Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of mental illness by 40%

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Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Arkaign

Again, though, this so-called 'study' is so off the charts in it's insanity that it's laughable. To think that anybody would take it seriously enough to post it here is unbelievable. It's too much, even for the onion. Maybe the 'Weekly World News' or something. Even the National Enquirer would be too embarrassed to post such tripe.

I'm surprised the OP didn't include a link to "Reefer Madness".


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
well, a serious article,in a serious journal, written by serious people, about a serious problem.

and wouldn't you know it..the potbangers don't like the article because it criticizes one of their personal lifestyle choices as being unhealthy....

i'm not even sure the ones dissing the article even understand what it says, or what the math in it actually means....

yep, like trying to reason with three year olds...
an exercise in futility

just to cheer you kids up...a few more years and i'lll be pulling in Social Security!!
I'm gonna become a liberal then, and demand my entitlements!!

don't try to take MY scooter away!! (which you will be buying for me with your taxes!!)

HAHAHA payback is a b!tch!!

Yep, I'm gonna become a Democrat (when i stop having taxable income), about the same time you all are becoming Republicans (when you start earning taxable income) how the worm turns..
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: piasabird
I would like to say I dont care to call everyone that ever smoked pot stupid or somehow less worthy of an individual. However, it is an illegal activity. Perhaps the worst thing that was ever done was to make pot possession a misdemeaner and make it look like it was not a real crime. However, there are probably plenty of people who can get no ill effects from an occassional hit. Alcohol when used in moderation is not that bad for you. However, even alcohol can cause serious physical and mental disorders if used on a daily basis to excess.

What I would like to say, is that when I watch cop shows it seems a lot of the people being arrested for drugs or pot seem to have other legal problems as well. For instance they may be stealing to get money for their drugs. Also to get the drugs you may have to associate with some people of somewhat questionable character.

Drugs are horrible when they are illegal and you get caught. I saw this quite often in the Army. We would have guys getting busted all the time for Pot and other things like crack cocaine. When I was in the army after receiving my initial boot camp and advanced specialty training I arrived at a unit that was an MP Company. The very first day there, I was offerred a dime bag of pot and I refused the offer for the sale. I am not a narc and it did not phase me much because this was the late 70's and pot was pretty common. However, a few months later, I am working in the office and they bring these guys in with handcuffs on. If I had accepted the offer to buy some, I would have been in some serious trouble. When you are dealing with illegal drugs, my advice is to trust no one and stand up for what your parents taught you. Hopefully, you grew up in an environment where they taught you right from wrong. If not you just have to decide what is right.

Proof that you don't need to smoke dope to ramble and be completely pointless.

LOL - I'd laugh even louder except for the fact that alchemize's comment probably fairly applies to most of my posts as well.


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
well, a serious article,in a serious journal, written by serious people, about a serious problem.

and wouldn't you know it..the potbangers don't like the article because it criticizes one of their personal lifestyle choices as being unhealthy....

i'm not even sure the ones dissing the article even understand what it says, or what the math in it actually means....

yep, like trying to reason with three year olds...
an exercise in futility

just to cheer you kids up...a few more years and i'lll be pulling in Social Security!!
I'm gonna become a liberal then, and demand my entitlements!!

don't try to take MY scooter away!! (which you will be buying for me with your taxes!!)

HAHAHA payback is a b!tch!!

Yep, I'm gonna become a Democrat (when i stop having taxable income), about the same time you all are becoming Republicans (when you start earning taxable income) how the worm turns..

You're just a rambling idiot, no offense. People aren't ridiculing this because it criticizes a personal lifestyle choice, people are ridiculing it because it's ridiculous.

We all already KNOW that pot is unhealthy, as is caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. What is truly obvious to anyone but an idiot, is that pot isn't driving people insane on any measurable level.

I don't smoke pot, but know plenty who do, and they don't defy any law of averages when it comes to income/intelligence/insanity/health, or otherwise. A pot smoker is just as likely to be an idiot as say, a heart surgeon.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
You're just a rambling idiot, no offense.

gee. i though personal attacks were frown upon....oh, i forgot, liberals are passionate about their beliefs...

you actually utterly miss the subtlety in this post. Several of the topics posted lately have dealt with social issues (scooters for 'old' people, this post about pot) where it is glaringly obvious that most of the respondents are completely self-absorbed.

