Smart Phones Why So BIG?


Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
It seems like smart phones are trying to be everything to everybody. The screens are getting bigger and bigger and my S3 is already too big for my pocket with a case on it. They are also impossibly thin which makes them hard to hold on to. This unnecessary thinness makes them more likely to get bent in half in your pocket and also makes the battery too small to make it through the day. I don't have unlimited data to watch videos and I have a job so I don't have time for that. I don't connect to WiFi to keep the phone from constantly updating stuff without my permission. I have no desire to use it as a 3D gaming platform (STUPID). I am looking for a replacement for my S3 and am not looking forward to putting something the size of a 7" tablet in my pocket that has a two hour battery life. I have never been a fan of the tablet interface. It is very inefficient and cumbersome but then again I am not a millennial. I do like Android as far as and operating system because of all the free apps and hacks out there. So what is out there that is not like carrying a laptop in my pocket and is am improvement to my S3?

I will be shocked if someone actually puts out a phone that is as ergonomic as a flip phone but still has the ability to do more advanced stuff like a tablet. Dedicated buttons are really missed by those of us who just want to make a phone call with one hand without even looking at a screen and having to use both hands and both eyes and your full attention. The same thing goes for using the camera. No wonder there are so many wrecks as I see people driving down the road playing with these things or even trying to drive with this HUGH phone stuck to their heads.

It seems even the smaller phones are bigger than the S3. So what do I do now?



Jan 12, 2005
I will be shocked if someone actually puts out a phone that is as ergonomic as a flip phone but still has the ability to do more advanced stuff like a tablet.

Samsung make this...

But I doubt you'll see one unless you import it.


Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
Those look pretty cool. Actually that blackberry type interface is not a bad one either.


Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
Ok, so buy yourself a dumb phone. It will be tiny, last a really long time, and has plenty of dedicated buttons. Then buy a DLSR, then a navigation system, then...

What kind of gigantic case do you have that an S3 won't fit in your pocket? Sounds like you're just used to old flip phones. Today's smartphone is more of a handheld computer. There are smaller sized phones that should meet your needs.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
It seems like smart phones are trying to be everything to everybody. The screens are getting bigger and bigger and my S3 is already too big for my pocket with a case on it. They are also impossibly thin which makes them hard to hold on to. This unnecessary thinness makes them more likely to get bent in half in your pocket and also makes the battery too small to make it through the day. I don't have unlimited data to watch videos and I have a job so I don't have time for that. I don't connect to WiFi to keep the phone from constantly updating stuff without my permission. I have no desire to use it as a 3D gaming platform (STUPID). I am looking for a replacement for my S3 and am not looking forward to putting something the size of a 7" tablet in my pocket that has a two hour battery life. I have never been a fan of the tablet interface. It is very inefficient and cumbersome but then again I am not a millennial. I do like Android as far as and operating system because of all the free apps and hacks out there. So what is out there that is not like carrying a laptop in my pocket and is am improvement to my S3?

I will be shocked if someone actually puts out a phone that is as ergonomic as a flip phone but still has the ability to do more advanced stuff like a tablet. Dedicated buttons are really missed by those of us who just want to make a phone call with one hand without even looking at a screen and having to use both hands and both eyes and your full attention. The same thing goes for using the camera. No wonder there are so many wrecks as I see people driving down the road playing with these things or even trying to drive with this HUGH phone stuck to their heads.

It seems even the smaller phones are bigger than the S3. So what do I do now?


A Google Pixel, perhaps? The screen is larger, but the phone itself isn't that much bigger -- it's actually a bit narrower. Do get a case for it, though (Google will gladly sell you one).

I can understand your concerns, but at the same time, it feels like you're going to have to bite the bullet. Many people treat their phones as pocket computers, and we're never going to go back to the days of "it just makes calls." I'm just glad that there's diversity beyond phablets. I'm fine using big (5.5-inch and larger) phones, but there is an allure to something you can easily check with one hand.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2002
A 5.5" phone has given me no issue at all in terms of size, fitting in my pocket, etc. It would only be concerning if I wore really tight pants or had really small pockets. Any larger than this though, and it would probably feel like too much. I don't see the benefit if going smaller nowadays - what makes the experience a good one with smartphones is the ability to use maps, navigation, email and browsing, messaging, consuming audio/video media content, all that kind of stuff. Most of the functions that make a smartphone versatile and valuable are better-enjoyed on a bigger screen. And doesn't Apple still offer a 4.7" iphone? That's pretty small as far as any premium smartphone goes.

