Slavery still affects black people in america

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Junior Member
Dec 19, 2004
OK, all you ignorant white people and token successful minorities, but I'm with Arkitech and I'm gonna have to teach you people some US History. This whole country was founded on the institutions of white superiority, and the racism and prejudice is institutionalized in its social fabric.

The Civil War is a great place to start. Lincoln and the Northern White people did NOT free the slaves because they had some altruistic noble love for their fellow black human beings. They did it out of pure economic competition with the South for the new western territories opening up. After they won the war, Lincoln, yes the president we so honor, WANTED TO DEPORT ALL BLACKS BACK TO AFRICA!!! Because now that blacks were free, Whites could not envision ever living with them as equals. They were just put back into a new type of slavery....economic bondage...forced to work for their former slaveholders, while WHITE IMMIGRANTS enjoyed the industrial northern jobs. If any blacks managed to make it up north, they were quickly segregated into the poor ghettos.

Has much have things changed? To the whites, they just see racism as an aberrant isolated incident of an ignorant skinhead somewhere, while the blacks and other minorities encounter racism and are sensitive to it as a fact of daily life and part of institutions in America. How insensitive and ignorant whites are when they say, "OH quit whining" You don't know what its like, so shut the hell up. You dont see the WHITE PRIVILEGES that you enjoy by free token of your skin color that those with darker skin must fight for, because they are part of whiteness that you take for granted.

And to you whites who extol the few examples of minority success as proof that lo and behold, America is NOW MAGICALLY a PERFECTLY FAIR SOCIETY and LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. Bullshit...exceptions dont make the rule. And to you successful minorities, who play to the whites to be accepted in their elitist upper better damn remember if it wasn't for blacks rising up for themselves in the 50s and 60s for equal rights, the WHITES wouldnt have changed a damn thing. NO RIGHTS were EVER given FREELY to minorities in the History of America, but had to be fought for. It's funny how generations of minorities now are enjoying the fruits of equality that was won on the blood, sweat and tears of the struggles of their generations before, and quickly are lulled into thinking, gee, this really is a color-blind society now. Why is it that you point out an Oprah as an indicator of that all things are equal. The truth is for every Oprah or any minority to get to that level, has to be the very best and most ambitious of their group to get where they are, while all whites have to do is be born white to have that privilege. Why do minorities have to work so damn hard to gain the kinds of things whites already take for granted. Hmmmm....and if you look at the minorities and women that have made it to the power elite, the 1% of America which owns 46% of the financial wealth, dominated by white, Christian males, these women and minorities have more in common with the white privileged males to even be admitted in that society, by virtue of conservative upbringing and exclusive schooling at the most prestigious schools. Your Clarence Thomases and Condee Rices.

You want more facts. Someone tell me why from 1975 to 1995, 20 years of economic development in the US, white family's average income far outpaced and doubled that of black family's avg income? In a 2003 study of sending black and white job applicants to employer interviews, why a white candidate has DOUBLE the chances of getting a followup than an EQUALLY QUALIFIED black candidate. In fact, in the same study, even whites with a CRIMINAL history had a better chance than a black candidate with NO CRIMINAL history. This is 2003 people! You think you're so better know your facts before you speak...look this study Devah Pager. How about subprime loans and checkcashing and all sorts of businesses that prey on the black community. How about our justice system giving poor black drug offenders stiffer harsher sentences than suburban white drug offenders. Racial profiling by cops. I could go on and on and on...I mean all this is in the papers. You guys have your head in the clouds of white privileged life in the US, you don't see or you do see but are unwilling to acknowledge the injustice, aren't you?

