So Blu-Ray won?

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Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: psteng19
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller

But selling under 100k/units per month. That means that HD-DVD only has to sell 25k units/month to keep up with it.

PS3 has been a monumental failure. 2bn lost, PS designer resigned, BD attachment rates in the toilette...etc.</end quote></div>

I think I speak for many here when I say "Please STFU."

I'm neutral to both formats at the moment but I'm almost hoping HD-DVD fails just to spite you.

Mmmmk, next time you lose 2 billion dollars on a product that 75% of people don't use because they either don't have a HDTV or don't watch movies, let me know.

Considering 80% of people don't even OWN an HDTV, WTF would you put an HDTV-only utilizable device inside of your game system and intentionally lose $200/unit JUST because of that one thing? Don't give me "more space", because that's bs.

I hope Sony chocks to death on their stupid gamble.


Feb 15, 2000
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
This is a non-issue.

BLockbuster is losing about 10% of it's revenue to Netflix and others, annually. They have lost about 1.8 billion in last 3 years and only eeked out a 2.5% profit margin last year. Netflix is twice as profitable and has a share price 5x as high as BBL. Not to mention Netflix has a market cap that's higher than BBL.

BBL is a falling company. It's only deploying BR in 25% of its stores and about 20% of those will also carry HD-DVD. Additionally, they are still renting online. The B&M business model is failing and this is a good indication of that, so big deal?</end quote></div>

Most of the rental market is still in B&M, and that is a fact. BB is the only provider with B&M and online presence. They are going to eat up Netflix's market share with their new online program that gives twice as many movies as Netflix does at the same price point. Not only that, but they returned to profitability last year while their online program is still in the red until they get 2 million subscribers. They are headed back in the right direction. I worked there last year and I can speak to this intelligently. Just thought I'd set the record straight


Feb 15, 2000
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: spacejamz
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Typical FUDD. If people would have seen the CBS interview with the COO of Blockbuster and had not have just listened to ignorant FUDD, they would have realized the BBI is stocking BR *only* because they percieve the market demand as that right now. This is only driven by, according to the COO, the PS3 owners who prefer to rent rather than buy (further helping the case that HD-DVD is more for owners, not renters).

I love how you run around posting this ignorant crap without anything to back it up. On the other hand, it's a shame you do since you are killing the only open format out there.

Next time you want a region free HD media, let me know, because I know your BR won't play it while mine will.</end quote></div>

You can live in your little world of denial...check out the threads on this topic at AVS or the Highdef forums... Even some of the diehard HD DVD fan boys like you are realizing that yesterday was not a good day for HD DVD.

'Perceived' market demand??? do you know what the sales ratio of the rentals of blu ray vs HD DVD in those 250 pilot stores that have been offering high def disk since NOV of last year is? Blu ray was rented 70% of the time. Wow, that is eerily close to the 67:33 percentage that blu ray enjoys in disk sales over HD DVD this year.

The tide of the format war took a major turn yesterday...

In case you missed the press release yesterday, here is quote from one of Blockbuster's Senior VPs: "The consumers are sending us a message. I can't ignore what I'm seeing," Matthew Smith, senior vice president of merchandising at Blockbuster, told The Associated Press.

This is the reason why Blockbuster is not offering HD DVD in those 1,450 stores that will start carrying blu ray disks...

</end quote></div>

Let me run you through this again.

1. Blockbuster has declining revenues. It declined 300m last year, 200m the year before. It lost 1.8bn over 3 years and only profited .7% last year.

2. Blockbuster is closing B&M stores left and right.

3. It's best competitor, Netflix, gained 300M (50%) in revenues last year.

4. Blockbuster's stock price is less than $5, while Netflix is at 25. Blockbuster's market capitalization is at 1.3bn while Netflix is at 900m.

What this tells you is that the stock market sees Blockbuster as a WORSE investment than Netflix. Despite Blockbuster having 5x the revenue as Netflix, it's valued LESS than Netflix. Technically BBI should be valued at 6bn market cap, if one were to extrapolate it's revenue proportion.

Essentially, everybody thinks BBI is a craptacular company whereby all brick and mortar business model is failing.

5. If the B&M model is failing, then what possible reason would there be for BBI to stock a lot of BR? That's the key, they are only stocking it in 25% of their stores. In that 25% they are stocking HD-DVD in 16%.

6. BBI is STILL stocking ALL HD-DVDs online. What this tells you is that they know that the next battlefront for rentals is not Brick and Mortar, but online.

