"So called judge"

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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013

Bush-appointed judge is "activist" and somehow on the D's side!

Or maybe he's a fucking professional and knows more about the law than little-handed president snowflake and his moronic advisers.

Also, when there's no incident do you come back and praise the judge for doing the right thing? No? Didn't think so, dumbnuts.

Many establishment Republicans have a problem with a ban on Muslims, so it isn't surprising. Especially a pick from Bush, who wasn't antagonistic to them e.g. Islam is peace!

How many judges act impartial in your mind? There have been many cases that show that they don't. Bush v. Gore was a very good example of it. There are plenty more.


Dec 3, 2013
Could you not, you know, go militia his dumbarse?

That probably would not happen no matter what, there are tons of secret service and snipers on roofs with .50 sniper rifles any time a POTUS steps into a heavily armored limo these days.

It almost makes one wonder why it has become SOP.


Sep 5, 2000
If anyone comes into the country now and commits a terrorist attack, it will be Schumer and his activist judges who will be to blame. Again the DNC has taken the bait and the the yoke of blame and responsibility.

well 0 of these vetted people have ever committed a terrorist attack. but keep on being a retard.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 11, 1999
Let's remember that our "constitutional scholar" thought habeas corpus meant "dump the body into the ocean".

He also stonewalled against multiple court orders from a federal judge in the Golinski case.

He joked about drone-bombing teenage boys.

Obama is hardly the saint and fount of objective true knowledge so many would like to believe he was. He was just more polished in his corruption, like his oh-so-clever speech where he simultaneously disclaimed an ad hoc legal approach from the Bush administration and created his own!

That was indefinitely preventative detention. Thought crime to lock people away forever for crimes they're yet to commit.

Our beloved constitutional scholar in action.

So, Obama is just as bad!

At least out there somewhere in the land of Trump apologists.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
So, Obama is just as bad!

At least out there somewhere in the land of Trump apologists.

There is a point about surveillance and other issues. They twist the Constitution to incorporate those things out of fear of threats, etc., so can't see why the same can't be done about Muslims. Moreover, the US holds no obligation to accept people from any country. They could set any immigration policy they wish.


Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2008
It would be that if the topic weren't Donald Trump & his contempt for the judiciary.

As it is you're merely diverting.
Nope. You're just refusing to see anything but partisan bickering. Politics is more than the fake liberal-conservative RNC-DNC divide.


Nov 11, 1999
Nope. You're just refusing to see anything but partisan bickering. Politics is more than the fake liberal-conservative RNC-DNC divide.

I'm refusing to divert from the topic at hand. In that, I'll just let the judge speak for himself-

The judge answered: "I'm also asked to look and determine if the executive order is rationally based. And rationally based, to some extent, means I have to find it grounded in fact instead of fiction."


Funny how not everybody gets with the post-truth program, huh?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 11, 1999
There is a point about surveillance and other issues. They twist the Constitution to incorporate those things out of fear of threats, etc., so can't see why the same can't be done about Muslims.

More diversion. The notion that we can suddenly bar entry to green card holders is absurd. That we should bar entry for citizens of Iraq while our troops are there to support them against the Daesh is equally absurd.

Moreover, the US holds no obligation to accept people from any country. They could set any immigration policy they wish.

So what? The Hair Furor doesn't have unlimited discretion under the law.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 11, 1999
Posting a post that was nothing besides two fallacies strung together is diversion at its most glaring.

Say something about Trump, the judge, or the principles involved in the topic at hand instead of going on about the evil Obama & it won't be a diversion.

Too easy?


Mar 12, 2000
Disrespecting a judge seems like a strategy that will surely pay off for lil' Donnie Dictator. What an ignorant tool.

Hopefully the judiciary has gotten the message: Trump has little to no respect for the separation of powers or the Constitution.


Nov 11, 1999
Disrespecting a judge seems like a strategy that will surely pay off for lil' Donnie Dictator. What an ignorant tool.

Hopefully the judiciary has gotten the message: Trump has little to no respect for the separation of powers or the Constitution.

Judges have always been an impediment to the Donald, from anti-discrimination rulings way back when thru God only knows how many lawsuits in the meanwhile, leading up to Trump Baja & Trump U. It's no accident that his fave building style is giant phallic symbols.


Jun 2, 2000

He just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of an independent judiciary, or separation between branches of government. This is Civics 101, I'm not even American and I understand it better than the fucking President. No wonder he admires autocrats like Putin so much.

I used to think the same way, but I'm beginning to think there is something in Trump's mental makeup that drives him to make enemies so he can combat against them. He mowed through his GOP opponents (serially), but only after making a derogatory nickname the one under attack and then going into full combat/personal insult mode. Just this week, he's done pretty much the same thing with Australia, China, Germany, Mexico and who remembers what others. The media is currently on his attack list.

I really don't think down deep he means anything against the judge or the judiciary as such, it's just that when he viewed the judge's ruling as an attack, he's compelled to hit back, personally, ten times as bad. He's a hell of a salesman, but emotionally, socially and intellectually stunted. He's everyone's crazy uncle, drunk at Thanksgiving and ranting, but now he wields enormous power.


