Question Slow USB Flash drive file transfers


Jan 18, 2021
Hello All

System Info
Intel 10700
Gigabyte B460M-DS3H Rev 1.0
32GB of Ram
Geforce 1660 Super

USB 2.5Gig Ethernet Adapter (newly setup--came earlier than Amazon said)
USB UPS Power management
USB Logitech G Pro WIred Headset
and in last USB 3.2 Gen 1 port is flash drive i'm trying to conduct backup of a Music Folder 22.6GB in size

Sandisk Extreme USB 3.1 64GB Flash Drive
(Which should be fast i would think, but sadly isn't)) tested on my HP Omen 15_ce019dx with USB 3.0 Gen A ports as well, just as slow on that PC as well)

Am using Windows Defender for Individuals that came with Office 365 last month
Windows 11 clean installed back on 9/20/2022 due to Bluetooth driver error

Welcome any ideas or tips or suggestions, or i'll just have to live with it til i can afford a higher quality motherboard & Processor in the future. This was a quick decision as cheap as i could go cost saving upgrade in June 2020 to get on the 10th Gen Platform from 7th Gen Platform back then.


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Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
I've got an SD extreme and it works fine. Mind you it's the 3.2 version. Did you try a different port? IIRC the one I have is 256gb and does 400MB/s and acts like an SSD and not just a flash drive. this one still manages 75MB/s this one is the faster one.

I use the slower one for ISO boots and the other ones acts as a portable windows image of my current setup.

another thing to note is the speed of the source. If it's slow then the USB will be as well. The types of files makes a difference and the utilization of space impacts how fast things will go.


Jan 18, 2021
The Source Drive is Western Digital 4TB HDD Drive Sata 6gbps

Unforuately in the rear of system since adding the USB 2.5 Gig Ethernet Adapter i got no more open ports back there-- 1 Port available back there if headset connected

Did test the 256GB Sandisk drive with Front port a bit yesterday, unforuately didn't make any difference to transfer the second half of the Folder--but was from same source as Todays transfer, in fact same Folder even

Do have 1 Free USB 3.0 Front Port but way desk is, drive too large to plug in ontop of PC with Keyboard shelf/top of desk right above it

I could route USB 3.0 Powered Hub cord to the Front Available USB 3.0 Port, and just test again with only 1 drive plugged into it, see what i get then i suppose

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Move things around and try again. Even a HDD should be able to saturate the USB drive.


Jan 18, 2021
Well Front USB 3.0 Port with USB hub and it's extension cable to reach from spot on Desk
Kept Disconnecting with Front USB 3.0 Port.

Moved it back to Same Port that is open in the rear, the only port that is lol.

Hmmm might have to forgo this USB 2.5 Gig Ethernet Adapter with this system and just settle for Download speed up to 940MB or so, and Upload 23.55 or about. as this is kinda horrible transfer rate with any USB drive i try so far. even the newest Dual A/C 256GB Sandisk drive that i did the transfer with first time

Unless someone has any other suggestions lol

I know with the dual 256GB Drive, i was able to put the whole music folder on really quick the first time i used that flash drive after Christmas

But since i purchased more songs off Amazon, decided to update the drive, guess i should've just copied the changed files, and not the entire directory again, as this machine some reason super slow when i do whole folders lol

starts earning more Microsoft bing rewards to replace the Hubs extension cable. Or something to fix this if i can lol

**Note Headset was replaced on Birthday in February from Former Wireless G935 to Logitech G Pro Wired Version--((could that be making a difference, as used to have Logitech Mix Adapter plugged in back there, and charging cable plugged in up front into the 1 working usb 2.0 port on my Thermtalke V200 TG RGB Case**

((Second USB 2.0 port up front used to work, but some reason stopped after last dust clean out, but i didn't see any wires that i pinched or got pulled out, as i pulled it off carefully to access the front fans then)) Doing another dust clean out soon, so will inspect the wires more closely then


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Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Sounds like a bigger hub with more ports might be useful and just plug everything into that with the best working port. As to the port not working it is probably loose cables on the header side on the mobo. If you go for the bigger hub it might be worth considering a USB card to boost your bandwidth and add a couple of ports.