7. If ALL of the above holds true, then we know that this announcement is actually a partial announcement for a failing business line from a company that is valued 30% less than it's competitor despite having 5x the revenue.

8. We also know that according to the BBI COO, BBI is only responding to renters. Ironically, you claim that this is a huge advantage. If anything it's only another abysmal failure. Movie companies are there to make money. THey make far less money on a rented movie than they do on a bought movie. According to the COO it's the gamers who rent, not buy.

Essentially, the PS3 guys with a piss-poor attachment rate are making less money for the movie companies than anybody else. While it may be seen as a make-up for poor ratio of sales to ownership, it only highlights the fact that the movie companies (and sony) won't make very much money with BR, especially considering the margins on the product being lower due to higher production costs.

This still gets down to the point that BR has 10x the adoption and barely holds a lead on anything.

I know that you have no sound rationale. You have no analysis. You have no facts. You have no capital markets experience, stock analysis, corporate analysis, nor do you have anything even remotely resembling an argument that you can use to defeat mine, since we have argued this over 3 different threads. I also know that you'll just label me as a spinster, but in fact you won't provide one iota of sound logic, as I have done above, to support your own assertions.

If anything, your the rubber stamping fanboi running around trying to prove some type of superiority with a paper tiger. Provide something of substance and then get back to me, otherwise your a marginal player, just like BLockbuster and PS3.</end quote></div>

Talk about ignorant. BB is only closing 100 stores a year. They are the non-profitable ones, which should be closed anyway. Yes the B&M market has shrunk, but very intense studies show most people by FAR still rent from stores and will continue to do this for the very near future. I know that geeks online will opt for the online rental plans, but the VAST majority of people are not internet geeks like us posting on ATOT. Get a clue, please. The B&M model is NOT failing. It is changing as the Internet expands, but the Internet is nowhere near the level of maturity needed to replace B&M. And the major problem with online-only subscriptions is not being able to get a movie on the spur of the moment when your friends or over, or you have a rainy family night. This is how a lot of rentals take place. So Netflix is an imperfect rental model.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: wyvrn
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
This is a non-issue.

BLockbuster is losing about 10% of it's revenue to Netflix and others, annually. They have lost about 1.8 billion in last 3 years and only eeked out a 2.5% profit margin last year. Netflix is twice as profitable and has a share price 5x as high as BBL. Not to mention Netflix has a market cap that's higher than BBL.

BBL is a falling company. It's only deploying BR in 25% of its stores and about 20% of those will also carry HD-DVD. Additionally, they are still renting online. The B&M business model is failing and this is a good indication of that, so big deal?</end quote></div>

Most of the rental market is still in B&M, and that is a fact. BB is the only provider with B&M and online presence. They are going to eat up Netflix's market share with their new online program that gives twice as many movies as Netflix does at the same price point. Not only that, but they returned to profitability last year while their online program is still in the red until they get 2 million subscribers. They are headed back in the right direction. I worked their last year and I can speak to this intelligently. Just thought I'd set the record straight

I could give a rats ass if you worked there. I work at an investment bank and earn a living analyzing companies based upon credit worthiness and their ability to act as a going concern. As far as BBI is concerned, they lost almost 2bn in the last 3 years and barely eeked out a profit last year. Their quarterly results so far indicate that this trend will continue. They are closing many stores in an attempt to regain profitability, but are losing about 300m in revenue annually.

Their financial position is OK, since they have a relatively small amount of debt and their cashflows are decent.

Whether or not they can return to significant profitability remains to be seen. The fact of the matter is that Netflix is growing at about 50% annually and look like they'll keep going. Even if BBI increases the amount of movies rented, that doesn't mean Netflix can't. (What happens if somebody comes out with 5 minute abs??? You invent 4 minute abs!).

The B&M model will be around for a long time, but it isn't nearly as profitable as online distribution, BBI and Hollywood Video prove this. Netflix has 1/5th the revenue and the same profit as BBI. Estimates put BBI at 4.7bn in rev, Netflix at 1.5bn. If that trend continues BBI won't be #1 for long.


Golden Member
Jun 22, 2001
You know why this WAR hasn't been settled don't you. It's all about licensing fees and not who the better technology is. It's who'll end up paying the license. I'm waiting for Nintendo to come out with their own format that's license free. They'll garner licensees so fast that they'll undercut both Blueray and HDdvd before they have time to adjust their licensing fees accordingly. When they realize there's no more money to make off their format they'll eventually give up and Nintendo will retain it's members. Eventually, once Blueray and HDdvd are only a figment of our imagination Nintendo will come out and increase the license fee to $10 a disc. And once again Nintendo rules the mushroom kingdom.