I loved my dumbphones too but at this point, I have no desire to go back to that. I just wish battery life on smartphones could take a giant leap forward.


Senior member
Mar 7, 2008
There are plenty of dumb phones out there for you, OP. No need to piss in the general direction of technological advancement.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Check this chart out:

I recommend setting to display 100 items, filtering the results by the screen size you're looking for (S3 is 4.8" so start with 4.5- 5.1-6" and your target size range is covered) Android version, Brands, carrier, and any other criteria you're looking for.

Should help you get a general idea based on the size you're looking for, then help you narrow down by models that interest you.

Since OP doesn't seem to be stat-crazed (IT MUST BE LATEST/GREATEST!) then you probably have a whole universe of phones to choose from, as long as they are somewhat more up-to-date than the S3, and work on your carrier.

Unfortunately I have no idea how up to date this is, but it may serve as a starting point to point you in the right direction.

Edit: Looks like it's way old and very incomplete.

This site has a pretty good visual comparison, once you know what models to compare your S3 to:;1
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Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
I was thinking of and S6 but the curved screen seems like it would be a liability if you put it in a case and you can't see the edges well or select or scroll because the case is in the way. The contact list with the alphabet on the right side is almost impossible to use with the S3 and the case I have.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I was thinking of and S6 but the curved screen seems like it would be a liability if you put it in a case and you can't see the edges well or select or scroll because the case is in the way. The contact list with the alphabet on the right side is almost impossible to use with the S3 and the case I have.

There are flat-screen versions of both the S6 and S7 if you're concerned!


Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
Yeah I saw that. Looks like the S5 has all I need and it has an miniSD slot and a removable battery. The problem is finding one. I am using AT&T and I guess I would need an unlocked phone. I looked at the Motorola phones and was not real impressed with the lack of home button and fixed batteries.



Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
I was thinking of and S6 but the curved screen seems like it would be a liability if you put it in a case and you can't see the edges well or select or scroll because the case is in the way.
I'm sorry but I'll forever wonder just what some people are protecting themselves from.

'save' a device from looking and working like junk in the future... by making it look and work like junk all during the time you use it.


Jan 12, 2005
I'm sorry but I'll forever wonder just what some people are protecting themselves from.

'save' a device from looking and working like junk in the future... by making it look and work like junk all during the time you use it.

TBH the S6/S7s are pretty damn slippery! They also have glass on both sides. That's not a brilliant combination. The S7E is the only phone that I've damaged by dropping.


Senior member
Dec 11, 2013
An S3 is a 5 year old phone.

Why ask a question you already know the answer to?

Screens are bigger because people want to look at larger screens to hurt their eyes less
Most people view media with smartphones and for some people it is their only computing device
Their hands are large enough to operate the phone without an issue
and they have large pockets.
Most people use wifi, many play games.

Your grandmotherly like phone usage is not the target for sales of most phone makers.

You should look into a "jitterbug".
Reactions: Oyeve


Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
A case is a necessity in my world. These things are built to be as thin and slippery as a bar of soap and extremely fragile. They want you to break a $700 phone so you will have to buy another one. My pockets are pretty big since I wear cargo pants most of the time. Usually the phone turns sideways in my pocket which makes it more cumbersome. They should be made with a rubber exterior in the first place and they should be about 2 or three times thicker than they are with a much bigger battery. You need edges to hold on to that are flat. I have dropped my S3 many times without it breaking. It goes hiking, mountain biking, and stays with me all day. Maybe an OCD metro-sexual millennial with a man purse can keep a phone without a case for 6 months till a new model comes out but in the real world you need a case. I have worn out two cases on mine. Also getting in an out of a car is a problem when your pockets are full of junk. Now we have to have a candy bar size dongle to drive a new car. These things are not made for the long haul either if you have a dozen keys grinding away at them.



