Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of mental illness by 40%

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Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: IGBT

...more bad news for the dopers. but it won't matter since their addicted and choking with denial.

One cannabis joint as bad as five cigarettes: study...1 hour, 22 minutes ago

Those who smoked cannabis damaged both the lungs' small fine airways, used for transporting oxygen, and the large airways, which blocked air flow, the researchers said.

It meant cannabis smokers complained of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, the study by experts at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand found.

"The effect on the lungs of each joint was equivalent to smoking between 2.5 and five cigarettes in one go."

The British government is considering whether cannabis should be reclassified as a more serious drug because of the dangers associated with stronger strains.

<<"The danger cannabis poses to respiratory health is consistently being overlooked," said Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation.

"Smoking a joint is more harmful to the lungs than smoking a cigarette and we have just banned people from doing that in public places because of the health risks."

<<<Last week British researchers said using marijuana increased the risk of developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia.

No one smokes as many Joints as one might cigarettes. Most joints are also shared amongst multiple people.

Yeah seriously. It takes 5-10 joints to just equal the harm of a single pack of cigarettes. Not even Cheech and Chong smoke that much freakin' weed.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Originally posted by: IGBT

..if your going to play yoyo with your brain chemistry you are indeed fooling your self. The point is as stated..It's the desire to intoxicate that's the problem not the intoxicant.

Are you aware that just about everything affects brain chemistry? Eat a candy bar, there it goes! Have a cup of coffee? Here comes the caffeine.
Your not one of those straight edge people are you? Do you sit up at night fearing that someone, somewhere, is possibly having fun?

I find it funny that heartsurgeon thinks anything he says should be taken seriously, as he can't write beyond a 6th grade level.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT

...more bad news for the dopers. but it won't matter since their addicted and choking with denial.

One cannabis joint as bad as five cigarettes: study...1 hour, 22 minutes ago

Those who smoked cannabis damaged both the lungs' small fine airways, used for transporting oxygen, and the large airways, which blocked air flow, the researchers said.

It meant cannabis smokers complained of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, the study by experts at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand found.

"The effect on the lungs of each joint was equivalent to smoking between 2.5 and five cigarettes in one go."

The British government is considering whether cannabis should be reclassified as a more serious drug because of the dangers associated with stronger strains.

<<"The danger cannabis poses to respiratory health is consistently being overlooked," said Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation.

"Smoking a joint is more harmful to the lungs than smoking a cigarette and we have just banned people from doing that in public places because of the health risks."

<<<Last week British researchers said using marijuana increased the risk of developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia.

There are other ways to smoke weed than from a joint. Most people I know use a pipe, a bubbler, or a bong. Those clean some of the carcinogens out of weed.

Also, as has already been pointed out, a joint is generally passed around amongst a few people and most marijuana users don't smoke nearly as much weed as the average cigarette smoker smokes cigarettes.

But you're not going to listen to any of that because you're a fearmonger.


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: IGBT

...more bad news for the dopers. but it won't matter since their addicted and choking with denial.

One cannabis joint as bad as five cigarettes: study...1 hour, 22 minutes ago

Those who smoked cannabis damaged both the lungs' small fine airways, used for transporting oxygen, and the large airways, which blocked air flow, the researchers said.

It meant cannabis smokers complained of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, the study by experts at the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand found.

"The effect on the lungs of each joint was equivalent to smoking between 2.5 and five cigarettes in one go."

The British government is considering whether cannabis should be reclassified as a more serious drug because of the dangers associated with stronger strains.

<"The danger cannabis poses to respiratory health is consistently being overlooked," said Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation.

"Smoking a joint is more harmful to the lungs than smoking a cigarette and we have just banned people from doing that in public places because of the health risks."

<<Last week British researchers said using marijuana increased the risk of developing a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia.

And for your bolded parts there are reports that say the exact opposite. You lose again.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
one joint increases the risk of mental illness by 40%, and that the population that has tried "just one joint" is 40% while the population of folks with mental illness cause by weed is 14%. All of those things can't be true at the same time, as anyone who got at least a "C" in middle school math can tell you.

just when i thought nobody could possibly be any dumber....

there is nothing in the quoted numbers (if you actually understand what they are referring to) that "can't be true at the same time"

you basically don't comprehend what the statements mean.

this is like arguing with a stoned three year old...


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
one joint increases the risk of mental illness by 40%, and that the population that has tried "just one joint" is 40% while the population of folks with mental illness cause by weed is 14%. All of those things can't be true at the same time, as anyone who got at least a "C" in middle school math can tell you.

just when i thought nobody could possibly be any dumber....

there is nothing in the quoted numbers (if you actually understand what they are referring to) that "can't be true at the same time"

you basically don't comprehend what the statements mean.

this is like arguing with a stoned three year old...

