish. Hey it’s your free will use nail polish be a good weird if you want to. See maybe males are based off females. Males do feminine stuff too. Massaging feet like I massaged Ashley Bernards wrinkled soles. Massages are weird in a good way. Massaging the weird human body. I was weird in a good or bad way as a kid of course and in high school I stared at boys and girls such as gina lamatina, nick chorman, Luke ganz, whoever else and it made them uncomfortable. Maybe it’s my autism that made me stare like this. One time I gave the middle finger to a female kids in high School because they called me a weirdo a bad weird and a starer. They were right so why did I give them the middle finger cause I didn’t like what they said and I was angry. I stopped staring at people when I was 17. I looked dweeby with glasses and braces. I prefer to not wear my glasses or not have braces since I think I look better without them. I am nearsighted or I have myopia. I am afraid to get lassie. If I want to stare at people or if people wanna stare at other people that’s your free will. Maybe I will start staring at people again like I did in high school. Gay or straight we all have a dirty mind when sex isn’t everything and everything’s always been old school. Again my theory is females are based off males or the female body is just the male body modified. So for instance tits are just modified male pecs and the male hips have been modified to look curvy on the female. I can go on and on. Having an ass fetish is weird in a food and bad way I guess. It’s foul People poop out of the anus or ass so why is anal sex too hot or sexy? Same can be said for oral or vaginal sex. People pee from their private parts and you lick their private parts that is disgusting. I have heard horror stories of people’s anus bleeding because people were having anal sex too fast as an amateur of anal sex. I guess anal sex feels great overtime the more you do it slowly. They say oral or anal is unnatural sex. Some say oral or anal doses not count as losing your virginity which I disagree. Sex is sex. It is called oral sex and anal sex for a reason. We as Human species are weird creatures indeed. In other words Sex is weird.

So much is weird. But of course some people are pieces of human garbage beyond weird. I believe there are more real people then fake and evil people though on this planet earth. So people have free will to do negative stuff or evil such as terrorism 9/11 and negative things happen because everything’s always been old school what did ya expect? Not surprising negative things or evil happen when everything’s always been old school. Covid is a horrible virus. Even before the pandemic, I know that people who are racist like to wear mask around people of color because they think people of color look like poop. I know it’s messed up. Or racist people think asians eyes look weird in a bad way. Racist people just don’t see that we are all human and who cares about the color of your pigment. Blue, purple, green etc. Prejudge sounds like prejudice. Just like sexism, who cares what your sexual preference is gay or straight and my theory of females being based off males. So people have free will to never stop evil or negative things. But I do have free will to punch kick or retaliate with evil pieces of human garbage. I wish I can punch evil people dead or alive like osama bin laden or the Austin bomber or hitler mass shooters etc Racism will never stop because again everything’s always been old school. Racism has been around forever or racism is old school obviously. RIP to all that have died from racism including Rodney King or Andrew Kearse. Sadly Traevon Martin & Jordan Davis were my age born in 1995. Gone too soon. Anyway, I have free will to do a good weird though. I wish I was a kid again, that’s why people including myself act immature & still be a mature adult at the same time. When you are a kid you have not too much to worry about life or responsibilities. But I am sure a kid if they are old enough they can understand the fact and that life is difficult and many other things. For instance holidays like halloween you feel like a kid again. Of course some people are racist on halloween like saying if you are a person of color then you can’t be so and so. Most asians have white skin so they have the same skin tone as a white character or person but their eyes are different so racist people will say you can’t wear that you’re eyes are different. The idea of Holidays or Traditions are old school obviously. Controversial holidays or holidays that involve controversial stuff such as spiritual or religion or politics like Christmas hanukah or presidents day or Memorial Day. I don’t like talking about controversial stuff like religion or spiritual stuff all the time or I won’t share my spiritual views here. Well anyway on christmas you feel like a kid again a swell and you can have free will to believe in whatever like religion or spirituality and Santa or the boogie man etc and be immature. If you are a teenager like 15 16 and still believe in santa etc then that is immature. By a certain age you know santa is not real. I knew Santa was not real by like 12 13. You even have free will to be weird in a good way and celebrate holidays any time of the year or still keep your decelerations up. Again who cares what society says don’t be afraid to be a good weird I care to say that. Or have free will to not celebrate holidays at all or certain ones. I want to cater to all ages. Some things are not meant for everybody only for kids or only for adults like certain entertainment. For I want to not be vulgar or inappropriate around kids or little. I can be vulgar around teens or older kids like 12 because I was able to watch rated r movies or mature stuff when I was a kid or.teen like 12. My parents didn’t care and I will do the same for my adopted kids when I am a dad, a cool dad. When my kids are like 12-13 then they can watch it. My dad snuck me a sip of beer, it’s just a sip nothing wrong with that not that serious and I’ll do the same for my kids. I drink alcohol socially like with real friends or with my cool uncle mike but maybe I will start drinking more often. I had my first legal drink at 21 thanks to my real friend greg gilden in 2016 at a jersey shore bar. I have never been drunk though, but maybe I will get drunk real soon but being drunk can be a bad weird or you can do idiotic stuff or dangerous stuff and then you can get hangovers. But being drunk can be fun or funny or weird in a good wa as well. Again people have free will to drugs or not do drugs ever in their life or whatever drug they want to or free will to be an adult or mature and drink responsibly and not drive drunk or stoned. Or people have free will to do evil or negative things like kill somebody from driving drunk or stoned being immature. Jatise my genuine friend again , he tried to get me to drive stoned and that is dangerous, I guess Jatise was so stoned he didn’t realize that is a dangerous thing. Anyway I plan to adopt kids not have kids in my life. But some kids are mature for their age. 18 or 19 is an adult but you can still be immature. 18 is so young and again you are a teenager and adult at the same time. But even older younger adults like 20 on older can still be immature that’s free will for ya. Man it feels like yesterday that I was an 18 year old adult in college. But I dropped out at 18. 18 is so young that you are an adult and a teen at the same time. People say kid to people who are young adults like 18. People know you are not a kid but when People say kid to an adult they mean they are young. Again people have free will to even call you a kid and care you are an adult or not treat you like a kid.