Senior member
Jan 22, 2001
Some of us don't have time to play on the phone and we need it to work fast and reliably. We are too busy working to support you guys so you have time to play games on your phone instead of being part of the real world. Yes I know an S3 is a 5 year old phone that is why I am looking for a new one. I also keep my phones for several years because it is something I don't need to spend money on. When you have a family you have other expenses to consider. I have also been known to drive 25 year old cars with over 200,000 miles on them. Cars are another big waste of money. I would rather have a nice place to live than a $50,000 BMW and the newest smart phone with 3D head gear.


An S3 is a 5 year old phone.

Why ask a question you already know the answer to?

Screens are bigger because people want to look at larger screens to hurt their eyes less
Most people view media with smartphones and for some people it is their only computing device
Their hands are large enough to operate the phone without an issue
and they have large pockets.
Most people use wifi, many play games.

Your grandmotherly like phone usage is not the target for sales of most phone makers.

You should look into a "jitterbug".
Reactions: Thump553


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Some of us don't have time to play on the phone and we need it to work fast and reliably. We are too busy working to support you guys so you have time to play games on your phone instead of being part of the real world. Yes I know an S3 is a 5 year old phone that is why I am looking for a new one. I also keep my phones for several years because it is something I don't need to spend money on. When you have a family you have other expenses to consider. I have also been known to drive 25 year old cars with over 200,000 miles on them. Cars are another big waste of money. I would rather have a nice place to live than a $50,000 BMW and the newest smart phone with 3D head gear.


Everyone has different priorities, though. If you practically live on your phone (for work or socially), upgrading more frequently makes a difference. And if you're a student or have a lengthy bus/train commute... well, watching Netflix or playing games on your phone may matter, because those may be some of the better ways to entertain yourself.

Also, personally I'd get nervous about holding a phone for that long for one reason: security. Many Android phone makers abandon support for a phone in less than two years (sometimes considerably less), so the idea that my phone would be permanently vulnerable to known exploits for most of its useful lifespan is... disconcerting. The likelihood of being attacked is pretty small, but this is why I prefer Google phones (guaranteed two years of major updates and frequent minor updates) or iOS. It's funny to think that there are 2012-era iPhones that are more secure than Android phones released last year.


Jan 12, 2005
OP what do you actually want the phone to do?
It sounds like you just need a phone that makes phone calls.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
TBH the S6/S7s are pretty damn slippery! They also have glass on both sides. That's not a brilliant combination. The S7E is the only phone that I've damaged by dropping.
I put a dBrand carbon fibre skin on the back of my Note 7's after you suggested it, and that solved the problem of that phone being too slippery completely. I've got a skin for my S7E on the way. That solution works quite nicely- cases to me look like ass. What other tech product do people routinely put a giant block of rubbish around in order to "protect" it from becoming rubbish?

Also, the OP has an S3 or possibly S5. Both of those have removable backs, allowing adding a multitude of better, non-slip backs, and even larger battery/replacement back as well.

Hey fine the OP needs a case, no biggie- just seems kind of silly to complain about the size of phones when you make the phone even bigger yourself encasing it in junk.


Jan 12, 2005
I put a dBrand carbon fibre skin on the back of my Note 7's after you suggested it, and that solved the problem of that phone being too slippery completely. I've got a skin for my S7E on the way.

Have a Slickwraps leather skin on my S7E, it's pretty grand. ah heck to put on though!

Also, the OP has an S3 or possibly S5. Both of those have removable backs, allowing adding a multitude of better, non-slip backs, and even larger battery/replacement back as well.

Yeah, I wouldn't bother with a case on an S3 or S5, in fact I did exactly what you said and got some Samsung extended batteries for both!


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
OP, if you want to stay with Android, buy a compact Sony, if OS doesn't matter, buy an iPhone SE.


Senior member
Nov 10, 2013
my S3 is already too big for my pocket

The problem is in your pants.
nobody ever think of that.

When you go and buy pants, always put a phone in the pocket and try to sit.

TBH the S6/S7s are pretty damn slippery! They also have glass on both sides. That's not a brilliant combination. The S7E is the only phone that I've damaged by dropping.

So vote with your wallet and get something else.
I know, i know, it's pros and cons. I'm frustrated as well. but i just refuse to put a condom on unleass i'm doing something out in the rain or mud or something.
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