Why not bash a prestigious journal/study unless you just don't want to know about the downside to your little habit?? are you claiming pot is good you your health?

why beat up on old people over a little scooter...for many of these people, they would not be able to get out of the house without it. Yes, some are obese and might do better with exercise, but they can't because their obesity has caused arthritis which prevents them from exercising!!

Quick to blame, quick to discard, quick to is really quite sad..

Luckily for you we are lenient or you'd be one of the first to go for that offense. In this thread almost every one of your posts include personal attacks.

Anandtech Senior Moderator
Red Dawn


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
You're just a rambling idiot, no offense.

gee. i though personal attacks were frown upon....oh, i forgot, liberals are passionate about their beliefs...

you actually utterly miss the subtlety in this post. Several of the topics posted lately have dealt with social issues (scooters for 'old' people, this post about pot) where it is glaringly obvious that most of the respondents are completely self-absorbed.

Why not bash a prestigious journal/study unless you just don't want to know about the downside to your little habit?? are you claiming pot is good you your health?

why beat up on old people over a little scooter...for many of these people, they would not be able to get out of the house without it. Yes, some are obese and might do better with exercise, but they can't because their obesity has caused arthritis which prevents them from exercising!!

Quick to blame, quick to discard, quick to is really quite sad..

Huh? More rambling and cherry-picking of responses I see. Respond to all of these in kind, and you may gain a bit of respect.

(1)- It's not my habit.

(2)- Only an idiot would think pot is either good for your health, or has no health consequences whatsoever.

(3)- What subtlety? And what does little old people with scooters have to do with Pot being a habit with negative consequences to your health?

(4)- What makes me a 'liberal'? I am extremely pro-gun, anti-welfare, small-government, and anti-war (unless in defensive/justified means, like the destruction of the Taliban in Afghanistan).

(5)- Are you seriously trying to say that this study, which indicates a 40% rate of mental illness as a result of marijuana smoking (from one 'joint', lol) has any validity in the face of hundreds of previous studies which outline the dangers as far less severe?

To restate, it's obvious that pot is NOT good for you, the logic of this is widely accepted. Neither are alcohol, cigarettes, or twinkies. What is also quite obvious, is that we don't have a huge number of people roaming the streets with Schizophrenia due to pot usage. The article you posted is patently ridiculous, as it profiles a few douchebags who happen to be drug users that have committed crimes. Well gee, that's logical. Look at the literally hundreds of thousands of murders committed globally each year that do NOT have anything to do with drug users/abusers. A killer is a killer, drugs have little to nothing to do with it. Those morons would have murdered their victims regardless if they were merely common alcoholics or your average anti-social jerkoff.

Bah, I feel like I'm actually REPLYING to a practical joke post.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
You're just a rambling idiot, no offense.

gee. i though personal attacks were frown upon....oh, i forgot, liberals are passionate about their beliefs...

* * *

Quick to blame, quick to discard, quick to is really quite sad..

In all fairness, you have always been one to start rather transparent troll threads, then feign offense when they inspire the exact reaction you were seeking in the first place. It seems a little sad to me, but then again there's an inherent sadness in a person who presents himself as a "brilliant" heart surgeon, but can't express himself as well as an average high-school freshman. Ah well . . .

Hey, what ever happened to your final "fairwell"?


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: Perry404
..dopers continually miss the point in drug education. The problem is the desire to intoxicate. Not the intoxicant.

True. It is a form of blindness.

Marijuana causes blindness! ... I think you have a thesis! what do ya think?? it causes reading and comprehension difficulty too?

Well i think there is no question it causes short term memory loss(just after a few years) zaps motivation, inhibits motor functions and causes physical dependence. I have known many pot smokers in my day and i don't think it's a coincidence that so many of them end up living in a cabin in the woods. Eventually the pot becomes more important than anything else. As i've said i have seen this again and again and again and again.
My argument is not a legal one or even an ethical one. It is simply that the drug is far from harmless. Its prolonged use has many repercussions. If someone wants to smoke pot fine but don't justify it just because it's pleasurable. Truth in all things.

Not physical, but mental.