Jan 18, 2021
Yeah gonna check the cables soon as i do another dust clean out soon--will even check this time with flash light

Unforutately This PC with no dust filters for the 3 front fans--(which is a pain to clean and get to anyhow) seems i have to dust nearly every month to keep it clean as possible

But will work it on hopefully this weekend if i got real life peace

As for USB Card with a Micro Atx motherboard not sure if i have another open slot for a usb card, i'll have to look, as Wifi/Bluetooth card possibly in the last x1 slot, i might though have one more possibly, but unsure on that part fully, then its if i can break off another slot cover to be able to access the port from rear of PC lol.
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Jan 18, 2021
Dust Clean out best i could this morning, checked the front usb wires--1st USB 2.0 Port Working again!, and second one seems to be working as well on system Front panel

Cleaned dust best i could with Cordless Duster and Compressed Air

I'd do a deeper clean but undoing the cable management, and pulling out all the front fan wires would take a long time to do to get the fan blades even cleaner, but sometime in future i might get brave enough and tackle that part, Though system much quieter doing idle tasks now, so guess did get alot out

Plus have to remove to front cover fully to even access the front fans better....and as delicate the usb connections are not even sure i wanna do that as yet lol.

I might even get brave enough next year to purchase my Dream case
Be Quiet 500DX possibly

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
You should look at fractal cases as they're built like tanks and filters for all spots. If you need to deep clean them they pop apart easily for cleaning.


Jan 18, 2021
Yeah that might end up being my first choice instead lol. As this Thermaltake V200 case i realize now not easy to deep will start looking at Fractal case and sometime when i got time and funds get it all swapped myself or From local shop

I did a case swap long long time ago back in late 2008 from older AMD K6-2 Case to some off brand ATX case, i assume the new case manual would have instructions where to move the atx standoffs to micro atx standoffs so motherboard would line up fine.

Think not gonna worry on RGB Fans in future case lol, as one too many wires, too much hassle to cable manage, maybe invest in a light strip later if i want a tiny bit of RGB in future lol.

Filter for all spots be great!! sounds like will be much easier to clean and maybe i wouldn't even need a deep clean lol

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
I run mine 24/7 and the current one has been on for 18 months and doesn't need a cleaning. Then again it sounds like you have some bad air quality. Maybe a HEPA filter in your house would be a good start to bringing down the dust levels.


Jan 18, 2021
Yeah 24/7 here as well, only shutdown for Dust Clean outs obviously or Hardware upgrades, or if Power goes

Gonna have to invest in Air Purifier sometime, as yeah unforuately i don't know why always have so much darn dust, and i do my very best to keep room as clean as possible

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Another thing that helps is putting it up off the floor. Mine sit about 3 feet off the floor. There's less particulate higher up


Jan 18, 2021
Yeah eventually i'm gonna get a better desk with Tower Room at the Top of Desk possibly on right side of Monitor versus how desk is now

But for now it's all i got, so just gonna have to make due with it

Had this Desk since 2004, so definitely upgrading it soon as i can to something better with Tower up higher lol.

Meanwhile just try to keep it as dust free as i can


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Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
I use side tables that are 24*24 or bookshelves. Just something to get things off the floor. Then again I'm using mine as a headless server and not a workstation. Tables and bookshelves are cheap. Desks are usually cheap material but expensive to buy.


Jan 18, 2021
Yeah well sometime if i had to i guess i could look into side table, provided all the cables would reach if i did move it to a Side Table.

Keeps it in mind as an option though if i can't afford newer desk at some point

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022

I've used this one for a few different things now. It's a good platform for different gear. Very sturdy for heavy items like the server. I had a projector on it recently along with a soundbar.

Cabling is easy enough to overcome though. 10FT HDMI cables are only $10 even with 8K ratings. If you get a little creative in how you setup things it sometimes works out better than the traditional setup. Get the heat / noise away from your work space and keep the dust out.

For the bookshelf it's just an Ikea one and used it as a TV stand for quite awhile with it on its side.


Jan 18, 2021
@Tech Junky

Forgot to mention an App that autoly installed on all Household systems with Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Defender for Individuals which is a Family like dashboard for security aspect.

On Main Gaming Desktop
Gaming Laptop
and Android S22 Phone

Should i keep it installed, or Uninstall it, and just not activate if it autoly reinstalls again in the future with MS Office 365. As before that released i do remember the flash drives was faster and other USB 3.0 Devices

More Info on this application is on Microsoft Store or MS Office 365 Site

And Yes USB 3.0 Devices about same speed on Windows 10 Home Gaming Laptop i just noticed today in process of doing my weekly system backups at the moment

USB 3.0 Speed with Hub Now after removing that little app
102Mb/S to another USB Drive, Will try the Original 256GB one later on to make sure that is sped up as well
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Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Never heard of that app. If it speeds things up then I would remove it everywhere.