Oh but look at the Asians, they've been oppressed, but you don't hear them complaining..they've made it...what about that? Well, I'm Asian and the Model Minority is a myth perpetuated by the White elite to deflect criticism of the institutionalized racism in the land. We are not all successful, industrious, subservient and docile, book hugging, estudious nerds that make it. We're not going to be the White's Mascot for Racial Success Stories of the Week. Most asian immigrants work in menial hard labor jobs at the bottom of the economic totem pole...hello...LA garment sweat shops. We have highschool dropout rates increasing, all kinds of problems just like any other group, so dont try to peg us all into this neat definition of a successful minority. Even when we do succeed, there is still a glass ceiling. Asians with higher degrees still on average make less than their white counterparts and are not allowed into higher managerial positions. Women already experience a bigger pay and promotion gap. Imagine if you're both a woman AND a minority.

So all you stupid white people who think the world such a wonderful place where there is no widespread your history, and get your facts checked out, before talking out of your ass. You have hundreds of grand monuments in the South to Confederate white supremacist soldiers, your Ivy League colleges are named after racists and segregationalists, and you have holidays like Columbus Day celebrating a slavetrader and mass murderer of Indians. All I can say is, if you can't truly picture yourself in the other person's shoes, don't denigrate their opinions and LIFE EXPERIENCES that you dont understand. Try to more tolerant and that too much to ask before you judge from your ignorance?


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Hahahaha! You're a complete blithering moron, gurleeme.

Not only have you wasted your own time merely reiterating what's already been said, but you've come up with some of the most baseless bullshit yet.

Businesses that prey on the black community? Predators are everywhere - WTF do people want? A white guy per every X number of black citizens to doublecheck their financial decisions in order to make sure they're not getting scammed? At which point do people start taking responsibility for themselves?

Ivy League colleges named after racists and segregationalists? Who WASN'T a racist back then as judged by the morals of today? Accept people in history for what they were - imperfect beings. Maybe we should rename institutions every couple of generations to better suit the feelings of people in the present?

The Model Minority is a myth perpetuated by the White elite to deflect criticism of the institutionalized racism in the It's amazing that you think everyone who spoke against the OP is a "stupid white [person]". Who's the one talking out of their ass again?


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 1999
Gurleeme are you sure you're not the OP posting under a different name? Awfully convenient that you have THREE whole posts and you registered TODAY.

You exhibit the same "chip on the shoulder" that many people in the black community do. Obviously, it doesn't get you anywhere. You really want to change what you believe is institutional racism? Stop posting on geek forums and go into politics. Change things from the top.

I don't doubt that slavery and racism has affected black people. But it's probably also affected nearly every other racial group out there. Do you know why most other groups don't complain about it? Because it DOESNT DO ANY GOOD. The "I want you to feel sorry for me" routine has absolutely no benefit. All it does is piss people off because it makes them think you want their pity and more often than not it's used as an excuse for why that particular individual or group cannot succeed. I'm glad that the OP is not using slavery as an excuse as to why blacks can't succeed, but he needs to understand that even bringing it up pisses people off because that's what it IMPLIES.

It's like complaining about your stock price dropping. You can complain all you want but all it's going to do is annoy the people around you.


Junior Member
Dec 19, 2004
Originally posted by: yllus
Hahahaha! You're a complete blithering moron, gurleeme.

Ivy League colleges named after racists and segregationalists? Who WASN'T a racist back then as judged by the morals of today? Accept people in history for what they were - imperfect beings. Maybe we should rename institutions every couple of generations to better suit the feelings of people in the present?

You see you can't just excuse people back then as "backward" or the morals of that time. During George Washington's time, a slaveholder who didn't want any blacks on the Revolutionary Army, there were abolitionists who were trying to voice the unpopular belief in the wrongs of slavery and equality for all.

During all these past periods, where we honor the cream of the crop of society, people of such high stature and noble achievement, albeit with "imperfect" thoughts -- there were always normal decentminded people who were brave enough to believe in unpopular thoughts and be labeled race-traitors and n*gger'll never find statues to them.

So you guys can say what you want. They'll always be the few of us voicing the unpleasant truth -- that our society has come a long way but still has a long way to go still. We are your conscience speaking and we are not afraid to be ridiculed or spat on or whatever else the mob mentality of mainstream ignorance throws at us. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."



Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Thanks gurleeme. I needed a good laugh before I went to bed.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: yllus

From one person 'hated' for skin colour to another, suck it up you whiny beotch. I mean, WTF? How does the Civil War still affect America? We barely have any World War I veterans left alive, let alone people from the 1850s. Segregation was done away with almost a half century ago.

Your clear understanding is a copout for black people, a reason on which to direct their blame for not succeeding. I'm not saying all black people do this, or you do this yourself, but WTF man. It's a new century, come on down and join the rest of us.



Junior Member
Dec 19, 2004
Originally posted by: DJFuji
You exhibit the same "chip on the shoulder" that many people in the black community do. Obviously, it doesn't get you anywhere. You really want to change what you believe is institutional racism? Stop posting on geek forums and go into politics. Change things from the top.

I don't doubt that slavery and racism has affected black people. But it's probably also affected nearly every other racial group out there. Do you know why most other groups don't complain about it? Because it DOESNT DO ANY GOOD. The "I want you to feel sorry for me" routine has absolutely no benefit. All it does is piss people off because it makes them think you want their pity and more often than not it's used as an excuse for why that particular individual or group cannot succeed.

It's not a chip on my shoulder. It's simple vigilance in knowing that the ugly head of racism of the white beast can lift its head anytime, and that it can target any group at its will. History is replete with examples and history repeats itself. So instead of being lulled into a sense of security that enough has been done in this country to guarantee that every child regardless of skincolor has the same equitable opportunity to succeed in this society, there are those of us who must be the watchdogs. Currently, the next group being targeted are Muslim Americans. (December 17, 2004: Nearly Half of All Americans Support Restricting Rights of Muslim Americans);CMP=OTC-RSSFeeds0312

Guess we learned nothing from sending the slant-eyed nips to the internment camps and stealing their properties and livelihoods. And I'm not saying oh feel sorry for me. Rather, I want minorities to empower themselves and take what they think is rightfully theirs, the way the whites have always been able to in the past. Apologies for the past are not enough. After the Civil War when America was on its way to growing into the most industrialized country in the world, Northern factories depended on cotton as a raw material for its textile industry, which accounted for most of its exports. The Northern whites colluded with the Southern whites to not let blacks leave the south, but force them back on the cotton fields. The North would not allow blacks to work in northern factories, fearing a black invasion on white jobs. 65 years later, by WWI, while 20 million white immigrants came to the US and absorbed into northern industry, 89% of blacks in the US were still picking cotton in the South under economic bondage. They did not reap the benefits of the immense profit of cotton, and immense economic growth of the US by their hands. Only the white masters did.

So, to use an analogy for your juvenile understanding, its like if you built a car with your bare hands, and one day, some guy steals it and starts using it to get around, go to job interviews, take out chicks, using what you made for his own convenience and gain, while you're stuck. One day, he comes around in your car, and says, hey, Sorry, dude.

Sorry? Is that all I get is an apology? Screw that, I want my car back! So wheres all the millions upon millions of dollars of profit off of black labor? They got nothing man. All they got were lynchings and segregation and no educational opportunities.

You laugh at reparations for blacks. It's long overdue...and as Malcolm X said...By Any Means Necessary.


Golden Member
Sep 13, 2003
I am not commenting on the merits of your message when I say that you are not going to win any public relations contest with language like this. Angry and inflamatory language simply doesn't get people to empathize or understand your position. All it does is make people believe that you think they are the "enemy" and that you are accusing them of horrible things and are out to get them.

Originally posted by: gurleeme
It's not a chip on my shoulder. It's simple vigilance in knowing that the ugly head of racism of the white beast can lift its head anytime
You laugh at reparations for blacks. It's long overdue...and as Malcolm X said...By Any Means Necessary.



