So my girlfriend of 8.5 years decided to break up on Sunday


Golden Member
Jun 17, 2002
So sunday started like any other, the woman and I woke up and for the last few days i was noticing her begining to distance herself from me in subitle ways (if you know someone long enough you can see these behaviors). In any event i asked her "whats the matter you seem disconnected" and then she unleashed a torrent of emotion and the dreaded conversation that anyone in a long-term realtionship fears.


We've been dating since the first year in college, through our graduate years and beyond. Many would ask why we didnt get married yet, and the answer isn't simple but suffice to say that graduate school (in different states) running around to find work and what-not has prevented us form really spending the last 3 or so years together and finding jobs/careers. Recently we were both looking for jobs and I managed to find one in a large pharmaceutical in Chicago and she found a little gig up here too (part time but something she could possibly leapfrog from), but it was no big deal since i was making enough money for the both of us. I had an apartment lined up and we were ready to go, and then out of the blue some job she applied to in St. Louis calls and apparently it was a really good position, so now she had to choose between her career and our realtionship. She chose the former. ALthough I was devistated (and her sister (who gets along with her) told me in no such terms "you shoulda dumped her @ss right there") I devised a plan for me to find my way down there and for us to live together. I was finally making progress these past weeks and on Sunday all this came down upon me, all at once...

Funny thing is that when we talked about it she said she was tired of "trying" even though I am the one doing most of the work, and she added that she was "scared" of living with me and enjoying her newfound independance in my absence, which is also funny becasue i could point to numerous times where she mentioned that all she wanted was for us to live together. Finally she said the one thing that i was hoping that I would not hear but i was half-expecting to hear anyways: that she is interested in other people. Pretty convienient for her, not so convienient for me who has planned a life around a person who apparently was not doing the same, and consiquently not really talking to people on the side. In any event after much discussion she compromised and decided to "think about it" for a period of a month and come back to me and we would talk further about the situation. Funny thing is the more I think about it the more it seems that she is keeping me as a spare tire, just in case this interesting new person is a jerk/alcoholic/whatever. In anyevent we are only to communicate via e/snail mail, and or txt messages (one of each per day, max). No phone calls, no seeing each other, otherwise. Im not sure what I should say if I do write her, I feel that I will either piss her off or sound desperate.

Its strange looking over the horizon and seeing void but I guess that many have walked down the same path and have lived happy and sucessful lives, but now that sure don't seem to be the case.

For those interested: we met when i was 19 and she was 18 I am now 27/28 and she is 26/27 (B-Days in August).

New issues

I forgot to mention that her birthday is coming up on the 21st (Aug) what the hell should i do?

AND her sister (which i mentioned before, sees me as her big brother that she never had) wants me to usher for her wedding (September) (she told me that SHE invited me to the wedding and I am HER guest, but she understands if I would want to pass).

I don't believe I forgot those two issues man this keeps getting better

pix (Removed for lack of sexyness or something)


So I got an e-mail from her today, although most of it is kinda too personal to post here I can put some relevant pieces up:

As I look at the situation, I wonder if I?m being honest and seeing things for what they really are, if I have that single-mindedness or if I?m caught up in the peripheral debris, busy swatting flies in the kitchen while the house burns down?.

Which is another reason why I appreciate the time apart. This is time to find that focus again after trying new things and tapping in to new sources of strength and inspiration. I am not trying to prolong our break-up or cause a bigger schism for us to repair if we are going to get back together. I am not trying to cause more pain; I simply am exhausted and need time & space to heal & rejuvenate.

Other than that she is planning on writing me letters and what not... I don't get it anymore whats going on?

Update: Epilogue

First off thanks to everyone who responded, its strange to have so much support from complete strangers. I received a great number of messages stating that ?I have been down that road before, you are doing the right thing? and/or support. I?m sure everyone wants to know what happened so let me update all of you:

My birthday was Aug 2nd and I wasn?t expecting much along the lines of communication but interestingly I got both an email and a phone call. Once again I am just putting some relevant pieces up here

"i would really like to see you move on quickly & easily, because i want the best for you and for this to be as painless as possible. i?m starting to ?move on? (whatever that means) and i?m not pining away, and don?t want you to either. i don?t say that to sound harsh or brutal. although at times i have thought maybe it would be better if we did start to get mean & nasty to give us a reason to hate each other, but i can?t bring myself to do it because i loved you for too long. i would like to call you, maybe late on Sunday after i get [omitted] from the airport. it makes me nervous, because i?ve spent too many nights crying on the phone with/over you already in my life and i said i was done with that. but what we had merits that. and i?m ready to talk about our crumble.?

