So is Kinect spying on us now even with the 360?

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Feb 5, 2001
MS (and Sony) do provide you with a service: their game consoles. And wolf in sheep's clothing? Google and Facebook aren't exactly the picture of transparency. Sure, they have a EULA that states everything clear as day, if you understand legal jargon AND take the time to read a 1000 word document: which nobody does.

Also, if you truly believe MS is capturing video information, relaying to (secretively, as monitoring your data shows no increase in bandwidth usage with the Kinect) HQ, and then analyzing it, I'd love to see how that infrastructure is set up and maintained.

AND, if you're so concerned with corporations using data collected about you for targeted ads or the government "spying" on you, I'd leave the country and stop going out side.

Lets put it this way, when you are receiving something for not putting money out for it, you are the product. Well MS they make you pay to become the product as well.

Is it really so hard to believe that a camera that can do facial recognition can't do the same for products/logos to know what brands/items you prefer and just keep simple logs of the info and send it in when the system is doing other things online. I am NOT saying this is happening, but it isn't far fetched either as you want to believe it is.

Nice straw man, don't go out if you don't want info collected. Obviously data will be collected, but the amount and detail of it depends tremendously on me. I don't use social networking bullshit, outside of the I care about my privacy reasons, I don't give a fuck that you are walking your dog or went to Olive Garden for dinner and tweeted as shitty pic of your bread sticks.

To take it one step further, I don't want to give anyone direct access to the inside of my home to show my habits and what products I use, it is no ones damn business. If they want to pay me for that information, maybe we can talk, but I am simply not giving it away so that they can learn to try and extort more money out of me or annoy me even more with ads.

People think so god damn short term it is mind boggling.


Sep 27, 2003
Lets put it this way, when you are receiving something for not putting money out for it, you are the product. Well MS they make you pay to become the product as well.

Is it really so hard to believe that a camera that can do facial recognition can't do the same for products/logos to know what brands/items you prefer and just keep simple logs of the info and send it in when the system is doing other things online. I am NOT saying this is happening, but it isn't far fetched either as you want to believe it is.

Nice straw man, don't go out if you don't want info collected. Obviously data will be collected, but the amount and detail of it depends tremendously on me. I don't use social networking bullshit, outside of the I care about my privacy reasons, I don't give a fuck that you are walking your dog or went to Olive Garden for dinner and tweeted as shitty pic of your bread sticks.

To take it one step further, I don't want to give anyone direct access to the inside of my home to show my habits and what products I use, it is no ones damn business. If they want to pay me for that information, maybe we can talk, but I am simply not giving it away so that they can learn to try and extort more money out of me or annoy me even more with ads.

People think so god damn short term it is mind boggling.

Why even use the internet if you are so worried about your privacy? You've spent too much time on conspiracy forums dreaming up ways the moon landing was false. Give me a break


Feb 5, 2001
Why even use the internet if you are so worried about your privacy? You've spent too much time on conspiracy forums dreaming up ways the moon landing was false. Give me a break

Never been to a conspiracy forum in my life, but thanks for acting like a douche.


Dec 12, 2001
Why even use the internet if you are so worried about your privacy? You've spent too much time on conspiracy forums dreaming up ways the moon landing was false. Give me a break

Heh and you are free to unplug the kinect or not use an Xbox at all.


Oct 30, 2008
Lets put it this way, when you are receiving something for not putting money out for it, you are the product. Well MS they make you pay to become the product as well.

Is it really so hard to believe that a camera that can do facial recognition can't do the same for products/logos to know what brands/items you prefer and just keep simple logs of the info and send it in when the system is doing other things online. I am NOT saying this is happening, but it isn't far fetched either as you want to believe it is.

Nice straw man, don't go out if you don't want info collected. Obviously data will be collected, but the amount and detail of it depends tremendously on me. I don't use social networking bullshit, outside of the I care about my privacy reasons, I don't give a fuck that you are walking your dog or went to Olive Garden for dinner and tweeted as shitty pic of your bread sticks.

To take it one step further, I don't want to give anyone direct access to the inside of my home to show my habits and what products I use, it is no ones damn business. If they want to pay me for that information, maybe we can talk, but I am simply not giving it away so that they can learn to try and extort more money out of me or annoy me even more with ads.

People think so god damn short term it is mind boggling.

The cameras are already in your house. Every laptop made in the last 10 years seemingly has a camera built in. In fact, facial recognition isn't new from the Kinect. HP had that years ago (and I only remember because it wouldn't track black people; HP is confirmed racist!)

So, if you are truly worried about cameras monitoring your every move, simply crying about the Kinect is looking for something to cry about. There are hundreds of other "norms" that are already established. Your cellphone have a GPS? Traceable. A cell antenna? Traceable enough. Good luck with your Anit MS crusade concerning privacy. They are far from the worse offender and far from the problem.

