So lets predict where we are in four years

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Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
I expect him to bang at least one intern or secretary or some chick other than his wife.

He could be already. He goes through wives like toilet paper. Somehow the 'Christian Right' thinks he's glorious though. A friend from university who lives in Florida posted this image of him and Pence together with a caption to 'Pray to guide these righteous men to save our country' Complete CDB.


May 15, 2000
I'd never call it "free healthcare"
I don't call my police department "Free Police Coverage"

What's ironic is do you know how much money companies would save if there was a single payer system? Shit, 1/4 of my "benefits at work is what my company pays towards my healthcare every month. In an ideal world, if they didn't pay that directly, some (in a perfect world) of that should funnel back to me with a higher salary/hourly wage thus negating the higher taxes to subsidize a single payer system.

Exactly! I don't understand how "conservatives" are not all about a single payer system.
Reactions: Homerboy


Sep 6, 2000
I just had this argument last night! I'm FINE with paying more/being taxed if and only if everyone else gets taxed first so that every one of my fellow american's get healthcare. You know what? It happens RIGHT NOW. I get taxed so that every American has police and fire coverage and public education. Healthcare should be no different than these things.

FTFY. You aren't really interested in helping the poor else you'd be doing it voluntarily now via charity and not using the "collective action" excuse to avoid doing so. So cut the bullshit, you aren't FINE with it, you'll accept it as a cost if you get your expectation that the rich will pay for the vast majority of it and you'll assume some token fraction, maybe a couple hundred bucks a year. There's around 60MM people who voted for Hillary Clinton this year, if you all chipped in hundred bucks or two then you could fund a big portion of the Obamacare subsidies just off your charity. Or if you prefer maybe President Trump can pass a special law where if you want to pay higher taxes for someone's healthcare you just check a box on your taxes and boom you're done.


Mar 1, 2000
He could be already. He goes through wives like toilet paper. Somehow the 'Christian Right' thinks he's glorious though. A friend from university who lives in Florida posted this image of him and Pence together with a caption to 'Pray to guide these righteous men to save our country' Complete CDB.

I saw that too from one of my "christian" friends on FB. I nearly did a spit-take.


Mar 1, 2000
FTFY. You aren't really interested in helping the poor else you'd be doing it voluntarily now via charity and not using the "collective action" excuse to avoid doing so. So cut the bullshit, you aren't FINE with it, you'll accept it as a cost if you get your expectation that the rich will pay for the vast majority of it and you'll assume some token fraction, maybe a couple hundred bucks a year. There's around 60MM people who voted for Hillary Clinton this year, if you all chipped in hundred bucks or two then you could fund a big portion of the Obamacare subsidies just off your charity. Or if you prefer maybe President Trump can pass a special law where if you want to pay higher taxes for someone's healthcare you just check a box on your taxes and boom you're done.

It's not bullshit, asshole. You don't know me AT ALL.

I have NO problem with paying a higher fare either in taxes or in my healthcare costs so that there is SOME SORT of universal health care -- and I cetainly do believe that everyone should do the same. Not AFTER me as you stupidly suggested.

I have many friends and relatives that RELY on the ACA to provide them and their families with health coverage. I think it's EVERY American's duty to help their fellow Americans (not to mention their fellow human beings) -- ceratinly EVERYone


Sep 6, 2000
I'd never call it "free healthcare"
I don't call my police department "Free Police Coverage"

What's ironic is do you know how much money companies would save if there was a single payer system? Shit, 1/4 of my "benefits at work is what my company pays towards my healthcare every month. In an ideal world, if they didn't pay that directly, some (in a perfect world) of that should funnel back to me with a higher salary/hourly wage thus negating the higher taxes to subsidize a single payer system.

Yeah, the "free police coverage" seems to be working great for the poor.



Mar 1, 2000
Yeah, the "free police coverage" seems to be working great for the poor.

So you think the majority of the poor would be better with no police coverage?
"Free Healthcare" would suck for the poor if they were singled out and treated differently due to race/color. I agree!