You mean the addiction itself? It is physically addictive as well but the acute withdrawal is less sever since the drug leaves the system slowly.
This can actually be worse however as far as physical withdrawal goes. If you have been a heavy smoker it might take 4 months or more to get those chemical's out of your system which means you are having physical craving through that time. They are minimal but still there. Plus some extended withdrawal symptoms like not being able to sleep & irritability can drive you crazy over the period of months convincing many that they really do need the weed to feel ok.

You are totally clueless on the subject. Those symptoms are accurate for Nicotine withdrawal, but not THC/Pot.

The is absolutely no physical dependence to marijuana... it is a fact that hounds the anti-pot people... Try as they may... no proof of addictiveness has ever been found... therefore there are no physical changes when one stops... the only thing they can claim is a psychological dependence... which means people like it too much to care to stop.


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: piasabird
I would like to say I dont care to call everyone that ever smoked pot stupid or somehow less worthy of an individual. However, it is an illegal activity. Perhaps the worst thing that was ever done was to make pot possession a misdemeaner and make it look like it was not a real crime. However, there are probably plenty of people who can get no ill effects from an occassional hit. Alcohol when used in moderation is not that bad for you. However, even alcohol can cause serious physical and mental disorders if used on a daily basis to excess.

What I would like to say, is that when I watch cop shows it seems a lot of the people being arrested for drugs or pot seem to have other legal problems as well. For instance they may be stealing to get money for their drugs. Also to get the drugs you may have to associate with some people of somewhat questionable character.

Drugs are horrible when they are illegal and you get caught. I saw this quite often in the Army. We would have guys getting busted all the time for Pot and other things like crack cocaine. When I was in the army after receiving my initial boot camp and advanced specialty training I arrived at a unit that was an MP Company. The very first day there, I was offerred a dime bag of pot and I refused the offer for the sale. I am not a narc and it did not phase me much because this was the late 70's and pot was pretty common. However, a few months later, I am working in the office and they bring these guys in with handcuffs on. If I had accepted the offer to buy some, I would have been in some serious trouble. When you are dealing with illegal drugs, my advice is to trust no one and stand up for what your parents taught you. Hopefully, you grew up in an environment where they taught you right from wrong. If not you just have to decide what is right.

Personally I believe things like pot being illegal, the 21 year old alcohol age, and even speed limits are actually a cause of a huge problem in our society... Our society accepts that teenagers drink, everyone speeds, and it is "okay" to try pot... why not have our laws reflect that? Then people wouldn't grow up knowing that is okay to break certain laws because they are silly...
We more or less say it is okay... just don't get caught...


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
Are you seriously trying to say that this study, which indicates a 40% rate of mental illness as a result of marijuana smoking (from one 'joint', lol) has any validity in the face of hundreds of previous studies which outline the dangers as far less severe?

you dimwit...the study doesn't say the risk of mental illness is 40% from smoking a joint, it says the RATE of mental illness is increased by 40%......

this is so typical of the posts here, complete lack of critical reading, no math skills.

lemme break it down for you....

if something (mental illness) occurs 3% of the time in the general population (schizophrenia) then the risk of you developing schizophrenia if your a pot smoker (increased by 40%) is 4.2%, not 40%!!!

your only off by about a 1000%

and if you don't think that it's important that something increases your risk of an devastating illness by 40%, your an idiot.

to post on P&N it should become mandatory that you at least have a "C" in middle school math and English.....

i guess that would cut down alot on the posts....

As for this being a
rather transparent troll thread

exactly how is that the case. i post a factual article about the medical risks of illegal drug use, and a bunch of math-challenged potheads don't have the math skills to understand what it means.....go back and read how the "experts" potbangers repeat the same utter lack of comprehension about what the study showed, and then have the self-righteousness to claim that experts in the field are wrong.

this isn't questioning authority,
this is a proud display of ignorance and hubris.


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: Arkaign
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
You're just a rambling idiot, no offense.

gee. i though personal attacks were frown upon....oh, i forgot, liberals are passionate about their beliefs...

you actually utterly miss the subtlety in this post. Several of the topics posted lately have dealt with social issues (scooters for 'old' people, this post about pot) where it is glaringly obvious that most of the respondents are completely self-absorbed.

Why not bash a prestigious journal/study unless you just don't want to know about the downside to your little habit?? are you claiming pot is good you your health?

why beat up on old people over a little scooter...for many of these people, they would not be able to get out of the house without it. Yes, some are obese and might do better with exercise, but they can't because their obesity has caused arthritis which prevents them from exercising!!