calling more fake people or idiots out. The freeones board mods and other fake mean people on ign boards or on freeones call me delusional or crazy or say I need to seek help or I don't make sense or I ramble because of all I've been saying that everything's always been old school. Again I know what the hell I'm talking about and I make total sense when I say everything has always been old school. I ought to sue more people who say I sound delusional. The idiot freeones mods banned me twice and the mod had the audacity to say I was attacking the mods which is bs. I was calling out the mods who were mean to me I wasn't attacking them. I also just said to the free ones mod I wish you the best in your life I hope all is well and the freeones mod had the audacity to say I have an attention fix or I am an attention seeker. How about you have an attention fix or seek negative attention not me. Also I'll call out more idiots more forums banned me including toms guide idiot mod, autism aspie forums for saying I'm using offensive words bs. Xda forums, droid forums, Android central forums, insanely mac, Linus tech tips, guru3d , and my digital life forums idiot mods said I spoke gibberish or thought I was a spam bot or didn't care what I had to say which is bs. Again this it total bs. I ought to sue these fake mean people. But don't worry once I get more recognition of my everything's always been old school videos these idiots will be embarrassed for treating me like this. These people are negative attention seekers or mean or fake people obviously. You have the free will to ignore fake people or trolls or bullies or haters etc. They take advantage of you or take it out on you because they are miserable in their life or home life. But sometimes you gotta react to them. Now fake people like my neighbor is she also enough of a reason for me to move out? I will say yes because she is a nuisance yelling screaming being mean or offensive and a liar getting people in trouble like falsely making a police report. A totally fake person. I Have had enough with her bs tired of it. She deserves the police called on her and thrown in jail for false police reports and for being loud. I’m glad there's real people that I appreciate me and won't treat me like crap. I am also calling out idiots or fake people who didn’t care what I had to say about the everything’s always been old school or the fact for short. They didn’t give me a chance to talk at all or either cut me off and ignored me or banned me from their establishment. 1 idiot motel manager at the knights inn in nj somehow didn’t get what I was saying they think I sound crazy and the manager banned me from the motel. Another idiot named Scott Freifeld from central jersey IT was saying fake bs that I was harassing or bothering him. Of course this happened before I knew the fact. Oh well. Anyway all I did was send him pics of buzz lightyear etc never did anything negative and he said leave me alone. But hey I get it now that everything’s always been old school. Scott you ought to be put in jail for making false police reports saying I harassed or bothered you. I ought to call the police on you again like I did before. There are so many idiots that I have dealt with it is not even funny.

I don’t want people to not know this fact, everybody has to know this fact of life that everything’s always been old school. Again I wish I knew this fact when I was a kid. Even though I am an idiot for not knowing this fact. Again I am not perfect and I don’t know everything in life since I am young. I am still smart or very high functioning with autism. I was diagnosed with autism at 3 years old. I wasn’t able to talk until I was 3 years old. 2022 was the year I finally discovered this fact. I spread the word or fact through out most of 2022. I also went to nyc in march 2022 to try and spread the word but I got lost trying to go to time square. I tried to avoid using digital stuff but it is difficult in this digital world for now. Of course the flip phone or phone I had was digital or computerized and how I printed out the paper of the maryville school article of Alan turing was from a computerized or digital printer. I was going to read and show the paper to everybody and talk about how this article helped me discover the life fact that everything’s always been old school. Again spreading the word analog style didn’t work out. I don’t want another year where everybody doesn’t know this fact. Of course it’s the same thing another year which is mostly bad since evil or negative things will always keep happening and the same evil or negative things keep happening and it’s getting worse. What did ya expect when everything’s been old school. Can’t expect much or much good to happen. Society says make a New Years resolution which it’s your free will to make a New Years resolution or wanna make a change for the better in your life. Who cares what society says. I personally have free will to not care for New Years resolutions that much. Old school or in other words it’s the same. Old or the same is the opposite of new or different obviously. People have free will of course to do the same thing every year which can be good or bad. I obviously want people to remember this fact. Always remember that everything’s always been old school. Please spread the word for me.

I don't care to change the world for the better anymore because now I realize changing the world for the better will never happen or it's impossible when everything's always been old school obviously. Again when everything's always been old school people have free will in life to do negative or evil things. I just simply want everybody to know this fact that everything's always been old school.

People are idiots if people get offended when I censored the words with these symbols *. I wasn’t saying the words when I censored them. I have no intention to offend anybody obviously. Other forums keep banning me because they think I am being offensive. If I did offend anybody I am sorry. I was using the offensive words as examples and not trying to say them. I obviously wasn’t trying to be funny with those words. Also words like damn or crap or hell obviously are not swear words or offensive words. But again people have free will.