And I suppose we're supposed to believe you, someone who flamed out and made a 'final farewell', or maybe we're supposed to believe this so-called 'study', which was carried out by people with an obvious agenda (look at who they are and where they get their money/support from). It'd be just as ludicrous as accepting at face value some study done by a group 'for the legalization of marijuana'.

I repeat, and if you can respond with some logic, I will be impressed, but :

(1)- While personally I don't care for it, I've had many friends who were casual pot smokers. They exhibited no signs of mental illness at any time. They did exhibit symptoms of hunger and general laziness at times

(2)- Can you back this study up with any corroboration from credible sources (not affiliated with any outward agenda on the issue pro or con).

(3)- This is exhausting. Pot is bad for you. Pot is probably slightly LESS bad than a drinking or cigarette habit. None of the three should be illegal, as it takes an inordinate amount of resources to pursue such insanity.


Feb 6, 2002
In this day and age it has been showed in studies that the combination of different factors not just the Cannibus (weed or pot) could be causing ill effects. The method to make the white rolling paper could be causing dioxins to be relesased from the papers. Also some locations try to control pot by spraying the fields, or fertilizers or pesticides could be in or on the Cannibus. A study was just released that mothers living next to fields where certain pesticides were used could have a higher chance of giving birth to Autistic Children. So when you look at some study the people publishing the study need to release more information about the population of the study and the methods used to conduct the study. It is also quite likely that the cannibus from different locations may be quite different in its potency and its chemical composition due to the different strains and genetic makeup of the seeds. If you look at Tobacco you will see there are a lot of different hybrid plants and you would expect there to be a lot of differences in other plants as well. ADM makes a lot of different types of Hybrid Corn so that is another example you might look at. It makes me wonder if there is a lab somewhere developing hybrid Pot Plants.

As an example in Tobacco some plants are better suited because they either Grow tall to about 5 to 6 feet and some plants grow shorter and wider. So you could see a lot of variation. If I was doing a study and wanted bad results I would use the worst strain for humans that would cause the worst side effects. So a study can be manipulated.


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: piasabird
In this day and age it has been showed in studies that the combination of different factors not just the Cannibus (weed or pot) could be causing ill effects. The method to make the white rolling paper could be causing dioxins to be relesased from the papers. Also some locations try to control pot by spraying the fields, or fertilizers or pesticides could be in or on the Cannibus. A study was just released that mothers living next to fields where certain pesticides were used could have a higher chance of giving birth to Autistic Children. So when you look at some study the people publishing the study need to release more information about the population of the study and the methods used to conduct the study. It is also quite likely that the cannibus from different locations may be quite different in its potency and its chemical composition due to the different strains and genetic makeup of the seeds. If you look at Tobacco you will see there are a lot of different hybrid plants and you would expect there to be a lot of differences in other plants as well. ADM makes a lot of different types of Hybrid Corn so that is another example you might look at. It makes me wonder if there is a lab somewhere developing hybrid Pot Plants.

An informative, thoughtful, and probably insightful post! Thanks, Piasa, I was beginning to doubt that sanity would ever prevail here.

These are all possible/probable aspects that you have posted.

My personal doubts about the OP's link have to do with the apparent agenda behind the 'study', combined with experience with many 'users' over the years that show zero signs of mental degradation.


Feb 6, 2002
I have differring views on smoking pot. I dont smoke cigarettes, and I consider it a bad Idea to smoke anything. Tobacco has been found to have some madicinal properties for things like bee stings and also in treating cattle. So Pot may also have some other properties that might be useful. Still it is illegal and I dont recommend people break the law.

What I do not like is that by making pot illegal we have created a market in South America and places like Mexico for growing the plants, which sends piles of money outside of our country. This could be controlled by the federal government and we could grow and sell it in the USA legally and tax the hell out of it. If it is legal to grow, then companies interested in research could perform studies or create hybrids that are more aeromatic and gently and pleasing to the taste like they do for tobacco.

I dont think smoking pot is enlightened and I dont reccommend it. However, it is obvious that a lot of people want to smoke it and they are going to do it if it is illegal or not.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: piasabird
Remembers Theme from Shaft.

If you cant do the time, dont do the crime, Dont Do It!

..I thought that was Beretta(robert blake)?? mabe not. When's the sequel to Super Fly comming out??



Junior Member
Dec 20, 2007
Sorry to revive a long neglected thread but I stumbled upon this and just had to give my two cents. I am aiming for short and sweet but there is so much to say on this kind of topic. I haven't read the complete study just what everyone else has.