Quick to blame, quick to discard, quick to is really quite sad..

Huh? More rambling and cherry-picking of responses I see. Respond to all of these in kind, and you may gain a bit of respect.

(1)- It's not my habit.

(2)- Only an idiot would think pot is either good for your health, or has no health consequences whatsoever.

(3)- What subtlety? And what does little old people with scooters have to do with Pot being a habit with negative consequences to your health?

(4)- What makes me a 'liberal'? I am extremely pro-gun, anti-welfare, small-government, and anti-war (unless in defensive/justified means, like the destruction of the Taliban in Afghanistan).

(5)- Are you seriously trying to say that this study, which indicates a 40% rate of mental illness as a result of marijuana smoking (from one 'joint', lol) has any validity in the face of hundreds of previous studies which outline the dangers as far less severe?

To restate, it's obvious that pot is NOT good for you, the logic of this is widely accepted. Neither are alcohol, cigarettes, or twinkies. What is also quite obvious, is that we don't have a huge number of people roaming the streets with Schizophrenia due to pot usage. The article you posted is patently ridiculous, as it profiles a few douchebags who happen to be drug users that have committed crimes. Well gee, that's logical. Look at the literally hundreds of thousands of murders committed globally each year that do NOT have anything to do with drug users/abusers. A killer is a killer, drugs have little to nothing to do with it. Those morons would have murdered their victims regardless if they were merely common alcoholics or your average anti-social jerkoff.

Bah, I feel like I'm actually REPLYING to a practical joke post.

I believe this is /thread. I don't think you could have responded any better. Sit down Heart; you have been defeated.


Nov 13, 2003
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Are you seriously trying to say that this study, which indicates a 40% rate of mental illness as a result of marijuana smoking (from one 'joint', lol) has any validity in the face of hundreds of previous studies which outline the dangers as far less severe?

you dimwit...the study doesn't say the risk of mental illness is 40% from smoking a joint, it says the RATE of mental illness is increased by 40%......

this is so typical of the posts here, complete lack of critical reading, no math skills.

lemme break it down for you....

if something (mental illness) occurs 3% of the time in the general population (schizophrenia) then the risk of you developing schizophrenia if your a pot smoker (increased by 40%) is 4.2%, not 40%!!!

your only off by about a 1000%

and if you don't think that it's important that something increases your risk of an devastating illness by 40%, your an idiot.

to post on P&N it should become mandatory that you at least have a "C" in middle school math and English.....

i guess that would cut down alot on the posts....

As for this being a
rather transparent troll thread

exactly how is that the case. i post a factual article about the medical risks of illegal drug use, and a bunch of math-challenged potheads don't have the math skills to understand what it means.....go back and read how the "experts" potbangers repeat the same utter lack of comprehension about what the study showed, and then have the self-righteousness to claim that experts in the field are wrong.

this isn't questioning authority,
this is a proud display of ignorance and hubris.

EDIT: wow I did not realize how meaningless this study was... this entire time I thought they were implying something different... They really mean that you have about a 1% increase in the chance of mental illness. Basically, what they meant to say was no change... but with clever wording they were able to make it seem like something happens.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: Perry404
..dopers continually miss the point in drug education. The problem is the desire to intoxicate. Not the intoxicant.

True. It is a form of blindness.

Marijuana causes blindness! ... I think you have a thesis! what do ya think?? it causes reading and comprehension difficulty too?

Well i think there is no question it causes short term memory loss(just after a few years) zaps motivation, inhibits motor functions and causes physical dependence. I have known many pot smokers in my day and i don't think it's a coincidence that so many of them end up living in a cabin in the woods. Eventually the pot becomes more important than anything else. As i've said i have seen this again and again and again and again.
My argument is not a legal one or even an ethical one. It is simply that the drug is far from harmless. Its prolonged use has many repercussions. If someone wants to smoke pot fine but don't justify it just because it's pleasurable. Truth in all things.

Not physical, but mental.

You mean the addiction itself? It is physically addictive as well but the acute withdrawal is less sever since the drug leaves the system slowly.
This can actually be worse however as far as physical withdrawal goes. If you have been a heavy smoker it might take 4 months or more to get those chemical's out of your system which means you are having physical craving through that time. They are minimal but still there. Plus some extended withdrawal symptoms like not being able to sleep & irritability can drive you crazy over the period of months convincing many that they really do need the weed to feel ok.