Sep 6, 2000
It's not bullshit, asshole. You don't know me AT ALL.

I have NO problem with paying a higher fare either in taxes or in my healthcare costs so that there is SOME SORT of universal health care. I have many friends and relatives that RELY on the ACA to provide them and their families with health coverage.

I bet you have black friends too. And I'm glad you are "OK" with paying theoretical higher taxes. I'm talking about taking actual money out of your pocket now to help folks directly. I don't really think you're commendable at all to say you'd help only if forced to by law, I think it just makes you a typical selfish liberal. It says everything about you that you say your friends and relatives rely on ACA to help them instead of saying that YOU help them. You're the problem, not the solution.


May 15, 2000
FTFY. You aren't really interested in helping the poor else you'd be doing it voluntarily now via charity and not using the "collective action" excuse to avoid doing so. So cut the bullshit, you aren't FINE with it, you'll accept it as a cost if you get your expectation that the rich will pay for the vast majority of it and you'll assume some token fraction, maybe a couple hundred bucks a year. There's around 60MM people who voted for Hillary Clinton this year, if you all chipped in hundred bucks or two then you could fund a big portion of the Obamacare subsidies just off your charity. Or if you prefer maybe President Trump can pass a special law where if you want to pay higher taxes for someone's healthcare you just check a box on your taxes and boom you're done.

Sorry, I don't have time to run a charity and no charity is accountable to the American people like the government is. Your stupid, just pay more if you want to, bullshit doesn't solve problems neither will simply paying someone else's taxes. What an idiot you are!
Reactions: Homerboy


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Single payer system. I could care less if you tax the shit out of me so that everyone can have the same level of healthcare instead of just lining the pockets of healthcare companies.

Agreed. Single payer is the only viable option. It is coming, bank on it. More and more conservatives are finally seeing the light.
I bet you have black friends too. And I'm glad you are "OK" with paying theoretical higher taxes. I'm talking about taking actual money out of your pocket now to help folks directly. I don't really think you're commendable at all to say you'd help only if forced to by law, I think it just makes you a typical selfish liberal. It says everything about you that you say your friends and relatives rely on ACA to help them instead of saying that YOU help them. You're the problem, not the solution.

I take it you want to live in a libertarian fantasy land where there is no evil federal government looking after the rights of its citizens. It would be a world of private armies and everybody looking after their own self interests and no collective interest..... a world where the private army with the most guns would pillage everybody else....... in other words.... the middle ages.


Dec 11, 2006
The main thing that will happen? Not a whole lot. He will repeal Obamacare and guess what? Costs will keep going up. It's the pharma and medical companies that are making it supremely expensive and no matter what healthcare we have it will keep going up. People blame Obamacare, but it really is pharma that is driving up the cost across this country.

I personally take a medication that costs $7000 a month. It cost $4000 just 3 years ago. I have one other GENERIC that costs $4K for a 90 day supply. Other countries? $200 Literally, it could be bought in Canda for a price of $209. Sorry, the free market is back firing because the corporations are finding ways to manipulate the system and collude to raise their prices in line /w each other. And then to top that off, some companies are then PAYING the generic drug manufacturers to NOT make the medication in generic form so they can keep the prices sky high. I think that call it pay for delay or something.Until we take on these companies head on, this will keep happening.

OK sorry I got side tracked a bit... but I'd bet with complete confidence that when Obamacare is repealed that healthcare costs just keep going up. Maybe eventually it will be realized what the root causes are.

Ding ding ding. Everyone loves to hate on the insurance companies but they aren't the ones to blame. The reason health insurance costs so much is because the underlying product, health care, costs so damn much. Just about every health procedure and drug costs more here than virtually any other 1st world nation. You can get an MRI for under $200 cash in Japan but here the average paid by Medicare is over $2,500. Same thing with drugs, the exact same antivenom drug made by the exact same manufacturer that costs $14,000 per vial in the US costs $100-$200 in Mexico. The sad thing is that we should be able to fix a ton of this with existing laws that have been on the books a very long time and if we don't do something very soon it won't matter what else we do about anything.