Later in the day on aug 2nd she called me and we talked briefly. I tried to prod her about her intentions, but she just said that *if* we were to get back together that some things would need to change, as well as we would need to spend a considerable time apart before we reunited as a couple. An email she sent later in the day better outlined the conversation:

This is gonna hurt. But I want to be clear and honest, and construct a level footing. I accept responsibility for the weight of our crumble since I named it, but it really isn?t up to me [to direct the fate of our relationship] It most definitely is a decision for two equal & willing partners. I also accept the consequences for what I?m writing. I understand that the terms I?ve outlined are vague, shallow roots that might not hold up the giant structure of what we had before, that you probably won?t be pleased with what I?ve written, and that in writing this I may have made things even worse, more painful and generally awful. Please know it wasn?t meant for the purposes of bringing about agony or dragging this ordeal out.


A few things you should know.

1. I am not interested in getting back together right away. Maybe in 6 months, maybe in a year. But definitely in no time soon, because I?m worried about reverting back to old habits, losing this newfound strength, and not giving you enough time to heal /see me as the bitch I really am/look inside yourself to grow strong & discover what you as an individual really want out of life.
2. I am interested in slowly starting to communicate with you, talk with you, hang out, and maintain our friendship & relationship as lovers, and keep you as an important part of my life. But I do not want to be your ?girlfriend? anymore. After eight years I?m done with that. It?s time for our relationship to catch up with who we are as people, and I don?t want to be a ?girlfriend? to you. I?m not sure what I would prefer us to be, and know it sounds like semantics, but I want to redefine us. I feel like I?ve worked hard at figuring out the individual I wake up and try to be every day, and that woman is not a ?girlfriend? like the person in the narrow role I feel like I?ve been cast into by you & how we act together. So, yes, I can see an ?us? of some form in the future, if you?re willing to meet me on my terms and I can agree to yours.
3. I am dating other people. I expect you to as well.

As you can see the biggest paragraph in her manifesto is about how she did not like to be a ?girlfriend?, that?s understandable and I take responsibility for that, many of you will go ?told you so? and I honestly have no rebuttal if you do. The first point is understandable and at least she is being honest about her behavior but that is a long time if you ask me. The third point is the shortest and the one that bothers me the most. Whereas I am here picking up the pieces of the last 8 years of my life, she is apparently already dating other people. That just pissed me off, and although I will always have a special place for her in my heart, I cannot believe that a person can recover from an 8 year relationship within one week and start dating people, unless said person is just full of sh1t.

So I have decided that I will not wait for a miracle, because one will not happen. I have decided that there are people in this world that put themselves first, and you second. I have decided that I can do better, and it should be her crawling back to me and not vice versa. I will still keep in touch occasionally (as she is one of a few people who understands me) but I won?t expect anything from her. Once again thanks for all the support and Ill reply once a day or so since my new job blocks atot.


Don't date self-centered women who put themselves ahead of a relationship, and if you are listen to your friends and familiy, as they can see things that you choose to ignore.


Diamond Member
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Slappy00
So sunday started like any other, the woman and I woke up and for the last few days i was noticing her begining to distance herself from me in subitle ways (if you know someone long enough you can see these behaviors). In any event i asked her "whats the matter you seem disconnected" and then she unleashed a torrent of emotion and the dreaded conversaiotn that anyone in a long-term realtionship fears.