You are totally clueless on the subject. Those symptoms are accurate for Nicotine withdrawal, but not THC/Pot.

The is absolutely no physical dependence to marijuana... it is a fact that hounds the anti-pot people... Try as they may... no proof of addictiveness has ever been found... therefore there are no physical changes when one stops... the only thing they can claim is a psychological dependence... which means people like it too much to care to stop.

Another one of the marijuana dangers is physical dependence on the drug. Many people try to stop over and over but are overwhelmed by anxiety, irritability and sleeping difficulties. Physical dependence is marked by withdrawal symptoms when the drug is removed. The marijuana dangers include the bodies' adaptation to an almost continuous presence of the drug in its system. The brain adapts to the pain reducing reaction to the drug and its other analgesic effects like inducing sleep. Those who have only tried smoking pot once or twice might be amazed that anybody could function on the drug at all. But those who have been smoking the drug for months and years have become accustom to its effects and can often hide the fact that they are high at all.




Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
Are you seriously trying to say that this study, which indicates a 40% rate of mental illness as a result of marijuana smoking (from one 'joint', lol) has any validity in the face of hundreds of previous studies which outline the dangers as far less severe?

you dimwit...the study doesn't say the risk of mental illness is 40% from smoking a joint, it says the RATE of mental illness is increased by 40%......

this is so typical of the posts here, complete lack of critical reading, no math skills.

lemme break it down for you....

if something (mental illness) occurs 3% of the time in the general population (schizophrenia) then the risk of you developing schizophrenia if your a pot smoker (increased by 40%) is 4.2%, not 40%!!!

your only off by about a 1000%

and if you don't think that it's important that something increases your risk of an devastating illness by 40%, your an idiot.

to post on P&N it should become mandatory that you at least have a "C" in middle school math and English.....

i guess that would cut down alot on the posts....

As for this being a
rather transparent troll thread

exactly how is that the case. i post a factual article about the medical risks of illegal drug use, and a bunch of math-challenged potheads don't have the math skills to understand what it means.....go back and read how the "experts" potbangers repeat the same utter lack of comprehension about what the study showed, and then have the self-righteousness to claim that experts in the field are wrong.

this isn't questioning authority,
this is a proud display of ignorance and hubris.

I don't know about minimum math skills to post on P&N, but I would think they'd demand SOME sort of math skills from someone who has an MD. Your assertion that this article makes sense relies on two contradictory statements being true...that smoking just one joint increases the risk of mental illness by 40%, and that the population that has tried "just one joint" is 40% while the population of folks with mental illness cause by weed is 14%. All of those things can't be true at the same time, as anyone who got at least a "C" in middle school math can tell you.

Maybe you should spend less time insulting the (admittedly poor) skills of random people on the Internet and more time explaining how someone with a medical degree (in fact, many people with medical degrees) can fail to understand even basic percentages.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: Perry404
..dopers continually miss the point in drug education. The problem is the desire to intoxicate. Not the intoxicant.

True. It is a form of blindness.

Marijuana causes blindness! ... I think you have a thesis! what do ya think?? it causes reading and comprehension difficulty too?

Well i think there is no question it causes short term memory loss(just after a few years) zaps motivation, inhibits motor functions and causes physical dependence. I have known many pot smokers in my day and i don't think it's a coincidence that so many of them end up living in a cabin in the woods. Eventually the pot becomes more important than anything else. As i've said i have seen this again and again and again and again.
My argument is not a legal one or even an ethical one. It is simply that the drug is far from harmless. Its prolonged use has many repercussions. If someone wants to smoke pot fine but don't justify it just because it's pleasurable. Truth in all things.

Not physical, but mental.

You mean the addiction itself? It is physically addictive as well but the acute withdrawal is less sever since the drug leaves the system slowly.
This can actually be worse however as far as physical withdrawal goes. If you have been a heavy smoker it might take 4 months or more to get those chemical's out of your system which means you are having physical craving through that time. They are minimal but still there. Plus some extended withdrawal symptoms like not being able to sleep & irritability can drive you crazy over the period of months convincing many that they really do need the weed to feel ok.

You are totally clueless on the subject. Those symptoms are accurate for Nicotine withdrawal, but not THC/Pot.