The cost of Medicaid and Medicare, by far the biggest issues with our national budget, went up 9.3% this year. If that continues to hold true and there isn't any reason to assume that it won't it will blow up our budget in a few short years. At the current rate of increase those two programs alone will cost us a full $2 trillion in just 4 years, for reference we spent a little more than $1.4T last year and a little under $1.3T the year before so we are talking an addition of $600B to the budget just to cover those two programs. BTW that is to cover roughly a third of the population so all the people wanting Medicare for all, how the heck do you think we can afford that before we fix the underlying issues with cost of actual health care?


Senior member
Mar 18, 2016
Here's what my predictions are:
  • Scientific literacy will continue to plummet.
  • Climate change denial will continue to be legitimized.
  • Women's reproduction rights and gay marriage could easily be jeopardized with the Senate, Congress, and Supreme Court now entirely run by conservatives. Doesn't matter if Trump is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage, when the courts can choose to disagree with him.
  • The "coal mining" and "factory jobs" that the Rust Belt and Midwest are clamoring for are not going to come back. Trump simply does not have that ability to make it happen. The coal industry is gonna be in for a rude awakening considering that shale oil/fracking/natural gas will still have a brighter future than coal does.
  • Federal subsidies on renewable energy like wind and solar will be completely cut.
  • The wall will either NOT be built, or it will be built, but it will come with its fair share of problems and could easily disappoint many. You think $25 to 30 billion is going to cover the entire cost of the wall? Maintaining the goddamn thing will be far more expensive than just building it. Never mind the fact that the majority of illegals that come inside the U.S. do so on planes using tourist visas. How is a wall going to stop them?
  • Obamacare may or may not be eliminated. If it does get repealed, it might get replaced with a similar program (which is almost the same as doing nothing about it), or it will be gutted completely with no chance of a better replacement or alternative. I think getting rid of Obamacare may be harder than some people might believe.
  • He may get tariffs imposed on any Chinese or Mexican-made goods. This will come with its fair share of good and bad consequences.
And probably some others I haven't thought of as yet. Despite Trump winning the presidency, he hasn't really shook up the establishment as a lot of people have thought. You think the military industry complex, big pharma, corrupt congressmen, lobbyists, and special interest groups are all going to play nicely with Trump? He may have humiliated the Republicans and Democrats with his victory, but it's not going to be enough to prevent the establishment from doing whatever the hell it wants.


Dec 11, 2006
He could be already. He goes through wives like toilet paper. Somehow the 'Christian Right' thinks he's glorious though. A friend from university who lives in Florida posted this image of him and Pence together with a caption to 'Pray to guide these righteous men to save our country' Complete CDB.

Probably is but it's much more interesting when the President does it, like the entire retarded Monica scandal.

For the record, I don't give a damn who he sticks his dick into as long as the other person is willing. I just think it will be fun to watch the media and political circle jerks.


Feb 1, 2008
Hillary Clinton frankly DID win the popular vote.
So for democrats to think they did something wrong is not correct.
Hell.... they won! The democrats won.
The flaw here is with the system, the electoral college.
No other country has this weird strange system of governing.
Typically, whomever wins the vote wins the election.
But no, not in America.

And twice now in recent history this upside-down election system has placed the losing candidate into the Whitehouse.
And the last time this happened, what America got was near total annihilation. 3000 dead on 9/11, thousands more Americans dead from war, and America brought to the brink of another GREAT DEPRESSION.

So if history has anything to say about this, placing the loser Donald Trump into office will not go well for America.
The masses can usually pick the best man, or woman.
But not when they system is basically...rigged.
And frankly, GW Bush had more experience and brains than does Donald Trump.
So just imagine how this will end up, or what Trump's approval ratings will be at the end of 4 years?
What was that term again......

