So Bush is dumb and Clinton is smart???

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Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000

<< It was proven that donations came from money in China including the head of the CIA then months later the Chinese got permission from the US government from to laugh satillites from US Missiles and a year or so later they jump 30 years ahead in missile technology. >>

Didn't that have more to do with the Chinese possibly stealing nuclear technology from Los Alamos? Or am I thinking something different?


Sep 22, 2001

<< But if your criticism of Clinton centers around the gold-digging whores he mingled with, you're clearly unable to separate politics from the morals you expect out of your favorite superhero. Either that, or you're looking for the easiest way to bash the party you dislike - which isn't the most intelligent criticism out there... >>

My criticism of clinton centers around the fact that he lied under oath and he lied to me on national TV. Maybe you consider not lying the "morals of a superhero", I personally think it is something every 5 year old knows is wrong.


Jun 5, 2001

<< Look - no one can deny that Clinton did stupid and foolish things in the white house. And truthfully, I can't give Clinton most of the credit for the economy while he was prez, just like I can't give Bush the blame for the economy today.

But if your criticism of Clinton centers around the gold-digging whores he mingled with, you're clearly unable to separate politics from the morals you expect out of your favorite superhero.

I think we all expect high morals from a president or at the very least the appearence of morality.

Clinton never showed us this even once.

<< Either that, or you're looking for the easiest way to bash the party you dislike - which isn't the most intelligent criticism out there... >>

I'm telling what the man did. That isn't bashing.

EDIT: If this didn't apply to me, my apologies


Jun 5, 2001


<< It was proven that donations came from money in China including the head of the CIA then months later the Chinese got permission from the US government from to laugh satillites from US Missiles and a year or so later they jump 30 years ahead in missile technology. >>

Didn't that have more to do with the Chinese possibly stealing nuclear technology from Los Alamos? Or am I thinking something different?

Something different


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Well there is that nagging problem that Bush is a criminal, and traitor and all decent Americans should want him to be punished for what he and the Supreme Coup and the Republican machine in Florida did to the country! He had fewer votes in Forida state wide. That fact isstablished. He doesn't belong in the office. How the party of morality lives with that lie and gets their rocks off over a sex lie is truly amazing. It's the biggest crime ever committed against the American people. We were robbed of our rightful President, the guy who really won the election. To support Bush is as Anti-American as it gets. It's so shameful and such a national tragedy that nobody even wants to talk about it. Sweep it under the rug and tack it down. Lets talk about what a great war leader he is. I get excited talking about military power.

Re-elect Gore.


Sep 22, 2001

<< In my previous job, we built boilers for government and commercial use, and I would think that if Bush were the cause of our economy, which in my opinion he is, that it would be his fault that I no longer had a job and that almost 30% of the people that worked for my same comapny were laid off as well. You say, " Sounds like your boss was looking for the easy way out" as if I wasn't a good employee, but trust that I was, and that there was really no other option. They had to lay off, and since my job was only important when we had business, it was the logical decision. >>

As I expected you answered none of my questions. Thanks for your input, it was enlightening.


Jul 5, 2001

<< My criticism of clinton centers around the fact that he lied under oath and he lied to me on national TV. Maybe you consider not lying the "morals of a superhero", I personally think it is something every 5 year old knows is wrong. >>

Bush lied under oath too.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000


<< But if your criticism of Clinton centers around the gold-digging whores he mingled with, you're clearly unable to separate politics from the morals you expect out of your favorite superhero. Either that, or you're looking for the easiest way to bash the party you dislike - which isn't the most intelligent criticism out there... >>

My criticism of clinton centers around the fact that he lied under oath and he lied to me on national TV. Maybe you consider not lying the "morals of a superhero", I personally think it is something every 5 year old knows is wrong.

What it was, was in bad taste, unsensible, and immoral. What it wasn't, was any of your business. If strangers went up to you and asked you if you were having an affair with so-and-so, you'd say "get the F@#$ away from me." I'm sure you'd disagree from either the legal standpoint or merely due to the circumstances, but I'm sure you'd think differently if it were you on the stand.

If you want to talk morals, we can likewise dig up plenty of things about Bush and his whole family. I just chose not to because I know its frivolous. I'm sorry but you're going to be eternally disappointed if the prez is going to be your moral ideal.

Again, you're chosing the easy way to criticize Clinton, while ignoring any charges of its irrelevance.

Otherwise, prove to me that he lied about anything of national consequence.


Jun 5, 2001


<< My criticism of clinton centers around the fact that he lied under oath and he lied to me on national TV. Maybe you consider not lying the "morals of a superhero", I personally think it is something every 5 year old knows is wrong. >>

Bush lied under oath too.