Damn I'm smart. Nintendo should hire me to take them to the next level. These damn Nintendo executives are so busy playing with their wiis.


Feb 15, 2000
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: wyvrn
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
This is a non-issue.

BLockbuster is losing about 10% of it's revenue to Netflix and others, annually. They have lost about 1.8 billion in last 3 years and only eeked out a 2.5% profit margin last year. Netflix is twice as profitable and has a share price 5x as high as BBL. Not to mention Netflix has a market cap that's higher than BBL.

BBL is a falling company. It's only deploying BR in 25% of its stores and about 20% of those will also carry HD-DVD. Additionally, they are still renting online. The B&M business model is failing and this is a good indication of that, so big deal?</end quote></div>

Most of the rental market is still in B&M, and that is a fact. BB is the only provider with B&M and online presence. They are going to eat up Netflix's market share with their new online program that gives twice as many movies as Netflix does at the same price point. Not only that, but they returned to profitability last year while their online program is still in the red until they get 2 million subscribers. They are headed back in the right direction. I worked their last year and I can speak to this intelligently. Just thought I'd set the record straight </end quote></div>

I could give a rats ass if you worked there. I work at an investment bank and earn a living analyzing companies based upon credit worthiness and their ability to act as a going concern. As far as BBI is concerned, they lost almost 2bn in the last 3 years and barely eeked out a profit last year. Their quarterly results so far indicate that this trend will continue. They are closing many stores in an attempt to regain profitability, but are losing about 300m in revenue annually.

Their financial position is OK, since they have a relatively small amount of debt and their cashflows are decent.

Whether or not they can return to significant profitability remains to be seen. The fact of the matter is that Netflix is growing at about 50% annually and look like they'll keep going. Even if BBI increases the amount of movies rented, that doesn't me an Netflix can't. (What happens if somebody comes out with 5 minute abs??? You invent 4 minute abs!).

The B&M model will be around for a long time, but it isn't nearly as profitable as online distribution, BBI and Hollywood Video prove this. Netflix has 1/5th the revenue and the same profit as BBI. Estimates put BBI at 4.7bn in rev, Netflix at 1.5bn. If that trend continues BBI won't be #1 for long.</end quote></div>

You are an arrogant ass. But since I couldn't care less, on to the real argument.

BB has an online business, tool. And they offer more for the money. And they have better name recognition and better deals with distributors than Netflix. How is Netflix going to change that? Have you even compared at the offerings of late, or have you decided in your infinite financial wisdom to go ahead and write BB off?

We all think that VOD is going to end the debate, but the Internet is not nearly mature enough. Neither are there enough people that want it badly enough to make it profitable. Look at current 'on demand' services, you will realize most people still rent movies the old fashioned way. The business models to support VOD still need a LOT of work. So for now, BB and Netflix have plenty of time to navigate the online waters.

Netflix has more current online subscribers, but overall BB has a bigger national base of renters. They are converting B&M renters into their online/B&M plans. Netflix cannot compete with this because they don't have stores, and are likely not stupid enough to buy a struggling franchise like Hollywood videos. Do you honestly think that Neftlix is just so much darn smarter that they are going to knock out BB, when BB has a better buy for the money and a bigger consumer base from which to build?


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: wyvrn
You are an arrogant ass. But since I couldn't care less, on to the real argument.

BB has an online business, tool. And they offer more for the money. And they have better name recognition and better deals with distributors than Netflix. How is Netflix going to change that? Have you even compared at the offerings of late, or have you decided in your infinite financial wisdom to go ahead and write BB off?

We all think that VOD is going to end the debate, but the Internet is not nearly mature enough. Neither are there enough people that want it badly enough to make it profitable. Look at current 'on demand' services, you will realize most people still rent movies the old fashioned way. The business models to support VOD still need a LOT of work. So for now, BB and Netflix have plenty of time to navigate the online waters.

Netflix has more current online subscribers, but overall BB has a bigger national base of renters. They are converting B&M renters into their online/B&M plans. Netflix cannot compete with this because they don't have stores, and are likely not stupid enough to buy a struggling franchise like Hollywood videos. Do you honestly think that Neftlix is just so much darn smarter that they are going to knock out BB, when BB has a better buy for the money and a bigger consumer base from which to build?

Yeah, I am an arrogant ass, so what?

BB has now closed more than 600 stores nationwide, in less than a year, with the latest press release of 282 closings. They are finding that the margins on ALL B&M stores are thinning.