AND if you were so concerned about privacy, you'd be doing something other than whining about MS on an internet forum. You'd be whining about how the government regularly violates supreme court decisions on the rights to privacy and congress continuously votes in more and more anti privacy garbage like the Patriot Act. But, MS is evil! I know. I sure hope Lord and Savior Sony comes along and doesn't rootkit you with their DVDs. Oops! Too late.


Feb 5, 2001
The cameras are already in your house. Every laptop made in the last 10 years seemingly has a camera built in. In fact, facial recognition isn't new from the Kinect. HP had that years ago (and I only remember because it wouldn't track black people; HP is confirmed racist!)

So, if you are truly worried about cameras monitoring your every move, simply crying about the Kinect is looking for something to cry about. There are hundreds of other "norms" that are already established. Your cellphone have a GPS? Traceable. A cell antenna? Traceable enough. Good luck with your Anit MS crusade concerning privacy. They are far from the worse offender and far from the problem.

AND if you were so concerned about privacy, you'd be doing something other than whining about MS on an internet forum. You'd be whining about how the government regularly violates supreme court decisions on the rights to privacy and congress continuously votes in more and more anti privacy garbage like the Patriot Act. But, MS is evil! I know. I sure hope Lord and Savior Sony comes along and doesn't rootkit you with their DVDs. Oops! Too late.

Forget it
I had something else type up, but you aren't even worth it.


Feb 5, 2001
Says the guy who believes the worst in everyone and everything. As you said: "I don't give a fuck..."

Yeah, because acknowledging what is already happening in some fashion is believing in the worst in everyone and everything when I just bring up some simple examples. Anyways, I am done with this, it is obvious that there are those of you that don't care and/or care to understand things.


Golden Member
Jan 25, 2004
Nsa profiling xbone people while playing games :lollllllll:

Great job ms on acknowledging that you don't have proper security on your servers from intruders


Jan 8, 2010
The cameras are already in your house. Every laptop made in the last 10 years seemingly has a camera built in. In

WUT? I don't have a single (integrated) camera and/or webcam in my house and I have 3 laptops all of which are within 2 years old. Except for smartphones...but they'd just get a view of my pocket 99% of the time.

It really does amaze me reading this thread how dense a few people are, but it shouldn't surprise me given the track records of the many other discussions. So oblivious to the real world and the possibilities. Maybe some of you should spend less time playing games :hmm: I guess having been part of some things that I've seen some pretty "upstanding" companies do, I realize just what they are willing to do if they think they can get away with it and it benefits them. Add to that the government knocking on your door either offering money or flat out telling you, this will happen...well.

I predict the first Kinect evidence attempted arrest in the next 3 years if not also just used as evidence in a case. <---mark this.
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Jul 26, 2002
Everyone here joking about this is really doing a disservice to the discussion. I'm not saying the Xboxone/360 can/does spy on you, but I certainly think it's possible. A year ago I would have thought the mass spying that we now know our government does would be conspiracy theory bullshit. But now we know it's not just true, but much worse than any of us imagined.

People joke because they think they have nothing to hide/be worried about. Until they do. A time will come when people aren't joking/laughing about the capabilities we are handing to these agencies. Our privacy is in danger and soon enough will be gone (if it isn't already). Looking back, this joking that people are doing is a prime reason why we didn't (don't) as a collective, stand up and say we won't hand over our privacy.

You think you have nothing to worry about. You're naive and wrong. You do. And a time will come when you will severely regret the world you helped build.


Dec 12, 2001
Everyone here joking about this is really doing a disservice to the discussion. I'm not saying the Xboxone/360 can/does spy on you, but I certainly think it's possible. A year ago I would have thought the mass spying that we now know our government does would be conspiracy theory bullshit. But now we know it's not just true, but much worse than any of us imagined.

People joke because they think they have nothing to hide/be worried about. Until they do. A time will come when people aren't joking/laughing about the capabilities we are handing to these agencies. Our privacy is in danger and soon enough will be gone (if it isn't already). Looking back, this joking that people are doing is a prime reason why we didn't (don't) as a collective, stand up and say we won't hand over our privacy.

You think you have nothing to worry about. You're naive and wrong. You do. And a time will come when you will severely regret the world you helped build.

Helped build? Glad you know who I voted's a hint for you. I did not vote for any of those idiots into office who put monkeys into power in the highest levels of the NSA and CIA to do this crap. Not a single one.


Jul 26, 2002
Helped build? Glad you know who I voted's a hint for you. I did not vote for any of those idiots into office who put monkeys into power in the highest levels of the NSA and CIA to do this crap. Not a single one.