It's simple, you don't care what I have to say don't watch my videos it's your choice or free will. For those who don't care to watch just know I am spreading a fact of life that most people don't know. I guess I'm not the only one who knows this fact of life that everything's always been old school. everybody has got to know or accept this fact of life but hey it's your free will to accept it. I still find it difficult to accept the fact everything’s always been old school but I still accept it. People obviously don't have to like a fact but they can still accept it such as the fact everybody will die. I am sure people don't like this fact that everything's always been old school but you gotta accept it or you don't have to accept it again since it's your free will. I myself. I don't like the fact that everything's always been old school but it is what it is I accept it. Maybe it will be even more difficult to accept this fact if I knew this fact when I was younger as a kid. So I am sure it can be difficult to accept the fact for other people kid or adult. The other facts that life is difficult and weird for instance you can accept that or not. The fact that death is a part of life you can accept that or not. The after life is scary. Is it just a black void or is it all dark just nothing when you die? Obviously you can’t bring nothing with you when you die. You can’t bring material or monetary stuff and can’t bring anything that you learned in life like languages. And we don’t know what happens in the after life. there is no proven fact and controversial stuff or spiritual or religious stuff aside. I dislike going to funerals and most people dislike going to funerals but if you do like funerals you are messed up a totally bad weird. But that is your free will. I don’t have funeral plans now as I am still really young. But gotta plan for the future if you care to. Hopefully I live a long life and not have my life cut short. If I do die real people will honor my memory and make a funeral playing one of my favorite songs or something. I don’t have many favorites of things it’s tough for me. But my favorite color is purple by the way. I will die a virgin because I will remain a virgin forever. everybody has free will in life when everything's always been old school obviously which is good and bad again. Although if you do care please read and watch. I have been spreading this message in real life since 2022. I prefer to share this message analog style or in person but we live in a just an only digital world for now. I'm trying to spread this message to everybody and I can't do that so easily the analog way. Doing it the analog way just didn't work out. It's easier to reach everybody digitally.

of course people who don't wanna spread the word can be selfish and that is not helping people. But again people have free will even to be selfish. Of course I am not selfish.

At 26-27 years old, I have discovered the simple fact that everything’s always been old school. Life itself is old school for instance and I wish I knew this at 10 years old. I learned about the holocaust at 10 years old in school but didn’t know Alan Turing. Better late than never. I was born in 1995. I learned about this fact at 26-27 years old. Even names are old school of course. My real fuIl name is Kenneth Matthew Reid and I turn 28 on February 6. Wow time flies, it’s scary. Still young but I’m getting closer to 30. Ever since I was 25 I realize I am near 30. If you care to do simple math the number 5 rounds to 10 so 25 rounds to 30. I like the number 5 like 5 in 95 or 1995. Anyway Life is short. Now I’m in adulthood. If you are really young like 18 or younger reading this time flys like a mofo. You will be 27 before you know it. I have said this before like many other things and I care to say that Age does not discriminate. I obviously associate with real people or real friends who are older or elderly like Charlie Wills. Not saying Charlie Wills is elderly he is older in his 50’s. I even associate with real people or real friends who are younger like teens or minors. So people have free will in life because everything’s always been old school of course. Free will is good and bad obviously. So people have free will to be age discriminating. By the way, I would love to attend princeton and obviously get a free scholarship and study civil engineering/construction or something masculine like work at Burger King grilling burgers or grilling is masculine or work at Home Depot construction aisle. Work at these jobs in Princeton live on campus. I also would like to be an auto vehicle mechanic or engineer. I know I am smart enough to attend Princeton. I know college in general is lot of work but ivy league is even more work and more difficult. I still am capable and smart enough for ivy league. When everything’s always been old school I care to say that I have a knowledge base or I am smart. Thanks to my poppy or grandpa on my mom’s side who told me about the importance of having a knowledge base in school or in life. If I knew the fact when I was younger but of course I didn’t oh well but if I did I will have for instance not used a digital audio recorder to record my poppy talking about a knowledge base. Instead used an analog audio recorder. I posted the recording online in the past of course before I knew fact. I audio recorded poppy when I was 18 in 2013. Thanks to poppy that is how I found out about maryville’s school article website talking about Alan turing. Because the article mentioned the word knowledge base. Of course again words are old school. People have free will to let’s say use whatever words they wanna use. A knowledge base or kb for short is old school. So whenever you see kb on websites or wherever that is what it means. When I first found the school article in 2021 at 26 I didn’t think of the fact right away but until early 2022 I realized the fact and didn’t overlook the fact or the school article anymore. Again I care to be smart, real, and simple. I am real, I am smart, and I am simple obviously so I am confident but not cocky obviously or no ego. Bottling stuff inside or suppressing stuff is not good but hey it’s your free will. Obviously now that I know this fact I am not interested in studying digital or computer stuff nor am I interested in getting a job in the digital field. I don’t care to be a computer engineer or computer guy like Alan turing. But fun fact Alan turing attended Princeton. Shoutouts to my cool uncle mike on my dad’s side. My uncle mike is even cool with his ear piercings. he works at Home Depot as well. Of course people have free will in life to let’s say go to college or not graduate high school. Or have free will to not go to school at all. Well I guess you can say you don’t have as much free will when you are a kid but still everybody has free will. As an adult you have more free will. The school system is not perfect especially since they don’t teach you about Alan turing. A lot of things you learn in school don’t apply to everybody in real life or in the real world such as advanced math. I am not the greatest at calculus I can become better though like Ashley Bernard. She is a math genius. I chose to graduate high school and I choose to go to Princeton and graduate from Princeton. I can see it now. I give my graduation speech talking about the fact everything’s always been old school and how I helped people with this fact and how smart I am. I will be so proud of myself. There are so many schools out there all over the world like maryville but I chose to go to Princeton or Ivy League. That is my free will. You can go to whatever school you want to that’s your free will. My uncle mike only graduated high school . I would have done so much in my life by now if I knew this fact when I was younger like gone to college graduated or learned a new language like espanol or be trilingual, gotten a job by now etc. I am 27 about to be 28 and haven’t done much in my life which is a little embarrassing but I am sure I am not the only one. People have free will to go back to school or attend school at any age. I do wish again I knew what I know now & went to school at 18 and not dropped out. Languages are old school. Jobs are old school. School is old school. I never had a job in my life. I visited Princeton in 2022 3 times. I went to an orientation at Princeton recently in january 2023 and I went to a student tour on January 31th 2023 both want well except the tour was really cold. Shoutouts to Katy the tour student and of course I talked about everything’s always been old school and Alan turing and all that I have been saying at the tour. I do prefer to share my message in person or analog style anyway. So Taxes or Money is the root of all evil in the corrupt system worldwide. Of course money is digital or computerized atms etc. Money is old school. Government is old school. This or that is old school. Again I can go on and on. Everything has always been old school. I don’t care to be rich or I don’t care that much about money. There are more important things in life than money or a piece of paper. Although it would be great to be able to afford things. They say money can’t buy happiness which I say yes and no. If money makes you happy hey that is your free will you care about money. Also money helps you to afford things and to survive so there is happiness or contentment right there. I do need money to survive in the corrupt system. I will give money donate or volunteer at American Red Cross to help people from natural disasters or the homeless. I know many people wish they lived in a big house like my parents. Life is not fair but I would love to help people with living big. My parents house was a semi mansion but now my parents moved out of that house in 2022. But people have free will to live in any kind of home life they want to whether it’s a trailer or an apartment or a house or a group home etc. Oh man again life is difficult or unfair and many other things. But not all politicians are corrupt or fake, but most are. I know politics is a controversial topic so I am not talking about my political views at all that is my free will. I would like to meet real people like real people who are politicians worldwide who are real not corrupt. They can help bring back analog stuff like analog government phones in a digital world. The usa or the system is not perfect but the usa is still a great country. I am not saying get rid of digital stuff. I give credit to maryville school for talking about Alan Turing. While I was in dc I made real friends like Elliott Peyton. I give credit to my genuine real friend Elliott Peyton for filming great scenery of dc, the Lincoln memorial, Washington monument, and the ww2 memorial. Again people have free will to do what they care to do or interested in. But if you care to visit dc and care to visit the ww2 memorial or the Lincoln memorial or go inside or outside the Washington monument then I encourage you to do so. Thank you Elliott, Bret, and all real genuine people for your service in the military. Elliott served in the air force. Elliott works in the veteran affairs in dc. I thank him and everybody for helping spread this message or the word. I also thank the real people who helped me get to dc. The video got cut off a little bit at the beginning. I said spreading the word anyway enjoy. I know this will obviously help everybody who cares to listen and watch. The ww2 memorial is an ideal place to talk about Alan turing and everything’s always been old school obviously.