Oct 6, 2009
I used to think the same way, but I'm beginning to think there is something in Trump's mental makeup that drives him to make enemies so he can combat against them. He mowed through his GOP opponents (serially), but only after making a derogatory nickname the one under attack and then going into full combat/personal insult mode. Just this week, he's done pretty much the same thing with Australia, China, Germany, Mexico and who remembers what others. The media is currently on his attack list.

I really don't think down deep he means anything against the judge or the judiciary as such, it's just that when he viewed the judge's ruling as an attack, he's compelled to hit back, personally, ten times as bad. He's a hell of a salesman, but emotionally, socially and intellectually stunted. He's everyone's crazy uncle, drunk at Thanksgiving and ranting, but now he wields enormous power.
I think it's great and at least it's not Hillary with the power because it is Hillary's fault we elected Trump. So there, libtard.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
More diversion. The notion that we can suddenly bar entry to green card holders is absurd. That we should bar entry for citizens of Iraq while our troops are there to support them against the Daesh is equally absurd.

So what? The Hair Furor doesn't have unlimited discretion under the law.

Green card holders have enhanced rights, but what constitutional claim would you make to suggest that what Trump is doing is unconstitutional? BTW, you can have something be constitutional but stupid/absurd, as you put it. That's not a good argument.


Nov 11, 1999
Green card holders have enhanced rights, but what constitutional claim would you make to suggest that what Trump is doing is unconstitutional? BTW, you can have something be constitutional but stupid/absurd, as you put it. That's not a good argument.

I'm just going with the judge's ruling on the arguments before him.

Screwing people over on the basis of whim isn't in the Constitution but due process & equal protection are. Green card holders have the same basic rights as the rest of us, other than the right to vote.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
I'm just going with the judge's ruling on the arguments before him.

Screwing people over on the basis of whim isn't in the Constitution but due process & equal protection are. Green card holders have the same basic rights as the rest of us, other than the right to vote.

Equal protection is a flimsy argument and so is due process. This same government would probably not extend Equal Protection to polygamists and use a couple of reasons why it's in the state's interest to do so (Canada did this a few years ago). The same govenrment also says **** all to due process when it comes to some issues (e.g. marijuana).


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2000
Let's remember that our "constitutional scholar" thought habeas corpus meant "dump the body into the ocean".

He was dead. You do understand that right?

He also stonewalled against multiple court orders from a federal judge in the Golinski case..

The Golinski case first reached court in 12/10, the DOJ announced that they wouldn't defend DOMA and sided with Golinski. Where exactly is the stonewall

He joked about drone-bombing teenage boys.

Seriously? You're using a joke about the Jonas brothers being kept away from the President's daughters as somehow disrespecting the law?

Obama is hardly the saint and fount of objective true knowledge so many would like to believe he was. He was just more polished in his corruption, like his oh-so-clever speech where he simultaneously disclaimed an ad hoc legal approach from the Bush administration and created his own!

Yes, which you so valiantly proved by pointing out htat Obama didn't give a corpse due process, where the admin actively supported a case to overturn a federal law infringing on civil rights, and a joke about keeping the Jonas brothers away from his daughters.

Kudos, you really cracked the code. Most people would find those examples downright ridiculous and nowhere near analogous to another president actively questioning the legitimacy of a Judge. Not you though.
Reactions: dank69


Nov 11, 1999
Equal protection is a flimsy argument and so is due process. This same government would probably not extend Equal Protection to polygamists and use a couple of reasons why it's in the state's interest to do so (Canada did this a few years ago). The same govenrment also says **** all to due process when it comes to some issues (e.g. marijuana).

Federal judges obviously see it differently, at least for now, and i'm glad they do.

The Muslim ban (but not really a Muslim ban), is not, as the judge pointed out, grounded in reality at all but rather in demonization & irrational fear.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Dec 13, 2013
The problem is these same people elected a guy who is "just like us", "not an elitist", "talks like us" and "so transparent", "says it like he sees it". Doesn't matter that he is an equivalent of a 4 yr old throwing a tantrum.

I Arnt book larnt enuff, to rite so polytly, as the great gentlefolks, that rite in the News-Papers, about Pollyticks. I think it is pitty, they should know how to rite so well, saving they made a better use ont. And that they might do, if they would rite about something else. They do say we are a matter a million of muney in det. If so be the matter be so, I dont see but the Cunstibles must dragg two thirds on us to goal, for our land and housen and creeturs wont pay tacksis, without ther is muney to sell them for. And I am shure ther arnt haff a million of muney amongst us. And now the war is done, we cant bring in any more amungst us.—In the war time I could sell my fatt ocksen, and sheep, and every thing I could raise on my place, for a pretty good round price in muney. So that the war did me some good, 'tho' I lost by it two of my sons, as stout young fellows as ever took a man by the sholders. But now I cant sell any thing, because nobody has no muney hardly. And they do say that amost all the muney folks can rake and scrape, is sent away by water to buy Corn and Hemp and such like, besides that that is sent to buy fine cloths. As to finery gentlefolks may do what they ples, for we cant make um so fine here as they bring um from Lunnun. But I know we can raise as good Ingean corn here as they can in Virginny, and as good Wheet as they can in Connetticut, and folks say we could raise as good Hemp, as they raise in any part of the world. And if so be, this be true we might raise anuff amongst us, to send to Lunnun to pay for our fine cloths; for they do say, it fetches a nation price, and they want abundance of it ther, about their shipping, but no body amungst us knows how to raise it.