The is absolutely no physical dependence to marijuana... it is a fact that hounds the anti-pot people... Try as they may... no proof of addictiveness has ever been found... therefore there are no physical changes when one stops... the only thing they can claim is a psychological dependence... which means people like it too much to care to stop.

Another one of the marijuana dangers is physical dependence on the drug. Many people try to stop over and over but are overwhelmed by anxiety, irritability and sleeping difficulties. Physical dependence is marked by withdrawal symptoms when the drug is removed. The marijuana dangers include the bodies' adaptation to an almost continuous presence of the drug in its system. The brain adapts to the pain reducing reaction to the drug and its other analgesic effects like inducing sleep. Those who have only tried smoking pot once or twice might be amazed that anybody could function on the drug at all. But those who have been smoking the drug for months and years have become accustom to its effects and can often hide the fact that they are high at all.


You just Googled marijuana and posted the first link you found to support your side didn't you?

I see your one random, credibility-lacking link and raise you three of my own:


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Perry404
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Originally posted by: Perry404
..dopers continually miss the point in drug education. The problem is the desire to intoxicate. Not the intoxicant.

True. It is a form of blindness.

Marijuana causes blindness! ... I think you have a thesis! what do ya think?? it causes reading and comprehension difficulty too?

Well i think there is no question it causes short term memory loss(just after a few years) zaps motivation, inhibits motor functions and causes physical dependence. I have known many pot smokers in my day and i don't think it's a coincidence that so many of them end up living in a cabin in the woods. Eventually the pot becomes more important than anything else. As i've said i have seen this again and again and again and again.
My argument is not a legal one or even an ethical one. It is simply that the drug is far from harmless. Its prolonged use has many repercussions. If someone wants to smoke pot fine but don't justify it just because it's pleasurable. Truth in all things.

Not physical, but mental.

You mean the addiction itself? It is physically addictive as well but the acute withdrawal is less sever since the drug leaves the system slowly.
This can actually be worse however as far as physical withdrawal goes. If you have been a heavy smoker it might take 4 months or more to get those chemical's out of your system which means you are having physical craving through that time. They are minimal but still there. Plus some extended withdrawal symptoms like not being able to sleep & irritability can drive you crazy over the period of months convincing many that they really do need the weed to feel ok.

You are totally clueless on the subject. Those symptoms are accurate for Nicotine withdrawal, but not THC/Pot.

The is absolutely no physical dependence to marijuana... it is a fact that hounds the anti-pot people... Try as they may... no proof of addictiveness has ever been found... therefore there are no physical changes when one stops... the only thing they can claim is a psychological dependence... which means people like it too much to care to stop.

Another one of the marijuana dangers is physical dependence on the drug. Many people try to stop over and over but are overwhelmed by anxiety, irritability and sleeping difficulties. Physical dependence is marked by withdrawal symptoms when the drug is removed. The marijuana dangers include the bodies' adaptation to an almost continuous presence of the drug in its system. The brain adapts to the pain reducing reaction to the drug and its other analgesic effects like inducing sleep. Those who have only tried smoking pot once or twice might be amazed that anybody could function on the drug at all. But those who have been smoking the drug for months and years have become accustom to its effects and can often hide the fact that they are high at all.


You just Googled marijuana and posted the first link you found to support your side didn't you?

I see your one random, credibility-lacking link and raise you three of my own:

..dopers are expert at fooling them selves. go take a drug education course and learn the truth and mabe get the help you need. It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: IGBT

..dopers are expert at fooling them selves. go take a drug education course and learn the truth and mabe get the help you need. It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

And some people fill this void/need you speak of by gambling, shopping, eating, etc. What exactly is your point? You sound a bit too holier than thou on this subject. Need I remind you that you don't need to smoke pot to be a dope and potheads don't have the market cornered on being experts at fooling themselves. You seem to be doing that just fine sans marijuana.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: IGBT

..dopers are expert at fooling them selves. go take a drug education course and learn the truth and mabe get the help you need. It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

And some people fill this void/need you speak of by gambling, shopping, eating, etc. What exactly is your point? You seem to somewhat holier than thou on this but I need to remind you that you don't need to smoke pot to be a dope and to be kidding yourself.

