So my girlfriend is going to see her ex tonight.... *UPDATE 3*

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Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2002
Originally posted by: CheapArse
You're a fvckwad

You're also a dick for actually taking the time to update the OP, just to say "search for the latest update". :thumbsdown:


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
just waiting for the "I just found out my girlfriend in bangin' her ex" thread to start....

just a matter of time...


Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2001
Originally posted by: WarDemon666
Shes never going to talk to him again, she removed/blocked him from IM, email, etc.. She realised our relationship isnt worth the trouble he could cause. She just didnt realise it at first..
That's super.

The line about her ex making her feel desirable says it all. There's a little voice in her head that keeps saying "I don't know why my ex-bf makes me feel that way, but he just does." If she was 29 instead of 19, she might be able to make the safe choice vs. the pipe dream.

On the bright side, I think you finally got the message across to this slow-learner, and she won't be asking for your permission to go play hide-the-sausage with him any more.

Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
Originally posted by: SludgeFactory
On the bright side, I think you finally got the message across to this slow-learner, and she won't be asking for your permission to go play hide-the-sausage with him any more.
I wouldn't exactly give too much credit to the OP. Basically the g/f came to the realization that what she has is not worth risking with her ex-b/f. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets out of this phase and goes back to her ex for some romping ... oh and of course, this will all be done under the OP's nose -- and with his permission.


Jan 26, 2005
Originally posted by: WarDemon666
I already stated that I wasnt going to reply to this thread, but since you people wont ever give up...heres what happened:

Shes never going to talk to him again, she removed/blocked him from IM, email, etc.. She realised our relationship isnt worth the trouble he could cause. She just didnt realise it at first..

You people didnt interpret anything properly..

Im fvcking glad I acted the way I did. I asked for advice, that doesnt mean I have to follow it.

And how do you know she did those things? I'm betting it goes a little like this...she told you she removed him, blocked him, etc...and you believed her. The typical WarWuss response.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
is his girlfriend still reading this sadass thread? if so...
i want to say HI!!!!

and if your exboyfriend is hotter just drop WarDemon. he seems so wimpy and pitiful.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: columbiaflier
Originally posted by: WarDemon666
I already stated that I wasnt going to reply to this thread, but since you people wont ever give up...heres what happened:

Shes never going to talk to him again, she removed/blocked him from IM, email, etc.. She realised our relationship isnt worth the trouble he could cause. She just didnt realise it at first..

You people didnt interpret anything properly..

Im fvcking glad I acted the way I did. I asked for advice, that doesnt mean I have to follow it.

And how do you know she did those things? I'm betting it goes a little like this...she told you she removed him, blocked him, etc...and you believed her. The typical WarWuss response.

not only that, i bet she told you she did that while she was chattin to u on IM, while she is also being shafted from behind by her ex. doesnt matter if hes blocked....hes right behind her! or on top, or maybes shes on top with the keyboard on his chest i dunno... probably had a karmasutra website in the task bar too


Senior member
Jun 22, 2004
Maybe your rowboat is nothing compared to his cruise ship and you leave something left to be desired. Sorry bud - blocking IM and Email only counts on the net, not when she's over at his house. Good luck with one messed up female.

When my Fiancee's ex tried to contact her a few years back, she was smart enough to say no and not make excuses.


Aug 9, 2001
I already stated that I wasnt going to reply to this thread, but since you people wont ever give up...heres what happened:

Shes never going to talk to him again, she removed/blocked him from IM, email, etc.. She realised our relationship isnt worth the trouble he could cause. She just didnt realise it at first..

You people didnt interpret anything properly..

Im fvcking glad I acted the way I did. I asked for advice, that doesnt mean I have to follow it.

ok Wardemon...I've been following this thread for a while. Here is my take on it for what its worth.

Back in college I was with this girl. She had a long history(5 years) with this boy from high school who also went to our college. She would do similar things as your girlfriend. Hang out with him etc etc. We talked about it often. She always insisted they were just friends and nothing more. I was a dumbass at teh time and didnt know much about women. How they are compulsive liars and manipulators with selective memories and incredibly weak moral values.