- I guess I've been misinformed because I have been lead to believe that there were very few studies done on cannabis. I did find one a couple of years ago that suggested (proved is a strong word for me) that certain chemicals in cannabis cured breast cancer in mice. (remember this one for my conspiracy theory below)
- This appears to be a study of a study (or more acurrately - studies). Therefore, it is only stating what has been stated by others. Therefore it doesn't prove anything, because it isn't even trying to. It is, therefore, only as valid as the studies it is studying.
- The publishing of the study and the subsequent article seems to me to be a residual of the "Reefer Madness" era. The same paranioa causing propaganda that gave us the Cold War.
- A controlled substance cannot be controlled if it is on (or forced onto) the blackmarket. The irony of this word's usage seems like a joke to me.
- The statistics that one user quoted make a good logical argument against this "study's" conclusion. It refers to high usage in Canada and "normal" levels of mentally ill people.
- Just because something is published in a respectable journal does not mean it is true. No more than is something true simply because it is stated by an "official". Please don't make me search for the examples of this, I consider this to be obvious.
- Pot making someone "dum".... hmmm.... I've smoked pot (chronically at times) for years and I am considered by many people whom I have met to be pretty smart. Most of this is probably because I have continued my education for 20 years beyond high school. I have a dimploma (top of my class) and 3 trade certifications (at or near top of my class). Just so you know I'm not tooting my own horn I will admit to dropping out of University but I was doing well and just had second thoughts about the profession. My point here is that I am definitely not dum. Also, I've met just as many "dum" non-pot users as pot users. Same goes for mental stability. I learned a long time ago not to judge people by the drugs they choose to take or not take.
- Some of the criteria used to determine mental illness are way out-of-date. The site run by the cops for drug reform lists the criteria used in a study on this subject and pokes some pretty big holes in the study. These criteria are probably left over from when men would have their wives commited so they didn't have to get a divorce. Lack of conformity seems to be a common theme.
- Hmmm.... you get bribes and they don't sway your opinion. Good for you. You must have a pretty strong or noble character because bribes are meant to sway opinions. That's why people give out "free" stuff. See my point?
- Some use drugs (legal or illegal) to self-medicate. I won't judge the practice but this may explain why the one army guy had a story about a guy that when bonkers after having to quit. The other possibility that comes to mind is that it was the stress of being broken down so he could be reformed into the military's image of a good soldier.
- Laws are not always just. Examine any other culture and you will find laws you disagree with. Following a law for the sole reason that it is a law is mindless. Challenging laws and lawmakers is actually a part of the american constitution.

Finally, in the form of a synopsis, an allusion to a conspiracy (doesn't make me crazy)
- big Drug (Pharma.) must hate things that you can grow in your backyard and cause a multitude of health benefits. Especially if they could reduce the risk of cancer.
- the Man (Oppressors) must hate things that affect your mind in such a way as to allow you to view reality from a different perspective than the one served up by the mass (controlled) media.
- MJ gets an undue amount of attention considering its lack of detrimental effect on society.
- hemp is illegal and it's not even a drug (proof that these sort of things do happen). DOW chemical apparently had a hand in that one.



Jul 7, 2003
I'm not going to write a long rant why marijuana should be legalized. Anyone who has ever smoked marijuana regularly knows it is fucking harmless and less intoxicating than alcohol. That is a simple fact and if you don't accept that then you don't know what you're talking about because you've never smoked pot.

Regardless, how do you outlaw a plant? A PLANT. IT IS A FUCKING PLANT. Let's outlaw clouds and pine cones and rabbits, too.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: Lemon law
There have been a pile of such studies and most of them have extremely poor methodologies.
Rather than do the required research to give a valid scientific rebuttal---the end comment of the very link you cite casts serious doubts regarding the study and is somewhat proof positive this study should go into the garbage pan of junk studies.

But end of article comment---"However, others questioned the link, pointing out there has been little change in rates of schizophrenia in recent years despite the rise in cannabis use and the increasing strength of the drug."

In other words---you have an increase in the rate of use and strength of the drug----and if the study's conclusion is correct---and cannabis use increases the rate of mental illness---then the mere lack of such a predicted increase in mental illness frequency following increase in cannabis use tells you conclusion of study full of shit and the research methodologies must be flawed.

And also proving the other statistical truism---figures don't lie but liars figure.

Or to put it another way---what hokum are the studies author's smoking? They must be high on drugs. Or mentally ill. And worse yet, the cognitive dis constance of flawed studies cause distress in heartsurgeon---drink content of two bed pans and call us in the morning. This sound scientific advice can reduce the incidence of forum trolling at least 40%.