..if your going to play yoyo with your brain chemistry you are indeed fooling your self. The point is as stated..It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon

lemme break it down for you....

if something (mental illness) occurs 3% of the time in the general population (schizophrenia) then the risk of you developing schizophrenia if your a pot smoker (increased by 40%) is 4.2%, not 40%!!!

your only off by about a 1000%

and if you don't think that it's important that something increases your risk of an devastating illness by 40%, your an idiot.

to post on P&N it should become mandatory that you at least have a "C" in middle school math and English.....

i guess that would cut down alot on the posts....

As for this being a
rather transparent troll thread

exactly how is that the case. i post a factual article about the medical risks of illegal drug use, and a bunch of math-challenged potheads don't have the math skills to understand what it means.....go back and read how the "experts" potbangers repeat the same utter lack of comprehension about what the study showed, and then have the self-righteousness to claim that experts in the field are wrong.

this isn't questioning authority,
this is a proud display of ignorance and hubris.

I didn't necessarily say this was a troll thread, though I believe it is, given your "you know who you are!" comment.

Your comment regarding expertise in English strikes me as odd - you couldn't possibly have earned a C in middle-school English, could you? I don't recall any C or better students in my junior high who couldn't differentiate between "your" and "you're." I learned to read when I was 4, and wouldn't have made that error anytime after second grade or so.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT
It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

Poppycock. This ludicrous idea has it's roots in religious Puritanism.

The desire to intoxicate is a near universal aspect of the human psyche. That's not to say we're the only species who seeks intoxication, we're not.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: IGBT
It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

Poppycock. This ludicrous idea has it's roots in religious Puritanism.

The desire to intoxicate is a near universal aspect of the human psyche. That's not to say we're the only species who seeks intoxication, we're not.

Well I think it has its roots in fear of feeling, but that would be especially true of the religious and their fear of damnation. A religion of love, like real Christianity, would not produce this nonsense. People are terrified of pot because they are terrified of losing control. It is just that lack of control the psychic warrior will seek. Sadly the terrified have a need to save others who do not have their fears via force of law, the spineless bastards. They are the Taliban with their whips who relish beating people.



Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: IGBT

..dopers are expert at fooling them selves. go take a drug education course and learn the truth and mabe get the help you need. It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

And some people fill this void/need you speak of by gambling, shopping, eating, etc. What exactly is your point? You seem to somewhat holier than thou on this but I need to remind you that you don't need to smoke pot to be a dope and to be kidding yourself.

..if your going to play yoyo with your brain chemistry you are indeed fooling your self. The point is as stated..It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

Way to obfuscate. I think it's the desire to meddle with other people?s lives that's the REAL problem and not the intoxicant.


Jul 16, 2001

...more bad news for the dopers. but it won't matter since their addicted and choking with denial.

One cannabis joint as bad as five cigarettes: study...1 hour, 22 minutes ago

Those who smoked cannabis damaged both the lungs' small fine airways, used for transporting oxygen, and the large airways, which blocked air flow, the researchers said.

It meant cannabis smokers complained of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, the study by experts at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand found.

"The effect on the lungs of each joint was equivalent to smoking between 2.5 and five cigarettes in one go."

The British government is considering whether cannabis should be reclassified as a more serious drug because of the dangers associated with stronger strains.

"The danger cannabis poses to respiratory health is consistently being overlooked," said Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation.

"Smoking a joint is more harmful to the lungs than smoking a cigarette and we have just banned people from doing that in public places because of the health risks."

<Last week British researchers said using marijuana increased the risk of developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: IGBT

...more bad news for the dopers. but it won't matter since their addicted and choking with denial.

One cannabis joint as bad as five cigarettes: study...1 hour, 22 minutes ago

Those who smoked cannabis damaged both the lungs' small fine airways, used for transporting oxygen, and the large airways, which blocked air flow, the researchers said.

It meant cannabis smokers complained of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, the study by experts at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand found.

"The effect on the lungs of each joint was equivalent to smoking between 2.5 and five cigarettes in one go."

The British government is considering whether cannabis should be reclassified as a more serious drug because of the dangers associated with stronger strains.

<"The danger cannabis poses to respiratory health is consistently being overlooked," said Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation.

"Smoking a joint is more harmful to the lungs than smoking a cigarette and we have just banned people from doing that in public places because of the health risks."

<<Last week British researchers said using marijuana increased the risk of developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia.

No one smokes as many Joints as one might cigarettes. Most joints are also shared amongst multiple people.
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