What has also happened here is, republicans have also stole the US Supreme Court by denying Obama his just nomination.
And by screwing the system, republicans unjustly stole that right for Obama to get his Supreme Court justice, and thus handed that over to the far right to decide.
THAT in my book is called criminal thievery. Criminal corruption. Out right theft.
Yes, the whites actually stole something of great value from a black man.
And they got away wit it.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I bet you have black friends too. And I'm glad you are "OK" with paying theoretical higher taxes. I'm talking about taking actual money out of your pocket now to help folks directly. I don't really think you're commendable at all to say you'd help only if forced to by law, I think it just makes you a typical selfish liberal. It says everything about you that you say your friends and relatives rely on ACA to help them instead of saying that YOU help them. You're the problem, not the solution.
Lol lol lol! What a steaming pile of horse manure. He's supposed to pay entirely for his friends 10 day 500K dollar ICU admission and 2 week rehab stay. Lol! Your friend needs a 60K USD knee replacement, so let me open up my pocketbook. Lol! If you know anyone who has ever gotten a pacemaker, the device itself costs 60-100k depending on the model and that's not accounting for the cost of actually implanting it. Healthcare is too big an expenditure for single people or small groups to manage. You need hundreds of people chipping in substantial amounts to cover the one person who's sick. My entire income for a year would be less than the daily cost of care for some patients currently in the hospital.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
Hillary Clinton frankly DID win the popular vote.
So for democrats to think they did something wrong is not correct.
Hell.... they won! The democrats.
The flaw here is with the system, the electoral college.
No other country has this weird strange system of governing.
Typically, whom ever wins the vote wins the election.
But no, not in America.

And twice now in recent history this upside-down election system has placed the losing candidate into the Whitehouse.
And the last time this happened, what America got was near total annihilation. 3000 dead on 9/11, thousands more Americans dead from war, and to the brink of another GREAT DEPRESSION.

So if history has anything to say about this, placing the loser Donald Trump into office will not go well for America.
And frankly, GW Bush had more experience and brains than does Donald Trump.
So just imagine Trump's approval ratings at the end of 4 years?
What was that term again......
Agreed. Join and give money to the popular vote movement which is halfway there to getting this done.

It has become clear to me how lazy the Democratic party has become. They aren't focusing on dominating statehouses or the senate of recent. They really need to do a better job getting all Democrats to vote even in non presidential elections. (They also can pass this popular vote thing very quickly in the states they control. I'm not sure why they haven't yet.)


Sep 6, 2000
Lol lol lol! What a steaming pile of horse manure. He's supposed to pay entirely for his friends 10 day 500K dollar ICU admission and 2 week rehab stay. Lol! Your friend needs a 60K USD knee replacement, so let me open up my pocketbook. Lol! If you know anyone who has ever gotten a pacemaker, the device itself costs 60-100k depending on the model and that's not accounting for the cost of actually implanting it. Healthcare is too big an expenditure for single people or small groups to manage. You need hundreds of people chipping in substantial amounts to cover the one person who's sick. My entire income for a year would be less than the daily cost of care for some patients currently in the hospital.

60 million or so folks voted for Clinton and most probably want universal healthcare. That doesn't sound like a "small group" to me. Don't wait for Republicans to come around, get a few of your progressive friends to donate your personal funds to open free clinics on your cities. Donate your time and labor to that free clinic.

Or instead continue doing what you do now, which is nothing. Which is the same (or maybe less) than some conservative person is doing.


Jun 9, 2016
I'm investing in the coloring book industry. It's going to skyrocket over the next eight years.

Interesting choice for someone like you given one side is better known for reading books with words and the other for simple minded man-children.


Jun 9, 2016
60 million or so folks voted for Clinton and most probably want universal healthcare. That doesn't sound like a "small group" to me. Don't wait for Republicans to come around, get a few of your progressive friends to donate your personal funds to open free clinics on your cities. Donate your time and labor to that free clinic.

Or instead continue doing what you do now, which is nothing. Which is the same (or maybe less) than some conservative person is doing.

You use this line of argument quite a bit, despite having it spoon fed that you hardly pay enough taxes to enjoy the services you get, especially consider your worthless job was completely subsidized by the blue coast taxpayer. So basically you're the typical conservative parasite trying to rationalize why you're better than the black guy, all the while denying the rather obvious racism.
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