So Bush is dumb and Clinton is smart???

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Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Clinton was a criminal, and traitor, all decent Americans want him to be punished for what he did to the country!


Aug 23, 2001

<< ...even rented rooms in the Whitehouse. >>

Please check your facts. You can look at the list of people who satayed in the lincon bedroom during the clinton years, you will see that not one person from enron stayed there. Now I suppose that for this mistake you must be called the worst AT forums member ever and a disgrace to our community.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999


<< ...even rented rooms in the Whitehouse. >>

Please check your facts. You can look at the list of people who satayed in the lincon bedroom during the clinton years, you will see that not one person from enron stayed there. Now I suppose that for this mistake you must be called the worst AT forums member ever and a disgrace to our community.

I did not say he rented rooms to Enron, he rented rooms to Chinese Communist General's that brought him hundred's of thousand's of dollars in paper bags! But he did rent rooms to Enron officials, and after he was paid $100,000, he gave then $400,000,000 in US taxpayer money, to pay for a project in India, that was never completed. You people that support Clinton, are idiot's, or traitor's, maybe BOTH!


Jan 25, 2000

<< Clinton was a criminal, and traitor, all decent Americans want him to be punished for what he did to the country! >>

So 70 percent of people who supported Clinton even after impeachment are indecent.
I guess by decent americans you define the talibanesque religious right wing.
In that case, I am very indecent


Jan 25, 2000

<< But he did rent rooms to Enron officials, and after he was paid $100,000, he gave then $400,000 in US taxpayer money, to pay for a project in India, that was never completed. You people that support Clinton, are idiot's, or traitor's, maybe BOTH! >>

To put this in perspective, Bush appointed FERC turned a blind eye, and didn't do it's job, while the Enron's of this world (and other Texas corporations) manipulated the market to funnel something like 40 Billion dollars out of CA. Yes my friends, that is 10000 times more than the 400000 you are whining about.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< . I can finally sleep sound at night, knowing we have a great man in the Whitehouse now! >>

Wow, elavating a former drug user and alcoholic to great man status just because he is a republican. That is a hard one to believe in.


Jan 20, 2001
Bay of Pigs was planned B4 JFK was elected. He just went along with the plan AND had the decency to take responsibility when it failed. Furthermore, it can be argued that JFK is the primary reason a good chunk of the US is not a nuclear wasteland. Reading is fundamental people . . . give it a try some day.

Clinton: raised taxes

Bush: lowered taxes

Unless Clinton and Bush are emperors; neither deserves primary credit for either outcome. Clinton's package passed by a single vote in Congress. And if Jim Jeffords was half the traitor Republicans protrayed him to be Bush's package would probably have failed. Clinton proposed a stimulus package (primarily spending) that was opposed by Republicans (the right thing to do). Bush's stimulus package is DOA due to Democratic opposition (probably a good thing).

Clinton was an awesome president, for the economy, he just had a bad rap for his sex scandal.

Umm, I'm not sure he got a bad rap. He lied (which is reasonable). Then he lied about his lies (which is a necessity). Then he lied under oath (no excuse for that). He was the right man for the time b/c Republican control of Congress with a moderate (his wife is a liberal and arguably the one in the family with real gonads) in the White House was good for America. Conservatives and liberals have way too many ideas about how everybody should live for my tastes.

Clinton was a criminal, and traitor, all decent Americans want him to be punished for what he did to the country!
Yeah, ok . . . but didn't our President say not to dwell on such things in the past and that we should just move on . . . I guess GWB isn't decent or maybe he's not American.


Jan 20, 2001
he gave then $400,000 in US taxpayer money, to pay for a project in India, that was never completed. You people that support Clinton, are idiot's, or traitor's, maybe BOTH!

Dude, if you indict every public official that's given 400K or more to a foreign project that was never completed we would have to lock them all up. Hell, Rumsfeld was even talking about an inability to track $1 trillion in DOD outlays. I don't support Clinton but I did vote for him twice. You wield the word 'traitor' as if it's just another way of saying bad person. I think you need to have a drink, another hit on the bong, some rosie palm, or yoga (hmm, not likely). Clinton was a disappointment but we survived much like we will survive 4 or 8 years of GWB. Our current President will not usher in Pax Americana ($400B/yr in military spending kinda rules that out) no more so than 8 years of Slick Willy caused the moral decay of American society.