Senior member
Feb 6, 2004
I agree with some of what gurleeme had to say. It's tough to take but true. We have always had a upper hand over blacks weather we want to admit it or not. If you now history you will know its the truth. No excuse for living in the past and letting affect you but sometimes I dont think you can help it.



Junior Member
Dec 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Pandaren
I am not commenting on the merits of your message when I say that you are not going to win any public relations contest with language like this. Angry and inflamatory language simply doesn't get people to empathize or understand your position. All it does is make people believe that you think they are the "enemy" and that you are accusing them of horrible things and are out to get them.

I'm not here to win any popularity contests and I know my language is inflammatory. If you want to have a frank, honest discussion about race and racism, there is no polite way to talk about it...I'm not going to tiptoe around people's sensitivities just to make them feel more comfortable about themselves or where they stand, or assuage any guilt. My language is nothing compared to how the average white person in the 50s and 60s, and still in some parts of our country today, talk about blacks and minorities. And if you as a white person is uncomfortable talking about this, it's infinitesimal compared to the uncomfortableness of having a noose around your neck, or having white policemen fire high-pressure water hoses at you, beat you with nightsticks and sick dogs on you, while you peacefully protest segregation with your sister, mother and grandmother, or being spit on by white students and teachers as the first black students on desegregated campuses. These blacks are still alive to remember those days within the lifetimes of your parents and grandparents. You ever ask your parents what they were thinking in the comfort of their homes watching all this on TV?

In fact, here's a simple litmus test for how colorblind you really think you are and how society judges people. If you're white and old enough to have a daughter, imagine right now, that your daughter will date, fall in love with, and marry a black man, and your grandchildren will be half-black. In your deepest heart of hearts, you have any problem with that? You think society will treat your son-in-law and grandchildren no different whatsoever than if they were pure white? Be honest now and don't kid yourself OK?

It would probably surprise most of you who object to what I have to say, that I have been just as vociferous and staunch in my defense of white people, against stupid, simple-minded minorities who go around seeing the racist boogeyman in every white person, and think the whole white race is evil. That is just as evil and racial to put a whole race down like that. First of all, there's simple-minded ignorant people in all races, and in fact, race is just a made up social construct. Genetically, biologically, you can't tell one from another. It's a convenient superficial way we humans have found to differentiate ourselves from each other, and unfortunately, use it as a measure of superiority. But its all bullshit, and so is the myth of every race being some monolithic group all unto themselves. There are whites who hate on other whites. Some of the very businesses that prey on black communities When Chinese laborers in Chinatown wanted better wages and went on strike, was the Chinese business owners who hired Chinese gangs to beat up and intimidate the Chinese workers. So, no, I like to think most white people are decent people, just like most people of any race are decent people. My only point and why I usually single out whites is because YOU are the DOMINANT group, and being the DOMINANT group, you set the standard for what is considered NORMAL, and the rest of us have to try and fit into those standards, and you just take it for granted that your NORMAL, and therefore, you don't see the injustice or the hardships, or you dismiss them as whining complaints or accuse us of using them as weapons of accusation against you.

The deck is still stacked against certain groups. I hear people say stop complaining, if you really want to succeed, you one's stopping you. True to some extent, but let's take a child and education..that's the first step and the most crucial element for success in a society that likes to bill itself as giving everyone an equal opportunity for success. As an immigrant, I know the myth that we can come here with nothing, and our children can get an education and succeed. Do our children really have an equal shot? I live in southern California and speaking for Los Angeles County, if you read the statistics on high schools (from LA Times 1998 and 1999), they show that mainly minority schools have as much as 8x the textbook shortages than mainly white schools, and schools serving poor and minority students have more unqualified teachers. So if equity is not even to be found in our schools and the education our children receive, how can you say that we all have an equal shot, that it's a level playing field? Yes, there are success stories that come out of every ghetto school...students who dodged bullets to get to college. But why does it take that kind of effort to gain something, students in affluent wealthy schools take for granted, with much better schools, teachers, and financial resources? Think about it.

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