By the way, real people told me great things about the Alan Turing movie the imitation game. It is not the most historically accurate movie, but it’s still true that Alan Turing invented or engineered the 1st computer. I saw the imitation game last year in 2022. Obviously computers or digital stuff is not the end all be all just like sex because everything’s always been old school. I like Benedict Cumberbatch. Thanks to Alan Turing we live in a digital world, for now. obviously this digital world is not perfect. Nothing Is perfect in life. But digital stuff isn’t entirely bad. It’s good and bad. For instance whatever is addicting or engaging to you such as digital or computer stuff. Digital stuff can be addicting or distracting just like anything else. Analog things can be addicting too obviously. Driving while using an analog thing happens and you get into a crash hopefully you survive. Trolling and hating or bullying or swatting or ddos and spam or scams and scalping or hackers or pirates or bad robots etc are examples of how this digital world is bad. Sadly somebody died from swatting. Trolling or hating or bullying for instance in real life is not the same as on digital stuff online since you can be anonymous. Kids or minors and Adults in real life or online can be bullys or haters or trolls etc obviously. People again have free will to do evil or negative things. There was a Kid who tried to murder people by swatting. Digital stuff has sadly made it easier or convenient for fake people or pieces of human garbage evil to do evil or negative things like pedophillia. Fake people like pedophiles I can’t stand. That is why you gotta watch what your kids are doing online or in real life be careful if you care to but again it’s your free will as parents even. Pedophillia sex porn or kiddie porn is messed up and a totally bad weird like incest or bestiality. Kids or teens are not fully physically developed or can’t give consent. To you pedos or incest people or bestialists, What is so sexy or too hot about toddlers or infants or little kids or animals or your own blood family who most likely looks exactly like you? This is a messed up question but I have to ask it. Hey it’s your free will again what’s too hot or sexy and free will to do evil. Just know you pedos and incest people or bestialists are weird in a totally bad way. If it’s a relative that is not blood like a step relative or an aunt or uncle that is not blood than I say it’s not incest. Also I know some kids or teens look mature for their age with a beard whatever or don’t have a babyface so be careful. Most people saiid I didn’t look my age when I was a kid or teen I looked like I was 13 when I was 17. Sill true today as an adult, of course with facial hair I look older or I look like an adult like 18 19 but I still look young. When I shave fully I definitely look like I am a kid or teenager. An adult female or male can't get away with hooking up with a teenager or minor in real life as easily as online. Now if you are 18 or 19 and you try to hook up with a 17 year old kid about to be 18 than that isn't a big deal and you are both teens. But once you are 20 years old I think that is a problem or an age gap. But if there is an age gap or huge age gap then that is a problem. Speaking of Teenage sex my grandmother on my dad's side was a teenage mom. So people even have free will with their age gap limit. So if people only wanna date people under 30 for instance and over 18 and you are older but not elderly like 50 or elderly like 70 then there’s nothing wrong with that. Hey you are 2 consenting adults. But hey you can be age discriminating that is your free will but I am not obviously again I associate or make real friends no matter how old strictly real friends no sex or dating involved. If you are 18 19 and you are 27 like me it’s not a huge age gap but the older you get obviously the gap increases and soon I will be 28. Also Catfishing for instance happens in real life and online. Whatever else happens in real life or online but it is easier to pull off online. I continue spreading this message and real soon we will have best of both worlds for people who prefer analog and for those who prefer digital. If I knew the fact everything’s always been old school or the fact for short when I was younger this world would be analog and digital at the same time by now. Again not saying get rid of digital or force people to use analog obviously. Again people have free will and I am sure I am not the only one who prefers analog or rather just use analog stuff. Many people prefer analog before I knew the fact and after the fact more and more people will prefer analog. I prefer analog. I rather be an analog engineer. I don’t like how I am forced to use digital or computerized stuff such as a phone. Of course all phones are digital or computerized. I have free will to not use digital stuff just like whoever else but I have no choice since phones are a necessity. I care to be grateful and appreciate needs such as a phone. But phones don’t need to be digital though that’s just how I feel. But again it’s people’s free will to even care or not care about needs or wants. It’s embarrassing that when I was younger I dedicated my whole life or cared about digital or computer stuff which is old school and that I didn’t know about Alan Turing and world war 2 is old school obviously, but that didn’t occur to me. I guess it is not totally my fault that I didn’t know Alan Turing. They don’t teach you about Alan Turing in school history class. Alan turing was a world war 2 hero. Obviously other words come to mind when thinking of world war 2 not just the word old school. If you care to read my posts you will know that I have talked about people having free will in life to let's say do evil or negative things. Some people still don’t get what I am saying for whatever reason is beyond me. My uncle chuck for instance yes I am talking to you, he didn't get what I am saying for whatever reason. So to the people who say world war 2 is not old school or say I don't make sense either you are abnormal or again that is your issue you don't under stand for whatever reason. Just listen to yourself. You don't care to be simple and don't care to be smart or think deeply. This is something so simple. Again I care to be real, smart, and simple. Why do I even waste my time talking to people who want to be difficult and not simple? Again most people get what I am saying. For those who don’t understand what I’m saying I’ll say this so war has been around since the beginning of time or forever. World war 2 was in the late 1930’s and 1940’s. Years are old school. Even names are old school like Alan. I can go on and on. But the idea of names or years or math has been around forever so you see what I am saying. Everything has always been old school or the fact for short. I obviously want everybody to know this fact so that it helps people simply understand life better. Also If anybody simply knows how to help me with getting a job, attending Princeton, getting a car, a passport, besides martial arts, other self defense tips like boxing or getting a gun, my legal situations or guardianship etc please help me out. I can use all the help that I can get or really need. I care to do these things, so many things in my life as I said before. I also care to say again I am real and I am all about more doing then talking. Actions speak louder than words. I visited princeton last year and my profile pic is at princeton in 2022. Another thing is well things do evolve which is cool like cool things such as digital or computer stuff evolving into the internet and digital stuff like google or youtube etc uses the same algorithms or digital tech that Alan turing created in world war 2 and that is old school again of course or can be a bad thing like humans evolving into becoming worse or evil but when everything has always been old school nothing is really new. People born when the modern computer was invented or during world war 2 are called the silent generation and again that is old school obviously. Some people say 1995 is gen z or and some say 1995 is millennials but I don’t care. The idea of Generations is old school or words are old school obviously for instance and the idea of evolving is old school. I can go on and on.