Sep 22, 2001

<< Our current President will not usher in Pax Americana ($400B/yr in military spending kinda rules that out) >>

Why, exactly, are they mutually exclusive?


Senior member
May 20, 2000

<< Enron was Clinton's baby, Clinton sold pardon's, sold nuclear secret's to China, even rented rooms in the Whitehouse. I can finally sleep sound at night, knowing we have a great man in the Whitehouse now! >>

History will reflect if GW is a great man, just as it will with Clinton, but, I do agree in that I sleep much better now that Clinton is out.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2000

<< Well, I will just let his genes speak for him. >>

Is that a knock at Chelsea? That's pretty low, not to mention, irrelevant. The general public really doesn?t know anything about her.

BTW, while we're taking low down stabs at presidential offspring, I might as well ask, how many times has Chelsea been arrested?


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2002
I think both of them have a few screws loose, but I also thhink that when it comes to the economy, Clinton and his wife of course, was heads and tails above Bush. I also personally think that bush had used the tragic events of 9-11 to cover up or evade the fact that our economy sucks right now. People need to focus less on the fact that clinton lied. This is politics, are we surprised? All politicians lie and they all can't stop humping everyone they see. I think we need to focus on the fact that when clinton was in office, we all had jobs, or at least most of us. I was laid off of my job last friday, and I was told specifically it was because they could no longer afford to have me, "thanks to Bush" says my boss.


Sep 22, 2001

<< I think both of them have a few screws loose, but I also thhink that when it comes to the economy, Clinton and his wife of course, was heads and tails above Bush. I also personally think that bush had used the tragic events of 9-11 to cover up or evade the fact that our economy sucks right now. People need to focus less on the fact that clinton lied. This is politics, are we surprised? All politicians lie and they all can't stop humping everyone they see. I think we need to focus on the fact that when clinton was in office, we all had jobs, or at least most of us. I was laid off of my job last friday, and I was told specifically it was because they could no longer afford to have me, "thanks to Bush" says my boss. >>

Another less than intelligent person has swallowed the Demoidiot propaganda hook, line and sinker. You may be able to make an intelligent argument about what clinton did/did not do for the economy (I doubt it) but what exactly did hillary do? Is the fact the economy is bad a secret? How is he trying to hide or evade the fact? What kind of job do you have that the President was responsible for your losing it? Sounds to me like your boss was looking for an easy way out.


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2002

<< Another less than intelligent person has swallowed the Demoidiot propaganda hook-line and sinker. >>

So then prove that my OPINION is wrong. Give me facts and a valid argument before you start calling names, because that is what makes YOU look like the idiot and ME look like the better person.


Sep 22, 2001

<< So then prove that my OPINION is wrong. Give me facts and a valid argument before you start calling names, because that is what makes YOU look like the idiot and ME look like the better person. >>

Point taken, I was editing my original post while you were posting. Answer the questions if you can.


Jun 5, 2001

<< How so?

List what steps he took to better the economy....

Yeah and while you're at it, i'm assuming you think bush did the downfall of the current economy, so list the steps how bush screwed that up.

Oh come on guys, asking Liberals to back up their statements with more than their own spoon fed bias? Come on...

And Clinton wins the stupid award hands down. Only an idiot would get blown while talking on the phone with Congress by a 21 year old ding-bat blabbermouth.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000

<< Clinton was a criminal, and traitor, all decent Americans want him to be punished for what he did to the country! >>

you're a moron...


Jun 5, 2001


<< Clinton was a criminal, and traitor, all decent Americans want him to be punished for what he did to the country! >>

you're a moron...

Why is he a Moron? I'd say selling missile technology for campaign contributions is treason. Not to mention getting a 1 million dollar donation from the head of China's CIA doesn't help your credibility.


Nov 20, 1999
Hmm, seeing as there are blind idiots on both sides of the field, i'll try to be objective as i can.

1) I don't think clinton has much to do with the booming economy of the 90's. Ironically though, you could probably credit Gore with a lot of it because of his initiatives to push development of internetworking and other telecomm tech during his days as a senator.

2) I don't believe it was ever proven that clinton sold nuclear secrets to the chinese. The commission that was investigating it eventually dropped it because of one of two reasons: There was insubstantial evidence or because the republicans believed the lewinsky thing was something that was more embarrassing so they focused on that.