Oh wow and he said she said from a Liberal Activist Web site! LOL Try again Blue Apple.

The problem for your buddy Billy Bubba was a blue dress

Thats called proof, something you are greatly lacking in your links.


Jul 5, 2001


<< Bush's ties with Enron

Read the first article
ABC News

Thats great. Now prove he did anything wrong. OPPS! You can't! LOL

Accepting money from a corporation is not a Crime. Ask your other Enron money taker Joe Leiberman

It only takes common sense to know that if you give someone $2,000,000 of your own money, let them use your airplane, ect, you want something in return.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
BlueApple Republicans don't lie under oath. They tell an alternate version of reality that corresponds with justice, justice as they see it, so it's not really a lie, but a stretch for the greater good.


Jun 5, 2001


<< In my previous job, we built boilers for government and commercial use, and I would think that if Bush were the cause of our economy, which in my opinion he is, that it would be his fault that I no longer had a job and that almost 30% of the people that worked for my same comapny were laid off as well. You say, " Sounds like your boss was looking for the easy way out" as if I wasn't a good employee, but trust that I was, and that there was really no other option. They had to lay off, and since my job was only important when we had business, it was the logical decision. >>

As I expected you answered none of my questions. Thanks for your input, it was enlightening.

Oh come on Dave, did you really expect a straight foreward answer? LOL


Dec 26, 2000
I voted for Al Gore but I honestly can't say I have too many complaints about Bush(yet). Yes I enjoy making fun of him, but he hasn't run the country into the ground, neither did Clinton. The economy fluctuates... neither guy is responsible soley for it going either way.

I don't care who Clinton banged nor do I care how much Bush drank/drinks.

I try to look past that, and to see how the country is doing.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000

<< I voted for Al Gore but I honestly can't say I have too many complaints about Bush(yet). Yes I enjoy making fun of him, but he hasn't run the country into the ground, neither did Clinton. The economy fluctuates... neither guy is responsible soley for it going either way.

I don't care who Clinton banged nor do I care how much Bush drank/drinks.

I try to look past that, and to see how the country is doing.

Here's a guy who can actually see the forest through the trees, for a change... (hope I got that saying right...)


Jun 5, 2001


<< I voted for Al Gore but I honestly can't say I have too many complaints about Bush(yet). Yes I enjoy making fun of him, but he hasn't run the country into the ground, neither did Clinton. The economy fluctuates... neither guy is responsible soley for it going either way.

I don't care who Clinton banged nor do I care how much Bush drank/drinks.

I try to look past that, and to see how the country is doing.

Here's a guy who can actually see the forest through the trees, for a change... (hope I got that saying right...)

If Clinton's only infractions were fidelity I'd be right there with him.


Junior Member
Feb 25, 2002

<< Another less than intelligent person has swallowed the Demoidiot propaganda hook, line and sinker. You may be able to make an intelligent argument about what clinton did/did not do for the economy (I doubt it) but what exactly did hillary do? Is the fact the economy is bad a secret? How is he trying to hide or evade the fact? What kind of job do you have that the President was responsible for your losing it? Sounds to me like your boss was looking for an easy way out. >>

You asked what hillary did and I explained that it was a joke.

You asked why, in my opinion, I thought Bush was trying to evade questions about the economy right now, and I gave you an example.

You asked how it is that the Prez was responsible for the loss of my job, and I explained to you why I thought it was.

So I did actually answer all of your questions. I am sorry that it wasn't what you were expecting but this really isn't that big of a deal if you consider that Bush is president and Clinton is not. Also not a huge deal when you consider that NOTHING any of us think on here makes a bit of difference, it's all our opinions. But you seem so eager to fight and argue. Why is that?
I saw the thread and I thought I would add my opinion just as you did, should I be "spanked" for this? Is this something that I am not allowed to do?


Jan 25, 2000
Clinton is very smart. He really defined the difference between moderates and extreme right wing in this country like noone else could.


Sep 22, 2001

<< What it was, was in bad taste, unsensible, and immoral. What it wasn't, was any of your business. If strangers went up to you and asked you if you were having an affair with so-and-so, you'd say "get the F@#$ away from me." I'm sure you'd disagree from either the legal standpoint or merely due to the circumstances, but I'm sure you'd think differently if it were you on the stand. >>

I will decide what's my business, especially when it is the President and my commander in chief. You have no idea what I would do in his situation, not that it would ever happen.