I have had enough of this. No wonder I wanna move out. The fake people in my autism care team and my fake mom want to make me miserable. They are thinking lets make Kenny miserable and have him wait longer and longer to reduce the supervision of my apartment. 8 hours is plenty of supervision for me as that is how much I used to have. They won’t simply give me 8 hours instead they give me 16 hours now they want to reduce the hours by increments so from 24 to 16 which is not necessary or it’s bullcrap! How is 8 hours not enough supervision how do you not see that it’s enough? Why they don’t see 8 hours is enough is beyond me. So I have no independence and not even a key to myself I do have a key but other people like my family and the staff have a key. How would my dad or bro feel if i had a key to their place? I don't like being treated like this or being treated like a kid. I am responsible and safe and I care to be safe or responsible so why do I need 24 hour or too much supervision? I have to wait longer and longer even until my birthday for 8 hours. I have been waiting for the 8 hours for months since last summer. The fake people are trying to waste my youth away. I have wasted my youth even though I am still young but I wasted my life away living here. It’s frustrating how some people who are fake or take advantage of me keep insisting I have mental health issues or I sound mentally ill when I talk about all this. I am tired of people blocking me or banning me or saying I don’t make sense. I know what the hell I am talking about. You can accept the fact that everything’s always been old school or not. It’s your free will. I have been spreading this message since 2022 and real people in real life get what I am saying including Issac from the at&t store shoutouts to you. He gets what I’m saying that everything’s always been old school. I don’t have mental health issues. I just have autism and obviously even though I don’t look like I have autism that is because I am very high functioning. By the way do people think Alan Turing was autistic? Some say he was. This is obvious that it’s not always about health or mental health. Or in other words mental health or health doesn’t involve everything. So for instance obviously people care to be weird in a good or bad way that doesn’t mean they have mental health issues. Of course not all evil people have mental health issues. Before I knew the fact I cared about mental health or pretended to have mental health issues. I don’t care for mental health since I know the fact. Again I don’t have mental health issues and most people agree with that. Also it’s bs that some people including a fake person in my autism care team say autism is a mental illness. Autism is not a mental illness obviously. But in the 1950’s whatever they put autistic people in asylums with mentally ill people which is wrong. Autistic people didn’t belong there. But society then saw autistic people or any non mentally ill person like Down syndrome etc as abnormal and just threw them in an institution and did lobotomy’s or directing the brain which is horrifying. The r word or r**ard is offensive to autistic or down syndrome people etc. So while I was in dc in 2022, I obviously went to dc superior court house to sue. I wish I went to supreme court. I also wish my court date was sooner, oh well. It’s in march. My living situation can be better. I’m suing hud, my mom, my autism care team, and other people for ruining my home life with this 24 hour supervised apartment from home care staff. This hud program is called section 811 and it’s for people with autism or developmental disabilities. The home care staff or aids is ideal not just for people with developmental disabilities It can be ideal for everybody. But hey it's your free will if you want home care staff. I obviously get no privacy or no independence. I used to get 8 or less like 4 hour supervision. But I got 24 hours because of the mental health bs. I obviously don’t need 24 hours it’s too much supervision or help unnecessary since I am very high functioning on the spectrum. I like to live somewhere where I have control over the hours and have total privacy and total independence. I have planned to move out since last year. Perhaps I will move out of the country or live in another state where it’s warmer summer all the time like florida but I have heard of sinkholes in florida which is scary and of course it is a hurricane zone there. No wonder it is cheaper to live in certain states, that’s how the corrupt system gets ya. Because I didn’t know what I know now simply I made an idiotic mistake to decide to move out of my parents big house. Not knowing the fact everything’s always been old school has really bitten me in the ass obviously. This mental health crap or guardianship crap is because of not knowing the fact and it has bitten me in the ass. I have no control over the amount of supervision hours. The home care staff people that I have had have all been people of color which is interesting or weird in a good way. It’s just like when I went to a respite hotel when I was 25 it was all females and all people of color. It’s great to have diversity just saying. Anyway the home care staff are real friends of mine, including Abdul, Greg, Temi, and Umarou shoutouts to you all. Although Greg did a gay or bad weird thing one time spanking my butt while I was walking naked. Nothing wrong with being gay of course but it was just weird. I’ve been living there since I was 23. I don’t regret meeting the real friendly staff but I regret living there. If only I met them in an apartment where I had control over the hours or met them some other way when I was younger than 23 and knew the fact. I don’t regret meeting Abdul’s family his wife and 2 kids boy and girl. Abdul in 2022 welcomed me into his home life for the 1st time and I have even slept there. I appreciate that. I just wasted my quality of life away living in this crappy home life apartment thanks to hud and my mom finding this hud program . I wish I still lived with my parents in their big ass house until my 30’s or older. Again I wish I had more of a social life and knew all what I know now when I was younger and have a man hunt party at my parents house. Man hunt is just hide and seek in the dark it’s fun and ideal in a big house. I’m also suing people who insist I’m mentally ill, including my own mother and my autism care team. I need to get a new autism care team and get a restraining order. It’s no surprise these people are getting sued like my mom because of what I’ve been saying that everything’s always been old school. I am suing psych hospitals or certain doctors, as well and I was in a dc hospital for keeping me there for 3 weeks twice. That is abuse mentally that the fake people in the autism team and my mom kept me there for 3 weeks twice. The reason why I was stuck at the hospital for 3 weeks twice is because my guardian keeps calling the police on me, I am suing the dc police officers as well, and keeps me there longer trying to figure out how to take me back to my crappy home life in nj. She and whoever made false police reports saying I have mental health issues or I am lost or missing need to be put in jail or fined. I didn’t always have my phone off or I when I started to force my self to use digital phones like my flip phone because I rather use analog stuff. So I made sure I called people I let people know where I was I was not missing. Even though I didn’t call right away all the time, I told them I was going to dc or on my way there. She of course doesn’t care sending me back to my crappy home life. Yes the apartment is brand new great but of course who wants to live there with all the supervision issues. Nothing against the many real people there at these hospitals such as these many people at dc hospital piw such as Trevor, Travis, Terrence, Chris, Quevon, Ms. Lynett, Lonnie, Kristen, Juan, Dr Charles Chainey, Dr husane at centra state, Tiffany at south jersey virtua hospital, and Dr at Delaware hospital. These drs or medical professionals say I don’t have mental health issues or behavioral health issues which are the same thing. But some drs who are idiots or fake say I have mental health issues. During the 3 weeks I was in the hospital twice I even missed thanksgiving and my uncle Jonathan on my dad’s side which he really isn’t my uncle he is my step great uncle but he is really young only in his 40’s. He also looks like Kanye West and he has dreads so he is a cool uncle as well. I was so miserable and tired of being there for 3 weeks that I escaped the hospital but they caught me at the bus stop. I was justified for escaping but some people were angry thinking I was trying to make them lose their job like Trevor.