Netflix seems to not have a problem taking revenue away from BBI, since they grew 300M in Revenue last year, while BBI lost 300m. Sure, some of that was due to other chains, such as Hollywood Video, but most of it was BBI. The offerings aren't that much different.

I don't think VOD is going to be anywhere close to ending the debate even in the next 5 years.

Who cares if BBI has a bigger national base of renters? With them closing more than 10% of their stores it doesn't matter a whole lot, especially if they aren't even paying equity investors their due return.


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
No...what about data backup/etc?

I thought they had dual-layer HD-DVD (50G total) but not dual-layer Bluray yet.


Mar 31, 2003
the Nielsen numbers from yesterday for blu ray/HD DVD sales ending 6/24.

Blu ray: 70%
HD DVD: 30%

Neilsen Numbers for Week Ending June 24

Numbers on on the upper right corner of Page 3.

So Toshiba sold over 50K players since June 1st but none of these buyers are buying HD DVD disks...Either that or the current and new PS3 owners are just buying more titles to offset the purchases of the new HD DVD buyers...

what good is selling cheap players for HD DVD if their owners are not buying disks?? guess they must be renting or much for supporting their format...

and before we hear the whining of "there were no new HD DVD releases last week", these people that just bought their new HD DVD players should be buying movies for the players, after all they have an attach rate of 4 disks per player (forget what the latest claim on that was anyway)...

and the 5 free movies they get when they buy the player...according to AVS forums and High Def Digest, it is taking about 2 months for them to receive their movies in the mail...

and if anyone wants the sales figures for the past few weeks, here they are:

05/06....Blu Ray: 60%....HD DVD: 40%
05/13....Blu Ray: 62%....HD DVD: 38%
05/20....Blu Ray: 58%....HD DVD: 42%
05/27....Blu Ray: 69%....HD DVD: 31%
06/03....Blu Ray: 61%....HD DVD: 39%
06/10....Blu Ray: 66%....HD DVD: 34%
06/17....Blu Ray: 64%....HD DVD: 36%
06/24....Blu Ray: 70%....HD DVD: 30%


Feb 15, 2000
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: LegendKiller
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: wyvrn
You are an arrogant ass. But since I couldn't care less, on to the real argument.

BB has an online business, tool. And they offer more for the money. And they have better name recognition and better deals with distributors than Netflix. How is Netflix going to change that? Have you even compared at the offerings of late, or have you decided in your infinite financial wisdom to go ahead and write BB off?

We all think that VOD is going to end the debate, but the Internet is not nearly mature enough. Neither are there enough people that want it badly enough to make it profitable. Look at current 'on demand' services, you will realize most people still rent movies the old fashioned way. The business models to support VOD still need a LOT of work. So for now, BB and Netflix have plenty of time to navigate the online waters.

Netflix has more current online subscribers, but overall BB has a bigger national base of renters. They are converting B&M renters into their online/B&M plans. Netflix cannot compete with this because they don't have stores, and are likely not stupid enough to buy a struggling franchise like Hollywood videos. Do you honestly think that Neftlix is just so much darn smarter that they are going to knock out BB, when BB has a better buy for the money and a bigger consumer base from which to build?</end quote></div>

Yeah, I am an arrogant ass, so what?

BB has now closed more than 600 stores nationwide, in less than a year, with the latest press release of 282 closings. They are finding that the margins on ALL B&M stores are thinning.

Netflix seems to not have a problem taking revenue away from BBI, since they grew 300M in Revenue last year, while BBI lost 300m. Sure, some of that was due to other chains, such as Hollywood Video, but most of it was BBI. The offerings aren't that much different.

I don't think VOD is going to be anywhere close to ending the debate even in the next 5 years.

Who cares if BBI has a bigger national base of renters? With them closing more than 10% of their stores it doesn't matter a whole lot, especially if they aren't even paying equity investors their due return.</end quote></div>

You don't have a clue. You are comparing Netflix online with BBI brick and mortar. Tard! BBI has an online business, for the last time. It is growing very well. This is going to change the game because Netflix cannot compete with this. They just can't. Besides being arrogant, you are quite ignorant.

Further, most studies show that online renting will only be a small percentage of overall rentals for the next few years. Mailers are a stepping stone to VOD. Whoever gets VOD to work first is going to win the real war.


Feb 15, 2000
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
Interesting article from last year regarding your Hero wyvern.

Nothing has changed. They have, yet again, screwed the pooch and continue to do so.