<< If you want to talk morals, we can likewise dig up plenty of things about Bush and his whole family. I just chose not to because I know its frivolous. I'm sorry but you're going to be eternally disappointed if the prez is going to be your moral ideal. >>

Please dig up whatever you want, I don't care. I never said the Prez was my moral ideal did I.

<< Again, you're chosing the easy way to criticize Clinton, while ignoring any charges of its irrelevance >>

Criticizing clinton is the easiest thing in the world to do. It's not irrelevant to me. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.

<< Otherwise, prove to me that he lied about anything of national consequence. >>

The President commiting perjury is of national consequence.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
I think Bush's oratory skills are far inferior to Clintons and I think that Clinton was more intelligent but he also was more self centered and obviously more corrupt. I don't think Bush is a Chiorboy at all but I think as far as Politicians go, especially Republican Politicians, he's pretty clean. I didn't think I'd like him as President but when I heard the he too couldn't stand Trent Lott it gave me pause for thought. It seems he doesn't like bellicose blowhards spewing hot air (he probably wouldn't like you Tex) but he seems to be doing the job well. Like Reagan, he seems to be a good delagator and has surronded himself with a good group in his administration. Unlike Clinton, who had aides based on their ability to find him a good piece of ass, Bush has a team that is hand picked for their specialties (which doesn't include picking up Hookers)When he called N.Korea,Iran and Iraq the Axis of Evil that wasn't him over reacting. That was a calculated move by those hand picked in his administration to put those countries on alert. In fact it was a signal for them to back off so we won't have any military confrontations with them. It was a fair warning if you will. I feel confident with him and his adminstration in charge. I really couldn't imagine Clinton or Gore doing as well if they had these events happen during their terms or attempted terms.



Oct 10, 1999

<< I think Bush's oratory skills are far inferior to Clintons and I think that Clinton was more intelligent but he also was more self centered and obviously more corrupt. I don't think Bush is a Chiorboy at all but I think as far as Politicians go, especially Republican Politicians, he's pretty clean. I didn't think I'd like him as President but when I heard the he too couldn't stand Trent Lott it gave me pause for thought. It seems he doesn't like bellicose blowhards spewing hot air (he probably wouldn't like you Tex) but he seems to be doing the job well. Like Reagan, he seems to be a good delagator and has surronded himself with a good group in his administration. Unlike Clinton, who had aides based on their ability to find him a good piece of ass, Bush has a team that is hand picked for their specialties (which doesn't include picking up Hookers)When he called N.Korea,Iran and Iraq the Axis of Evil that wasn't him over reacting. That was a calculated move by those hand picked in his administration to put those countries on alert. In fact it was a signal for them to back off so we won't have any military confrontations with them. It was a fair warning if you will. I feel confident with him and his adminstration in charge. I really couldn't imagine Clinton or Gore doing as well if they had these events happen during their terms or attempted terms.

Oh sh1t. I agree with Red Dawn except for the part about oratory skills. What is the world coming to.


Jan 8, 2002
My pol sci teacher said that Clinton did a lot.

I know he had his problems with sex scandals and what not... but I'll post in a few hours when I get home. I have all the notes in my notepad about why Clinton did a lot for the economy.

I'll post it when I get home.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
I'll let the collective conservative braintrust here at ATOT decide if they would like the conversation quoted in its entirety below, to be characterized as their overall attitude and feelings toward this matter...


<< What it was, was in bad taste, unsensible, and immoral. What it wasn't, was any of your business. If strangers went up to you and asked you if you were having an affair with so-and-so, you'd say "get the F@#$ away from me." I'm sure you'd disagree from either the legal standpoint or merely due to the circumstances, but I'm sure you'd think differently if it were you on the stand. >>

I will decide what's my business, especially when it is the President and my commander in chief. You have no idea what I would do in his situation, not that it would ever happen.

<< If you want to talk morals, we can likewise dig up plenty of things about Bush and his whole family. I just chose not to because I know its frivolous. I'm sorry but you're going to be eternally disappointed if the prez is going to be your moral ideal. >>

Please dig up whatever you want, I don't care. I never said the Prez was my moral ideal did I.

<< Again, you're chosing the easy way to criticize Clinton, while ignoring any charges of its irrelevance >>

Criticizing clinton is the easiest thing in the world to do. It's not irrelevant to me. Your opinion is irrelevant to me.

<< Otherwise, prove to me that he lied about anything of national consequence. >>

The President commiting perjury is of national consequence.



Sep 22, 2001

<< My pol sci teacher said that Clinton did a lot. >>

Well then, we'll all wait right here for what should be the definitive word on the clinton presidency.
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