What I'me ater is, to get some great larnt gentleman, who has been to Old Ingland, and knows how they raise Hemp there, and can read books about it, and understand um, to print in your News, some direckshon, about it, that we may go to trying, for we cant afford to run venters, by working, may be, a month and then have nothing come of it for want of working right.—I'le affirm it, a little short piece in the print, no bigger than these few lines I send you at this present riting, if it did but tell us how to raise Hemp, how to fitt our land and feed, how and when to sow it, how to gather the crop and when, and how to dress it, and suck like would do a thousand pounds worth of good.

Seems to me folks must have a queer kind of souls to love to study, to fling dirt and play hide and seek in the News, better to walk or ride about the country, in good weather, and study like King Solomon, the Herbs from the Cedar of Lebanon to the Hysop in the wall. I'le avouch it I've took more delight in looking upon a bunch of leeves, or blossoms, or sprigs of grass for two hours together, to see how nice and pretty it is made, than I ever did last winter, or spring in reeding any of them scolding pieces in the News, and yet tho' I want bro't up to College I love to reed.

I wonder why folks will rite so as they do in the News, they make amost all the world hate um for it. whereas I'le say it they could make every body love um if they would rite about farming, and teech country folks how to pay their rates by rasing hemp and such like. For it would be strange, if we in a land of light were not as good as Heathens, and I've seen it in a sermon book, that they worshipt, even arter he was dead, that man that taut um how to use Grapes, and tother too that taut um how to sow corn and such like. Thes Pagans were fools to worship um, tho it shows that they lov'd and honour'd the man that did um good, which we Chrischans dont always do, tho I hope most of us should.—Sum of our ministers say that none of thes heathens are sav'd, which I cant hardly beleeve.

I do say that our great knowing rich men cant answer it to a good conshence, if they dont take sum panes and spend sum muney too, to learn us little ignorant poor folks how to pay our rates, and get a living, dont they remember the parable of the Talents!—besides we have work'd hard and lost our sons and brothers in the war, to defend them in hole skins, and got so far in det that we cant pay saving they contrive sum way for us.—I wonder whether they ever sit alone and medetate.—If they did their bowels would yerne toward us.—I sit up sumtimes till 12 a Clock at night thinking about myself and Naibours our land and stock and rates, and about the war, and about my too poor dear sons, one of um died of a camp fevur, and tother was skalp'd by the Ingeans, till my hart is redy to burst and my eyes run over. I'm shure if I had as much larning, books and time to spaer from my labor, with my poor abillitys, thof I say it, I could find out 20 ways of teeching mankind things they want to know, and helping um pay their dets and live comfortable.

Good Mr. Elliot did rite sumthing once about farming, but not enuff about Hemp.—I see his book tother day, poor man he's ded now, but our loss in his gain.—I red a good deel in his book, and like it extrordinary well. I wish I had one of um. I suppose I could get one for haff a dollur. I think I'le leeve off tacking the News papers for haff a yeer, and bye one, and in haff a yeer I hope the News will get cleer again of so much wicked langage, and ripping and rending of one grate man agenst another! There's sundry leeves at the end ont, put out by a fine man, folks say I know him, I've seen him ride by my house, and thof I durst not speek to him yet I'm a fool for it, for they say he's a nice good-natur'd free Gentleman, yet I love him for the pains he has took to make folks ditch their meadows, and sow Wheet and Hemp and such like.

I do say it would be a nice thing if we could raise enuff Hemp to pay our rates, and bye a little rum and shuger, which we cant well do without, and a little Tea, which our Wifes wont let us have any peace without.

I've been as long as a sarmon amost, so I wont rite no more at present. Sumbody put a lettur of mine into the print tother day that I was asham'd to see there, so I wanted to let the world know I could if I try'd both spell and word a lettur, abundance better than that was, and I have told um sum things they would do well to think on, when they go to bed and when they get up, if their Wifes dont pester um too much. So I remain your's to sarve.

Humphrey Ploughjogger

P.S. Seems to me if grate Men dont leeve off writing Pollyticks, breaking Heads, boxing Ears, ringing Noses and kicking Breeches, we shall by and by want a world of Hemp more for our own consumshon.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Federal judges obviously see it differently, at least for now, and i'm glad they do.

The Muslim ban (but not really a Muslim ban), is not, as the judge pointed out, grounded in reality at all but rather in demonization & irrational fear.

It may be hard for them to win because courts do defer and give discretion on immigration, and they'll definitely try to justify it with national security interests, which is a winning argument many times.
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