Spell my name correctly, first of all. Show some respect.

Secondly, I know way more about this market than you do, and it shows. Who cares if you can dig up some article saying BBI made a mistake. Who cares, every business does. I still think BBI makes more money, has a better business model, and has more total customers. If they even get a fraction of in-store customers to sign up online, they will hold their own against Netflix. And Netflix doesn't have stores. I know you discount B&M, but that is because you don't have a clue about the industry. And again, it shows.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: spacejamz
the Nielsen numbers from yesterday for blu ray/HD DVD sales ending 6/24.

Blu ray: 70%
HD DVD: 30%

Neilsen Numbers for Week Ending June 24

Numbers on on the upper right corner of Page 3.

So Toshiba sold over 50K players since June 1st but none of these buyers are buying HD DVD disks...Either that or the current and new PS3 owners are just buying more titles to offset the purchases of the new HD DVD buyers...

what good is selling cheap players for HD DVD if their owners are not buying disks?? guess they must be renting or much for supporting their format...

and before we hear the whining of "there were no new HD DVD releases last week", these people that just bought their new HD DVD players should be buying movies for the players, after all they have an attach rate of 4 disks per player (forget what the latest claim on that was anyway)...

and the 5 free movies they get when they buy the player...according to AVS forums and High Def Digest, it is taking about 2 months for them to receive their movies in the mail...

and if anyone wants the sales figures for the past few weeks, here they are:

05/06....Blu Ray: 60%....HD DVD: 40%
05/13....Blu Ray: 62%....HD DVD: 38%
05/20....Blu Ray: 58%....HD DVD: 42%
05/27....Blu Ray: 69%....HD DVD: 31%
06/03....Blu Ray: 61%....HD DVD: 39%
06/10....Blu Ray: 66%....HD DVD: 34%
06/17....Blu Ray: 64%....HD DVD: 36%
06/24....Blu Ray: 70%....HD DVD: 30%

This is a surprise? Toshiba hopes to ship 1M players (downgrade from 1.8M) this year when 5.5M PS3s alone have shipped. With a PS3 price drop it's possible 10M PS3s will be in retail by year's end, vs. 1M Toshiba HD-DVD drives. That 70/30 split is going to widen even further. That's not even taking into account the standalone BD players which have been dropping in price + the five free disc deal.

The only people who can't admit BD is taking the "war" at this point are diehard Sony haters. Get over it. There's about 10 other companies behind Blu-Ray besides Sony. Even Microsoft benefits from Blu-Ray, as the VC1 codec is fully supported by the BD spec.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Bill Hunt of TheDigitalBits has an interesting Microsoft conspiracy theory about the war:

Microsoft is subsidizing HD-DVD not because they liked it better or expected it to win, they did it to keep blu-ray from winning as quickly as it would otherwise.

Their real goals are to spread FUD to:
(a) to hurt the PS3 by devaluing blu-ray, and
(b) give their IPTV & movie download services for xbox a better chance to gain market share.

If true, this would be similar to how they funded SCO (directly and arranging financing) to slow the adoption of linux servers by businesses and help Windows Server.

Sound crazy? MS did pay millions to SCO just for a worthless unix license, and helped arrange tens of millions more funding. Google also turns up a bunch of links about MS subsidizing HD-DVD players as much as $50 per unit.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
naw, it has to be cheap players.
piracy in asia drives player sales.
blurays new super drm = harder piracy
death to bluray
current squabbling over figures is irrelevant as sacd vs dvda


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
current squabbling over figures is irrelevant as sacd vs dvda

why is that all of the HD DVD supporters claim that sales figures are irrelevant? Wonder if it is because blu ray has outsold HD DVD by an overall margin of 67% to 33% this year.

I am willing to be that if HD DVD was leading sales, they would be bring them up all the time (which is what the Blu ray fans do since Blu ray is winning - to the victor goes the spoils)...



Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
blurays new super drm = harder piracy think making piracy harder is bad? and you believe the movie studios do not have right to protect their content?

Why don't you write to the movies studios and ask them if they can give away their HD movies for free then??


Oct 5, 2004
I'm in the hd dvd camp just because the name bluray is teh suck.
Is there not some outfit that is jamming the two formats together for a dvd that will play in either player?
That makes far more sense to me.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: spacejamz
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
current squabbling over figures is irrelevant as sacd vs dvda</end quote></div>

why is that all of the HD DVD supporters claim that sales figures are irrelevant? Wonder if it is because blu ray has outsold HD DVD by an overall margin of 67% to 33% this year.