3) JFK can be credited with both the bay of pigs incident AND averting the cuban missle crisis. I believe JFK had some part in the Bay of Pigs. But, as someone else pointed out, if it weren't for JFK, our nation would've become a 'nuclear waste land'.

4) I really don't think you can say either Bush or Clinton has 'integrity'. You can point out a lot of little things that would contradict that for either president. However, when it comes to intelligence, Bush is a mental midget.


Nov 20, 1999
Hmm, seeing as there are blind idiots on both sides of the field, i'll try to be objective as i can.

1) I don't think clinton has much to do with the booming economy of the 90's. Ironically though, you could probably credit Gore with a lot of it because of his initiatives to push development of internetworking and other telecomm tech during his days as a senator.

2) I don't believe it was ever proven that clinton sold nuclear secrets to the chinese. The commission that was investigating it eventually dropped it because of one of two reasons: There was insubstantial evidence or because the republicans believed the lewinsky thing was something that was more embarrassing so they focused on that.

3) JFK can be credited with both the bay of pigs incident AND averting the cuban missle crisis. I believe JFK had some part in the Bay of Pigs. But, as someone else pointed out, if it weren't for JFK, our nation would've become a 'nuclear waste land'.

4) I really don't think you can say either Bush or Clinton has 'integrity'. You can point out a lot of little things that would contradict that for either president. However, when it comes to intelligence, Bush is a mental midget.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Look - no one can deny that Clinton did stupid and foolish things in the white house. And truthfully, I can't give Clinton most of the credit for the economy while he was prez, just like I can't give Bush the blame for the economy today.

But if your criticism of Clinton centers around the gold-digging whores he mingled with, you're clearly unable to separate politics from the morals you expect out of your favorite superhero. Either that, or you're looking for the easiest way to bash the party you dislike - which isn't the most intelligent criticism out there...


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2002
" Another less than intelligent person has swallowed the Demoidiot propaganda hook, line and sinker. You may be able to make an intelligent argument about what clinton did/did not do for the economy (I doubt it) but what exactly did hillary do? Is the fact the economy is bad a secret? How is he trying to hide or evade the fact? What kind of job do you have that the President was responsible for your losing it? Sounds to me like your boss was looking for an easy way out. "[i/]

As far as the comment about Hillary, it was only a reference to the joke that she was really president and not Bill. Just a joke, that is all.

And it is my opinion that everytime there was to be a "State of the Union" address or some other national address, he focused on the events of 9-11 and not anything else. I saw him, come to my hometown and totally evade a question about how the econmy went down so quickly after he was in office, and his exact words were "no comment". Now I think that we would have the right to know the answer to that.

In my previous job, we built boilers for government and commercial use, and I would think that if Bush were the cause of our economy, which in my opinion he is, that it would be his fault that I no longer had a job and that almost 30% of the people that worked for my same comapny were laid off as well. You say, " Sounds like your boss was looking for the easy way out" as if I wasn't a good employee, but trust that I was, and that there was really no other option. They had to lay off, and since my job was only important when we had business, it was the logical decision.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Hmm, seeing as there are blind idiots on both sides of the field, i'll try to be objective as i can.

1) I don't think clinton has much to do with the booming economy of the 90's. Ironically though, you could probably credit Gore with a lot of it because of his initiatives to push development of internetworking and other telecomm tech during his days as a senator.

Oh come on. That was American Business. Gore had at most 2% to do with it.

<< I don't believe it was ever proven that clinton sold nuclear secrets to the chinese. The commission that was investigating it eventually dropped it because of one of two reasons: There was insubstantial evidence or because the republicans believed the lewinsky thing was something that was more embarrassing so they focused on that. >>

It was proven that donations came from money in China including the head of the CIA then months later the Chinese got permission from the US government from to laugh satillites from US Missiles and a year or so later they jump 30 years ahead in missile technology.

All that takes is common sense.

<< 4) I really don't think you can say either Bush or Clinton has 'integrity'. You can point out a lot of little things that would contradict that for either president. However, when it comes to intelligence, Bush is a mental midget. >>

There goes your "unbias" account. LOL Thanks for remaining so predictable Phokus.

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