I was justified for going to dc because again I don’t like where I live in nj and I wanted to escape and have fun in dc. But fake people including my mom have to find something wrong with me going to dc. I even went inside the capitol building and spread the word there. I had fun and I care to be safe. Since I had no money for a hotel or the hotel rooms were all booked I asked a dc police officer who was real friendly not fake and helped me go to a shelter in dc. Frank my real friend from the ymca helped me with a hostile. But of course my mom and the other fake people find a problem with that for some reason. Yes I know shelters can be dangerous but not all of them are obviously or it’s common sense. The shelter the police referred me to is safe since a police officer told me about it. Why would a real police officer stir me in the wrong direction or take advantage of me send me somewhere dangerous? Hostiles are safe from what frank told me but mom and other fake people think otherwise for some reason. I know I didn’t plan the greatest going to dc like I didn’t plan a hotel room in advance but that is not really necessary I have free will again and I am not perfect. My mom or whoever thinking I belong in hospitals, this is why you are getting sued. I wasted my life away in mental institutions. So now I realize people obviously have free will in life. It’s like for instance, if people care to be mature and an immature adult at the same time, like still relying on your parents or still living with your parents which is a good weird not a bad weird. We all think of or do weird things in life good or bad as human beings because humans are weird creatures. People have free will with food or drinks of course or have free will to waste food or drinks. I waste food even as an adult. Of course The idea of food is old school. See, everything has always been old school. I can go on and on. I care to say food is life it’s a fact obviously. I am not a picky eater as much anymore as an adult or late teens. I used to be a picky eater like when I used to take cheese off pizza. Now I love cheese on pizza. People are weird with food in a good way or bad way. But sadly the human body is weird in a bad way when people have food allergies or eating disorders. Like for instance people created or invented food like burgers or pizza. People also like putting fruit on pizza which is a good weird. My dad likes cold peanut butter that’s a good weird. People take pictures or videos of food or take videos or pics of them eating or drinking which is weird in a good way. But it’s your free will what is weird to you or what is a good weird or bad weird. Then later you go to the toilet and poop out what you just ate, maybe you even video record it. People have done good weird things like video record flushing things down a toilet. I prefer to record or take pics of my food or of me being weird in a good way analog style. People can be weird in real life which again is good or bad. People can be weird online thanks to Alan Turing which of course Alan was a weird or interesting guy in a good way like tying a coffee mug to a radiator. I care to be weird in a good way again like making weird funny noises or saying weird words like yas or saying words in a funny weird way in a good way like saying human. The English language is a filthy language and a weird language in a good and bad way. The b word or b**ch means female dog as well. Words like cheese or smell sound weird or are weird words in a good way. People who created languages are weird because Humans are weird creatures again we do so many weird things good or bad I can go on and on and speaking languages is weird in a good way. Somebody not speaking your language sounds weird to you like people speaking African. I used to play hand puppets with my bro Tyler when I was a kid up until I was 17 and made weird funny noises. We pretended the hand puppets were in this tv show, we created this tv show called Tyler and the big city. We were definitely creative or colorful kids in a good weird way. Again We are all different or we all have different preferences or free will. A good different or bad different. Whatever floats your boat even with sexual preferences. Or not be mature at all. I for instance carry around a kiddie abc blanket I’ve had since I was 6 years old and wear a suit and tie and adult diapers at the same time. I would wear diapers when I was an older kid or teenager as well if I knew the fact. I wore diapers when I was a teenager like 13-14 because I wet the bed and I cared about digital stuff and was addicted would not get up to go to the bathroom. Wetting the bed happens sometimes to a lot of people kid or adult. But having pee or poop stains in your underwear as an adult or older kid is immature and weird in a good and bad way I suppose. Poop jokes can be funny. If a female adult or older kid has pee or poop stains in their underwear or wherever or does masculine disgusting stuff I find that funny or weird in a good and bad way. See keeping my theory in mind about females being based off males again and we are all human. I have poop stains in my underwear as well as an adult or older kid.I got a guardian because of the mental health bs, people saying I am mentally ill is bulls**t. I need to go to court to be my own guardian. I get SSI for my autism only no mental health issues. People don’t have to care about health or mental health. it’s your free will. I used to care about health or mental health, but not anymore since I know the fact. So I even care to get fat. No offense that I say fat. I know some overweight people can’t help being obese but still it’s your free will to stay obese. I even smoke tobacco since last year 2022. Now I play sports for fun not because it’s healthy. I would like to play sports in Princeton like maybe American football, wrestling, hockey or some masculine sport. I sports that are fast paced like European football, basketball etc. baseball is a slow pace but I still like it. I wish I was a better athlete growing up. I did play recreation sports as a kid such as basketball or American football but I quit football and played baseball when I was a kid but not until the late age of 12. I was decent probably below average at baseball and other sports.