So I remained faithful to her for 2+ years of my college life(a complete waste of time in hindsight).... THrough ups and downs like you. I thought i was being a bigger person by trusting her when it came to her ex. Fast forward to now, we have been split up for almost 2 years. I recently found out that she'd banged him no less than 10 times while we were together.

She did this the whole time lying to me repeatedly, even turning on the tears when necessary to try and convince me she was faithful and that there relationship was purely friends. At times she even claimed to not be talking to him at all anymore similar to what your girlfriend has told you. Girls are weak when it comes to there EX's.

Moral of the story wardemon:

A) she is still emotionally attatched to her ex regardless of what she is saying....which leaves her prone to banging him and not telling you and lying about it

B) Don't waste the best years of college with a girl that obviously isnt all there. She has issues with her ex. do yourself a favor and bang 10 more girls and forget about her.

too many fish in the sea to take this sort of crap from a woman.


Aug 4, 2000
I was in a similar relationship like this. Guess what? We broke up. Punch out maverick.
Jun 14, 2003
seriously you wanna put your foot down with her, issue her an ultimatum, tell her to decided between you and him and dont take (in whiney girl voice) i dont know " as an answer.

failing that, have her don an overall, blindfold her, and make her squat against a wall while playing white noise at full blast for 8 hours....then interrogate her

did you roger your ex?

to which the answer should be



Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by: WarDemon666
I hate the bastard. I let him see my GF a few times after we started going out, just because I am so kind hearted and wanted my gf to be happy, and most of all, free....

But theres this one time, the bastard went and started grabbing her ass, tried touching her tit's.... She told him to leave right away, and cried all night, I got home after work at 12:00, she was waiting for me at the door, practically crying, and told me what happened. I was ready to go back to his house and beat the living sh!t out of him. She told me not to, and that she would never talk to him again cause hes a dumb as$, and she hates him...

Its been about 5 months + now, and they have been talking for a while... They were going to go to the movies together (the last time I saw them at the movies (i knew her b4 going out with her) they were making out the whole time and didnt see the movie) but this time my gf has to stay home to babysit, so hes coming here, and they are "supposed to play games"..

I now have to go to my parents house ( dial up, and I have to fix 3 computers this weekend... )

I trust her, but I dont trust him.

What should I do? she told me if I dont want I can tell her, and she wont let him come, but I want her to be free!! Is it worth it?

What would you guys do?

*UPDATE* see post further down I dont wanna copy paste

*UPDATE 2* see the other post further down... jk.

We talked everything over, for over 3 hours. She read this whole thread, and we came to one conclusion: we both love each other, and I stated that the only reason I CARE that she sees him is because I hate the guy. I hate how hes a liar, and untrustworthy. His gf doesnt know about any of this. I suggested to my gf that I talked to him, and told him how I felt. She said it was a good idea. She said she is going to stop seeing him for now, but what happens if she has the urge to see him again? A while back she tried blocking him from her life, twice actually, but it never worked. She doesnt know why. She says its because of the way he makes her feel. He makes her feel desireable, and she likes that. Of course I do the same, but she says its nice to have someone else feel this way, that doesnt see you when you get up etc( i think shes beautiful even in the morning with her hair all messed up! ) So she says she is going to try and find out why she wants to see him so much, and were going to try and overcome this problem.. Its not the first time this issue has come up.. There are other guys she hangs out with, that she danced with etc, and I couldnt care less if they saw each other again.... I trust her with other people... Its just him I dont trust. Hes an unworthy bastard...

Well, everything was said, now I just have to wait to see what happens next... We wont break up, at least I dont think we will. She knows exactly how I feel now, and I know how she feels. After reading, and remembering the things he has done to her, she told me she doesnt know why she still sees him. She knows hes an asshole etc, but she just says its nice for him to think im desirable, it makes me feel good... I guess I can understand her, If you have a girlfriend, and other girls keep coming up to you, thinking you're one hot piece of ass, it makes u feel good no?

Anyways, ill keep you posted to see what happens when she talks to the ex boyfriend..

BTW, she told him that I was going to be here, and he said "well, i can't come anyways,, im sick.. Stupid cold..." or something of that manner,, so we had the night to talk...It felt good to talk about how we feel, at least now we both know how I feel when she sees that guy..