I tend to be a little more aggressive with removing ms apps by booting into Linux and deleting the offending folders completely. Defender is one of my targets on a fresh install as it's useless and always wants to update. It also deletes things I want to use. Once you figure out how to avoid clicking things by reflex you're already safer. Sure doing a fresh install can be a pain in the rear but, I don't really store stuff locally anyway since it's all on my nas. My nas is diy also with raid 10 setup for speed and redundancy. I can pull data at 400MB/s from it over Ethernet so, copying things is trivial.


Jan 18, 2021
Well so far seems to be removed the App at least,

Don't mind Defender as Antivirus itself, i never had slow downs with the App Included with Windows-just til Microsoft decided to add in the Microsoft Defender for Indivduals with Microsoft Office 365

Might have to invest a NAS in the Future, as so far never had one, though no idea where i'd store it at the moment lol if i was to get one in the future

Anyhow hopefully this is finally all solved, will know for sure later on i suppose in this matter.

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
NAS / file sharing is simple sometimes. They're small of you prefer to pay for convenience or bigger if you use a traditional PC case to have room for expansion and better performance using PC HW. NAS off the shelf systems use weak CPU/RAM/NIC parts and charge a premium for convenience and simplicity. You can DIY something for about $200 using a SFF PC and Linux and just add dives to it in an enclosure. It also depends if you're going to use traditional spinners or SSD/NVME drives. The network speed for 10gbps is going to max out most HDD's until a certain point since 10gbps is 1250MB/s in terms of speed. That would be saturated with 2 x SSD drives. Even a Gen 3 NVME would only be using about 1/3 of it ss max speed.

My setup was primarily as a router / AP / DVR setup and then I expanded the drive count and complexity a bit. Over time I consolidated 5-6 devices into the single DIY setup which was a goal from the beginning. No longer having to deal with crappy routers and their firmware pushes was a priority as they seem to break things with each new version compared to what they're trying to patch/fix. Not to mention not being locked into todays tech when it's time to upgrade I can swap a NIC for something faster or add a different WIFI card for AP use like AX / AX-E or BE when it comes out. Set some simple FW rules and tie in network wide VPN as well as pihole for blocking ads / tracking.


Jan 18, 2021
Well only Small Form Factor PC that i have stored in closet as it was very slow system years ago -_Acer Revo R1600

All the Old cases and older hardware was recycled when we moved in 2018, as was just too much to lug around unforuately, kinda wish had kept some of those to learn on doing my own hardware upgrades, like CPU cooler upgrades, Motherboard swaps, etc lol, but unforuately right now just will have to save to afford some parts or something in future, and go from there i think

Tech Junky

Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2022
Well, holding onto things like everything else has pro/con like moving them from one location to another. I tend to upgrade quite often and holding onto things just wouldn't make sense from a cost recovery perspective. Though I do have a backup server / laptop sitting around that I need to sell off still. Also, have a couple of phones that need to get posted somewhere as well. It's easy to get complacent with these things. Nice thing though is a new SFF PC would be ages better than the old one you got rid of already. And for the use as a NAS or even a router it doesn't take much for HW in terms of the CPU/RAM.

Linux doesn't need much in terms of specs to run really nice. Low overhead means it runs really well lean. I have 16GB of ram in my setup as I want at least 2 sticks for redundancy and it just made more sense to go 2x8 when looking at prices at the time. My build is a bit overkill for some uses but, for my use it's just right. It has room for potential additions but handles its daily tasks w/o any hiccups. Plex post processing of TS files was a big item to deal with as it used to take forever to process files. Before building I had a NUC and sent the recordings to a NAS and then did some post processing on the NUC like removing commercials and converting to MP4 to drop the file size by 80%. That also meant having a couple of tuner boxes for the OTA capture to Plex. Anyway, building a custom setup for me was the way to streamline the processes.

For awhile I had it all inside a Node 804 which is a smallish cube of a case that has room for tons of drives. Well, when upgrading to ADL I had to go back to a ATX size case. I narrowed things down to a couple and went with the Meshify 2 and it has room for ~13 drives on a rack inside the case. Talk about room to grow! I resist the urge to add more drives though. It's very tempting to do at times vs cleaning out the storage to make room for new stuff. I've been eyeing up dual/multi-actuator drives though with the idea of getting 2 drives to take over for 4-5 drives at the same speed.
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