I am willing to be that if HD DVD was leading sales, they would be bring them up all the time (which is what the Blu ray fans do since Blu ray is winning - to the victor goes the spoils)...

Evolution of HD-DVD supporters arguments against Blu-Ray:

- HD-DVD transfers look better than Blu-Ray! (back when BD was using MPEG2 only)
- The porn industry chose HD-DVD and porn will win this war!
- Porn will not win this war, Wal-Mart will win this war!
- Player price will win this war!

Now it's come to:

- There will be no replacement for DVD, direct downloads are the future :laugh:


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: Chris
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: spacejamz
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
current squabbling over figures is irrelevant as sacd vs dvda</end quote></div>

why is that all of the HD DVD supporters claim that sales figures are irrelevant? Wonder if it is because blu ray has outsold HD DVD by an overall margin of 67% to 33% this year.

I am willing to be that if HD DVD was leading sales, they would be bring them up all the time (which is what the Blu ray fans do since Blu ray is winning - to the victor goes the spoils)...

</end quote></div>

Evolution of HD-DVD supporters arguments against Blu-Ray:

- HD-DVD transfers look better than Blu-Ray! (back when BD was using MPEG2 only)
- The porn industry chose HD-DVD and porn will win this war!
- Porn will not win this war, Wal-Mart will win this war!
- Player price will win this war!

Now it's come to:

- There will be no replacement for DVD, direct downloads are the future :laugh:

No different than a BDA argument.

- Superior capacity will make movies look/sound better
- PS3 will win the day (while being outsold 2:1 by 360)
- Superior features will win (no internet, BD-J sucks, poor player performance)
- More studios will win (~310 movies for HD-DVD, 350 for BD, despite a huge catalog diff)
- More DRM will entice people to release (Despite 2 weeks fox still hasn't put solid release dates)
- Blockbuster will win, despite no profitability, falling sales, and a B&M model that sucks
- Losing $2Bn in a year due to PS3 is nothing!
- Discs will have more content (No extra content for j00, BD 300 has nothing, HD-DVD 300 has everything) because they have more size
- People think low-price = desperation, which is why HD-DVD is selling 50% monthly growth. At 50k/mo and a realistic 25% attachment for PS3, that means it's outselling PS3 by 28k units, easily outselling the BD stand-alones.
- People are confused by the name, leading to poor adoption and ill-will.

Need I go on?


Senior member
Feb 19, 2006
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
- People are confused by the name, leading to poor adoption and ill-will.

I haven't seen any instances of this for BD. HD-DVD, on the other hand, is too close to DVD for the people with no clue.



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: LegendKiller
No different than a BDA argument.

- Superior capacity will make movies look/sound better

Stack a 50G VC1 or H.264 disc against a 30G HD-DVD and it does.

- PS3 will win the day (while being outsold 2:1 by 360)

It did. 5.5M potential Blu-Ray players in retail vs ~1M HD-DVD players. It's the sole reason Blu-Ray software is murdering HD-DVD in sales.

- Superior features will win (no internet, BD-J sucks, poor player performance)

Objective at best, bullshot for the most part.

- More studios will win (~310 movies for HD-DVD, 350 for BD, despite a huge catalog diff)

Five major studios vs Universal (who's jumping ship in Dec) and Weinstein (who?).

- More DRM will entice people to release (Despite 2 weeks fox still hasn't put solid release dates)

90% of consumers don't know what DRM is.

- Blockbuster will win, despite no profitability, falling sales, and a B&M model that sucks

HD-DVD hardware sales tank at the announcement. Most hold some weight.

- Losing $2Bn in a year due to PS3 is nothing!

Blu-Ray is not Sony. Sony is not Blu-Ray.

- Discs will have more content (No extra content for j00, BD 300 has nothing, HD-DVD 300 has everything) because they have more size

For now. Dual-layer BD discs hold 40% more data than dual-layer HD-DVD discs. So it's only a matter of time until studios start filling the discs.

- People think low-price = desperation, which is why HD-DVD is selling 50% monthly growth. At 50k/mo and a realistic 25% attachment for PS3, that means it's outselling PS3 by 28k units, easily outselling the BD stand-alones.

OS X is the number one operating system in the world if you don't count Windows!

- People are confused by the name, leading to poor adoption and ill-will.

HD-DVD: Busted old sh*t
Blu-Ray: The new hotness!

Need I go on?

Please do, but your better spending your time putting your HD-DVD player on eBay while you can still snag top dollar for it.
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