Now since everything’s always been old school, negative things don’t bother me as much such as evil because what do you expect when the fact is everything’s always been old school and again obviously people have free will to do evil or negative things. Like saying the n word or racism. N**ga or Ni**er. I say n**ga and it doesn’t bother me as much. Not all people of color are gangsters or thugs. The stereotypes of minorities for ya. Sadly traevon Martin was wearing a hood and stereotypes again people think people of color are dangerous if you wear a hood. I am afraid to wear a hood sometimes. Why do people think for instance that people of color only like Rap music or basketball or certain food like fried chicken? I am a person of color and I love music like alternative or pop music or rock and roll or metal or goth and country music. Poetry is old school poetry was in other music like rock music like ac dc long way to the top song so did people of color really invent poetry music? I love other food besides the stereotypical food obviously. A lot of people like fried chicken not just people of color. I wanna get better at playing the drums. I played drums as a kid. If I knew everything’s always been old school or the fact for short when I was a kid I would have cared to do so much like become a better or professional drummer or guitarist or become a rapper or be batter at skateboarding. I am not a great rapper but I can become better and practice freestyling. Singing though, yeah I am an awful singer that won’t ever happen. But perhaps I can scream in a metal song. Liking rock or metal or playing rock or metal instruments or rap or like rapping or skateboarding is masculine as well. I love hockey and other fast paced sports. It doesn’t bother me as much that I sort of did bestiality. I did bestiality well sort of when I was a kid 13-14 years old and I continued to do it up until 20 years old. I have talked about my sort of bestiality habit in an online video on youtube before but now I deleted it because back then I cared about mental health. I say I sort of did bestiality because I only let the dog lick my mouth and I jerked off to the dog licking my mouth. That’s all I ever did with the dog. I am not perfect, I am human just like everybody else I care to say that. If you wanna be judgemental or prejudge then that’s your free will but hey everybody has something to hide. I simply don’t care what judgmental or fake people think. I do idiotic or weird stuff a lot. I of course even have free will to share my darkest secret my sort of bestiality dark secret. Charlie Wills my real friend and sex therapist told me I sort of did bestiality. So I thank him. By the way I have known Charlie Wills since I was 24. If I knew everything’s always been old school aka the fact for short when I was younger I wish I met people like Charlie when I was younger even younger than 24. Anyway If I want to do that sort of bestiality habit again, it doesn’t bother me because again everything’s always been old school it does not bother me as much. Maybe I will do it again. Maybe I will make a sort of bestiality porn video lol just kidding. Ah dark humor. By the way I would like to do masculine stuff like learn martial arts or learn boxing mma or join the military like join the marines or be a military police officer. I care to be strong not muscular or toned since I don’t care for health again. I went to a martial arts class recently and in the past when I was a teen I did martial arts but I stopped. I care to do so much in my life, so many more things. Like let’s say sky diving, that is a masculine or extreme thing to do even though it’s scary dangerous but fun. Or to travel the world to great places like greece. I need to get a passport. But of course free will of my mom to treat me like a kid I don’t like it obviously and she has my birth certificate and social security card I gotta get my own or get it from her. I was born or from Livingston New Jersey by the way. I would like to drive a motorcycle and drive a pickup truck or muscle car masculine stuff. There is so much masculine stuff or things to do. Again I prefer analog stuff so if only these vehicles were not digital or computerized. Again people have free will with let’s say not drive or not have a license not use transportation at all. Free will to not be mature or not to be adulting. I first got my drivers license at 17. People have free will do do whatever at any age. I failed my 1st drivers test. I was not the most mature 17 year old kid or teenager. I had a lot of meltdowns or I cried like a baby. Shoutouts to my driver teacher mike. The idea of transportation is old school of course.