I'm not saying you specifically. I'm saying you as in all of us. When we make jokes, we hurt the legitimacy of the conversation, thus we 'help build' the program. That's my point.


Dec 12, 2001
I'm not saying you specifically. I'm saying you as in all of us. When we make jokes, we hurt the legitimacy of the conversation, thus we 'help build' the program. That's my point.

It's funny...every other gaming company is immune. Only Microsoft is spying. That's the joke here.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
What I find interesting is you have people that are concerned about a huge camera pointed at them that you can unplug or cover up, but yet tell me how awesome other data fishing groups products are and how those companies are only getting my info for the greater good. I'm a firm believer in privacy, I'm a donating member of the EFF (, I really hate cameras on my laptops. I cover them with a piece of postit notepad. In the case of the kinect I'm having a really hard time getting worked up. Had the Kinect been mandatory, or unable to be unhooked/covered I might be more bitter towards it. As it stands I plug it in and use it and then pull it's plug when it's not in use. It's that easy. For most of the people throwing flags, how many of them still have the camera on their laptops uncovered, or use applaud Google for sending cars down streets not only taking pictures of my yard but also attempting to log and store my wifi info. For those people, it's not a question of privacy but of how much they want to get others to stand against Microsoft. Those people are just plain sad to me.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Still making light of the issue. Every company should be scrutinized. Microsoft is the topic here.

Also, tangentially related:

Seems like MS is the only bad guy in regards to data mining. That link, which is awesome by the way.. well not in the content but in the poster child for why I get on rants with friends about how much data we allow to be displayed and stored on the internet.


Jul 26, 2002
What I find interesting is you have people that are concerned about a huge camera pointed at them that you can unplug or cover up, but yet tell me how awesome other data fishing groups products are and how those companies are only getting my info for the greater good. I'm a firm believer in privacy, I'm a donating member of the EFF (, I really hate cameras on my laptops. I cover them with a piece of postit notepad. In the case of the kinect I'm having a really hard time getting worked up. Had the Kinect been mandatory, or unable to be unhooked/covered I might be more bitter towards it. As it stands I plug it in and use it and then pull it's plug when it's not in use. It's that easy. For most of the people throwing flags, how many of them still have the camera on their laptops uncovered, or use applaud Google for sending cars down streets not only taking pictures of my yard but also attempting to log and store my wifi info. For those people, it's not a question of privacy but of how much they want to get others to stand against Microsoft. Those people are just plain sad to me.

I think people pick and choose where they are concerned about privacy, which is obviously problematic. But, it doesn't lessen the concerns we should have over Microsoft. And this thread was solely about the Kinect, so I figured we could just talk about that.

The Kinect was supposed to be mandatory. It wasn't even going to be allowed to be unhooked. So that nearly happened. If the public hadn't freaked out it would have. But the fact that it didn't happen doesn't mean that the Kinect isn't collecting data while it's on, which it very well might do.

I'm not saying the PSEye can or can't do this. But we have less evidence and reason to believe it is, so for me it made the choice between Ps4/XB1 easy. I simply don't trust Microsoft. To much negative, incriminating evidence has come out against them. And I am HIGHLY untrusting of a company that wanted to make a mandatory, always on camera that probably has backholes to the NSA in it.

Even if it only collects data once a day, that may be more than enough, unfortunately.


Dec 12, 2001
I believe the IR projector is for the night vision. There is a laser used for measuring depth. The sticker on the bottom of the Kinect says "Class 1 laser product".

The IR also functions to turn on (and off) your TV, receiver, and cable/satellitw box.


Jan 29, 2004
Lol can't get that song out of my head now.

Every breath you take
Every step you take, every move you make, Kinect is watching you.


Jul 18, 2000
Lets put it this way, when you are receiving something for not putting money out for it, you are the product. Well MS they make you pay to become the product as well.

Is it really so hard to believe that a camera that can do facial recognition can't do the same for products/logos to know what brands/items you prefer and just keep simple logs of the info and send it in when the system is doing other things online. I am NOT saying this is happening, but it isn't far fetched either as you want to believe it is.

Nice straw man, don't go out if you don't want info collected. Obviously data will be collected, but the amount and detail of it depends tremendously on me. I don't use social networking bullshit, outside of the I care about my privacy reasons, I don't give a fuck that you are walking your dog or went to Olive Garden for dinner and tweeted as shitty pic of your bread sticks.

To take it one step further, I don't want to give anyone direct access to the inside of my home to show my habits and what products I use, it is no ones damn business. If they want to pay me for that information, maybe we can talk, but I am simply not giving it away so that they can learn to try and extort more money out of me or annoy me even more with ads.

People think so god damn short term it is mind boggling.

I actually agree with you. I had a Kinect for my 360 and disconnected it when not in use, which was 98% of the time.
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