We've been dating since the first year in college, through our graduate years and beyond. Many would ask why we didnt get married yet, and the answer isn't simple but suffice to say that graduate school (in different states) running around to find work and what-not has prevented us form really spending the last 3 or so years together and finding jobs/careers. Recently we were both looking for jobs and I managed to find one in a large pharmaceudical in Chicago and she found a little gig up here too (part time but something she could possibly leapfrog from), but it was no big deal since i was making enough money for the both of us. I had an apartment lined up and we were ready to go, and then out of the blue some job she applied to in St. Louis calls and apparently it was a really good position, so now she had to choose between her career and our realtionship. She chose the former. ALthough I was devistated (and her sister (who gets along with her) told me in no such terms "you shoulda dumped her @ss right there") I devised a plan for me to find my way down there and for us to live together. I was finally making progress these past weeks and on Sunday all this came down upon me, all at once...

Funny thing is that when we talked about it she said she was tired of "trying" even though I am the one doing most of the work, and she added that she was "scared" of living with me and enjoying her newfound independance in my absence, which is also funny becasue i could point to numerous times where she mentioned that all she wanted was for us to live together. Finally she said the one thing that i was hoping that I would not hear but i was half-expecting to hear anyways: that she is interested in other people. Pretty convienient for her, not so convienient for me who has planned a life around a person who apparently was not doing the same, and consiquently not really talking to people on the side. In any event after much discussion she compromised and decided to "think about it" for a period of a month and come back to me and we would talk further about the situation. Funny thing is the more I think about it the more it seems that she is keeping me as a spare tire, just in case this interesting new person is a jerk/alcoholic/whatever. In anyevent we are only to communicate via e/snail mail, and or txt messages (one of each per day, max). No phone calls, no seeing each other, otherwise. Im not sure what I should say if I do write her, I feel that I will either piss her off or sound desperate.

Its strange looking over the horizon and seeing void but I guess that many have walked down the same path and have lived happy and sucessful lives, but now that sure don't seem to be the case.

For those interested: we met when i was 19 and she was 18 I am now 27/28 and she is 26/27 (B-Days in August).


Don't date self-centered women who put themselves ahead of a relationship, and if you are listen to your friends and familiy, as they can see things that you choose to ignore.

Always putting the other person first in a relationship can also lead to problems.

But hang in there, I lost a relationship of 6.5 years, indeed it sucks.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2005
Holy wow man. That's terribad.

All I can say is this. I attend college in the city of Chicago/have lived in the suburbs my whole life. If you are single in this city/in the vicinity of this city, you will have NO problem finding other women.


Golden Member
Dec 10, 2004
i hear your pain, just move on and don't look back. the last thing you want is all this resurfacing over and over every few weeks/months. like i have said before the best part of the break up is never talking to your ex again


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Seriously, your topic is enough of a reason why she probably broke up with you. If you are dating a girl for 8.5 years and aren't even engaged yet, they will think they will never get married with you. Girls are just like that. Marriage is a huge deal to them, and even in my opinion, dating someone for 8.5 years and not even popping the question is too damn long to be "just dating" for.


Golden Member
Jul 4, 2003
yep, no reason to be tied down for life from the age of 19 anyways. And she probably left you because you didn't propose.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2001
whatever you do, do NOT hang around as a backup for her....go out and try to meet someone else


Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2002
write her off. Sounds like she's using you and wants the option to be able to do so again, don't let her.

It's unclear if you are working in Saint Louis or not - if you are start applying for jobs in other cities and if something good opens up, take it.


Oct 10, 1999
Sounds like she's already made up her mind. I've never been a person that likes to try and convince someone else that they should be with me anyway. If they have doubt... they're gone.

Good luck to you! Perhaps you can take advantage of the freedom that she thinks she's found and meet your life changes with enthusiasm...


Platinum Member
May 10, 2005
That just happened to me yesterday. We had been going out for 2 years. She didnt love me anymore apparently and said we were "drifting apart". It really sucks. Its weird being single. She also liked another guy...I guess thats what girls do...they say they wont get tired of u then 2 years down the road they do and find some chump tp take ur place. ughhh.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Slappy00
Its strange looking over the horizon and seeing void but I guess that many have walked down the same path and have lived happy and sucessful lives, but now that sure don't seem to be the case.

You've got the right outlook at least.


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2006
You sound like you've got an OK job sorted out, she won't be in the picture, = more cash in hand. You've got a place. You've got friends. You've got beer.

It sounds like it's going south, I'd say accept it, and don't let it drag on. If possible, e-mail her a picture of you banging someone hotter BEFORE your discussion in a months time.


Her sister hot?
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