..ya. playing yoyo with brain chemistry i.e. dope is completly safe.



Jul 2, 2005
Originally posted by: piasabird
Maybe only the dregs of society are smoking pot to begin with. Think about it. You know pot is illegal but you smoke it anyway. First you have to be willing to break the law to do this. Maybe the people that smoke pot already have mental issues and they smoke pot because they already have problems.

When I was being treated for Alcohol addiction they taught us that drinking one ounce of alcohol immediately kills brain cells. However, knowing this the government did not ban alcohol. Smoking cigarettes may have a similar effect. Many drugs have side effects.

The abuse of many legal drugs may produce the same effects. These head shrinkers love to prescribe happy pills to their patients. Some people would rather be drugged up than have to face reality. Why do you think people drink alcohol?

Alcohol was banded in 1920, you ever hear of Prohibition? didn't work and strenthened orginized crime. banning never works, neither for alcohol or drugs, it's easier for kids to get pot than alcohol.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Regardless, how do you outlaw a plant? A PLANT. IT IS A FUCKING PLANT. Let's outlaw clouds and pine cones and rabbits, too.

Cocaine starts at a plant, too.

they taught us that drinking one ounce of alcohol immediately kills brain cells.
We have lots of brain cells and lots of things kill them, just as lots of things grow them. I think that statement is a bit vague.

Why do you think people drink alcohol?
Not because I have mental problems, rather I just like it. It doesn't go deeper with that for me, which is why I don't have a drinking problem.


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Regardless, how do you outlaw a plant? A PLANT. IT IS A FUCKING PLANT. Let's outlaw clouds and pine cones and rabbits, too.

Cocaine starts at a plant, too.
Guns start out as iron ore. Explosives start out as various materials extracted from the earth. Mass murderers start out as a pleasurable sensation in the groin and a small puddle of goo.



Jul 1, 2004
I think one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the "war on drugs" isn't working.

There's just no way around this. We spend billions every year trying to keep marijuana out of our schools and off our streets. And what is the result, year after year? Nothing really, just wasted money. It doesn't work.

Anyone who thinks we should "stay the course," with marijuana at least, is not bright, IMO.


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: bamacre
I think one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the "war on drugs" isn't working.

There's just no way around this. We spend billions every year trying to keep marijuana out of our schools and off our streets. And what is the result, year after year? Nothing really, just wasted money. It doesn't work.

Anyone who thinks we should "stay the course," with marijuana at least, is not bright, IMO.'s not working because too many morons want to sit around and get high. it's a demand drivin problem.


Oct 27, 2006
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: bamacre
I think one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the "war on drugs" isn't working.

There's just no way around this. We spend billions every year trying to keep marijuana out of our schools and off our streets. And what is the result, year after year? Nothing really, just wasted money. It doesn't work.

Anyone who thinks we should "stay the course," with marijuana at least, is not bright, IMO.'s not working because too many morons want to sit around and get high. it's a demand drivin problem.

This is an ironic stance considering the Hillary quote in your sig regarding 'taking things away from you for the common good'. Which is it? Do you support taking things away from people for the common good (ie; Pot/etc), or not?


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: IGBT
Originally posted by: bamacre
I think one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the "war on drugs" isn't working.

There's just no way around this. We spend billions every year trying to keep marijuana out of our schools and off our streets. And what is the result, year after year? Nothing really, just wasted money. It doesn't work.

Anyone who thinks we should "stay the course," with marijuana at least, is not bright, IMO.'s not working because too many morons want to sit around and get high. it's a demand drivin problem.

Lots of other "morons" want to sit around and drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, eat Twinkies, not exercise, deep-fry their vegetables, pick at scabs, not brush their teeth, masturbate to pics of your grandmother, etc.

Do you believe the Government should declare war on these degenerates as well, or are you only concerned with people with certain habits?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2006
Originally posted by: piasabird
Maybe only the dregs of society are smoking pot to begin with. Think about it. You know pot is illegal but you smoke it anyway. First you have to be willing to break the law to do this. Maybe the people that smoke pot already have mental issues and they smoke pot because they already have problems.

When I was being treated for Alcohol addiction they taught us that drinking one ounce of alcohol immediately kills brain cells. However, knowing this the government did not ban alcohol. Smoking cigarettes may have a similar effect. Many drugs have side effects.

The abuse of many legal drugs may produce the same effects. These head shrinkers love to prescribe happy pills to their patients. Some people would rather be drugged up than have to face reality. Why do you think people drink alcohol?

Um, cause it's fun? :beer:
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