here are my other everything's always been old school videos on twitch and my real friend theodore and his music if you care to engage in this. If you made it this far thanks for caring to read my long messages. I had a lot to say about life and this fact. Again please spread the word or share my videos. I think I have said plenty lol. 20 paragraphs damn. This is the most I have ever written or typed in my life most likely. It took hours ad days to type all this.

By the way I was on cspan talking about everything's always been old school. if you care to watch, timestamp is 11:01
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Reactions: Nicholas17Dominic


Aug 11, 2005

at 26-27 years old I have discovered the simple fact that everythings always been old school life its self is old school for instance and I wish I knew this at 10 years old I learned about the holocaust at 10 years old in school but didnt know alan turing but better late than never by the way I would love to attend princeton and study civil engineering or something masculine work at bk near the school and love to meet whoever real people not all politicians are corrupt but most are I would like to meet politicians they can help bring back analog stuff like analog government phones in a digital world not saying get rid of digital I give credit to maryville school for talking about alan turing and credit to my genuine real friend elliott peyton for filming great scenery of dc I thank him and everybody for helping spread this message or the word the video got cut off a little bit at the beginning I said spreading the word anyway enjoy I know this will obviously help everybody who cares to listen and watch and by the way real people told me great things about the alan turing movie imitation game I like benedict cumberbatch and thanks to alan turing we live in a digital world for now and continue spreading this message and real soon we will have best of both worlds for people who prefer analog and those who prefer digital i prefer analog and its frustrating how some people keep insisting i have mental health issues or I sound mentally ill when I talk about all this I dont have mental health issues just autism I went to dc court house i wish I went to supreme court im suing people who insist im mentally ill now I realize people have free will in life they dont have to care about health I used to care about health not anymore I even smoke tobacco now and another thing im still a virgin not to be vulgar but never done oral anal vaginal but have done fetish stuff with a female never kissed a females mouth sex isnt everything obviously and obviously everybody has cheating thoughts key word thoughts there are so many sexy too hot people on this planet I see myself being in an open relationship and my theory is females are based off men controversial stuff aside man was created first ya da ya da but I believe men was created 1st in other words the human body is weird my sister looks like me shaved face and long hair but who knows if men was created first its like the chicken or egg its interesting in the womb males start out as females speaking of family here are pics of my family real friends are like family we argue sometimes we still love each other and shout outs to genuine friends such as brian silva and george a shank and steven ginter and abdul and charlie wills and umarou and george and theodore wilson aka oz if you care to engage in his rap music oz trilogy check him out on sound cloud whatever if only it were analog I know real people like me who like to remake whatever into analog and shoutouts to frank stabile aka frank from the ymca who has cancer link deleted

#princeton #maryville #ymca #BenedictCumberbatch #TheImitationGame #oldschool

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Senior member
Dec 29, 2015
There's a good movie on Turing on Netflix where Benedict Cumberbatch plays Turing. I'm sure it plays a bit fast and loose with some of the facts but it's a good yarn and definitely has significant elements of the real situation.

yes i mention the movie in my long ass message the imitation game is not the most historicaly accurate movie but its still a great movie and what is factual in the movie is alan turing inventing engineering the 1st computer and yeah my grammer is not the grreatest as somebody pointed out but people have free will in life i choose to type like this not suprising people have free will when everythings always been old school
Reactions: Nicholas17Dominic


Senior member
Dec 29, 2015
I think you need to define old school for us as the word is not making sense in the context you are using it

oh boy well like I have been saying most people get what I am saying and its really obvious or common sense that world war 2 is old school right so computers were 1st invented in world war 2 that is old school how simple can i possibly get?


Oct 6, 2009
oh boy well like I have been saying most people get what I am saying and its really obvious or common sense that world war 2 is old school right so computers were 1st invented in world war 2 that is old school how simple can i possibly get?
pretty sure fleshlights are not old school back in wwii they needed to use food like melons or turkeys with crotchless panties to get through the harsh winters


Jul 20, 2003
oh boy well like I have been saying most people get what I am saying and its really obvious or common sense that world war 2 is old school right so computers were 1st invented in world war 2 that is old school how simple can i possibly get?

I don't know but I have an IQ of 1000 and still can't understand what you are saying. Maybe you can try typing it out again but this time with your eyes closed.
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