Ill keep you posted, ATOT family...

Update3: You really want it? Find it.

Stop. Drop. Roll. Begin recovery process..... think of the situation like a fire rampaging through your clothes.

FACT: She still has feelings for her ex.... face this reality. Do not live in a dream world... face the pain this reality means.

FACT: Her feelings for you are wanning. The end is extremely f-in nigh

FACT: The fact that you are so understanding here is actually hurting more than it's helping.

Probable: SHe is already done with you, and is too afraid of hurting you to say it.

Reccomendation: Dump her to keep the self respect you're going to need as you begin the recovery process.

Suggested outcome: She'll be banging her ex within 72 hours of the breakup. You come to an understanding that she's a ho.... and are happy that you did the right thing.

Likely outcome: You wont break it off.... she'll eventually either give in and cheat on you.... or tell you it's over and then bang her ex. And the pain will be so much more, and you will feel like a punk bastard.

Most important truth:

She's already cheated on you emotionally... you are a floor mat.

Nov 7, 2000
put your update in the op, lamer

no one wants to wade through 500 posts of other peoples crap just to read your crap


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Doboji
Stop. Drop. Roll. Begin recovery process..... think of the situation like a fire rampaging through your clothes.

FACT: She still has feelings for her ex.... face this reality. Do not live in a dream world... face the pain this reality means.

FACT: Her feelings for you are wanning. The end is extremely f-in nigh

FACT: The fact that you are so understanding here is actually hurting more than it's helping.

Probable: SHe is already done with you, and is too afraid of hurting you to say it.

Reccomendation: Dump her to keep the self respect you're going to need as you begin the recovery process.

Suggested outcome: She'll be banging her ex within 72 hours of the breakup. You come to an understanding that she's a ho.... and are happy that you did the right thing.

Likely outcome: You wont break it off.... she'll eventually either give in and cheat on you.... or tell you it's over and then bang her ex. And the pain will be so much more, and you will feel like a punk bastard.

Most important truth:

She's already cheated on you emotionally... you are a floor mat.

well said....

UNFORTUNATELY.....I think this is a lesson he has already chosen to learn the hard way. No matter how many of our (ATOT's) past experiences have told him to break it off now, he will not listen. He has chosen to learn the hard way, and by doing so is setting himself up for a very hard fall. I don't see the point of asking for advice and then completely ignoring it. I could see if it was somewhat split, but I haven't seen a post in a long time that said "yeah, maybe there's a chance"....he is young, and dumb


Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by: moshquerade
is his girlfriend still reading this sadass thread? if so...
i want to say HI!!!!

and if your exboyfriend is hotter just drop WarDemon. he seems so wimpy and pitiful.

best response!!


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
lol... 666 has been sweating and has now begged his gf to never see her ex again...

666 = woody
gf = Kelly
ex (and possibly every other male she comes in contact with) = Henri

"Hey Woody... I'm going to steal your girlfriend!"



No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: moshquerade
is his girlfriend still reading this sadass thread? if so...
i want to say HI!!!!

and if your exboyfriend is hotter just drop WarDemon. he seems so wimpy and pitiful.

I agree with you but...ouch. :Q


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2001
I call shens. Nobody, no matter how low their self-esteem, is this blind to what's going on.



Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: arcas
I call shens. Nobody, no matter how low their self-esteem, is this blind to what's going on.

not true dood. i was in this exact place a couple years ago....see my post a few lines up.


Jan 26, 2005
Originally posted by: arcas
I call shens. Nobody, no matter how low their self-esteem, is this blind to what's going on.

I wouldn't necessarily call it low self-esteem. It's more that he's pressed and rationalizes everything to convince himself it's all okay. It could be low self-esteem if he thinks he can't find another girl. Then again, judging from his WarWussy ways, he probably couldn't. But who knows? There are girls out there who would prefer a doormat like WarWuss so that they can get away with anything.


Golden Member
May 4, 2001
Dude, you're kidding right? Why would she spend all this time with him when she has you now? Don't be an idiot and leave. Obviously she can't let the past go. The only one that will get hurt is you.

You trust him but not her? That's a good one. Dude, move on.
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